+Rockin Roddy Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I've already let the cat out of the bag in the Todie's Wild Ride thread, now I'll announce it here as well....the Todie's Wild Ride: A Tribute To Tod coin will be availbale in the near future, maybe as early as mid-April. We've already ordered the coins, now it's just a matter of patience...something I have little of! As many here know, Tod was part of the Team Rod & Tod w/KAboom, the Cachestalkers caching team, he was like a brother to me and a father to KAboom. Tod was taken from us Aug 12th 2008 (2 days after the MWGB) when a careless driver pulled into Tod's lane causing him to make a snap decision which ultimately ended badly when Tod's bike high-sided and Tod's head hit the pavement. Since Tod's death, I have been busy trying to keep my mind from the sadness by starting a coin release/race cointest with the main mission of spreading bike awareness! My thought was, maybe a few people would get involved and possibly we'd get a hundred coins released, all with Todie's Wild Ride as the name and all spreading bike awareness. Little did I know how big Todie's Wild Ride would grow, there's now 452 coins and 106 participants. Wanting to produce a tribute coin for Tod, I asked for the help of our community and was THANKFUL to have so many answer! The coin is 1.75" x 3mm and will be available in a gold/yellow and a silver/yellow RE versions as well as an LE version which will be gold with a green glitter. One side of the coin is 2-D raised metal with enamal finish whick the other side is a picture of Tod which was taken at last year's Lazy Hayes Days II, an event we host here in Michigan. The coin truly captures Tod's jovial spirit, I can almost hear his trademark chuckle coming from the smile on his face...and check out the twinkle in his eyes!! The coins are being made to raise money for various bike awareness projects I am in the process of getting goin, my main goal is to rent a billboard near Tod's accident and post a HUGE bike awareness message. Bike awareness is very important to me, whether it's a child on their Schwinn, a teen on their moped or a grizzled biker on his metal steed, we all have equal rights to the roads and we all must do our part to drive (or ride) responsibly! All proceeds (every cent) will go straight to the projects which will include a child's helmet handout and some presentations at local schools...and don't forget the billboard! Without further ado, Todie's Wild Ride: A Tribute To Tod Coin will be trackable with custom icon and possibly a little surprise as well!! I will post more as soon as I hear anything!! A SPECIAL THANK YOU to those who have contributed to the making of this coin, you all know who you are!! Without your help and the very generous help of personalgeocoins.com, this coin would nit be possible! note: name may change....or not! Quote
+steel city babes Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) Nice tribute/awareness coin..RR... His smile really jumps off the coin, it put a smile on my face...considering the circumstances. Man big ole' teddy bear, I'll bet. I am glad you found some solice in doing things you and he loved equally to keep your mind off the things as much as that is possible. Once again it is nice to see the community pull together and give you a hand in this wonderfully thoughtful project... Edited March 10, 2009 by steel city babes Quote
+fairyhoney Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Gonna be an AWESOME coin, Roddy! You were lucky to have him in your guys' life! Quote
+maldar Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Be sure to set some aside for me. I want a full set and then some to release. I cannot wait to see it, really happy you got this one going. Quote
+Sparticus06 Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Very awesome Rod. Can't wait to get my hands on a couple. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 10, 2009 Author Posted March 10, 2009 THANKS for the kind words, much appreciated!! I'll keep you informed as to the progress and will add pics as I get them! Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Very awesome Rod. Can't wait to get my hands on a couple.DOZEN Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I was looking at the Lazy Hayes Days page, and thinking about the Tb race...I wonder if there are any rules about charging a fee to enter a TB race?? Could that be a way to raise money for your programs?? Maybe have a BIG prize(donated) like there was in the Summer Meltdown, and charge +/-$10 per Coin/Bug entered in the race. I wonder if that would be considered Gambling? Quote
+hollora Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I was looking at the Lazy Hayes Days page, and thinking about the Tb race...I wonder if there are any rules about charging a fee to enter a TB race?? Could that be a way to raise money for your programs?? Maybe have a BIG prize(donated) like there was in the Summer Meltdown, and charge +/-$10 per Coin/Bug entered in the race. I wonder if that would be considered Gambling? It might depend on the State these were sold in. Each State has different laws, rules and definitions of "gambling". Quote
