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The Blech Nickel coin pass Mission


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Got the package in the mail today - it's winging across the country now :)


Tracking number is USPS 420 14424 9505 9000 1337 1323 0001 60


Here are a few pics:


What goodies the previous owner included for me - thanks!



Coins I took in trade:



Coins I put into the trade envelope:



Thanks for letting me participate!

Posted (edited)

The package arrived save and sound at my house. I'll be packing it back up and posting photo's shortly of the booty I got and the coins I'm swapping in & out! Thanks Moozer for the booty and thanks to the host for letting me participate!

Edited by sheltiedogshowlover

I will have a new mailing address about the time I should receive the pass. I'll update in in the geocoin forum address book. this might be a good idea for all participants BEFORE they mail stuff out, given the length of time for the pass?


thanks everyone!


I will have a new mailing address about the time I should receive the pass. I'll update in in the geocoin forum address book. this might be a good idea for all participants BEFORE they mail stuff out, given the length of time for the pass?


thanks everyone!

Thanks for the heads up. I will be prepared.


I will have a new mailing address about the time I should receive the pass. I'll update in in the geocoin forum address book. this might be a good idea for all participants BEFORE they mail stuff out, given the length of time for the pass?


thanks everyone!


Good idea. Thanks for the heads up. :)

Posted (edited)

Any word on where the pass is now?


I have sent an email to sheltiedogshowlover asking for an update.

Edited by EyeD10T

Hey Folks!


I was worried about the package as well as it had been sent out at the same time as my 2 missions for the Holiday Mission. I tracked it but it stopped moving..


Well I got back from our trip for christmas visiting family and there was a box on the porch! I was exited since I hadn't recieved Kaylee's mission from the holiday mission.


But alas it was not Kaylee's box... it was instead the blench nickle box that I had mailed out!


The box was a bit beat up and Apparently the postal label fell off.. but luckily I had written my return address in sharpie right on the box so it did make it back to me..


Sorry that it's been held up. I'll send it back out tomorrow when I go to the post office!


Hey Folks!


I was worried about the package as well as it had been sent out at the same time as my 2 missions for the Holiday Mission. I tracked it but it stopped moving..


Well I got back from our trip for christmas visiting family and there was a box on the porch! I was exited since I hadn't recieved Kaylee's mission from the holiday mission.


But alas it was not Kaylee's box... it was instead the blench nickle box that I had mailed out!


The box was a bit beat up and Apparently the postal label fell off.. but luckily I had written my return address in sharpie right on the box so it did make it back to me..


Sorry that it's been held up. I'll send it back out tomorrow when I go to the post office!


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that the pass is recovered <whew> ;) I hope that your holiday break was a nice one :)


Because of the holiday (no mail on Monday) I hope to see it on it's way tomorrow. I'll post the tracking number tomorrow afternoon so everyone can follow it, and I'll post some photo's of the great loot that was in the box when I got it, and the coins that I swapped out before sealing the box up.


Sorry again for the delay, but I haven't had the best luck with the USPS as of late... I had someone send me a coin as a surprise and the mailer broke open... no coin and my last mission didn't make it to it's destination... thank Dog this one actually made it back to me.....


my holiday missions have promise... one made it.. the other is traveling over seas so might take a bit longer but now with all the issues I've been having I was slightly disconcerned that you can't track/get confirmation for over seas packages...


I'll send this one out with some sort of insurance and tracking since I'm now paranoid... funny part is that my math trade packages went to the 8 corners of the world and all made it in record time...



Great. Thank you for the update. I am looking forward to seeing the pictures.


For the folks that are still in line to receive the pass, you may want to check with the person that you are sending to in order to make sure that they have not moved or anything...I know a couple of people were in the process of moving.


Any news on this mission?


I have not heard anything. I sent an email to see if I could find out where it is. If I hear back, I will post an update.


While we are waiting to find out where the reverse pass is, I wanted to make sure that everything is still the same for the rest of the participants. Can everyone that is still expecting the pass please confirm the following:


1. If you still want to be included in the pass.

2. Please let me know if you have moved or if there has been any other changes in your contact information.


Thanks everyone.


I have sent another email hoping to track down where the pass is. I will post updates when I receive them. I will also be contacting those that did not respond to see if they are still in the pass. Thanks everyone!


...Hopeful this continues...


I sure hope it does. I have not heard anything back, so I sent a snail mail letter asking for an update. At this point, if I dont hear anything back, I will hope that it pops back up sometime in the future.


Should the pass continue, I request that everyone that is participating please do the following:


1. Post pictures of what you receive - its not as much fun if you dont.

2. Ship the package out in a timely manner. Sure - life gets in the way and I understand, but a couple of weeks should be more than enough time to get the pass back out.

