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Seems like every day there is a new place that will not allow something to take place! Such as: No Caching here, No mushroom hunting here, no ATVing here, no fishing here, no hunting here, no parking there! And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things. Sooner or later all the good places will be off limits, and all the good people will just have to stand off at a distance and wish they could go there!! What a great thing!! Seeker BP icon_mad.gif


"And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things."


Good of you to point out the real problem. You are obviously referring to the wackos who put up all the "no" signs. icon_biggrin.gif




Originally posted by Deezul:

"And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things."


Good of you to point out the real problem. You are obviously referring to the wackos who put up all the "no" signs. icon_biggrin.gif




Actually, I think E-Trex is referring to the bottom 10% of people in any group who tend to mess things up for the rest.


The lowest group of geocachers who hide caches in place they shouldn't be...


The lowest group of hunters who shoot at things they shouldn't...


The lowest group of jet-skiers who make a nuisance of themselves...


The lowest group of drivers who just hav eto push through that light that is "barely red"...


Pick a group, there are always the bottom 10%. They are the ones who drive the regulations for all of us.


The thing for geocachers to remember is to try to keep the public conduct of people hiding and seeking geocaches responsible and positive.




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


Originally posted by Seeker BP Team E-Trex:

Seems like every day there is a new place that will not allow something to take place! Such as: No Caching here, No mushroom hunting here, no ATVing here, no fishing here, no hunting here, no parking there! And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things. Sooner or later all the good places will be off limits, and all the good people will just have to stand off at a distance and wish they could go there!! What a great thing!! Seeker BP icon_mad.gif


Well, if you ever visit california you will know what to expect,, In Ca. when they make an area open space it becomes closed space. Ca. is the number one "You can not do that state"

It is also the number one "Gladys Cravits"

You know the lady from bewitched who was alway watching Samantha,, I Ca. every one to get involved in every elses bussiness.


Why do I know this,, because I have lived here for over 50 years. icon_redface.gif


Originally posted by Dave_W6DPS:

Originally posted by Deezul:

"And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things."


Good of you to point out the real problem. You are obviously referring to the wackos who put up all the "no" signs. icon_biggrin.gif




Actually, I think E-Trex is referring to the bottom 10% of people in any group who tend to mess things up for the rest.


The lowest group of geocachers who hide caches in place they shouldn't be...


The lowest group of hunters who shoot at things they shouldn't...


The lowest group of jet-skiers who make a nuisance of themselves...


The lowest group of drivers who just hav eto push through that light that is "barely red"...


Pick a group, there are always the bottom 10%. They are the ones who drive the regulations for all of us.


The thing for geocachers to remember is to try to keep the public conduct of people hiding and seeking geocaches responsible and positive.




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


The lowest group of people with computers post comments on the internet....


Oh, wait a minute. I posted this and...


Never mind!



"The time has come" the Walrus said "to speak of many things; of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and Kings".


Reminds me of gun control. If you outlaw all of the guns, only the outlaws will have the guns.


If you outlaw geocaching, only outlaws will geocache. icon_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


There is a group I just learned about here called S.T.O.P. they are one of those groups that are focused "Against".


I'm going to the meeting, probably just to get better information on how to be Against STOP.


Turns out that I got one heck of an opportinity to get other local agiences involved in supporting geocaching in the process. Now I have to ponder how to get involved in the other group (it's not STOP).


Ayway, fight for your rights or lose them. There sure as hell are enough people fighting against my rights.



Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

fight for your rights or lose them. There sure as hell are enough people fighting against my rights.


Right'O to that. So true and so sad at the same time.




Caching without a clue....


I consider "No" signs to be strong suggestions not direct orders. Rank me with the 10% that just trys to have fun. More caching, less whinning.


I have my own little world. But it's OK...they know me here.


Originally posted by Seeker BP Team E-Trex:


Seems like every day there is a new place that will not allow something to take place! Such as: No Caching here, No mushroom hunting here, no ATVing here, no fishing here, no hunting here, no parking there!


Have you forgotten ...


No means maybe

Maybe means yes

Yes means take me now.


"heck, that scares me and I'm fearless"


Remember this song?

"Signs,Signs, everywhere a Sign.

Blockin' out the scenery

Breakin my mind!

Do this. Don't do that,

Can't you read the Sign"




"Actually, I think E-Trex is referring to the bottom 10% of people in any group who tend to mess things up for the rest."


Dave, I guess you missed my feeble attempt at sarcasm/humor. No doubt about the existence of this 10% group, they ruin it for alot of good people in many things. While I am still a noobie to this wonderful sport, I have been involved in many outdoor activities all my life. I am very familiar with the land closure wackos and what they have been able to accomplish. The 10% group just make it easier for the wackos to get what they want, the closure of as much of the outdoors as possible.


If this 10% group of abusers were to disappear from the earth tomorrow, do you think the wackos would back off of their close the lands agenda? I don't. The geocachers are just the newest group to come along and want to use "their" land. The wackos have done it to the ranchers, miners, off roaders and other groups. I hope the geocachers aren't next.




I forgot to mention, in the San Francisco bay area we have the

Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

In this RECREATION AREA, the only recreation in to walk and look at it. I guess for city folks that is all that recreation means.


Originally posted by Deezul:

Dave, I guess you missed my feeble attempt at sarcasm/humor.






I got it, I just co-opted it to grind my own ax. I'm a stinker that way....




