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Posted (edited)

what about a rateing system that way before you hike out to find a cache you would know if that person has taken care of there other caches in the past and if that get a very bad rateing than they can't place any more caches (we can get together and tar and fether them ones a year ) what do you thank? YES or NO

Edited by geo_boy_2001
Posted (edited)

Sure. Say I find a cache that you hid and I really like it. I can go online and look at your favorites. It stands to reason that if you hide ones that I like, then you'll like to find ones that I like, too.


This takes the randomness out of the process. If it was just some rating based on how well everybody liked a cache, I would have no idea if the people who rated it like the same kind of caches that I do.

Edited by sbell111

There are two angles on a rating system.


First that it should rate a cache so you can seek out the ones you enjoy. The problem is some enjoy hikers, others quickies, others technical challenges, others puzzles. I'm on record as liking some caches that others absolutly hate. To be useful you then have to rate each aspect of a cache. The hike, the hide, the container, the view, the puzzle factor and then the ratins are too complex to get anyone to actually use them.


Then there is what has been discussed and that's a "Best of the best" angle. There are some caches that for whatever reason everone seems to like. My top 10 would likely hve 3 that a bunch of others in my area also has in the top 10. That angle is simpler and one that this site has discussed as an option. It won't help me seek out those caches that I like that others hate, but it will tell me what the can't miss caches are in Alabama when I get down there.

Posted (edited)

I think the powers at be are afraid that too many peaple would have there feelings hurt. Best advice I could give is read the logs on the cache and if its a new cache, read the logs on there other caches.

Edited by Blanston12

I don't think the original poster was asking for a cache rating system. So the :rolleyes: may be a little premature. He does seem to ask for a cacher rating system and I would imagine that would be even more controversial. It may need :blink: as well as <_< .


If you are worried that a cache may be missing because it hasn't been found in a while and there is no note from the owner saying that they've recently checked on it, you can always email the owner though the link on their profile and ask if they've checked on the cache recently. I know many people who simply don't even try looking for a cache if it has no recent finds. Others take it as challenge to visit rarely found caches - they may even look for a cache that has had several DNFs if they think there is a chance it is still there. My personal philosphy is if it was a nice hike and I get a DNF then at least I had a nice hike.

Posted (edited)

I was thanking rateing for that up keep of a persons caches not how much fun thay are to find so if some one has a very good you would know that thay take care of there caches with out have to email them and have to wate

Edited by geo_boy_2001
I was thanking rateing for that up keep of a persons caches not how muck fun thay are to find

That's very subjective.


If I post I maintain my cache but don't, does that give me a better rating than someone who doesn't post they maintain their caches but do?

Posted (edited)

your rateing would add from all of you caches so if you had 90% good then I know before going to find one of your caches that I will most likey find it and it will be in good shape without haveing to email you

Edited by geo_boy_2001
I was thanking rateing for that up keep of a persons caches not how much fun thay are to find so if some one has a very good you would know that thay take care of there caches with out have to email them and have to wate

And if I Maintain my cache on Day 1 then on day 2 it gets trashed - On day 3 what does the rating mean??


I Vote No :rolleyes:<_<

Posted (edited)

well if Im runing to be the ftf and its not there on day two im not going to rate you on upkeep I know that you cant go out there every day and if your other caches are all good than what is one going to do to your rateing

Edited by geo_boy_2001
I was thanking that the finder would rate you when thay log your cache if the cache was in good shape or bad

Then you are rating the finders just as much as you're rating the hider.


If someone goes out in the rain on Friday and leaves the lid loose, so that when you find the cache on Saturday, it's soaking wet, is that the hider's fault?


If someone visits on Saturday and takes a travel bug, a hand-carved figureine and a compass and leaves three happy meal toys, is it the hider's fault if you are disappointed with "poor swag quality" when you visit on Sunday?


If I hide a cleverly camoflaged cache, and the last finder couldn't figure out how to replace it in its special hiding place, so they just left it at the base of a tree with some sticks thrown over it, is it the hider's fault that you found a "poorly hidden cache" when you visited?