+maldar Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I was looking at the Lazy Hayes Days page, and thinking about the Tb race...I wonder if there are any rules about charging a fee to enter a TB race?? Could that be a way to raise money for your programs?? Maybe have a BIG prize(donated) like there was in the Summer Meltdown, and charge +/-$10 per Coin/Bug entered in the race. I wonder if that would be considered Gambling? It might depend on the State these were sold in. Each State has different laws, rules and definitions of "gambling". I don't think that it is considered gambling as it is a race. Say if 200 people competed in a 50 yard dash and the top 3 got a prize, it is not gambling. Now. people placing wagers on the winners, that is gambling. Cars that enter into races like NASCAR have to pay fees to enter the race and then it they win, they get a purse. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 10, 2009 Author Posted March 10, 2009 I was looking at the Lazy Hayes Days page, and thinking about the Tb race...I wonder if there are any rules about charging a fee to enter a TB race?? Could that be a way to raise money for your programs?? Maybe have a BIG prize(donated) like there was in the Summer Meltdown, and charge +/-$10 per Coin/Bug entered in the race. I wonder if that would be considered Gambling? I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, to tell the truth, but the race would be a long time to wait for a prize in a contest you paid for! I don't know.... Quote
+opalsns Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) Yup, and then the Coin / TB gets stolen and now your out another 10 bucks, and then your out of the race ? I mean if folks are willing to PAY 10.00 for a chance to enter a race they probabally won't win, Wouldn't they be willing to donate to a good cause?? Edited March 10, 2009 by opalsns Quote
+sweetlife Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 (edited) Hey Rod, I am home now and both Barry and I love this coin you have made in honor of Tod. We miss him so much and if he was still around to know what you and everyone in this geocaching community has done, he would be extremely happy. He had alot of friends who thought the world of him and didnt know that even existed. Great to see you doing what you all can and from the help of everyone else to make this coin come to reality. I know we are blessed to be able to help raise Bike awareness for the Loss of our Friend. Really it is a honor. We like a full set if possible as well, to release and add to our collection. Thank You Rod Your MiGO Friends Valarie and Barry Edited March 10, 2009 by sweetlife Quote
+ThirstyMick Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 Rod, what a wonderful tribute! Great photo of Tod, you can just see his personality shining through. And ambitious goals, I love the idea of the childrens bike helmet handout Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 His smile really jumps off the coin, it put a smile on my face...considering the circumstances. Man big ole' teddy bear, I'll bet. Yes Tod was a man of few words and a big ole tedy bear! He always had a grin on his face but in the picture it may have also have been because he was cooking and Tod did like the food!! LOL Its a great coin. I wonder if charging a $10 entry fee may actually be a deterent to someone entering especially more than one bug. There are also cheaper travelers than the TB tags I've found. Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 10, 2009 Author Posted March 10, 2009 THANK YOU all for the kind words, truly lifting!! In the few years we were caching, Tod did make many friends, near and far! No matter where we went, we always ran into someone we knew, and Tod was happy to hand out (and receive lol) the hugs!! Yes, the handout idea is becoming more and more my favorite and probably most impotant goal. Although I want and will get a billboard, I really believe teaching the youth at an early age to protect themselves is crucial. Kids will do as other kids do, and most kids these days are not wearing helmets! Some even own helmets and their parents think they wear them...not when out of view!!! It's important to teach the kids at an early age that helmets are cool, being safe is cool! Tod always made his son wear a helmet when riding his bicycle, but Tod wore a fake helmet on his motorcycle....being safe truly is cool! I bet Justin (Tod's 6yr old son) would have rather his daddy had followed the rules he enforced... Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 14, 2009 Author Posted March 14, 2009 Rumor has it we could be seeing these coins IN HAND in just a few more weeks!! As soon as I get them in, I will start the sales! A little quicker than I had expected really, but that's GREAT!! I'm really excited!! Quote
