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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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Yes, I already have a 3 ring binder and have a 3 hole punch at home. I have to delete my track log every Saturday and Sunday so I can make sense of the screen. I delete waypoints as I go cause it's too dadgum full. I saw a new cache listed within 30 minutes of my home last night so, since I work a second shift, I woke up early today to go and find it before work. I had the 1st log for it. I guess if I can't get cache breaks at work, I'll just have to suffer from sleep deprivation too. So now I'm mad about that too.!!!! icon_biggrin.gif


I can't stand when threads go to seven pages and they are not directly linked to the main forum page next to the thread title. It does take an extra step you know. icon_wink.gif



Bitter New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


ow my poor little index finger had to press down for a second on the mouse button. Wanna band aid, perhaps some tea?

Really just kidding! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_cool.gif


Did you know that 23.34% of the people have spent time complaining here while only 23.00% have spent their time working on a new logo?


Cache you later,



[This message was edited by Planet on October 08, 2002 at 04:49 PM.]


I did something unusual today - I actually planned an afternoon of cache hunting. I found four of them without much problem... but several I was unable to log because of their location.


I know, people can hide caches where they want... but today I came across caches that were hidden on the doorstep of an elementary school, in a town square near the steps of a big town hall building, and in some ghetto vandalized skate park where punks hang out and people sit around in their low rider ford escorts.


The town hall one I tried to get, even while people were looking... but I just skipped the other two due to the circumstances. icon_frown.gif


Luckily, there were 4 others that I found that were in what I consider to be "good" hiding spots. Not in the middle of everything, with who knows how many people watching and wondering.


And how are those caches not getting stolen? Cripes - I put mine 100 yards back into the woods of some remote park and someone takes it. This one sits in the front lawn of an elementary school and nobody bothers it. *smacks forehead* icon_rolleyes.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?

[EDIT] Double post so I will change it.


My clicking finger to too fast for my own good.

darn clicking fingers that are too fast for their owners own good.




Where have you been? I think I complained about that one a few pages back.




The new complaint would have to be that the 'A logo for the rest of us?' thread is going to beat this one out in posts and views soon. icon_smile.gificon_frown.gif



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I'd like to complain about people that complain that other people complain about something they have allready complained about. We all have the right to have similar complaints and just because you have a complaint about something does not mean another person does not have the right about to complain about it either. So stop your bitc.... I mean complaining!


I seriously question the sanity of somebody who uses multiple exclamation marks!!!!!


Maybe I mis read your post but I think you were complaining about people who complain about what other people complain about. If that is the complaint them maybe you need to reread instead of complaining because the complaint wasn't about the complaint or the complaining but the timing of the complaining in question. Besides I errr I mean I don't think the complaint that your complaining about was truely a complaint yet a question about a complaint. So if one were to told to stop complaining then another one should reread the thread title about complaint dept and thats where the complaining takes place so complain on and quit your complaining.



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by umc:


The new complaint would have to be that the 'A logo for the rest of us?' thread is going to beat this one out in posts and views soon. icon_smile.gificon_frown.gif


I wish to complain about certain posters who seem to suffer from "thread envy." Nyah, nyah... mine's longer than yours! And so's my thread.



What would life be like if there were no hypothetical questions?


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:


I wish to complain about certain posters who seem to suffer from "thread envy." Nyah, nyah... mine's longer than yours! And so's my thread.



What would life be like if there were no hypothetical questions?


ummmm this is not my thread. icon_razz.gif



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by umc:

ummmm this is not my thread. icon_razz.gif


You post here just a bit. Maybe you could e-mail to Jeremy and ask about adopting this thread?


Your response reminds me of my ex-wife. I would keep coming home from work and seeing the same strange guy sitting in my living room. "Nothing's going on here, honest" she would say.


Not that I would ever complain about my ex....



What would life be like if there were no hypothetical questions?


Originally posted by umc:


Where have you been? I think I complained about that one a few pages back.


