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Handy Cache Page Carrier

The Falcon

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Just a tip for those who like to print the pages when they go on the hunt.


I use a plastic envelope I got from an office store. They come in differnt sizes, either full page, or smaller envelope-sized. Great for carrying several pages, pen, etc.



It is the tale, not he who tells it."

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Nah - I just wad.. I mean fold the thing up and pt it in a pocket. When logged, it goes bye bye.



"If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised." - Jack Handy

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Originally posted by Vacman:

Nah - I just wad.. I mean fold the thing up and pt it in a pocket. When logged, it goes bye bye.



"If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised." - Jack Handy


Same with me Vacman. I'm a "wadder" too. icon_smile.gif

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I use plastic sleeve protectors. They add a little weight to the load, but protect the pages from rain and dirt. Once I find the cache, I pull out the page and insert another. I keep about 20-25 cache waypoints loaded in my GPSr for the ones I want to do, and the pages get bundled together with cheap zip ties to form a book of caches. I keep this in my cache bag so I can grab and go on a moments notice.



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I keep about 20-25 cache waypoints loaded in my GPSr for the ones I want to do, and the pages get bundled together with cheap zip ties to form a book of caches. I keep this in my cache bag so I can grab and go on a moments notice.




I'm thinking about putting something like this together. I have over 500 caches loaded into my receivers, but I dont know how many times I've not been able to do a cache on the fly since I just happened to be in the area because of no cache description. I've also tried a couple thinking that I remembered the description was simple, only to realise afterwards that the reason I couldnt find it was that I didnt have critical information from the description.







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I use an 8 section full page nylon folder to store the cache info. Caches are broken down into octants with the closest one on top of each section. When taking on numerous caches in one day, I take out the chosen ones, and then arrange them for easiest driving access. Soon my truck will look like a traveling office/warehouse. icon_biggrin.gif


"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused"

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My cache page utility.


Nothing better for cost savings and the amount of information I can provide myself. Thanks for PalmReader, gpx2html and Plucker, there's little information I can't have with me, that only a color GPSr with memory expansion could provide...cache pictures for those caches that you *need* the images to aid in the cache search.



Team A.I.

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Actually, it probably takes longer to print multiple cache pages than it takes to download/convert the files. Plus, all it takes to find out if you've 'saved' the file is to turn the thing on and verify. Far less cumbersome than carrying around numerous sheets of paper. Plus, you can use the PDA to decode on the fly the encrypted clues, or depending on the program it automatically does it for you if need be.



Team A.I.

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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

Print out from the cache page folded up in the pocket is fine for us.Can write on the back of what we took, what we left and any other notes. Quicker than trying to input in a PDA and having to worry whether or not it saved or if you lose it. Plus it's on less thing to drop and break.


Brian Wood

Woodsters Outdoors



I'm with You, Brian.....(But, I'm also broke, or I probably would have a PDA cause I'm a gadget freak)


I also jot down a lot of things on the pages.

And I also print out customized USGS topos of each cache area to take with me, so I am carrying paper anyway....







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Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

Print out from the cache page folded up in the pocket is fine for us.Can write on the back of what we took, what we left and any other notes. Quicker than trying to input in a PDA and having to worry whether or not it saved or if you lose it. Plus it's on less thing to drop and break.


Brian Wood


Same here,when I get home, I put them in a big notebook. I put what I traded, time/date of find, and any notes. I also print a zoomed-in mapquest map (or TOPO USA if needed), on the back.



If trees could scream, would we still cut them down?

Well, maybe if they screamed all the time, for no reason.

Click here for my Geocaching pictures and Here (newest)

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Originally posted by MilamberDragon:

To those who use a PDA (palm or other) how do you get the cache pages to your unit. Anyone wanna markwell this post to webpage or forum topic for a how-to.


Thanks in advance.




"Abg nyy gubfr jub jnaqre ner ybfg"


I use GPXview to read the GPX file directly. Works well. But it's a Pocket PC app.

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