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Pay it Forward Geocoin Adoptions

Tennessee Jed

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I forgot to mention.... do not worry at all if the coins are already travellers! I gave for adoption 2 coins too, and they had some miles already! :D


It is not something wrong if the coins are already travellers!!! :mad:

Posted (edited)

I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


If your willing can i have one from you?? i like to see the history of a well travelled coin, and often look thru all the caches TB/coin history to see the coins and pages that come with them.


please offer it to others first as i have had 3 coins from P.I.F

Edited by daveindeal

I never adopted anything but my dog :D


I can adopt a TB/GC for Christmas :mad:


Adoption request sent.


Still got:


1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


I've got plenty out there. I'll find some to adopt out.


1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


If your willing can i have one from you?? i like to see the history of a well travelled coin, and often look thru all the caches TB/coin history to see the coins and pages that come with them.


please offer it to others first as i have had 3 coins from P.I.F


Sure... we'll give it some time then I will send you the adoption.


I never adopted anything but my dog :D


I can adopt a TB/GC for Christmas :mad:


Adoption request sent.


Still got:


1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


Does this mean there is one for mee too?

If there is and i can choose i like nr 3.....


merry chritmas to all


I never adopted anything but my dog :D


I can adopt a TB/GC for Christmas :mad:


Adoption request sent.


Still got:


1) TBW46R Launched: Mt. Dodgemore (GCHBGY)

2) TBVVN4 Relatively Seeking:Michigan

3) TB13R5H Europe Explorer

4) TB1E53K Launched Photo 1: Crossroads Travel Bug Hotel (GCJV21)

5) TB13N6Z Mini - Launched: 40's Something *GCY5P4*


Does this mean there is one for mee too?

If there is and i can choose i like nr 3.....


merry chritmas to all




Thankya Tennessee Jed fer commin up with this idea, so please send me yer address so I can mail you a coin in a coupla week. Happy Holydays! :ph34r:


Whoo Hoo! You deserve it! Thanks for doing this, I had fun.


Bell Witch you are awesome too. :rolleyes:


Thankyou FireFly for the supprise adpption, i was happy to receiev one but thought you were ging to offer it to someone else!!


adoption has been accepted and coin page has been changed into my own format (same for all my coins) but have left all the important information about the coins origin.


I have changed the mission to come to me so i can see it, hold it and make a replica for my collection before re-releasing it maybe to venture back to you, so you can see and hold your coin again.


thankyou to all have kept this thread alive and my request is that it be pinned and has a permanant location at the top of the coin section so we can continue into the future and keep the spirit of giving and sharing alive.


Okay, I'll adopt them out sometime between now and the weekend. I have to dig through some boxes! LOL


So be looking for an adoption request:








I know I said I had 5, but I'm sure I can come up with another!


Oh, and the tracking list, I stopped using it and have moved to an Access database. Now I need to find a way to get some of the info from it online!


I sent adoption requests to the above posters for the 6 coins. I'll be dropping them during my trip home on New Years weekend. fendmar, yours should actually end up pretty close to you since I'm going to visit my dad, and he lives SW of Houston!


I left the pages blank, so you can customize them anyway you would like.


My dear friend MustangJoni, Merry Christmas!!!!


Thank you sooo much for adopting this beautiful coin to me!!!!

What a Christmas present!!!! ;)

I already prepeared it to travel! :)


I put the coin under the Todies wild ride so it can spread bike awareness and maybe it will halp to save a life, and of couse I put the Pay it in forward to promote this great theread! :o


Once again, Thank you soooooooooo much!!!! Merry Christmas and my best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year!!!! :D


Thankyou FireFly for the supprise adpption, i was happy to receiev one but thought you were ging to offer it to someone else!!


adoption has been accepted and coin page has been changed into my own format (same for all my coins) but have left all the important information about the coins origin.