My bad... I've been out hunting caches instead of reading posts for once in my life. icon_biggrin.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?

Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

My bad... I've been out hunting caches instead of reading posts for once in my life. icon_biggrin.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?


yeah, I read that, Glad to hear you got out there, and 4 to boot. I know it would have been more if it wasn't for the placements of the others. Makes me mad. Oh well I guess I could have turned around also but figured since I was there.



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by katmom:

It is a sticker, about 2" by 4", pink black and white with a clown face and says "Can't sleep...clowns will eat me".


So Rubbertoe, if it isn't too scary for you, email me and I'll 37cent stamp it and it will be winging its way to you in the morning. Otherwise it goes to little brother this weekend. I forgot he was coming to Seattle so I could take him sea creature caching!!


icon_eek.gif Thanks for the offer, but I'm guessing you probably already gave it to your little brother, since I was slow with the response here... I finally got around to reading through all the replies on this thread. icon_smile.gif


But actually - I don't want to taunt people. If I put a sticker like that on my car, I'm likely to come out from the mall some day and find that someone has put little clown dolls on my hood or something. I'd have nightmares for weeks. icon_wink.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?

Just another complaint in 'my' thread icon_razz.gif


I don't like when I need/want to talk to lep in IRC chat and he posts on here but doesn't show up there.


Waiting icon_rolleyes.gif



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Two issues...


1.) People who log a cache and complain about how a travel bug wasn't there, and how hard they worked and how far they traveled to get it...TOUGH LUCK!!! Waaa Waa Waaa, move quicker next time!!! And don't announce to the geocommunity that you're a sore loser!




2.) I placed my first cache roughly a month ago...a themed cache, I happen to love glass...and I put cool stuff in there because I can't stand the McCache junk that you find in the easier caches, and people have been doing good at sticking with the theme so far. The problem is...I think it's nice that people take their kids caching with them, that's great, I take my dog...but should an adult take a cache item and let the kids trade their stuff for it??? I put a handmade glass bracelet in the cache, and it was traded for a golf pencil and a plastic toy...I hate to be snotty, oh FOR SHAME on me for being snotty! But come on! It's more than a question of quantity vs. quality, or "it's the thought that counts"...but I started that cache with cool, interesting, nice stuff...and it's being taken and replaced with lesser things not related to the theme. And also some things were missing and not traded for OR logged at all! Like geostalkers just wait for you to list what's in your cache and they just go harvest what they want...no one will ever really know who did it...it's like stealing knowing you will NEVER be caught.




Anyway, I'm sure this is old news to a lot of you who have been caching longer...but it's just annoying...and this is the complaint department...


And BTW I gave up my $30 for geocaching today, I don't need a cookie or a pat on the head for it...(although, oatmeal raison is my favorite) it's just after visiting my cache today and how funky it made me feel...I realized how *serious* I am about geocaching and I decided it was time to pay my dues.


Ok, I'm done complaining...thank you. icon_razz.gif




Originally posted by Tellulah:


People who log a cache and complain about how a travel bug wasn't there, and how hard they worked and how far they traveled to get it...TOUGH LUCK!!! Waaa Waa Waaa, move quicker next time!!! And don't announce to the geocommunity that you're a sore loser!


On the other hand, I've seen travel bugs that have been noted by several cache finders to be missing from the cache...and neither the cache owner or the TB owner do anything about removing the false link from the cache. Yes, people could read the logs before going out to seek a cache (at the risk of reading spoilers, of course), and sometimes it's the breaks that a travel bug will be taken between the time you last viewed the page and the time you open the cache...but it's one of my pet peeves when cache/bug owners ignore the constructive feedback that people take the time to give.



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg




I agree with number 2 but from my experiences thats just the way it is and it sucks. For example I left a Brand New USB Network Adapter which would be about $40.00 in stores if you were to go and buy one. Thinking I'm doing my part in trading up. Well I wen't back to that cache since I was at one right next to it and read the log and someone took that USB NIC and left two mint candies. VERY WEAK if you ask me. First of all your not supposed to be putting candy in the caches and second what the heck were they thinking. Two Mints for a $40.00 Network card. I have learned my lesson.


