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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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I hate car alarms. Noone pays attention to them any more because 99.9999999% of the time, they are going off for no *!@#!#% reason. Even the people whose alarms are going off don't pay attention to them. This bugs me to no end. I have actually considered throwing a brick at a car whose alarm keeps going off, just to make the alarms existence seem justified.


Here is a suggestion. If your car alarm goes off every time a mouse farts, fix the !@#$ thing! If your worried that something might get stolen out of your car, don't leave it in your car. Thieves won't break into a car without looking through the window first, and if there isn't anything in there worth stealing, they won't bother. If your worried that your car will get stolen, get Lowjack.

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This is already in another thread, but I'm complaining again since I can't understand how someone would think this way... icon_smile.gif


I don't like when people say that people that TNLN aren't real geocachers. I also don't like that they say that people who TNLN are causing the decline of a cache. People who TNLN are effectively invisible visitors to a cache - they don't change the items contained in the cache, so they can't be contributing to the degradation of the quality of the cache for the next folks who find it. icon_mad.gif


*taking deep breath*


I usually only rant when I can't understand how people can think a certain way. This is one of those times. icon_biggrin.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?
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People who complain about environmental damage caused by off trail geocaching. The litter and garbage that I spotted on my last couple of cache hunts were ten times worse than any footprints or squished weeds left by me. I saw: three grocery carts in a pond, a pile of bras!?, a tire, a sock, as well as the "normal" stuff (cups, cans, and bags) Now I can "trash out" some stuff but I'm not gonna haul a muddy grocery cart out of a stagnant pond. And this brings me to my second gripe. People who hide caches in these locations! One of the caches I found was (no kidding) hid in a pile of rubble. Honest to goodness rubble. We're talking broken bricks, busted concrete chunks and dirt clods. There was broken glass in the area and lots of debris. What's the big idea? Was that place picked on purpose? There was absolutely nothing aesthetically pleasing about the location. Just a box hidden in a pile of crap surrounded by filth and decay. Now for my final gripe. Difficulty ratings that don't match the actual difficulty. How can a cache that is effectively buried be called a "1" in the difficulty? I used Clayjar's rating tool to rate the cache in question and it rated it a "3". I know it's just a matter of opinion but I think the majority of geocachers would agree that a "1" should be partially visible to an observant cacher when at "ground zero". WHEW! End rant. Thanks for listenin'


"There's no need to be afraid of strange noises in the night. Anything that intends you harm will stalk you silently."

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Here comes complaint #6...


Okay. So I couldn't spell "definitely" before.


But why can't people spell a simple word like poll when talking about voting polls in the forums?



Maybe we should have a pole poll?


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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I have to say this.


I think that Fuzzy ROCKS, he hooked me up with the badest @$$ dictionary toolbar for IE. So it didn't work with badest but hey thats not his fault. Fuzzy you are the man.


Oh sorry wrong thread.


ummmmm. Rating GREAT threads as a 1 and not having the B@!!$ to admit it pisses me off.


Not really but you know what I'm saying. icon_confused.gif



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I liked the clown.

He was such a happy clown.


I had a female clown over for dinner once, but she tasted funny...


But where are the clowns?

Send in the clowns...


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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Originally posted by DirtRunner:

I hate the fact that I can only buy disposable cameras for my caches in the 24+3 exposure setting. There are maybe 10 regular cachers in my area, I'm gonna have to wait YEARS before the whole roll gets shot!!!


I've allready decided I'm just going to wait until ~10 pics are used, and just replace the cache camera and use the rest up on pics of my own.


Alternatively, a lot of photoshops only charge for pictures that come out, so you can hold the lens up against a dark wall or something and use the film up.


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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Originally posted by enfanta:

That's uncalled for. I'm going to have nightmares now.