I have changed the mission to come to me so i can see it, hold it and make a replica for my collection before re-releasing it maybe to venture back to you, so you can see and hold your coin again.


thankyou to all have kept this thread alive and my request is that it be pinned and has a permanant location at the top of the coin section so we can continue into the future and keep the spirit of giving and sharing alive.


No problem. The first five did go out to others, so I looked again and found another coin for you. :)


Okay, I'll adopt them out sometime between now and the weekend. I have to dig through some boxes! LOL


So be looking for an adoption request:








I know I said I had 5, but I'm sure I can come up with another!


Oh, and the tracking list, I stopped using it and have moved to an Access database. Now I need to find a way to get some of the info from it online!


I sent adoption requests to the above posters for the 6 coins. I'll be dropping them during my trip home on New Years weekend. fendmar, yours should actually end up pretty close to you since I'm going to visit my dad, and he lives SW of Houston!


I left the pages blank, so you can customize them anyway you would like.

That was a cool Christmas bonus to logon and see today! :) Thanks again for the great adoption! I look forward to seeing its travels! I hope we'll cross paths again at one of the events coming up while you are in the area! :o

Okay, I'll adopt them out sometime between now and the weekend. I have to dig through some boxes! LOL


So be looking for an adoption request:









Thankyou MJ your adoption has been accepted and the coin page updated with a mission,


my gratitude goes out to all who have participated in giving coins to others and i hope that this continues well into the future, and when im in a position to give some myself, this thread is still alive and active.

Posted (edited)

i don`t read the hole Thread.

Please - can anyone eyplain me shortly how does it works?


I would adopt one or two coins if its ok......


Hello my friend!!!


I copied this from the first post....


The premise is that those who have extra activated geocoins that may be doubles, coins that are no longer wanted, coins that will not sell or released coins someone does not want to keep track of, etc... For whatever reason, adopt them to someone who wants to see their own coin travel.


All you have to do is adopt the coin to someone in this thread who wants one and release it yourself. If this thread survives individuals can always participate and maybe companies that have extra coins with a certain prefix can also join.



So... shortly... people who have extra coins who do not want anymore, or have coins out travelling and do not want to see them travelling anymore, they can adopt them to others as a pay in forward! It is a very kind and noble thingto do so even new cachers or cachers who do not have many coins out travelling to take the joy of it! :lol:


The coins can be new releases or old ones with miles on their back! :D


So, geocachers who has coins like that, are posting here that they have some coins (2, 3, 5...) or even they say which coins they are and if anyone wants one... he can email them and post here and they will adopt the coin to him! As I said, they are traveller coins....


As a pay in forward, you my have coins like that you too and you can adopt it to someone else! So everybody is happy and with coins! :D


I was blessed with some in this thread! Since I got them from here, when I change missions and titles, I mention the Pay in Forward in the title and I mention this thread in the page of the coin too, with a link! It is a nice way to keep this great thread alive and to bring more cachers here! Of course, except that, you can put whatever else you want! For example, I have coins In Pay it forward and deaf awarenes, or Pay it forward and Todies wild ride release (an other great thing...)

Except that, I mention and thank the cacher who gave me the coin..... :D


So.. in the last posts, you can see if there are any coins for adoption now... stay alert with this thread becasue even if there is none now (I do not know), maybe the next days someone may post and give coins.... :D


I hope I helped you understand some things! In th posts you will see some great guys!!!

Welcome to this thread my friend and my best wishes for a happy new year!!!


Oh... in case you didn;t understand something, please feel free to ask!!! :D

Edited by GATOULIS

Ok. Thx for the answer. :D


I have 3 coins up for adoption.


Who wants? :D:D


You are welcome my friend!!! :D


I forgot to say that If someone doesn't want to watch his adopted coin anymore for any reason.... or what ever else, he can adopt it to someone else.... :D


Now... maybe the coins are already with a great mission.... in that case, if you want , you can mention that the ones who will take the coins must keep the mission and add anything else...


