GeoGuru Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 Where can I found the Members only caches. Can I do a search for members only? Does anyone know. GeoGuru Quote
+VentureForth Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 Since they are new, they would have to be on the first page or two of any state/country/zip listing you run. Frankly, I haven't found very many at all. I've seen about a 1/2 dozen virtuals in Oregon, none in Washington, a couple virtuals in California, and a multi-micro in New Jersey. There are others, but that's all I've found. Search by country and go back a week - there can't be any older than that. Venture Forth, out to the wild, wet forest... Quote
+Macro Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 Originally posted by VentureForth: Frankly, I haven't found very many at all. I've seen about a 1/2 dozen virtuals in Oregon, none in Washington, a couple virtuals in California, and a multi-micro in New Jersey. There are others, but that's all I've found. QUOTE] Where is the one in NJ, I cant find it? Quote
Best_Buddies Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by VentureForth: I've seen about a 1/2 dozen virtuals in Oregon, none in Washington, a couple virtuals in California, and a multi-micro in New Jersey. One of the reasons that people use when defending MOcaches is to avoid plundering. Now, having a virtual cache be MO???? Are they worried that somebody might plunder the view?? This is proof that eventually newcomers to the sport are only going to get Geo-trash. People are already posting MOcaches for no other reason that "for the heck of it." Quote
BassoonPilot Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: This is proof that eventually newcomers to the sport are only going to get Geo-trash. People are already posting MOcaches for no other reason that "for the heck of it." I've noticed that some do seem to have been placed "for the heck of it." You assume that the "free" caches the newbies see will be geotrash, yet you haven't addressed the bigger issue: How to prevent MOCs from being no better than geotrash. Quote
Best_Buddies Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by BassoonPilot:How to prevent MOCs from being no better than geotrash. Well, in this respect, they are no different from other caches. They could be junk. However, I can imagine a cache hider reserving his better caches for a better class of people. (notice the dripping sarcasm) I definately do not want to minimize Jeremy's work or contribution to the sport. Until a week ago, I thought that he was doing an outstanding job. Definite A+++++ work. However, all of these people are paying for access to a database (that Jeremy does not hand-enter the data), and a forum. That is all. All of the caches are placed by people just like me (well, hopefully there is nobody else just like me). I admit that $30 a year is a very small price to pay for this wonderful hobby. However, the people who place the cache have as much to do with the sport as the person who runs the database. Yet nobody cuts them in on the action. $30 is a *lot* to pay for just a database and forum. Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 I think it's more a matter of people just wanting to try out new features. It's easier to do that with a virtual cache (no logbook to buy, no cache to put together, no hiding place to find), so that's why we're seeing virtual MOCs right now. It's a lot like all the worthless "poll" messages people have been posting. Sure, there might be a legitimate reason for a few of them to exist, but most were either just people trying out a new feature, or one or two misguided soles who thought it was their mission to conduct polls on everything they could think of. The pointless polls are starting to die down now, and the virtual MOCs will probably do the same. Quote
BassoonPilot Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: However, I can imagine a cache hider reserving his better caches for a better class of people. (notice the dripping sarcasm) Precisely. See? You do understand! There is no issue. It exists only in your imagination. (I did notice the dripping sarcasm.) Quote
+Macro Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 The only time I can even justify a MOC is if you are attempting to protect your investment and actually believe that by posting it as MO it wont get plundered. I wont be doing this because I dont want to exclude new cachers. I like to think that I place high quality caches. You can ask BassoonPilot to confirm as he has found a few og them. I would hope that a newbie finding one of mine might be influenced to keep quality at the top of the priority list when making their first cache. My first cache was inspired entirely by my first a result I think that as many caches as possible should be available to everyone so that there is always variety. Keeping caches good is up to the hider, not Jeremy. Quote
+Opus P Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: $30 is a *lot* to pay for just a database and forum. Three important points here. 1. You seem to be forgetting that the subscription is optional. Free access will still be available. 2. You say just a database as if it's a simple thing to do. Well, it isn't simple and it isn't cheap. 3. You don't have to pay $30. I didn't have a spare $30 this week, so I signed up for the $3.00 option. If I don't have the spare $30 by next month, I'll let the $3.00 renew. If I don't have the $3.00, well I'll have bigger problems than whether or not to pay for Hope that helps clarify. =-=-=-=-=-= Opus P Crathvaf Ehyr Visit my Buddhist Reading Room. Quote