I agree. icon_smile.gif


But actually... I know that is the clown from "IT" - but I've never been able to actually sit down and watch that movie. It is just as bad when I went to Moonville, an area supposedly haunted with ghosts... and the thing that I thought was the creepiest was the clown that was spraypainted on the tunnel walls. icon_eek.gif


My Moonville Photo Album

(hopefully they dont change the URLs to prevent outside linking like this)



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?
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I come by my clown phobia naturally though. Here's the story...


When I was a tiny little boy, my parents took my to a local parade for some holiday that I can't remember. I sat along the road, gathering up the candy that was being tossed from the floats, etc - your typical holiday parade.


And then came the clown.


The clown came up to me with a big smile on its face. I was a bit unsure, but my mom comforted me - telling me not to be afraid. The clown also appeared to be friendly, as it offered me a flower with a long stem.


I smiled and took the flower from the clown... at least, I THOUGHT I had taken the flower. It turns out, the stem of the flower was actually stuck down inside of a drinking straw. And when I thought it was handing me the actual flower, I had actually only grasped the straw.


At this point, the clown yanks the flower away, leaving me holding an empty straw - while the clown, and everyone around me, started laughing. icon_frown.gif The clown never apologized or seemed sorry for his "funny" trick - he just took the flower, stuck it into another straw, and headed on down the road looking for his next impressionable young victim... leaving little me there, with a dumbfounded look on my face - holding an empty straw. icon_frown.gif *cry*


I hate clowns. icon_smile.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?


[This message was edited by Rubbertoe on September 25, 2002 at 08:18 PM.]

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You'd have to live in a house like this to think up stuff like that. I considered making it as a virtual, but decided it was too lame for my liking. But if anyone ever comes to Maine and wants the coords, just say so.




Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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Quote from IT...

"Afterall, what child doesn't love a clown?"


Well, you and me, both, apparently!!



I went through Bangor, but I couldn't find the house. I think it would make a great virtual.


And to keep with the post:

I hate regrets.



"You're no verra sensible, Sassenach, but I like ye fine. Let's go."

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Originally posted by brdad:

You'd have to live in a house like this to think up stuff like that. I considered making it as a virtual, but decided it was too lame for my liking. But if anyone ever comes to Maine and wants the coords, just say so.





Knowing his active involvement in the community, I wrote Mr. King a couple of months ago requesting his permission to use this site as a virtual. Certainly anyone who works at the Tourist Information Centres in Bangor has always been free with this information when asked.


In any event, haven't heard back, so for now am assuming he'd rather not increase the traffic by his house.

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Originally posted by Pubo:

Have I got a movie for you



Tagline: Everybody loves a clown... some more than others.


Plot Outline: A young man finds fame as a transvestite clown named Vulgar...


icon_eek.gif *shudder* Almost sounds weird enough that I might like to see it... certainly doesn't sound like a "Killer Klownz from Outer Space" type clown movie. icon_smile.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?



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Originally posted by brdad:

You'd have to live in a house like this to think up stuff like that. I considered making it as a virtual, but decided it was too lame for my liking. But if anyone ever comes to Maine and wants the coords, just say so.


Looks a lot smaller from the front view, doesn't it? The addition with the swimming pool is as big as my entire house.

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I also don't like that they say that people who TNLN are causing the decline of a cache. People who TNLN are effectively invisible visitors to a cache - they don't change the items contained in the cache, so they can't be contributing to the degradation of the quality of the cache for the next folks who find it. icon_mad.gif


Playing Devil's advocate again, since you know I disagree with CF in that other thread, I'll offer the reasoning "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."





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Originally posted by Rigour:

Blah Blah.


icon_smile.gif I hate quoting 10 lines of text! icon_smile.gif


Yes, SK has done a lot for the community. We now have an incredible library, as well as the children's museum, sports, parks, and many other things, all with his help.


The Kings used to open their gates on Halloween and give out goodies to all the kids, but they had to stop, I am assuming because the there was always a line waiting on the sidewalk waiting their turn.