I gave here 2 coins for adoption! they belonged to the Todies wild ride release and ex race! I asked that the ones who will adopt them must not be already in this release, so the list in that thread will have 2 new names, and I asked the coins to stay under this mission, but keeping the first half of the title (todies wild ride: ) and then add what ever they want and to mention that the coins are to raise bike awareness to the world and they could add what mission they wanted!


So... in that case, you can have both TWR and PIF and what ever you want as mission! :D


WOW! 3 coins!!! Bravo my friend!!! Well if there is one ..... :lol:


I'm going to drop the coins that I adopted out this weekend. I know that several of you have given the coins a mission. I will print these out and place the coins with the mission sheet in a baggie before I drop them.


If any of you who haven't given the coins a mission would like to, just change the mission before Wednesday. I believe we might be leaving on Wednesday night.


:D Thank you my friend for choosing me too! the link it was given o you work for all coins! :D


I read againg my post and I have to clear up something so I will not be missunderstood! :D


It is not a trade... that means that if you give for adoption for example 2 coins, do not expect to get 2 adopted coins as pay in forward..

It doesn't go 1:1


Some didn't get any coins but gave many, some got 1 and gave 20 or more..... Some others, got one from one cacher and gave an other coin to someone else...


There are cachers who do not have many coins or they are new... and... :)


You will see that in the older posts! :)


It is nice that you will play too! Watch out! Geocachers are coming here, posting and giving for adoption coins! :D


If there is none for some time... I am sure I will find a way so you will adopt a coin too and see it travel! :)


I hope I cleared things... My english are not so good... I am from Greece, so.. :) On the other hand.. if I was writing in Greek... who would understand me???? B)


Does anyone by any chance have a traveling "Wildlife Muggles" geocoin that they would be willing to adopt to me? I saw the icon on GATOULIS's profile, and did a quick search to look at the coin. Raccoons are my favorite animal - I even have one tattooed on my arm, dressed as a police officer!! I am a man of limited funds, so I cannot purchase one at this time, but would love to have one traveling, and maybe find its way to me.


If anyone has one that they would be willing to adopt to me, please shoot me an email through my profile to let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Actually, any coin depicting a raccoon would be wonderful. Thanx!


This is a great idea and it is nice to see people in the giving spirit!


I wish I had the funds to send a few out too!


The best I can do is mention that eatstayplay.com has a deal where you can get a free coin from them. I should see mine soon. ?s, email me or check out their forums!


Keep up the giving!


Does anyone by any chance have a traveling "Wildlife Muggles" geocoin that they would be willing to adopt to me? I saw the icon on GATOULIS's profile, and did a quick search to look at the coin. Raccoons are my favorite animal - I even have one tattooed on my arm, dressed as a police officer!! I am a man of limited funds, so I cannot purchase one at this time, but would love to have one traveling, and maybe find its way to me.


If anyone has one that they would be willing to adopt to me, please shoot me an email through my profile to let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Actually, any coin depicting a raccoon would be wonderful. Thanx!


I think there are different versions of this coin! I had the red wacker, but there are other animals on them too!

My little coin that Tenneessy Jed adopted to me last year, was stollen too early! ;) So its probably a beautiful coin!


I wish I had one my friend, but I haven't even seen mine from close!


Happy new year my friend!!! :blink:


Does anyone by any chance have a traveling "Wildlife Muggles" geocoin that they would be willing to adopt to me? I saw the icon on GATOULIS's profile, and did a quick search to look at the coin. Raccoons are my favorite animal - I even have one tattooed on my arm, dressed as a police officer!! I am a man of limited funds, so I cannot purchase one at this time, but would love to have one traveling, and maybe find its way to me.


If anyone has one that they would be willing to adopt to me, please shoot me an email through my profile to let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Actually, any coin depicting a raccoon would be wonderful. Thanx!


I think there are different versions of this coin! I had the red wacker, but there are other animals on them too!

My little coin that Tenneessy Jed adopted to me last year, was stollen too early! ;) So its probably a beautiful coin!


I wish I had one my friend, but I haven't even seen mine from close!


