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Feature Requests Summarized


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I dug through lots of the threads here and compiled this list of things people want. Nice to see it all in once place. Hopefully of use to the AL team.


App features wanted (in some roughly descending order of requests)

  • Ability to hide completed adventures from map
  • Show Labs on the Geocaching search map (likely just the owning instance and not all locations)
  • Export GPX of start and locations. Lincoln Highway is a great use case for this. Only for non-linear ones.
  • Find a way to show completion journal info for last stage in conjunction with asking for rating and log.
  • Contact AL owner from App
  • Way to give DNF style feedback if you have problems and can't complete the AL.
  • On iOS allow selecting part of description text. Android can but iOS only offers Copy of all of it.
  • Easier way to get lab url from map view to share with others
  • Make closed captioning work for embedded YouTube player
  • Allow extra waypoints where trails may have options and /or a Map choice to see trails
  • -To see completed locations of an AL, tap the map at the bottom of main page to see the locations. Very well hidden. Improve discoverability.
  • Are opted-out users honored when logging ALs?
  • Make closed captioning on videos able to be enabled in app
  • Let videos play in landscape mode

  • Don't shutoff background music when starting app


Builder features wanted

  • Rich format the description text i.e markdown support
  • Allow longer main description and location descriptions.  Lots of folks struggle with 1024.
  • Owner notifications of completed labs (separate location notification maybe)
  • Leaderboard is useless as all it ever shows is first 3 to complete and the rankings will never change so not really a leaderboard after first 3 completions. See all completion finds in time order.
  • Epilog screen seen after completing the AL (good for bonus cache info or link to bonus cache). Balance this with the desire to get the user to rate and write a comment. Epilog screen could offer a final completion video. Maybe make the last stage just like all the others but Continue from it triggers the rating and log.
  • Way to indicate T1 for wheelchair users
  • YouTube video on main page to set context for AL player
  • View each location of the AL description in a web browser to better plan your outing/interest (limited to non-sequential adventures.
  • Ability to go to the lab URL with resume=yes taking you to the next location. Makes integration with other tools easier. Right now, the user has to tap Resume after getting back to the AL.
Edited by rragan
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19 hours ago, nwpvr said:

Would like to have Waze as a navigation option. Now only Apple- and Googlemaps are available.


Yes!  I hunted an AL that is found by driving, and in that subdivision, Apple and Google failed me.  I had to open Waze, then guess where the icon goes, to be given proper navigation info.  Due to missing features (and added complications), I had FIVE Apps open, and switched between them, to hunt the AL and its Bonus Cache.  Apps that don't talk to the AL App.


Wild guess, at some point The AL App will go away, and become incorporated into The Official App.  So it has no extensive features at this time.

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Thought of this one today.  For some Adventure Labs, a stage may ask for a bit of searching or sleuthing around an area, and the center point may not be on the exact, precise location of the info. But if that type of stage is combined with precise waypoint stages, it can be confusing and lead to failed completions. (yes, text can instruct to ignore the coordinates, and the user can contact the owner for tips, etc etc).

Anyway, point being - what about an option to hide the coordinates/center-point and show the range bubble?  As in 'the answer within this region'.

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21 hours ago, thebruce0 said:

Thought of this one today.  For some Adventure Labs, a stage may ask for a bit of searching or sleuthing around an area, and the center point may not be on the exact, precise location of the info. But if that type of stage is combined with precise waypoint stages, it can be confusing and lead to failed completions. (yes, text can instruct to ignore the coordinates, and the user can contact the owner for tips, etc etc).

Anyway, point being - what about an option to hide the coordinates/center-point and show the range bubble?  As in 'the answer within this region'.


This seems pretty cool, but knowing how many basic functions of this app are still not available, I think this is a long-term proposal.

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Notification of new LAs should be more specific. In a map almost filled with many AL it is not easy to find which one it is. Notification format of standard caches could be an inspiration.


We like a proposal to hide already found ALs. You can see an example in the attached picture. 


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3 minutes ago, ivans said:

You can see an example in the attached picture.


Looking at that picture reminds me yet again that the maps need a scale! I don't know if I'm looking at an area a few hundred metres across with a few suburban streets and a creek, or an area tens of kilometres across with just the major roads showing and a broad river flowing through the middle.

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