+Crusso Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 I'm really frustrated w/the new forums! When I try to post a reply I get bounced back to the main forum page or to geocaching (seems to be random). Contacted Jeremy & told I have to log in in geocaching first. Did that, same thing happens. Have to try it 5 or 6 times before I get to the reply page. Was all set to pay my membership on day one. Am having second thoughts as I now am having seemingly unresolvable problems! Also, now I have to click on 'next page' to view the forum replies where as before I could just scroll through all the replies, seems like we're going backwards not forwards! (just venting my frustration, It's still worth $30 a year). Quote
Jeremy Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: I definately do not want to minimize Jeremy's work or contribution to the sport. Thanks! quote:However, all of these people are paying for access to a database (that Jeremy does not hand-enter the data), and a forum. That is all. Ouch. I guess my subscribe page was too misleading when I said that there isn't much that is available at the moment, but will be adding more features soon. You don't have to subscribe, you know. Belittling my efforts doesn't seem very tactful. Jeremy Quote
JMaxamillion Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 Jeremy is doing a great job!!! do you think you beloved sport would be anything without him. He has created an easy to use site that is informational, useful and asteticly pleasing. as for the members only caches...I dont think the nonmembers will get stuck with the trash because its not like they are real trashy right now (what would make them go to trash) and there are tons of beautiful areas to place caches member or not. Also why not have a certain set of caches for the elite...its not like were not inviting you to join our ranks either. I dunno i think this fight cannot be won MY .02 MAX Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Crusso: I'm really frustrated w/the new forums! When I try to post a reply I get bounced back to the main forum page or to geocaching (seems to be random). Contacted Jeremy & told I have to log in in geocaching first. Did that, same thing happens. When you log in at the main GeoCaching site, it sets a cookie. It seems like the forum doesn't know to look for the cookie until you click on the forum's login link. Do that first thing, and everything else will work. Quote
+exConn Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:However, the people who place the cache have as much to do with the sport as the person who runs the database. Of course. quote:Yet nobody cuts them in on the action. $30 is a *lot* to pay for just a database and forum. This is the largest overstatement I have seen in these forums yet! harrkev, Seriously... "Just a database and forum?" The hardware and software to run it must be free then? Hosting services are free? The web pages magically code themselves to access the database? Answering email from users is done automatically? New features are automatically implemented? I guess building the site costs nothing. I guess the time to do so costs nothing either. Let's hand you the geocaching db and forum software and see if you can build and develop your own site to use it for $30. I'm sorry if I'm coming off a little harsh here, but I just so resent your idea that it's just a couple of tools and that somebody's hard work and time is worth nothing. -exConn What is Project Virginia? Quote
+exConn Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:However, the people who place the cache have as much to do with the sport as the person who runs the database. Of course. quote:Yet nobody cuts them in on the action. $30 is a *lot* to pay for just a database and forum. This is the largest overstatement I have seen in these forums yet! harrkev, Seriously... "Just a database and forum?" The hardware and software to run it must be free then? Hosting services are free? The web pages magically code themselves to access the database? Answering email from users is done automatically? New features are automatically implemented? I guess building the site costs nothing. I guess the time to do so costs nothing either. Let's hand you the geocaching db and forum software and see if you can build and develop your own site to use it for $30. I'm sorry if I'm coming off a little harsh here, but I just so resent your idea that it's just a couple of tools and that somebody's hard work and time is worth nothing. -exConn What is Project Virginia? Quote
+Julie Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by exConn: Let's hand you the geocaching db and forum software and see if you can build and develop your own site to use it for $30. Go ahead. Give me the whole DB (plus updates), I'll even get my own forum software and I'll run a mirror site. Now I'm not promising that it will be instantly as good as, because there's been at least a year's worth of work on it, but with the help of a couple of friends, I bet I could get something decent running pretty quickly. And before someone has a coronary, this is half tongue-in-cheek. Yes, Jeremy has done a lot of work on this site and yes, he does deserve the recognition, but part of harrkev's point is valid... The people who place the caches are doing the data entry and hence part of the work for this website. Man, if I had to come up with this much content on my own, it would never happen, but has *thousands* of contributors. I guess my point is that if I didn't have to start from scratch and persuade people to put their caches on my site also, then that's half the battle right there. Which is why I believe your generous offer will never happen and the DB will never be consciously given away, its just too valuable.... So, that's my several cents worth. Take it with as many grains of salt as necessary. Quote
