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Power Trail Cache Submission

Trav'lin Two

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While I honestly don't know if there's a different way to do it, I highly doubt it. Submitting them all at the same time would seem to imply that every cache was exactly the same, with no need to change the descriptions or hints.. This would be unsavory. My personal opinion is that if you don't think a cache is worth the time it takes to fill out the page it isn't worth posting.

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Thinking about doing a power trail and am curious about an easier way to submit rather than one at a time. Is there an easy way or do you have to do them one at a time?


Also nice to have a word with your reviewer, to warn them of a lot of caches being submitted, if you plan on a high number of caches.

They may prefer to have them sent in small numbers, or all submitted early, so they can review them between reviewing other caches.

Edited by Bear and Ragged
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You have to create each listing and submit one at a time, but if you know how many there are in your trail, you can add to your reviewer note; "This is 1 of 100. (or 2, or 3, etc) Please don't publish until all are submitted. If any of them have issues, hold the entire series until they're all fixed and ready to go. Thanks!"


Also, as mentioned above, emailing your reviewer to give him / her a heads up would be nice. Be sure to submit the whole series with enough advance time so they can go through the whole batch without having to be rushed.


That should cover most of it.

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From Geocache Listing Requirements / Guidelines


6 Submitting a Geocache Listing


Placing a large number of geocaches to be published on the same date requires advanced planning.


Submit the cache listings at least ten days in advance of the requested release date. Post a Note to Reviewer on the cache listings requesting that the caches be published on the date specified. Reviewers will strive to accommodate reasonable requests. Caches placed in connection with an event must be left in place after the event. See "Geocache Permanence" above.


Even if you don't want them published on the same day, it would be nice to warn your reviewer. :)

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Let's keep the topic focused on the cache page submission process, and agree that not all geocachers enjoy power trails.


There is no "short form submission process." But perhaps people can share tips and tricks on creating a large number of quality cache pages in an efficient manner.

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Thinking about doing a power trail and am curious about an easier way to submit rather than one at a time. Is there an easy way or do you have to do them one at a time?

No, I don't believe so. There's a few powertrails that are group managed, and dividing up the task amongst several people might make the job less time consuming. I believe the current system was developed to make it more intuitive for newer folks, and not so much in terms of making it quicker. I think the goal in the redesign was to reduce the number of submissions that get rejected in the Review process, hence, the breaking down of the submission process into manageable chunks, so that people could get the chance to correct an issue before it gets submitted.


I also disagree with the notion of trying to get them all published simultaneously. Would you really want to hold up publishing 999 listings, because one had an issue?

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Let's keep the topic focused on the cache page submission process, and agree that not all geocachers enjoy power trails.


There is no "short form submission process." But perhaps people can share tips and tricks on creating a large number of quality cache pages in an efficient manner.

To be fair, it's not a dislike of power trails that sways my vote one way or the other. If you can't take the time to create a cache listing on an individual basis for any cache at all, regardless if part of a power trail or just a single cache, one should reconsider why they are placing the caches.


Cutting and pasting can work for 90% of a cache listing. 5% goes to the coordinates, D/T, and attributes. 5% goes to adding a quip about the individual hide. That's if you want to make it all quick, and dirty. :anibad:

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