I'm still bitter about that one.



Confused New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I just hate the fact that I have to be a normal member of society and get up and go to work! LOL I would rather be caching!!!!! LOLOL






Our feet go where the caches are! feet.gif


Yes, I would agree that this ship needs to be run by a tighter crew...Oh, well maybe that didn't come out the way I meant! icon_biggrin.gif I mean, we need to run a tighter ship, I suppose. The first cache I went after had a travel bug in it, it was gone when I got there, and has never been logged out or in of that cache...now the owner has been writing in for a local to go read the logs to see who took it in case he has to make it MIA. It's a matter of respect, dual respect.


The complainer I'm complaining about wrote a small novella log whining about how they didn't get the TB and how who ever has it should have been responsible and logged it, when she just missed it! The person who took it logged it 48 hrs later...and since there was such turmoil about it, the owner of the cache archived it. It was a wandering cache, like a travel bug, that you place in another cache...I got it and was so excited to move it and they archived it because of a whiner. So that's my real complaint, with details!






That's just plain rude. See that's what I'm talking about...people just take for themselves and don't think of the time/thought/cashola it took to get the item that they just STOLE in there! I didn't necessarily spend a lot of money, but I took days and days to make my first cache look cool, function cool...it has/had good thematic stuff in it...and I found the perfect, secluded spot, and it was so important to me...and then someone just skips down the trail and squeezes the juice out of the cache and leaves the rind!

(Here's some more complaining) The handmade bracelet I put in there was one of my own which I could have sold for about $30, and now in trade there's a golf pencil and a plastic alien?


What is wrong with people? I've never wished one of my bracelets to fall apart at the seams, but I do now! icon_wink.gif


BTW, this could belong in the "lamest cache items" thread...but I found a...unused of course, barf bag, from an airplane...and it didn't even have the airline logo on it! I wrote in the log that I took something or other and left my lunch in the "air sickness" bag... icon_rolleyes.gif




I would like to complain about ten pages worth of posts being cut from the Complaint Dept. thread!


Hey wait, maybe that's a GOOD thing.


Seriously, LOTS of posts are missing from the long threads, which often tend to be the most popular and/or informative threads. I hope that Elias can recover the missing posts.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


I hate that it took me five minutes to find this thread.


I also hate that threads get locked before I get a chance to give a smart alecky response.


So, I finally dug my Vista out of whatever box I threw it in during my recent move... I figured I'd snag a quick/easy cache on my way home from work this morning. Well, I work nights, so I headed home around 6:30a.


Went to the location, it is a little park... of course both entrances are closed off by bar-gate things, and it was raining like a sun-of-a-beech - so parking down the road and walking back to the location wasn't an option.


Well, not an option for ME anyway... like I'm gonna drag my lazy butt down the street in the pouring rain just to snag my first cache of '03. I think not. Sunny days will come soon - and the first score of the year shall be mine. icon_wink.gif


geobanana.gifThe Toe Pages

"Now with 50% less yuck, and 100% more color!!"


If Elias can't cover the missing posts I'm sure we could icon_smile.gif


I would like to complain about still not having my post numbers where they should be and the fact that it will probably never happen. icon_frown.gif


Jeremy can you artificially inflate my numbers back up??? Its all about the numbers right? icon_wink.gif




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.


Originally posted by umc:

If Elias can't cover the missing posts I'm sure we could icon_smile.gif


I would like to complain about still not having my post numbers where they should be and the fact that it will probably never happen. icon_frown.gif


Jeremy can you artificially inflate my numbers back up??? Its all about the numbers right? icon_wink.gif






umc, Did you ever think that maybe this whole "cant fix the old post" thing was aimed at you? That it was a way to keep your post count down? Maybe we just dont want you to have big numbers.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Originally posted by Lapaglia:


umc, Did you ever think that maybe this whole "cant fix the old post" thing was aimed at you? That it was a way to keep your post count down? Maybe we just dont want you to have big numbers.


