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Calgary Geocoins


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Just got my coins today in NY. Very nice design! All 3 are not sequential, though. Somehow I managed to get #104, despite being one of the last to order. Thanks, Ibycus. :anibad:


Yep, yours was the last order I put together. I was right down to the end of a coin tube when I put your order together. Didn't really want to open up a new one so I went searching through all my boxes and what not for coins for you.

#104 was originally one of peanutbutterbreadandjam's (the designer's). I traded it back with him for a copper Calgary Coin (we had 50 of the coins minted in copper, and each local got one copper coin as kind of a 'bonus' with their order), so I had that one left out of sequence. The other was one which I'd tried putting in one of my vinyl coin pouches that I had here, and the third was I think the last in the tube I was working on.


Thanks Dale.

I have just placed two of the Calgary Cachers geocoins in two new caches. I have created a small graphic that can be used to indicate a cache contains one of the geocoins. I am not sure if anyone would be interested in using it but I thought some people might want to add it to a page. It is very similar to the Canadian Geocoin graphic. I uploaded a copy of it to a cache here. To place the code into a page use this code

<img src="use your image url here inside these quotes, leave the quotes though" width="211" height="61" border="0" align="right">


This will place the graphic in the lower right of the webpage. Here is what it looks like, a2aff383-41d6-44d2-a27e-b03e9c2445f2.jpg.

The coins are really nice and I am sure will become desirable collectors items. Here is what I did, I used a US Silver Dollar airtight, 99 cents locally, to hold the coin. I siliconed that airtight, with the coin to a laminated card I made. I used a colour inkjet and did both sides of the card, on the back I rewrote a short history of geocaching and on the front I did a graphic coin story, I think they look neat. I borrowed a few graphics, including your logo (hope you don't mind). Here is what they look like 6cf24da3-9b2f-49ff-b7d5-0a3dbcde7310.jpg


I didn't really put a geocoin in Thing One, I wouldn't do that, I just used it as a container for the graphics. I will leave them there for awhile, hopefully no one goes there looking for one. :huh:


You can, but you might be best off to get them through GPSCentral. They have some that they bought from me that they are reselling. I might be a little slow in getting them out to you (I've been pretty busy lately).


Nice graphics wavevector.


Is it too late to order? If not, I'll take 2.




I've got a couple left if you can make it out to my place. (I've noticed you're in Calgary). I'm just north of Calaway park. Actually we're working on a 2006 version of the coin, which you're probably more interested in. (the 2006 version is 'locals only')


Contact me off list and I'll give you the details.


Look through this thread and see how many coins people used to order! (and they aren't trackable!) :laughing:


I went back and had to check my post of how many I ordered. I remember ordering up to 10 of each coin that came out, especially the early trackable ones, of course there was only one coin coming out every few weeks, not multi per week. Much easier to afford in those days.


Look through this thread and see how many coins people used to order! (and they aren't trackable!) :laughing:


i remember buying about 10 of those early canadian coins with the numbers on them that could be tracked on their site. i left them as swag. i think they were about $6 a piece so were nice to leave - and nice to find.



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