+exConn Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:I bet I could get something decent running pretty quickly. Julie, Jeremy could hand the db over to countless tech savvy people on this board and we all could put up a site. My point is the value of it. It was stated that "$30 is a *lot* to pay for just a database and forum." That is totally preposterous. Work and effort is totally discounted with that statement (not to mention hardware, bandwidth costs, etc.)... -exConn What is Project Virginia? Quote
+worldtraveler Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: ...Now, having a virtual cache be MO??...This is proof that eventually newcomers to the sport are only going to get Geo-trash... Okay, it's obvious you don't like the concept of MO caches, but please don't let that bias cloud your logic. A few people posting virtual MO caches does not in any way "prove" what will be available in the future. Try to think on the bright side: Unlike a physical MO cache, a virtual MO cache doesn't "deprive" non-subscribers of any trinkets they may feel they have an equal right to. Worldtraveler Quote
+worldtraveler Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: ...Now, having a virtual cache be MO??...This is proof that eventually newcomers to the sport are only going to get Geo-trash... Okay, it's obvious you don't like the concept of MO caches, but please don't let that bias cloud your logic. A few people posting virtual MO caches does not in any way "prove" what will be available in the future. Try to think on the bright side: Unlike a physical MO cache, a virtual MO cache doesn't "deprive" non-subscribers of any trinkets they may feel they have an equal right to. Worldtraveler Quote
Jeremy Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Julie:Go ahead. Give me the whole DB (plus updates), I'll even get my own forum software and I'll run a mirror site. Now I'm not promising that it will be instantly as good as, because there's been at least a year's worth of work on it, but with the help of a couple of friends, I bet I could get something decent running pretty quickly. Ouch. Man this is like a huge bash fest. I take offense at your claim. There's a whole lot of other things beside the scenes than just flat out server development. Lots of hard decisions went into designing the site to make it easy to use and understand. Lots of features that you take for granted adds to the experience of the geocaching sport. And lots of personal contact has happened over the last 1 1/2 years between geocachers and nongeocachers to set the mood and keep the site running smooth. I suppose you could copy the design elements and implementation of UI that I worked really hard to get right (and some are). I can trace a drawing someone else drew, but that doesn't make me an artist. And no, I'm not claiming to be an artist so don't throw that in my face either. It reminds me in the "old days" at GE when every tech person thought they could run a marketing program or design an ad piece. There is a big difference between saying and doing. And there were some pretty lousy ads as a result. I'm not saying I'm the best person for the job. However, I have spent almost two years with no expectations that the site would grow to the point where it is. And it is to the point where the site needs more money to be strong and self sufficient. Dismissing the work I put into this site as easy seems pretty petty to me, so don't throw your flippant remarks in my face. So Julie, and anyone else that would like to make a committment to a community site and "show me how its done," feel free. There are about 10 ideas that I could be working on that I believe would be equally popular. Instead of copying the site try and innovate and create a better idea. As history has shown, there are new and better ideas every day. You got a web site out there to share? I'd love to see it. Jeremy Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 I thought I would not reply to another one of these sort of posts. Well, swollen jaws and no sleep do weird things ..... Here is the big question, at least in my mind, that I wonder ... If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... lets just say that they don't even exist ... would there still be a friggin problem? As lizard say: What the heck is this? This frigging post I just did? That's just my two cents! Godzirra (roar) Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 I thought I would not reply to another one of these sort of posts. Well, swollen jaws and no sleep do weird things ..... Here is the big question, at least in my mind, that I wonder ... If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... lets just say that they don't even exist ... would there still be a friggin problem? As lizard say: What the heck is this? This frigging post I just did? That's just my two cents! Godzirra (roar) Quote
