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The Railroad Trestle That Time Has Forgotten


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After hearing many good things about The Railroad Trestle That Time Has Forgotten, and then recently hearing that the trestle is schedualed for removal in the next few months (my apologies if this info is incorrect) I felt like I should go and attempt to get it soon. After looking at my calander I realized that this weekend the 21st is the only free weekend I have for at least a month.


So I am going to attempt it this weekend. Suposedly the weather is going to behave.


I invite any who have not found this cache to join me, or anyone who just wants to watch others struggle. I figure that if the trestle is in bad shape either we will get the cache or we will end up pulling it down on ourselves. Either way it sounds like fun to me. I will probibly attempt a few others in the area after.


I am thinking about meeting around 8 at the park, I am not sure exactly where though.


That trestle is scheduled for demolition in July.


Which day are you thinking, Andrew? I have to be at work on Saturday at 6am for all day, but I'm available on Sunday until noon...and I'd like to do this IF we can arrange a ladder, which from the sounds of the last few finders/attempts might be a good idea for everyone. ;)


I'd also like to put forth the suggestion that since the owner has moved away in addition to the scheduled demolition, that the last group of the day remove the cache so it can be archived and the log can be forwarded to the owner before it 'goes down with the ship', so to speak... :D


When I did this one there was a make shift ladder on the west side of the river. The fire gap they are talking about are the railroad ties have been burned you can still cross using the metal structure of the bridge. Be careful and good luck.

Posted (edited)

If the bridge is scheduled for demolition soon and the cache potentialy archived, then I guess I'd better get there soon. :D Unfortunatly I have another activity scheduled on Saturday. Friday or Sunday may work, but one never knows. :D If Sunday does, then it would be after lunch. Thanks for the notice. ;)

Edited by Kiersolvd
When I did this one there was a make shift ladder on the west side of the river. The fire gap they are talking about are the railroad ties have been burned you can still cross using the metal structure of the bridge. Be careful and good luck.

The make-shift ladder is gone. I was there a couple months ago with cache ahead who had used the ladder to climb up, and she confirmed its absence. We were unable to find a safe way up, so I was not able to get to the cache. Wish I could go, but I will be caching and orienteering down at the Gorge this weekend!


I will be heading over to Levenworth on Friday. I may have to bite the bullet and go over Stevens instead of Blewett just to get this one before it goes down.


Well it sounds like there is some interest.


Is Sunday the 22nd better for everyone? I am flexable so I don't mind.

If everyone chimes in I think we could pick a day soon.


I may be able to sneak away from the homestead Sunday morning. I'd have to run it by 'She who must be Feared and Obeyed'. I also have an aluminum extension ladder. How far would it have to be carried, it gets heavy real fast?


No, there's no makeshift ladder, but there is a little piece of wood nailed to the support that you can use to pull yourself up. It's not that bad. I'm afraid of hieghts and I was just fine. You could pull your car pretty close to the access, but you can't park there- but you could offload the ladder and then it's just a short walk. If you go un Sunday after 1pm I could come and help.


Ok since Allanon was the one that clued me in on the timeline of when the bridge will be removed, he gets the deciding vote. Also I know he hasn't logged it yet (sorry Little Blue).


So it looks like Sunday the 22nd. I am guessing 9AM, but the time is still in the air.

Sniff sniff- can't go then- I'll be in church.

I know, :P I figured that that would stop a lot of people but I felt that since he told me about it it wouldn't be to fair if I went without him, and it seemed like some other people could make it.


I'd be interested in doing a Saturday run a bit later in the day. (Say noonish) If sons B-ball is rained out. (Which is probably a 80% chance right now)

Sniff sniff- can't go then- I'll be in church.

I know, :P I figured that that would stop a lot of people but I felt that since he told me about it it wouldn't be to fair if I went without him, and it seemed like some other people could make it.

Hey now...don't let it be me that holds things up...do what's best for the most people, and if that turns out to be Sat, it's fine with me.


I live there, I can always do it another time...

Posted (edited)

So Sunday At 9am. That gives me enough time to lay down tracks for Cent5's boat. Thats if he can get it on wheels, so we can row over there. Think you can do it in that amount if time?

Edited by blacravin
That gives me enough time to lay down tracks for Cent5's boat. Thats if he can get it on wheels, so we can row over there. Think you can do it in that amount if time?

BOAT? BOAT? Don't need no stinking BOAT!!


I have 3 canoes with which I have portaged up to 3 miles in BWCA. But then again that was 35 years ago :o


(Most of my portages these days involve a ramp with a lighted Budweiser sign at the end.)

That gives me enough time to lay down tracks for Cent5's boat. Thats if he can get it on wheels, so we can row over there. Think you can do it in that amount if time?

