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Charter Memberships??


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Well, Iv'e been a member here since December, 2000 and just now became a charter member so I could use the Pocket Query generator to help keep track of caches Iv'e done and ones I want to look for. I use this information to create Streets & Trips map files that show all these caches with different colors and clickable hyperlinks to take me directly to the cache page.

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We don't use the pocket queries or any of the other benefits that really come from being a charter member. But because we've gotten so much quality family time out of this website, and so many inexpensive outings, we felt the Geocache.com had earned our $30 a year and then some.......


Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.

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"Does becoming a charter member really pay off? Confused What do you charter members out there think? And are you happy with it?"


I have 4 different pocket queries (the max is 5) that I use to set the caches in different areas, also all unfound caches in a 100 mile radius, and I believe it is worth every cent I pay. I am very happy with it and I plan on continuing it.

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We have been charter members for almost a year, and feel we have gotten MORE than our money's worth! This sport has gotten us out of the house exploring new areas, and has created some wonderful family time! We live just north of you in Georgetown, TX and have been introduced to many parks in the Austin area that we would have never visited. We didn't pay the membership for the "perks", but to support a website we felt was worth our support. I hope to see you at one of our local events in the future.. there is a great bunch of geocachers in the Austin area! icon_smile.gif

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I'm a charter member and have yet to take advantage of any of the features available to charter members (other than the one where you can change the caption under your avatar).


I joined because I thought this site performed a valuable service and I was willing to pay for it.


A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. -Barry Goldwater

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I became a charter member before ever even going after a cache. I read these forum boards and found alot of good people involved, then decided I wanted to pay my fair share toward this sport and to maintain this marvelous website.

And to keep the D*** POP-UPS off this website.

That alone is worth $30 a year.


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service

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I know that it cost $$ to run a website. I have one my self. While it doesn't have quite as many features it does have a discussion area, a shop, current events, sailing stories etc.


Of course my website puts me deeper in the hole every month I feel it is a small service to pay back the sailing community. icon_biggrin.gif


Vini Vidi Velcro I came I saw I stuck around. Capn Skully

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I became a charter member before I got my gps. I like to pay my fair share when I participate in something at which I have fun. I haven't used the pocket queries yet, but now that I have a cable to upload stuff to the gps I might start using them.


If you really don't have the money don't do it, but if you get any enjoyment out of it at all then I hope you feel guilty for not paying $2.50/month for cheap entertainment that is great for the whole family and it gets you out of the house!



row, row, row your boat

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Just supporting the site. I do use Pocket Queries, too, though.


Before it comes up, you don't need a PDA to use Pocket Queries, which is a common misconception. You can use Pocket Queries on your PC with EasyGPS, downloadable form the bottom of any page of searches.



Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann, und ich hab' auch im Blut

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Originally posted by Dersu:

I became a charter member before ever even going after a cache. I read these forum boards and found alot of good people involved, then decided I wanted to pay my fair share toward this sport and to maintain this marvelous website.

And to keep the D*** POP-UPS off this website.

That alone is worth $30 a year.




There are plenty of websites that attempt to "pay" for their service by means of advertising... and more often than not, they end up going under.


Frankly, I prefer to pay for a service that I like using, and get rid of all those nasty popups that slide into view with lots of fancy graphics that mean you have to hunt for ten minutes just to find the "close" button. Whoever invented those should be dragged out into the street and shot.


I've only just paid for my membership (literally about ten minutes ago). I put it off until I could afford it (I'm a lowly student on a very limited income) and even after that I had a few problems with paypal. But I made it eventually.


Is it worth it? To paraphrase a turtle, You Bet Your *** It Is! icon_biggrin.gif



An it harm none, do what ye will

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I haven't become a charter member yet, but will do so in the next few weeks. A number of the benefits currently available as a CM are available courtesty of some local cachers who have done some wonderful things for AZ geocaching.


But the more I thought about it, it's definitely worth the expense of becoming a CM simply to help keep the sport alive. What would happen if Jeremy started losing so much money on this site, and had to take it down before it took him and his comrades down?



Team A.I.

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I just upgraded. Found this site a long time ago but didn't have a GPS.


I was set up to get emails with site news, etc. Just recently got a GPS more for Wardriving the for this but I think I'll end up using it more for Geocaching. Just waiting for the weather to clear!!


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

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I signed up as a charter member before I even went out to find my first cache. I'm impressed with the quality of the site and the amount of work that goes into maintaining it -- something that's definitely worth supporting if you can afford it.



Where am I going? I don't quite know.

What does it matter where people go?

Down to the wood where the blue-bells grow

Anywhere, anywhere. I don't know.

-A.A. Milne

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yeah...Yeah!...YEAH!! -what everybody else said. I already had the GPS for other uses, and was just curious if anyone had come up with using them for scavenger hunts when I stumbled across the site.

Early on, I realized that Geocaching is a hobby that's good in a number of ways:

It's social, educational and not budget limited -it's only as expensive as you personally want it to be.


The more you learn about it, the more you realize that it promotes a lot of good virtues. It seems too few things do that these days.


I knew very quickly that it was something that I would like to support and the decision was as simple as that. The benefits are just an added bonus but well worth it in their own right.



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