+DJ.J.ROCK Posted March 14, 2009 Posted March 14, 2009 Rod, your friend would be proud of you, i think of TWR alot when im driving!! it has impacted how i view the cycling word on a huge scale and take extra caution when i see a bike, leaving them extra room and such,, just the other day i was behind a truck that did not see the bike next to him and started a lane change,, good thing he saw him at the last second and quickly veared back in the lane! your way of dealing with loosing your friend has been such a way ive never really seen in person, you allways hear of the person that lost their family and started a foundation,, this is where your headed with this in a way,, a foundation of awareness. im sorry for your loss and hope you continue your venture with sucess! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 14, 2009 Author Posted March 14, 2009 Rod, your friend would be proud of you, i think of TWR alot when im driving!! it has impacted how i view the cycling word on a huge scale and take extra caution when i see a bike, leaving them extra room and such,, just the other day i was behind a truck that did not see the bike next to him and started a lane change,, good thing he saw him at the last second and quickly veared back in the lane! your way of dealing with loosing your friend has been such a way ive never really seen in person, you allways hear of the person that lost their family and started a foundation,, this is where your headed with this in a way,, a foundation of awareness. im sorry for your loss and hope you continue your venture with sucess! Jay, my friend, all I can say is THANKS YOU!! It is this kind of post which not only brings a tear to my eye, but keeps me going on! And, hearing that you and others think about bikes, about others on the roads...this means a lot to me!! Starting the TWR project was n't exactly what I had in mind when this all came about, I really was wanting to send out some coins to honor Tod and maybe try to make a small difference. My dream, my crazy, wild dream was maybe we'd get 100 coins out...WOW!! Actually, even 100 was a big dream, one I hadn't thought we'd reach! Some days, the Todie's Wild Ride and all my friends in there are all that keep me sane! This is more a testiment to every one of you in the Todie's Wild Ride! You guys are the ones who's making this happen, I am just the one who brought you all together!! I cannot and could not do this without each and every one of you! Anyone wishing to participate, it's still open to registration! All you need to do is get a coin activated according to the guidelines in the opening post of the Todie's Wild Ride thread...disregard the dates (they are irrelevant). The race is set up to allow anyone to win, even the latest of entries!! And prizes...we've got LACKEY COINS and other special coins including a MYSTERY COIN!!! Back to the coin, I will post pics as soon as they come in!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 15, 2009 Author Posted March 15, 2009 Rod, I’m not sure how familiar you are with podcasting (free radio shows that can be downloaded to an ipod/mp3 player/computer), but I was listening to a few geocaching podcasts this weekend and thought it might be a good way to get the word out about Todie’s Wild Ride, your new coin, and your Lazy Hayes Days event. Have you ever thought about doing an interview with one of the radio shows, explaining why you started Todie’s Wild Ride and maybe talk about its progress so far? I would be willing to offer up a few Look Twice geocoins as giveaways to their listeners (maybe a special cointest for their regular audience?). I thought it might be a good way to get some new participants involved – people who might not hang out in the forums too much? Let me know if you have any interest and, if so, I can write up an email asking them to highlight your project. I really like this idea, THANKS!! Email sent! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 21, 2009 Author Posted March 21, 2009 (edited) The Lazy Hayes Days III event and the Tribute to Tod coin will be mentioned in the local newspaper as well as a press release for the MI-DNR!! THAT'S GREAT!! Our friends at Hayes really take great care of us, we have a great working relationship!! The release will cover the event as well as bike awareness and the coins being sold to raise money for the bike awareness projects I am working on with ABATE!! I am also scheduled to get with ABATE's special projects manager Monday to discuss the best ways to go about these projects!! I may donate a big chunk of the money raised to ABATE, but will be renting the billboard, that's my main gola as well as the child's bike helmet giveaway!!! Oh, and these coins should be in very soon, maybe next week!!! I can't wait! There's an LE and two RE editions as well as the super scarce IE (Investor's Edition) and PE (Prize Edition). The IE will NOT be available except in a set we'll auction off to raise money (may be up to 5 sets, all with one of each coin), the PE will only be available to those in the Todie's Wild Ride cointest as a prize as well as in the sets we'll auction!! Pics, specific info and ordering info will come as soon as the coins are IN HAND!!! ALSO, it's NOT TOO LATE to enter the Todie's Wild Ride race, we've made the entry OPEN UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!!!! The prizes are structured to allow for ANYONE to win regardless of entry date or miles traveled!!! The Prize Edition coins are just a few of the prizes, we've got a few LACKEY coins left as well as some other special coins including a MICKEY DIVER MYSTERY COIN!!!!! And, prizes are just a bit of the rewards of entering the Todie's Wild Ride, spreading bike awareness is also a great reward!! I hope that some of these tribute coins find their way into caches as well!!! Edited March 21, 2009 by Rockin Roddy Quote