It'll be interesting to see if you do get a response. I have no doubt he gets tons of messages.


PS: Just be cause I thought it'd be lame for me to make a virtual out of, don't mean the same for others. I just go by here several times a week...


Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

Looks a lot smaller from the front view, doesn't it? The addition with the swimming pool is as big as my entire house.


Yes, the entire house is huge. I always liked this angle though, it looked kind of spooky.


Incedently, the entire street is a big part of Maine history. Many of the houses were mansions owned by wealthy lumber dealers in the 1800's. I remember hearing SK's was the 1st or 2nd on the street.


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.


[This message was edited by brdad on September 26, 2002 at 01:22 PM.]


[This message was edited by brdad on September 26, 2002 at 01:23 PM.]

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With Mozilla, those eyes blink twice and stop, leaving me with a picture of a toe with two black gapping holes. It looks like an evil clown and it's really creepy.


What's more is I posted a topic last night about them and I can't find any mention of it today.





Wendy Chatley Green


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I hate when people use English spellings for words when they're not from England. icon_razz.gif


I would like to complain about the extreme lack of humour in the last few months of postings



Now are we to 5 pages?


"I thought you said this was a quick find!" - My wife

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Originally posted by majicman:

Finding a real rip-snorter in here lately is kinda like a blind man in a dark room looking for his black cat that isn't there!


I keep trying to be funny, but I'm not majic, man.


Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

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Originally posted by majicman:


I would like to complain about the extreme lack of humour in the last few months of postings.


All's I can say is that I tried to carry on in the proper spirit during the absence of others. From this effort, one ineluctable fact can be deduced:




Leprechaun, Esq. extends a hearty "Welcome Back" to absent friends.



I keep missing my ex-wife. But my aim is getting better.

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Originally posted by TeamJiffy:

Check it out... _"Meets Coast Guard requirement of 120 decibels."_




What you want to do is mount one of these on your hiking pole/stick. Then the next time one of those arrogant bikers blasts by without a warning, nearly taking you out, then nicely alert them to your presence with a 2 sec blast.


It is truly amazing just how much, spontaneous volume, those spandex biking shorts can hold. icon_eek.gif


P.S. This item was invented by a fellow Canadian. The last time I was talking with him he related a funny story about one time he was out on his bike and a trucker pulled out in front of him cutting him off icon_mad.gif, he hit the button on his little invention. The trucker slammed on his brakes and just about gave himself whiplash looking around for the "OTHER" trucker he thought he had just pulled out in front of.


It is truly a great product.


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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I hate when you get loads of "You have been preapproved for Our Credit Card" snail mails. If I want their ******* card I'll contact them. Talk about ruining the forests. I am sure that one of these card companies causes more impact than all the off path geocachers combined.


BUT I have the payback. Take their 'postage will be paid by business' envelope from within their mailbox boxel movement and stuff all of the non-identifying material back into it, while your at it go to the recycle bin in the postoffice and grab all the heavy paper you can find and not only make it the heaviest envelope possible but also oversized thereby causing the postage due to skyrocket. Hey why not go through the bin and take all of the bulk mail and return it to the sender in the same condition. If the weather won't allow for you to go outside and "cache in/trash out" then go to the postoffice and return all the trash back to the bulk mailers.


If you do it just right a roll of transparent tape from the dollar store (get this while purchasing cache trinkets) and some patience, you can get those envelopes to be darn near round & weighing about 3 lbs. Great for the family members who don't enjoy the wilds of geocaching.


Maybe I'll make this a locationless or virtual cache???


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!

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Originally posted by MedicP1:


BUT I have the payback. Take their 'postage will be paid by business' envelope from within their mailbox boxel movement and stuff all of the non-identifying material back into it, while your at it go to the recycle bin in the postoffice and grab all the heavy paper you can find and not only make it the heaviest envelope possible but also oversized thereby causing the postage due to skyrocket.


Just tape the envelope to a box of bricks.

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