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

Muga Muchu (forget yourself, focus)


Good point, I never thought I would be at the bottom of a conspiracy.




So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.


It pisses me off when cache owners don't maintain their caches. Cameras are full, log books are full, cache full of crap, showing a TB thats been missing for a month.


One more thing, when you do a 4.5 or 5 difficutly cache, why bit^ch when you can't find it? Heres the train of thought "ITS NOT THERE", ARE THE COORDS GOOD".


OK I'm done, *poof*



Rino 110

MeriGreen 128


The Toe is back! My complaint? Gone so long and he doesn't even start out with a "Hello!"

Welcome Back Rubbertoe.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.


Originally posted by boreal jeff & sons:

Can I complain about my boss or does it have to be related to Geocaching.


Just incase it's okay, here it goes:


I've got this real jerk for a boss. Got the job because of connections. Doesn't have the education or disposition for the job. Just a real loser. He used to play semi-professional hockey when he was younger. You can tell by the missing teeth and crooked nose. He must of overdosed on steroids because this guy is mean and stupid at the same time. The brain dead upper managers gave the guy a raise because he was able to blow the department's training budget on some How-To videos. This guy should be a washroom attendent.


Well, there it is....my complaint...more to come.


Every hour spent geocaching is added to the end of your life


Forwarded successfully


Caint never did nothing.

GDAE, Dave


Let me add a new one...


I have a friend that wanted to add a virtual cache at a park that happens to be on the most western part of WV. Her cache wasn't approved by the admin because he "felt that it should be a traditional cache".

Well she said in the cache listing that the park floods regularly and she tried to explain that she didn't want to put a traditional cache where it could get wet or possibly washed away but to no avail.


My gripe is that I don't think the admin should pick what type of cache it should be.


What do you guys think?


I HATE Sh*tHAWKS!!!... man that feels good.


"There are two kinds of people in this world... Those going nowhere and then there are those going somewhere."


I hate it when people bring back up a thread that should've been put to sleep months ago, I hate school and I HATE ALL OF YOU!


Happy Madison then runs out of the classroom as all the children laugh at him!




"If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure."

- Dan Quayle


"Si nous ne r?ussissons pas nous courons le risque d'?chec."

- Dan Quayle (If he was French!) [Those crazy French!]


English: Radman Version 2.0

Spanish Versi?n 2,0 De Radman

Portuguese: Vers?o 2,0 De Radman

Italian: Versione 2,0 Di Radman


Originally posted by eroyd:

Folks who complain about the system but are to cheap to dig up the thirty-odd bucks to feed Jeremy.


and totally unrelated: Those feminine hygiene adds on TV during the play-offs.


I take issue feminine hygiene commericals period


Jason Roysdon



How about all the BS?


Several topics in mind, as I'm sure that the "peaceful" cachers have taken note the same accounts as I have been following the last 3 days or more. Don't get me wrong, some in particular deserved some credit...I'm not referring to ALL vents and rants and raves or WHATEVER...


No, I am not claiming to be an angel, I used to stir up s**t, but found that to be somewhat degrading to myself after my computer crashed and was offline many weeks....


Then returned on the forums and stated that I was glad to be back....


One cacher welcomed me, but prompted me to "be nice".


I really looked inside myself and thumbed through my posts and thought, "WOW!" I was critical on some folks when it was in fact unnecessary.


I'm not a di**head, and hope others think that I'm not as well, but some of this stuff here lately makes my old forum crap look sick.


Really childish though, the way the bickering back and forth continues or climbing someones *** for asking a simple question, and even the rude replies, when a simple and helpful reply would be more appropriate.


I've been here just a year now, so my opinions are not worth their weight in gold as some of the "godly" ones who's opinions mean everything.


I am gladly and respectfully awaiting some massive flack to start heading my way...


...And upon reading them, I sit back...


...and laugh. Jees...what children we can be!

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