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Hiding Christmas Presents.


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Last year we put some simple maps in the kids stockings that led them to the tree, which we had set up in the woods. We then brought them out to the woods where the maps led us to. We left a trail of ornaments from the road thru the woods that lead to the tree we decorated in the middle of an "enchanted" forest. The few gifts were under that tree. The kids enjoyed it, and we will do it again with more sophistication as they get older (now 5 and 3 years old). One of the objects for us parents was to take the emphasis off of the material things, and make it more about the experience. We struggle with Christmas every year because we aren't exactly into what the whole thing is about, in other words we don't belive in Jesus. Yet the kids are bombarded with hype by the rest of the family, peers, school, television, radio, stores, and the giant Christmas marketing machine in general. I felt geocaching was the perfect way to defocus the whole mess.




Now why have I never thought of this before? What a VERY cool idea. I think that I am going to do this not only for my kids, but for my wife as well!


My wife thinks that this hobby is the most absolutely geekiest thing I do. And after the local newspaper put my face on the front page in an article about geocaching, she has forbidden me from doing anymore interviews with newspapers as well as magazines (was written up in the LA Times magazine about another strange hobbie I was doing).... this will be pure justice :) . This is such a great idea!


Way cool. Regardless of your beliefs, the kids got to do something as a family, that is what the spirit is about. Way off on a tangent, but the real reason the birthday of Christ is December 25th, is that is coincides with the winter equinox, the shortest amount of daylight for the year. Not to get into a theological discussion, but most Judo-Christian holidays are centered around celestial events, Easter is the Spring Equinox. Just some food for thought.


Back on topic, years ago, maybe 20, my mom put a Christmas ornament on the tree, a Santa in an airplane. For some reason I decided to hide it and tell Mom, Dad and my sister that I had hid that ornament. To this day, we go over to the parent's house, and look for that dadgum ornament and re-hide it. When the tree is taken down, Mom makes sure that the Santa Plane is not thrown out with the tree. Stupid family traditions. :)

Way cool. Regardless of your beliefs, the kids got to do something as a family, that is what the spirit is about. Way off on a tangent, but the real reason the birthday of Christ is December 25th, is that is coincides with the winter equinox, the shortest amount of daylight for the year. Not to get into a theological discussion, but most Judo-Christian holidays are centered around celestial events, Easter is the Spring Equinox. Just some food for thought.


Back on topic, years ago, maybe 20, my mom put a Christmas ornament on the tree, a Santa in an airplane. For some reason I decided to hide it and tell Mom, Dad and my sister that I had hid that ornament. To this day, we go over to the parent's house, and look for that dadgum ornament and re-hide it. When the tree is taken down, Mom makes sure that the Santa Plane is not thrown out with the tree. Stupid family traditions. :)

If it is so stupid then you haven't "hidden" well enough. :)

  Stupid family traditions. :D

If it is so stupid then you haven't "hidden" well enough. :)

Well that is part of the problem, I have hidden it so well, that I have instigated rules on to "how to hide", much the same as geochaching. I think I have the record of 3 consecutive years of being the last to hide. Only when Mom took the tree outside and started beating on the ground to shake out any ornaments did she finally make the "RULE" of "it must be in plain sight, no hiding next to the trunk, no putting it behind another ornament" etc. I guess this is a lot like geocaching, the original idea was to find a "treasure", but because of the consequences, rules needed to be put into place.


Oh no, I feel another off topic thread coming on :) Beating back with big Make a Wish Foundation Stick from El Diablo coming on :D


Wow, Brian, I thought you were going to say you made a 4.5-star cache to hide your wife's Christmas presents in.


You should consider it, I'm sure she'll love it! If she doesn't, just post the cache for the rest of us. I'm sure someone will get a good FTF prize out of it :)

winter equinox, the shortest amount of daylight for the year.

Winter solstice. Summer and winter have solstices (around 21-22 June/Dec) when the day is the longest or shortest, respectively. Equinox is in March/September, when the day and night are exactly equal.


Yes I am nitpicking but that's me. I'd do the same if someone said the USAF flies F-14s.

I'd leave coords, but then she'd have to learn how to use the GPS. I wouldn't want that--she might start caching without me!

I'm almost to the point where I want to get my son a GPSr of his own. It's bothersome when he wants to hold it because then I don't know where the heck we are in relation to the cache. It would be much easier with each of us having our own.

Winter solstice. Summer and winter have solstices (around 21-22 June/Dec) when the day is the longest or shortest, respectively. Equinox is in March/September, when the day and night are exactly equal.


Yes I am nitpicking but that's me. I'd do the same if someone said the USAF flies F-14s.

Stand corrected. You understood the point I was making.


Most the Yule traditions and symbols are Celtic in nature, predating Christianity...


Let's see, off the top of my head, wreaths are celtic symbols of the cycles of life.

Holly and pine trees are magical, given their evergreen nature.

Burning a yule log and candles encourages the sun god to return.

Feasting, drinking and revelry were elements the new church frowned upon, so the pope moved the date honoring Jesus closer to the solstice trying to assimilate it.


The polytheists of the day happily incorporated another one but the original gods are still honored to this day! Hehe..


A little OT but fun trivia nonetheless...






The polytheists of the day happily incorporated another one but the original gods are still honored to this day! Hehe..


A little OT but fun trivia nonetheless...





Religion is the opiate of the masses.

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