BOAT? BOAT? Don't need no stinking BOAT!!


I have 3 canoes with which I have portaged up to 3 miles in BWCA. But then again that was 35 years ago :o


(Most of my portages these days involve a ramp with a lighted Budweiser sign at the end.)

Maybe work is frying my brain a little, but did I miss something here? I saw no 5 star terrain.

Posted (edited)
That gives me enough time to lay down tracks for Cent5's boat. Thats if he can get it on wheels, so we can row over there. Think you can do it in that amount if time?

BOAT? BOAT? Don't need no stinking BOAT!!


I have 3 canoes with which I have portaged up to 3 miles in BWCA. But then again that was 35 years ago :)


(Most of my portages these days involve a ramp with a lighted Budweiser sign at the end.)

Maybe work is frying my brain a little, but did I miss something here? I saw no 5 star terrain.

Andrwerj you are correct. Thiere is no 5 star terrain. But we could make it a 5 star by humping a boat in there to use as a ladder :D


Not gonna make it Saturday at all. Or Sunday for that matter. Robert's team photo's in the rain Sat. at noon :) And church on Sunday B) (It's Chocolate Sunday mmmmmmmm DoooooNUTZ, Chocolate Decadence, Fudge, etc.)

Edited by CENT5
That gives me enough time to lay down tracks for Cent5's boat. Thats if he can get it on wheels, so we can row over there. Think you can do it in that amount if time?

BOAT? BOAT? Don't need no stinking BOAT!!


I have 3 canoes with which I have portaged up to 3 miles in BWCA. But then again that was 35 years ago :)


(Most of my portages these days involve a ramp with a lighted Budweiser sign at the end.)

Maybe work is frying my brain a little, but did I miss something here? I saw no 5 star terrain.

Andrwerj you are correct. Thiere is no 5 star terrain. But we could make it a 5 star by humping a boat in there to use as a ladder :)


Not gonna make it Saturday at all. Or Sunday for that matter. Robert's team photo's in the rain Sat. at noon :D And church on Sunday B) (It's Chocolate Sunday mmmmmmmm DoooooNUTZ, Chocolate Decadence, Fudge, etc.)

You may not need a boat for the Trestle, but check other nearby caches! There is one VERY close that does require a water approach.

You may not need a boat for the Trestle, but check other nearby caches!  There is one VERY close that does require a water approach.

Looked high and low for a 5 star up there RWW. Hint plz. If it involves a boat/canoe I'M THERE!!!

Posted (edited)
You may not need a boat for the Trestle, but check other nearby caches!  There is one VERY close that does require a water approach.

Looked high and low for a 5 star up there RWW. Hint plz. If it involves a boat/canoe I'M THERE!!!

I was mistaken. I was thinking about the similar RR Trestle in Snohomish. BTW, there are a couplel Hydro Caches in the river between Sultan and Snohomish.


Amphibious Cache by Scoundrel and Frognog


Stearns Hydro by Joe and Chad


Plus another one near Everett


Union Four by Kat

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
I understand (sniff). But dern it, I wanted to watch ya'll!  ;)

We tried this one on the way to the Wenatchee CM in April, with the Wet Coast Explorers and Travis. Not a chance I was trying to climb the creosote encrusted bastille in my best border crossin' button fly's.


A few weeks a go I had the pleasure to discuss this cache with LittleBlue in person and as a result, realized we had made the right choice to abort when we did.


Right Wing Wacko -- A 20 foot ladder on the roof racks would make you a lot of friends on this cache.


It is beautiful spot. Despite we could not access the actual cache, geocaching got us all to this remarkable piece of local history. After all, that is why we geocache, is it not.

What time again?

I will try to be there at 9 AM


I am going to have some pants that I was going to throw out so it is ok if they get destroyed.


I really hope that it stoped raining by then


I'm going to try to come up to meet you guys- I have to be at church in Carnation by 10:30 dressed in nice clothes, so I can't go up, but I'd like to swing by and say hi. Yes, like has been mentioned- wear your grubby clothes as the timbers are soaked in creosote in places and I got my brand new REI zip off cargo pants all tarred when I did this cache a few months ago ;). There are a couple of places where you will need to lay down and shimmy on the ascent and descent, even if you have a ladder to help with the intial climb. The descent is the trickiest as you need to swing your legs over the edge on the way down without really being able to see where your feet are going. But that's where geobuddies come in handy! :P I never felt unsafe at all while doing this cache, and I am not fond of heights. Just take it slow and maintain at least 2 or 3 limbs in contact with the trestle at all times and you'll be just fine!


I'm thinking I might try to make it up for this one. maybe, and if I do I will bring the 22 foot lader. didn't see where one was already commited and if we don't need it great.

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