+Web-ling Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by harrkev: Originally posted by VentureForth: I've seen about a 1/2 dozen virtuals in Oregon, none in Washington, a couple virtuals in California, and a multi-micro in New Jersey. One of the reasons that people use when defending MOcaches is to avoid plundering. Now, having a virtual cache be MO???? Are they worried that somebody might plunder the view?? This is proof that eventually newcomers to the sport are only going to get Geo-trash. People are already posting MOcaches for no other reason that "for the heck of it." You're correct, a few people are posting MO Caches "for the heck of it." And when the novelty wears off, and they haven't had anybody visit their caches in a while, they'll turn it off. Doesn't prove a thing. How do you know the MO Caches aren't "geo-trash?" Wouldn't you expect that someone who makes a cache "Members Only" just for kicks would also likely be the same type of person who would stick a cache out there just for kicks? Only time will tell what happens with Member Only caches. There may or may not be a bunch of them at first, but I suspect that in the long haul, there will be very few. What would be the point? If you don't like virtuals, don't hunt them. If you don't like "park-and-grabs," don't hunt them. If you don't like MO caches, don't hunt them. If you can't or don't wish to send $30 to support the site, then don't. Hunt the other 95% of the caches out there. Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:Ouch. Man this is like a huge bash fest. I take offense at your claim. There's a whole lot of other things beside the scenes than just flat out server development. Lots of hard decisions went into designing the site to make it easy to use and understand. Lots of features that you take for granted adds to the experience of the geocaching sport. And lots of personal contact has happened over the last 1 1/2 years between geocachers and nongeocachers to set the mood and keep the site running smooth. I suppose you _could_ copy the design elements and implementation of UI that I worked really hard to get right (and some are). I can trace a drawing someone else drew, but that doesn't make me an artist. And no, I'm not claiming to be an artist so don't throw that in my face either. It reminds me in the "old days" at GE when every tech person thought they could run a marketing program or design an ad piece. There is a big difference between saying and doing. And there were some pretty lousy ads as a result. I'm not saying I'm the best person for the job. However, I have spent almost two years with no expectations that the site would grow to the point where it is. And it is to the point where the site needs more money to be strong and self sufficient. Dismissing the work I put into this site as easy seems pretty petty to me, so don't throw your flippant remarks in my face. So Julie, and anyone else that would like to make a committment to a community site and "show me how its done," feel free. There are about 10 ideas that I could be working on that I believe would be equally popular. Instead of copying the site try and innovate and create a better idea. As history has shown, there are new and better ideas every day. You got a web site out there to share? I'd love to see it. Jeremy If lizards could clap their hands, I'd give you a standing ovation. Instead, I'll just munch some cars. Lizard say: (Note: I thought better of the haiku I placed at the end of this message - I removed it because it wasn't exactly tasteful ... GZ) Godzirra (roar!) [This message was edited by Godzirra on March 11, 2002 at 10:42 PM.] Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:Ouch. Man this is like a huge bash fest. I take offense at your claim. There's a whole lot of other things beside the scenes than just flat out server development. Lots of hard decisions went into designing the site to make it easy to use and understand. Lots of features that you take for granted adds to the experience of the geocaching sport. And lots of personal contact has happened over the last 1 1/2 years between geocachers and nongeocachers to set the mood and keep the site running smooth. I suppose you _could_ copy the design elements and implementation of UI that I worked really hard to get right (and some are). I can trace a drawing someone else drew, but that doesn't make me an artist. And no, I'm not claiming to be an artist so don't throw that in my face either. It reminds me in the "old days" at GE when every tech person thought they could run a marketing program or design an ad piece. There is a big difference between saying and doing. And there were some pretty lousy ads as a result. I'm not saying I'm the best person for the job. However, I have spent almost two years with no expectations that the site would grow to the point where it is. And it is to the point where the site needs more money to be strong and self sufficient. Dismissing the work I put into this site as easy seems pretty petty to me, so don't throw your flippant remarks in my face. So Julie, and anyone else that would like to make a committment to a community site and "show me how its done," feel free. There are about 10 ideas that I could be working on that I believe would be equally popular. Instead of copying the site try and innovate and create a better idea. As history has shown, there are new and better ideas every day. You got a web site out there to share? I'd love to see it. Jeremy If lizards could clap their hands, I'd give you a standing ovation. Instead, I'll just munch some cars. Lizard say: (Note: I thought better of the haiku I placed at the end of this message - I removed it because it wasn't exactly tasteful ... GZ) Godzirra (roar!) [This message was edited by Godzirra on March 11, 2002 at 10:42 PM.] Quote
