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Is this a new thin end of the wedge?

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Some a**-bandits have strange ways of getting their kicks.

Once again I cannot condone that thread Andy K links us to.

It's a plastic box out in the wild.

That's all. Nothing more.


The advice in the Topic that you can not condone, happened to be formulated after the UK Reviewers carefully discussed it. One of those Reviewers being a Serving Police Officer.



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My feeling is these leeches come out of their pots after some TV exposer of caching. Maybe we are all too keen to see caching on TV, I'm sure it's better as an underground pastime.




I've never understood this desire some people have to publicize what we do - half the fun in some caches is defeating the muggles, and if caching becomes that well known, then well, as Syndrome so succinctly put it - "... when everybody's special - no-one will be!"

Edited by keehotee
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Some a**-bandits have strange ways of getting their kicks.

Once again I cannot condone that thread Andy K links us to.

It's a plastic box out in the wild.

That's all. Nothing more.


The advice in the Topic that you can not condone, happened to be formulated after the UK Reviewers carefully discussed it. One of those Reviewers being a Serving Police Officer.




That doesn't make it right now does it?

Can you not see the ridiculousness of going to the police because someone has stolen your lunch box?

Do as you see fit. But I feel police time is better spent catching real criminals.

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Some a**-bandits have strange ways of getting their kicks.

Once again I cannot condone that thread Andy K links us to.

It's a plastic box out in the wild.

That's all. Nothing more.


The advice in the Topic that you can not condone, happened to be formulated after the UK Reviewers carefully discussed it. One of those Reviewers being a Serving Police Officer.




That doesn't make it right now does it?

Can you not see the ridiculousness of going to the police because someone has stolen your lunch box?

Do as you see fit. But I feel police time is better spent catching real criminals.


Sorry but a Criminal act is still a Criminal act whatever your opinion of it. And that's where the advice comes from. No one expects the Police to send a Officer or SOCO out to investigate, but those reports build up a background if the person(s) are ever brought to Justice.


You only have to look at the case in the US to see that. One cache Trasher having caused thousands of dollars worth of theft/damage was eventually caught. A UK based one, after being tracked down had a visit from a Police Officer and a Warning given.


Please feel free to ignore any Trasher who targets your caches, but please stop being negative towards positive actions others who have had their caches targeted can take. Your aproach just aids the trashers!



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Cache theft isn't new, it's not going to go away no matter what policies are adopted and while it's annoying, I don't think a forum is the right place for a rant. I'm personally more concerned by the casual homophobia (or at least homophobic language) than one idiot who may have posted his log without ever visiting the cache - has it been even been checked? Or is this a waste of valuable caching/cruising time? <_<

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Is everyone else as confused by this topic as I am?


Isn't the phrase you're hinting at a term of homophobic abuse? Moote's post certainly seems to suggest he's read it that way. Or does it have some less offensive meaning which I don't know about?

I couldn't agree more. The offensive terms should be removed and this topic locked.

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