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The REAL Leaderboard

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I was wondering how different the Leaderboard would look if hides and locationless caches were removed from the totals. Here's what I found: BruceS has left the CCCooperAgency in the dust.




BruceS / 1416

CCCooperAgency / 1403

jogps / 1159

stayfloopy / 1092

Southpaw / 937

DLiming / 787

ShowMeTheCache / 758

BassoonPilot / 726

Team "Wyle E" / 693

geo13 / 693

FerosFamily / 681

Moun10Bike / 668

Team Sand Dollar / 653

wolfmann / 631

explosis / 596

ladybuggers / 572

oregone / 570

robertlipe / 569

The Lil Otter / 568

roadrunners / 552

Hazard / 546

georgeandmary / 537

RonStreeter / 532

Kevin & Susan / 515

barondriver / 480


CCCooperAgency does lead in the Locationless category, having claimed 180 Locationless finds.


The Top 25 names on the Leaderboard average almost 50 locationless finds each.


4 of the Top 25 have claimed more than 100 Locationless finds.


8 have claimed 10 or fewer Locationless finds, including 3 (geo13, The Lil Otter, and wolfmann) who have claimed 0 locationless finds.




Originally posted by GeoPrincess:

I was wondering how different the Leaderboard would look if...

stat less, cache more icon_biggrin.gif



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


I think hides are legitimately included in the leader stats. Heck, if it weren't for those who like to hide caches, there wouldn't be any for us to find.


It also takes more effort. You go out, find a cache, log it and you're done. When you hide a cache, you have to maintain it. I know a lot of days when I could be looking for caches, I'm out tending my own. If I didn't have my caches to look after, I'd probably have an additional 50 finds by now.


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs, but by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" -Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

I think hides are legitimately included in the leader stats. Heck, if it weren't for those who like to hide caches, there wouldn't be any for us to find.


It also takes more effort.

I totally agree with you here. Look at any well thought out multi-cache or puzzle cache. That one cache is probably worth 20 or 30 finds if you were to compare the time and effort. There is one multi that I'm planning on placing that I've put a couple of weeks effort into already.



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


Did you do the count for Florida in the elections? I found several CCCooper caches and they where excellent! I think they put more thought into them then a lot of others have. Why bite a hand that feeds? To me a person that hides many is more of an asset than someone who just seeks. Kudos to all on the big hitters list. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by BrianSnat:

I think hides are legitimately included in the leader stats. Heck, if it weren't for those who like to hide caches, there wouldn't be any for us to find.


That's so true. I think the Leaderboard should have a separate section devoted to Hides, so that the leading hiders could receive the recognition they are due.


Originally posted by georgeandmary:

Who is geoprincess? No hides or finds since June?


My partner and I log our finds under our joint caching name. We hope to qualify for the Top 25 list one day in the future, but that's a long way off. icon_smile.gif


Oops. Never mind. Your list does have my "Real Count" correct. I freely admit that I sinned and found 4 Locationless Caches ... 3 of them before there was (officially) such a thing. icon_eek.gif


I'm not proud that I did "Radio Chaos" and "Yellow Jeep Fever," but I did. What is my penance? icon_wink.gif


[This message was edited by BassoonPilot on December 05, 2002 at 06:34 AM.]


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

I'm not proud that I did "Radio Chaos" and "Yellow Jeep Fever," but I did. What is my penance? icon_wink.gif

You will be tar and feathered, and then paraded down mainstreet in the back of a yellow jeep. Oh wait, I did "Yellow Jeep Fever" too. Never mind...



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

Originally posted by BassoonPilot:


I'm not proud that I did "Radio Chaos" and "Yellow Jeep Fever," but I did. What is my penance? icon_wink.gif


Say three hail Jeremy's and renew your subscription. icon_biggrin.gif


"When you find it, its always in the last place you look."


In defense of an admittedly questionable hybrid, the locationless cache, I have done several and agree that many are useless and lame. But, I have also done several “real” caches and find that many of them are also useless and lame. In fact, that seems to be the growing trend for newer caches in some areas.


Not everyone lives in an area with an abundance of good caches from which to choose, real or imaginary. While driving long distances on caching trips, I enjoy having a little list of trivial things to watch for along secondary roads. It eats up the miles between other caches. Due to family health issues, there was a period in which I could not leave on extended geocaching trips. There again, locationless caches found locally helped me to partially avoid the withdrawal symptoms I was experiencing. I still do them.


Anyone can juggle statistics and use different criteria and arrive at different outcomes. You can even write a list that puts you at the top if that is where you want to be. Go for it.


While you are busy classifying, how would you classify the concept of combining cache finds with a partner under one name to reach the expressed goal of reaching the Top 25?


Some day I will have to figure out which 15-20 finds of mine are missing from Dan's leaderboard as my find count on geocaching.com is 1436 and Dan has me at 1418. (oh well someday...) . Yes I admit I have 2 or 3 locationless finds before they were known as that (Radio KAOS and Benchmarks if my memory is correct). They are just not my thing but if others like them that is fine.


