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Nervous About New Cache


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I know it's fairly well hidden. I know it is off the beaten path. I know it's total value is only about 10$ (CAD) but I am still terribly nervous that my newly hidden cache will go missing before anyone finds it. Is this normal?


Now you must understand this is my first Hide and I hope it goes smoothly. ;)

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Yes, this is totally normal. Expect to go visit it several times in the next few weeks, "just to make sure it's there." Expect to second-guess yourself. "Maybe I should have hidden it behind the rock outcropping instead of in the stump?"


When you hide your 20th cache, which will take you a fraction of the time to plan for twice as good a result, you'll say "Well, there's another one hidden, I'll stop back in a few months for a maintenance check."

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For me it was the container on my first cache. I think I must have switched it out 3 times within the first 6 months or so. After that I mellowed out a bit.


I've had another bout with anxiety over my newest cache, but this time it's different. I received permission from the land manager at the state park about a month ago and have been going out to take readings and look for locations ever since. One morning last week I awoke with the thought "What if someone else jumps and places one before I get this done?!?!?"


Nice to know we're all a little....off. ;)



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Yes, this is totally normal. Expect to go visit it several times in the next few weeks, "just to make sure it's there." Expect to second-guess yourself. "Maybe I should have hidden it behind the rock outcropping instead of in the stump?"


When you hide your 20th cache, which will take you a fraction of the time to plan for twice as good a result, you'll say "Well, there's another one hidden, I'll stop back in a few months for a maintenance check."

You know me better than I thought, Keystone!

On my first caches, I visited them all at least once in the first week. One of my more recent ones I've never visited since the logs don't show a need.

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I know it's fairly well hidden. I know it is off the beaten path. I know it's total value is only about 10$ (CAD) but I am still terribly nervous that my newly hidden cache will go missing before anyone finds it. Is this normal?


Now you must understand this is my first Hide and I hope it goes smoothly. ;)

You will worry about everything. If it rains, is it getting soaked? Will it get stolen or plundered? Should I go wrap a blanket around it at night, so it doesn't get too cold? :huh:

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This is known as Geoseparation anxiety and usually happens when you get farther than 0.1 miles from your recently hidden cache. There is a tendency to go back and check on the cache, hug it, comfort it. This is completely normal. After hiding a few caches, I now can get over 1 mile away before feeling the need to go back and verify the coords one last time. Don't worry, it gets better with experience. :huh:


One thing I do when one of my caches goes missing is to go back and read all the find logs. It comforts me to see that my baby gave so much pleasure to so many before going missing... ;)



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Generally I do not worry about this sort of thing. I have had a number of caches go missing, and either find out from a log or when I visit the location. The worst case scenario is that you have to buy another container and hide it again in perhaps a slightly different place -- no big deal.


Recently I have been paying close attention to two new caches I placed, called INSIGHT #1 and INSIGHT #2, because they are not hidden, just carefully located and colored to match their surroundings. Once found, it is obvious that they are small metal boxes that are out of place. But to folks not looking, they are (so far) unseen. One is in a busy parking lot of a grocery store, and the other one is on a wall, five feet away from where locals go fishing nearly every morning. I have been checking these to see how long they last, but not due to worrying, rather to have fun watching people walk within 3 ft of these objects that are not hidden but invisible to them !


Try this sometime, it is a fun new twist to normal cache hiding.



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