All of these things have happened to me as a cache owner. I fixed them all, maybe not immediately, but the next time I was in the area. I will be replacing a cache this weekend because the last finder dropped the container into the Allegheny River. I am not perfect, but I think I have a good reputation as a cache owner who takes care of his caches. I don't need a scoring system to validate that, nor do I think it's needed by the other geocachers in my area. They are quite capable of forming an opinion by visiting four or five of an owner's caches. If five in a row show signs of long-term neglect, and you didn't have fun, then simply skip any other caches hidden by the same owner.


I thank that you should re-thank this suggestion. Think you.


Oooh, a "rate the finder" system! After three black marks, you get burned as a witch when you show up at the next potluck supper event.


Off to buy lighter fluid. Today, someone's five year old kid left a ten-cent marble and took a $2 metal whistle when he hiked through the woods to find my cache. That family won't be staining the trails to *my* caches anymore!

Posted (edited)

ok rateing the finder may be pountless but there has to be a way to motvate people in to fixing the cache back the way it was and if thay are rateing you and they know that your going to get rated on you cache by the next person thay may have a heart and put it back the way they found it

Edited by geo_boy_2001

A rating system based on too many variables becomes too big of a headache to keep up with and becomes meaningless.


Case in point... how many of you have used the phone survey system to rate your restaurant? It's useless because it is totally based on the personal experience of the diner. If they had a lousy server with crummy service, the restaurant will barely rate a single star out of five. The next table over a customer could have received stellar service from the greatest server in the world, and there won't be enough stars to rate the restaurant.


It is too subjective and based too much on the moment of the experience which may or may not reflect the overall reality of the cache, the owner or the subsequent finders.

ok rateing the finder may be pountless but there has to be a way to motvate people in to fixing the cache back the way it was and if thay are rateing you and they know that your going to get rated on you cache by the next person thay may have a heart and put it back the way they found it

Become the example and maintenance the cache yourself or become the pitiless few you want to rate against. :rolleyes:


if it's such a good idea to rate caches and cachers, use your terracaching account. i see you haven't placed your 51 leg multi yet. haven't found, placed, or rated any caches over in tc.com... why request it here?


it is kind of fun to troll around instead though... :lol:

...we could weed out the cacher...


...motvate people in to fixing the cache back the way it was...


When did the geocaching comunity become such a control freak? Isn't this suppose to be fun? Is your idea of fun the same as mine or Jack's or Jill's or the cacher next door? Who gets to set the rules on how to have fun?


No on the "rate a cacher" system.

Posted (edited)

Since you found some & if you place some either here or TC....then maybe you will change your mind about wanting your hidden caches rated & how would you like your finds rated?

I vote...


My Ice cream is Black Raspberry





Have you noticed that these guys can keep eating & it all magically fills right back up?



Edited by 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)
When did the geocaching comunity become such a control freak? Isn't this suppose to be fun? Is your idea of fun the same as mine or Jack's or Jill's or the cacher next door? Who gets to set the rules on how to have fun?


it is supposed to be fun what fun is it fun to find a cache that isnt in good shape or smells so bad that you dont even need you gps to find if the cache is given more TLC then it would be more fun then hunting for a cache and never finding it I would thank if I was on my first few hunts and didnt find any thing I may not cache anymore and I would thank that we would all want more people hunting caches so that we can grow and the rateing wouldnt keep people from haveing fun it would help new people get to know the hider better before hunting there caches and I would thank that hiders would want to see that there rateing was very good giveing them something for there hard work of hideing and upkeep

I will be replacing a cache this weekend because the last finder dropped the container into the Allegheny River.

Nah, just change the terrain rating. After all, the coordinates didn't change :lol: Instant cache maintenence!

if it's such a good idea to rate caches and cachers, use your terracaching account. i see you haven't placed your 51 leg multi yet. haven't found, placed, or rated any caches over in tc.com... why request it here?


I am working on placeing it we have had alot of rain in austin and have not got them all out but I have them all made just wateing for some good days to hide them

When did the geocaching comunity become such a control freak? Isn't this suppose to be fun? Is your idea of fun the same as mine or Jack's or Jill's or the cacher next door? Who gets to set the rules on how to have fun?


it is supposed to be fun what fun is it fun to find a cache that isnt in good shape or smells so bad that you dont even need you gps to find if the cache is given more TLC then it would be more fun then hunting for a cache and never finding it I would thank if I was on my first few hunts and didnt find any thing I may not cache anymore and I would thank that we would all want more people hunting caches so that we can grow and the rateing wouldnt keep people from haveing fun it would help new people get to know the hider better before hunting there caches and I would thank that hiders would want to see that there rateing was very good giveing them something for there hard work of hideing and upkeep

Wow, that post is missing more periods than a trailer park in West Virginia!