Originally posted by GeoPrincess:

BruceS has left the CCCooperAgency in the dust.


BruceS / 1416

CCCooperAgency / 1403

jogps / 1159


I wouldn't say that 13 caches difference in over 1400 is leaving someone 'in the dust'...

Obviously BruceS and CCCooperAgency are well ahead of 3rd place, but they are running neck and neck against each other.


Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:


I wouldn't say that 13 caches difference in over 1400 is leaving someone 'in the dust'...


Did you miss the drama? It was like the CCCooperAgency was standing still. BruceS was hundreds of finds behind and caught up and passed the CCCA team in a blur. It was amazing to watch.


Originally posted by Show Me the Cache:


While you are busy classifying, how would you classify the concept of combining cache finds with a partner under one name to reach the expressed goal of reaching the Top 25?


To whom were you referring? It couldn't be us; we cache together and log together.


Quote RATED: Dirty smelly wet socks with holes in them.


I deleted all of my locationless finds (2) that were outside the state of Michigan quite awhile ago. That only leaves 1 of them in my count. My goal is to do every Michigan cache. It'll never happen but I like goals.


Hides are important but I like seeing stats on both. Not all hides require much thought, we've done plenty of virtual and regular caches that were more after thought than fore thought.





Friends don't let friends cache locationless!


Rusty & Libby's Geocache Page

Michigan Geocaching Organization


Those high numbers are impressive to say the least.


But what about the precentage of caches in a 100 mile radius? Huh?


I've found 93 of 201 the caches in 100 mile radius--that makes about 46.26%.






Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:

Those high numbers are impressive to say the least.


But what about the _precentage_ of caches in a 100 mile radius? Huh?



I have cached outside of the 100 mile radius so it'd be harder to figure that, but assuming all my non-locationless finds (going by Geoprincess's numbers) count in the ratio:


1092/1271 = 85.9%


When GeoPrincess wrote...

"My partner and I log our finds under our joint caching name. We hope to qualify for the Top 25"...


...it prompted me to ask...

"how would you classify the concept of combining cache finds with a partner under one name to reach the expressed goal of reaching the Top 25?"


I thought it was a fair question, but apparently not.


My point is that considering any approved caches as anything less than "real" is like considering geocachers that do not participate individually as less than "real". Neither is a good idea. Peace.


congrats to the leaders. you know, it's all about time. take for instance geo13, they are a husband and wife team of retirees who love to travel in their fifth-wheel motorhome. their children gave them a gpsr last christmas and to show them how to use it i (son-in-law) took them to find a geocache. wellll, they loved it and on their most recent trip they left n.c. in january and cached their way through the south, midwest, and mid-atlantic states until october! such a great sport/game for all. i think the most important aspect of the sport though is not to become caught up in the numbers and try to enjoy the moment. see you guys out there.




Originally posted by philip36:

I don't log my caches finds. I am just here for the hunt!!! icon_biggrin.gif


That's cool. However, it would be nice if you have a DNF, to log it and then delete it, or at least email the cache owner that you couldn't find it. It helps the cache owners to keep track of which caches might need maintainence.



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


I have a question for GeoPrincess why would you want to ask all of these questions under a different log in name? Geocaching and the Leaderboard count them the same way . What is your motive other than to try mess with every body heads that has worked very hard to get where they are at. Are you someone that plays other sports and you don’t like the way the score is kept so you want to change the rules to make it easier for you. I for one and I sure the other top 25 have worked very hard to have the numbers that they have and there is always someone wanting to bring them , and you down, is this why you are using a fake login name. I just came back from a long weekend ( four days) in Kansas City, St Louis, and back home again , and I had no less than three people email me that there was no way I could find eighty in four days and drive 10 hours one way. You can if you plan ahead. I been working with Bruce S the last few days on a place for him to stay in Jan when he comes to Nashville again for a little caching.If you don’t like the way this game is played and the score is kept take your marbles and go play somewhere else, but I sure you will think of a way to change the rules to suit you better in another game to. And as Forest Gump said and that’s enough on that subject ……………….JOE


Originally posted by jogps:

I have a question for GeoPrincess why would you want to ask all of these questions under a different log in name? Geocaching and the Leaderboard count them the same way .


What questions? I reorganized the Top 25 Leaderboard to reflect finds of actual caches. I didn't change any numbers. All I did was subtract the number of hides and locationless caches from the total. This name represents me. I made the list. My partner did not. The name we cache under represents both of us. Clear?



What is your motive other than to try mess with every body heads that has worked very hard to get where they are at.


What's your problem? I wanted to see what the leaderboard would look like without hides or locationless caches included. That's all. I thought it might interest others. I see that your position on my list is the same as on the regular leaderboard even without your 108 locationless finds.


Originally posted by GeoPrincess:

What's your problem?


I think people are just a little uncomfortable dealing with an anonymous 0 find/0 hide account. If your personal account was linked to your team account(i.e. 1/2 of 'Team GeoRoyalty'), people might understand where you are coming from, since they would have a better idea of your involvement in the sport.



"Everyone spends time in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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