+Opus P Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Godzirra: If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... $30 a MONTH Don't let that rumor get flying around. It's $3.00 a month (the poor penguin plan) or $30.00 a year. Same benes either way. =-=-=-=-=-= Opus P Crathvaf Ehyr Visit my Buddhist Reading Room. Quote
+Opus P Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Godzirra: If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... $30 a MONTH Don't let that rumor get flying around. It's $3.00 a month (the poor penguin plan) or $30.00 a year. Same benes either way. =-=-=-=-=-= Opus P Crathvaf Ehyr Visit my Buddhist Reading Room. Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Opus P: quote:Originally posted by Godzirra: If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... $30 a MONTH Don't let that rumor get flying around. It's $3.00 a month (the poor penguin plan) or $30.00 a year. Same benes either way. =-=-=-=-=-= Opus P Crathvaf Ehyr Visit my DOH!!!!!!!!! As I said, Swollen Jaw + Lack of Sleep = Dumb mistakes. Godzirra (roar) Quote
Godzirra Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Opus P: quote:Originally posted by Godzirra: If Members-only caches were not part of the 30 a month deal ... $30 a MONTH Don't let that rumor get flying around. It's $3.00 a month (the poor penguin plan) or $30.00 a year. Same benes either way. =-=-=-=-=-= Opus P Crathvaf Ehyr Visit my DOH!!!!!!!!! As I said, Swollen Jaw + Lack of Sleep = Dumb mistakes. Godzirra (roar) Quote
BassoonPilot Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by macro: I like to think that I place high quality caches. You can ask BassoonPilot to confirm as he has found a few og them. Happy to confirm that . . . high quality, meaning great locations and fun finds. You do a terrific job, and I always look forward to your next effort! In reference to other parts of your post I didn't quote . . . I've learned a few tricks from your caches I'm going to spring on you with my next one . . . Quote
+Julie Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Julie:Go ahead. Give me the whole DB (plus updates), I'll even get my own forum software and I'll run a mirror site. Now I'm not promising that it will be instantly as good as, because there's been at least a year's worth of work on it, but with the help of a couple of friends, I bet I could get something decent running pretty quickly. quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:Ouch. Man this is like a huge bash fest. I take offense at your claim. I suppose you _could_ copy the design elements and implementation of UI that I worked really hard to get right (and some are). I can trace a drawing someone else drew, but that doesn't make me an artist. And no, I'm not claiming to be an artist so don't throw that in my face either. Jeremy, did you even read my whole post? It was only a little bash not a fest. Really, I never said that I wanted to copy your UI or anything like that. I did give you credit for all your work and said you deserved the recognition (and I have paid my subscription!). My point, which I guess I didn't make very well, is that the content in your site is valuable as well and you don't have a history of sharing it. Having someone challenging others to do something with the same data... Well I just couldn't resist. Quote
+Julie Posted March 11, 2002 Posted March 11, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Julie:Go ahead. Give me the whole DB (plus updates), I'll even get my own forum software and I'll run a mirror site. Now I'm not promising that it will be instantly as good as, because there's been at least a year's worth of work on it, but with the help of a couple of friends, I bet I could get something decent running pretty quickly. quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:Ouch. Man this is like a huge bash fest. I take offense at your claim. I suppose you _could_ copy the design elements and implementation of UI that I worked really hard to get right (and some are). I can trace a drawing someone else drew, but that doesn't make me an artist. And no, I'm not claiming to be an artist so don't throw that in my face either. Jeremy, did you even read my whole post? It was only a little bash not a fest. Really, I never said that I wanted to copy your UI or anything like that. I did give you credit for all your work and said you deserved the recognition (and I have paid my subscription!). My point, which I guess I didn't make very well, is that the content in your site is valuable as well and you don't have a history of sharing it. Having someone challenging others to do something with the same data... Well I just couldn't resist. Quote