3. Post tracking numbers so we can keep an eye out for it.


If I hear anything about the pass status, I will let everyone know.


I received an email from sheltiedogshowlover today. She wanted me to let everyone know that she still has the pass. Although she didnt specify the details, she said that there has been a lot going on in her life that has prevented her from being able to get the pass out. She will be sending it as soon as she can and she said to tell everyone that she is sorry that she has had to hold it so long. I told her to take care of what she needs to (life does happen) and not to worry about getting the pass out until she is able. I will post a new update when I hear anything.


I have not heard anything back about the pass :( I will reach out to see if I can get an update.


Have a Happy weekend everyone!


Just a quick update...I mailed a letter to see if I can get the coins shipped back to me. I will post an update when I find something out.


Kudos for not giving up! I'll hope for some sort of resolution on this. Even if it means the mission is over, I think loose ends and hanging obligations are worse, for everyone.


Fingers crossed!


Kudos for not giving up! I'll hope for some sort of resolution on this. Even if it means the mission is over, I think loose ends and hanging obligations are worse, for everyone.


Fingers crossed!


I seem to have some kind of a "mission gremlin" on my shoulders (both in participating in and holding) - there seems to be always something that goes "kaput" ;)


I am certain that the pass will eventually make it to me, but I am ready to close out this chapter. Once I get it back, I will be contacting those that were signed up to receive it to see if they are still interested. I am not adding any new participants.


Kudos for not giving up! I'll hope for some sort of resolution on this. Even if it means the mission is over, I think loose ends and hanging obligations are worse, for everyone.


Fingers crossed!


I seem to have some kind of a "mission gremlin" on my shoulders (both in participating in and holding) - there seems to be always something that goes "kaput" ;)


I am certain that the pass will eventually make it to me, but I am ready to close out this chapter. Once I get it back, I will be contacting those that were signed up to receive it to see if they are still interested. I am not adding any new participants.

First of all, please don't beat yourself up about this...no way is this your fault and nobody blames you! We appreciate it that you started the mission and we will definitely still participate if the mission ever shows up again. Thanks for following up on it, and if it doesn't work out, so be it - we STILL appreciate you!


I have been following this thread since the start. If you decide to ever do another one I would like to be in on it. I love looking at the missions and would love to join in. S--t happens through no fault of your own. Don't let it get you down.


Well...its been a while since I have heard anything back from the person that last had the pass. I am hoping that I will get the pass back, but at this point I dont know that I ever will. Its a bit expensive to put the package together, so I dont want to put another one out at this time.


I will be requesting that this thread be closed by the end of the week (no sense keeping it open). If I ever receive the pass back, then I will send the pass out again to those that were expecting to be part of this pass, but whos turn had not occurred yet. I do appreciate all of the interest and thank those that had participated. I am sorry that it wasnt able to continue.


For those that were curious, I still have not received the coins. I have communicated with the last person that held them and was told, on 4 different occassions, that they would ship them to me the next day. I even offered to pay the postage, but have not seen them yet. I keep hoping they will be shipped, but at this point I have a feeling they may not ever resurface.


Its been a while since I have updated this thread. I still have not heard back from sheltie, and seeing that she hasn't logged onto Geocaching.com in almost a year I don't have a lot of hope that I will be hearing back (although I will keep trying) [;)] I have a couple of things to ask of the participants of this pass.


1. If anyone is willing to help me try to run the coins down, that would be appreciated. I was thinking that if enough of us were to try to contact her, she may be more motivated to get the coins back to me (or back into the game).


2. Someone had suggested that I see if the rest of the participants would be willing to send me a coin or 2 to start up a new pass. I would take the coins that are sent to me and box them up with a new gift and the continue the pass from where we left off. This would get the mission back on track, and would cover the coins that I lost in the original pass.


Any additional thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be appreciated. I think the mission was fun and would hate for one bad apple to ruin it for the rest of us.


Happy Caching and Coining! :)


I would be more than happy to send a coin or 2, even though I've already had my turn at the pass . In fact, I think I was the one that sent the package to her. Think - If I'd been more flaky and not followed the directions, we might still have the package ;)


Donald (Moozer)


I would definitely send you a couple of coins to get it started again. Thanks for all you did to try to get the original back. Don't let it get you down...sadly, some folks just roll that way. Let me know if you want coins!


Thanks for the offer. I have not heard back from any of the other folks that were part of the original pass. As it stands, there would be only 3 in the pass...I think that we would want more participants. What do you all think?


How about starting a new topic for the trade - you might find more people will respond to a new topic, rather than an old one...


Thats a good thought. I am going to request that this thread be closed. I do have a few other things going on right now, so I am not going to start a new mission at this time, but this is one to keep in mind - possibly for the future.


Thanks to all that participated - I am sorry that it fizzled out.

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