Happy new year my friend!!! :blink:


Happy new year to you as well, Nikos!


I should have clarified that I am looking for the raccoon version of the coin. Thanx for pointing that out, Gat!!


Well I spent the evening activating some new coins and sending out adoptions. On each page is a picture of your coin as well as a link to this forum...for those who come in contact with your coin during its travels. I didn't know where to stop so anyone with under 10 trackables pretty much should have received and adoption from me. Please note these are in my possession right now and will drop on my next cache adventure....but they are brand new and all the mileage and travels will be yours. Enjoy!!!!! :)


1.mlrs 1996











12.duck hunt



15.zander g




19.TN Jed


Tis the Season....Happy Holidays to all!


Steel City Babes


Hey all,


I have the coins and will take them with me over break to PA not sure how much caching I will get in but I will try to drop them ASAP...Please be patient...I will get them out....


If not I have back to back 3 day weekends in Mid Jan....and I will plan an caching expedition....




Well tomorrow is the day for those of you that waited patiently....as long as I can get my butt out of bed at 5:30 to meet some caching friends for 6:55.....let the journey begin.....


Thanks TJ for starting this thread....


Happy New Year to ALL!!!


we could call you in the morning to make sure your up ...... lol

just kidding no problem i cant wait to see the coin.

and thaks again for the coin


LMAO......I have just printed all info sheets and placed all the coins in small ziplock bags....


I just want to tahnk those of you who have given me a coin to be adopted, I do enjoy watching coins wander around the country.


I think I have made missions for them. I think. I will double check though.


Me too! :) I would like to thank all the great people here who adopted to me geocoins so I can see them travel! My best wishes for a happy new year!!!! :lol:

Here in Greece we are spending the first 2-3 hours of the new year already! :)


WOW! I reached the 5100 posts! :D I think I have to go to sleep now... I drunk too much sampagne with the New years Pie (st. Vasilios pie, with a hidden coin in it.... not a geocoin! :D ) and.... :)


Me too! :) I would like to thank all the great people here who adopted to me geocoins so I can see them travel! My best wishes for a happy new year!!!! :lol:

Here in Greece we are spending the first 2-3 hours of the new year already! :)


WOW! I reached the 5100 posts! :D I think I have to go to sleep now... I drunk too much sampagne with the New years Pie (st. Vasilios pie, with a hidden coin in it.... not a geocoin! :D ) and.... :)


Happy New Year Gatoulis


Hello, this is Eric from Germany!

Let me ask one question: is that campaign still running?

I'm very interested in since I read about at a geocoin description of Nikos (GATOULIS)

Every coin that is brought to us will get a mission!


Okay, in case there is something going on, just write to me, I'm always glad about a small message :anibad:


Hello, this is Eric from Germany!

Let me ask one question: is that campaign still running?

I'm very interested in since I read about at a geocoin description of Nikos (GATOULIS)

Every coin that is brought to us will get a mission!


Okay, in case there is something going on, just write to me, I'm always glad about a small message :anibad:


Oh Eric!!! I am so glad you are posting here my friend and saw one of my coins!!! :P


Of course this thread is still active and the campain is still running! We will try to keep this thread as long as we can! In case you want information you can read the posts (the first post of Tennessee Jed) is saying lots of things, and of course if you have any questions for this campain or others, you can always email me! :D


Welcome my friend to the geocoin forum family!!! :D

Posted (edited)
Oh Eric!!! I am so glad you are posting here my friend and saw one of my coins!!! :anibad:


Of course this thread is still active and the campain is still running! We will try to keep this thread as long as we can! In case you want information you can read the posts (the first post of Tennessee Jed) is saying lots of things, and of course if you have any questions for this campain or others, you can always email me! :P


Welcome my friend to the geocoin forum family!!! :D


Thank you Nikos!

I'm glad the project is still running! By the way, I have some of my personal coins for the project, just ask me!


Greetings from Germany!

Edited by eric07

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