+PocketPCGuy Posted March 12, 2002 Posted March 12, 2002 This whole debate is just ridiculous. The additional costs of running this site include the purchase (or rental) of 4 servers so far (Thousands of dollars), the maintenance of the site itself (Lots of manhours-or woman hours), never mind the bandwidth, which I will venture a guess is more than the other costs combined. Then there are licensing fees, legal fees, advertising costs, need and expense for travel and promotion (How did you hear about precisely? It wasn't by accident.) Jeremy has been instrumental in creating and promoting a pasttime we all enjoy. He has the right to do whatever he wishes to do with this site. I believe he is being incredibly unselfish in this rollover to "paysite" status. The fact that the players do data entry is a part of the game they choose to do. He is not charging for any of that. People don't even have to post their finds here. But they do. Wanna know why? Because this is the best geocaching site on the internet. People want to be associated with the best, and have access to the info this site contains. We have the option to voluntarily help defray the costs. A worse option might be that Jeremy can't continue this site and closes it down as it is too expensive and time consuming. That'd help the sport a lot, wouldn't it? I've heard many people getting their shorts in a knot about the MOCaches. That's one of the benefits of membership. I, personally like it. I am planning on placing some MOC's soon. I like the concept of keeping the foot traffic to my caches down for an undetermined amount of time (or for good). With some of the caches I've been to recently, there are actual paths that have been created in the brush leading right to the cache by the cachers. That hurts the long term difficulty of a cache. MOC is a way to at least forestall that problem, which makes MOC the environmentally friendly thing to do! The other reason I will plant some of these type caches is simply that I will be able to. It's kind of neat to be part of a smaller subgroup of this big community I belong to. I don't know if the MOCaches I'll get to hunt will be better than non-MOCaches. I don't care actually. They will be different, and I will have access to them. That makes it cool and fun. Jeremy: Do whatever you want with this site. If you someday choose to have a "Gold" membership with even more priviledges and a jacket, or whatever; I'm in. Wherever you take this site, some of us will be with you. Later all, B. Quote
+jeremyp Posted March 12, 2002 Posted March 12, 2002 Speaking as somebody who has a lot of contact with the ISP industry in a business sense, I love these pay/no pay arguments. The sides seem to divide into those people who have done this before and understand what goes into a web site of this quality and people who think that because everything on the Internet has been historically free you can therefore do something like this with a commodity PC running Linux and a DSL line. One of the UK members recently ran some statistics on the cache logs for all the UK caches. They can be viewed here: (oops the forum has munged the URL by putting an underscore in front of "cookie". You'll have to cut and paste the URL into the address line f your browser.) You will notice that the number of caches found is rising exponentially. This is probably the best indicator in these stats of activity on the UK section of the web site. Simplistically, if we take the stats at face value and the trend continues and is reflected on all sections of the site and the four servers in use now are running at capacity, Jeremy will be needing 80 servers this time next year to keep performance constant or maybe fewer much larger servers. They will need floor space - it's quite a number of 19 inch racks, power, sys admin time, backups, network switches, lots of bandwidth, development staff, firewalls and so on. So many Internet enterprises go down the tubes because they underestimate the cost of their infrastructure and forget to build a revenue stream into their business model, I'm relieved that Jeremy has grasped the nettle of finance now before the site gets swamped by its own success. To keep this post on topic, I am uncomfortable with the idea of MOCs, but it won't stop me from finding them. I am about to hide my first four caches and they wil be free ones because the important bit is other people *finding* them - the more the merrier. ------- jeremyp We're going to need a bigger boat! Quote
+Mopar Posted March 12, 2002 Posted March 12, 2002 Just wondering.... How much bandwidth DOES and associated sites consume in a month? Illegitimus non carborundum! Quote
+geospotter Posted March 12, 2002 Posted March 12, 2002 quote:Originally posted by jeremyp: The sides seem to divide into those people who have done this before and understand what goes into a web site of this quality and people who think that because everything on the Internet has been historically free you can therefore do something like this with a commodity PC running Linux and a DSL line. I've been wanting to say that since this whole discussion began! quote:So many Internet enterprises go down the tubes because they underestimate the cost of their infrastructure and forget to build a revenue stream into their business model, I'm relieved that Jeremy has grasped the nettle of finance now before the site gets swamped by its own success. Been there, done that! Quote
+jeremyp Posted March 12, 2002 Posted March 12, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Mopar: Just wondering.... How much bandwidth DOES and associated sites consume in a month? Jeremy Irish probably has stats on bandwidth, pages served, disk space used etc etc. It might be interesting for him to publish a page with that info on it. I might put the request in on the forum. In my previous post, I said nothing about the creative effort that goes into a site like this except obliquely with the one word "developers". I don't want people to think I am belittling it or anything it's just that I think Jeremy himself covered the subject most eloquently in a previous reply. ------- jeremyp We're going to need a bigger boat! Quote
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