My two cents worth, refunds available on request. (US funds only)


Originally posted by Seeker BP Team E-Trex:

Seems like every day there is a new place that will not allow something to take place! Such as: No Caching here, No mushroom hunting here, no ATVing here, no fishing here, no hunting here, no parking there! And all of these have been because of irresponsable people doing stupid things. Sooner or later all the good places will be off limits, and all the good people will just have to stand off at a distance and wish they could go there!! What a great thing!!


Secondary effect of the compulsive use of faulty legal paradigms and the lack of the requisite cajones to enforce correct ones. We are afraid to bust the jetskier who nearly decapitated me because we didn't have six witnesses, video tape from 12 angles, and are afraid of offending Coloradoans and affecting tourism. The upshot, we set up silly laws banning or severely regulating jetskiing instead of hauling the drunk chick to jail for nearly killing me.


Time to be a little more offensive sometimes and go haul people to jail for driving over that indian burial ground on their ATV.


Also time to start making people pay the TRUE cost of their sport. Lets face it. Driving ATV's in the Cali desert has obvious and repeatedly demonstrated ecologic damage of a severe nature. Want to have more ATV access? Lets set up an ATV range and then charge users what it costs to run the place. If every ATV costs an extra grand, so be it. Bust the crap out of people who drive their ATVs off the range.


Sports like Geocaching suddenly become a lot more attractive as the cost to society is low.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.


Yikes !! Don"t let the ATV riders see that one. Round here, they like to trash fields, crops, yards, trails, etc. when someone mentions "reigning them in." Of course, I'm sure its only 10% of them icon_rolleyes.gif Thank goodness they required them to be registered. That took away enough of the idiot ones gas money, I don't have to swerve to miss as many of them on the road anymore. Do you have any idea how hard it is to remember the courts don't support "it was just Darwins survival of the fittest at work ?"I only got one of them, the strongest, healthiest ones have survived to improve the herd.

I just know this ones gonna cause a riot icon_redface.gif


Two roads diverged in the woods and I,

I took the one less traveled,

and that is how I found the cache.



Renegade Knight wrote:

There is a group I just learned about here called S.T.O.P. they are one of those groups that are focused "Against".


We should start a group called G.O. It would stand for "Get Out!"


Further along this thread. If only the gene pool was of equal depth. But then the world would be a pretty boring place.



Dorothy: "How can you talk if haven't got a brain?" Scarecrow: "I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?"


Originally posted by joesbar:


Renegade Knight wrote:

There is a group I just learned about here called S.T.O.P. they are one of those groups that are focused "Against".


We should start a group called G.O. It would stand for "Get Out!"


Further along this thread. If only the gene pool was of equal depth. But then the world would be a pretty boring place.



Dorothy: "How can you talk if haven't got a brain?" Scarecrow: "I don't know. But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking, don't they?"


Check out Colorado on the Move. (coloradoonthemove.com ?)This is pretty much your G.O. concept. This is being introducued into seveal states now.



Wherever you go there you are.


Originally posted by umc:

Reminds me of gun control. If you outlaw all of the guns, only the outlaws will have the guns.


If you outlaw geocaching, only outlaws will geocache. icon_smile.gif




Caching without a clue....


UMC, after the removal and archieveing of all the caches in Michigan lately (you know what I am talking about), I AM ready to be an outlaw cacher.


Make a sanity check.migo_sig_logo.jpg


Originally posted by TMAN264:

UMC, after the removal and archieveing of all the caches in Michigan lately (you know what I am talking about), I AM ready to be an outlaw cacher.


Make a sanity check.http://www.mi-geocaching.org/


I have been pondering a few things about the future of geocaching. First, in one form or another it's here to stay. Even if it's posting coordinats of "Sensitive spots" so we can go check them out.


But more than that I've been thinking about the possibility of a Gnutilla type geocaching network. Something not really controlled by anyone, public domain, and perhaps most importantly not controled by the government either.


Geocaching.com may be here to stay but ultimatly agencies will want control and they will ponder making a public site to give them oversight.


"If you want to place a cache here, fill out this indeminification form & application, post it exclusivly on our geocache.gov website and we will consider your request."


I'm not a programmer so this won't come from me though.


Wherever you go there you are.


I hope we can always geocache on public lands and in parks.


But I can see a private geocaching park working, too. Pick up your list of geocaches at the gate and pay your fee for the day/weekend. Picnic areas, maybe even camping. All caches placed and maintained by the management with some simple finds and some sneaky evil stuff. All caches are themed and contain cool stuff you might really want, along with signature items left by others. Being private land, they could do things regular geocaches generally cannot (the YoHoHo cache could be actually buried on an island in the river that runs through this great geopark). Log on the internet at the clubhouse to claim your find. Maybe I could finally find my Inspector Gadget cache there.


And then I woke up.


Anybody got a few hundred acres for Six Flags over the Ammo Box?




It would never work. If there ever was a geocaching park, you would get close to the coords and inevitably there would be another cacher already there looking through the cache. What an exciting find that would make.


As far as Renegade Knights vision of government-controlled Geocaching, I could see that happening, and possibly forcing part of this sport underground. There will be regular cachers, who sheepishly go along with the government-listed and approved sites, and the break-off group of "extrememe cachers", those thrill-seeking freedom lovers who will secretly share coords for Native American ruins, government installations, and wilderness "safe houses" for meetings or cache drop-off points.

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