Posted (edited)

.................................................................,,,,,,,,,,'''''''''''''''......,,,''';;;;;;here put them in


Edited by geo_boy_2001
When did the geocaching comunity become such a control freak? Isn't this suppose to be fun? Is your idea of fun the same as mine or Jack's or Jill's or the cacher next door? Who gets to set the rules on how to have fun?


it is supposed to be fun what fun is it fun to find a cache that isnt in good shape or smells so bad that you dont even need you gps to find if the cache is given more TLC then it would be more fun then hunting for a cache and never finding it I would thank if I was on my first few hunts and didnt find any thing I may not cache anymore and I would thank that we would all want more people hunting caches so that we can grow and the rateing wouldnt keep people from haveing fun it would help new people get to know the hider better before hunting there caches and I would thank that hiders would want to see that there rateing was very good giveing them something for there hard work of hideing and upkeep

Wow, that post is missing more periods than a trailer park in West Virginia!


ok rateing the finder may be pountless but there has to be a way to motvate people in to fixing the cache back the way it was and if thay are rateing you and they know that your going to get rated on you cache by the next person thay may have a heart and put it back the way they found it

So now you propose to rate the last one who logged for the actions done by the unknown cacher who came after him and didn't sign the log. What about you take my fingerprints so that you can make sure that I really was the last to touch that cache?


All this rating and statistics and forensics ... makes me wonder how come that there are any caches out there at all? They have been placed, found and maintained without all these rules and laws and statistics and caching supercops. Could it be that this is a self regulating, evolving system?



.................................................................,,,,,,,,,,'''''''''''''''......,,,''';;;;;;here put them in


Thank you for having a sense of humor. This is an interesting discussion and I certainly didn't mean to pick on you. The joke opportunity was just too good to pass up!

.................................................................,,,,,,,,,,'''''''''''''''......,,,''';;;;;;here put them in


Hmmm ... let me try.


it is supposed to be fun. what? fun! is it fun to find a cache? "that" isnt in good shape or smells so bad that you dont even need you. gps to find if the cache is given. more TLC then, it would be more fun then.


Is that about right so far? :lol:

it is supposed to be fun what fun is it fun to find a cache that isnt in good shape or smells so bad that you dont even need you gps to find if the cache is given more TLC then it would be more fun then hunting for a cache and never finding it I would thank if I was on my first few hunts and didnt find any thing I may not cache anymore and I would thank that we would all want more people hunting caches so that we can grow and the rateing wouldnt keep people from haveing fun it would help new people get to know the hider better before hunting there caches and I would thank that hiders would want to see that there rateing was very good giveing them something for there hard work of hideing and upkeep

*The former English teacher falls over backward.*

.................................................................,,,,,,,,,,'''''''''''''''......,,,''';;;;;;here put them in


Good comeback! Seriously. I love it when someone can take a joke, and laugh along with it, it's always more fun for everyone.

Posted (edited)

1. Always do timely maintenance on your caches.

2. Try to fix problems with caches that you find, if you can.

3. Mention problems in your online logs. Also mention in the online log if you did maintenance on someone's cache. 'The log was damp, so I put it in a fresh baggie.'

Edited by sbell111
well other then haveing a rateing system what other ways would you thank that would work to help keep the caches up

1. Community pressure at the local level (since few read this forum). Send an e-mail to a cache owner, above and beyond what you said in your log, and even offer to go fix their cache for them. At an event cache, make a speech addressed to everyone about cache maintenance. Or, a few people make it a point to sit at the picnic table with that team that hides *lots* of great caches, but then doesn't maintain them, and they have a pleasant chat about how nice the cache locations are, but it's a shame that gladware leaks. Or, post in your local forum.


2. If you cannot contact the owner, work on having the cache adopted, or archived and removed.

that that is is that that is not is not is not that so?




That that is, is. That that is not, is not. Is not that so?

Algernon, My long lost hamster. At last I have found you!!!



(really vague book reference tied to the movie)

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