+drneal Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 put me down for a set if possible...time to look at the wild ride thread also...hard to lose someone you care about. ILYK Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 21, 2009 Author Posted March 21, 2009 put me down for a set if possible...time to look at the wild ride thread also...hard to lose someone you care about. ILYK I may just "auction" a set right here in the forums to give those who don't do ebay a chance at one, but the sets will only be available in auctions!! Quote
+KrazyTrollz Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Hey Rod, Put me down for a set. Can't see the photo, but I'd love to have them!!!! Also, I know you're probably looking for some coins for your event. When did you need them by? I have something neat coming in...and if I have some time to wait for them, I can send something off to you, lemme know, drop me a line Sonya Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 24, 2009 Author Posted March 24, 2009 Not a single thing in my mailbox when I came home this afternoon, I was bummed....unti I get to the porch!!! On the steps was a rather nice sized box which was also rather heavy, addressed to me from my friend JohnMac!! Now, John had told me this was coming, but he neglected to say he sent a treasure chest!!! I opened it to find a great ammo box inside with the words "Official Geocache, Do Not Remove" on the sides....NICE!! Inside the ammo box was another container of smaller size as well as a tube container, a hide-a-key and a nano! Also inside was a bubbler filled with goodies!!! Inside: a Travel Slug, 3 OakCoins pins, 2 Nutcracker coins from HogWild, a Pursuit of Caching coin (also HogWild), a Travel Ingot, a 2-cent copper and a Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers coin!!! WOW!! But, there was also a little something for me as well (this was all for the upcoming Lazy Hayes Days event)...an LA Kings keychain and an LA Kings magnet, gotta love those!!! THANK YOU JohnMac56, John'sLady56 and Tamster56, these wonderful gifts really brought a smile to my face anda chuckle when i saw the LA Kings goodies!! I will put these to good use, our guests will truly enjoy your thoughtfulness!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 24, 2009 Author Posted March 24, 2009 Hey Rod, Put me down for a set. Can't see the photo, but I'd love to have them!!!! Also, I know you're probably looking for some coins for your event. When did you need them by? I have something neat coming in...and if I have some time to wait for them, I can send something off to you, lemme know, drop me a line Sonya THANK YOU, my friend, email coming very soon!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 24, 2009 Author Posted March 24, 2009 (edited) I wanted to let everyone know, I now have the artwork for the billboard! Working with the guys and gals at MSF (Motocycle Safety Foundation), I was sent the artwork, I will also be sent a disc which I can use so i don't have to pay an artist for the billboard...AWESOME! Anyone wishing to help with motorcycle safety should check out the MSF website (just google MSF) as well as http://www.forcardrivers.com/. This is an MSF site dedicated to helping auto drivers notice motorcycles better! I am honestly thinking about donating whatever funds we don't use to MSF in Tod's honor!! That's IF there are any funds left over since I've heard billboards run about $150-$200/month in this area! My thought, since the motorcycle safety message is only good for the warm season anyways, maybe renting the billboard for 6 months and then having the kiddie helmet giveaway before deciding how much else I can send off to MSF! I may also start making a coin to benefit MSF in the near future (likely next year). Plans are coming together, we just need to get some funds to get the ball rolling!! Here are a couple videos which anyone can use if you'd like: http://msfusa.httpsvc.vitalstreamcdn.com/m...ection1024K.wmv http://msfusa.httpsvc.vitalstreamcdn.com/m...20070807-hi.wmv Please take a few minutes to watch these!!! Edited March 24, 2009 by Rockin Roddy Quote
JohnMac56 Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Not a single thing in my mailbox when I came home this afternoon, I was bummed....unti I get to the porch!!! On the steps was a rather nice sized box which was also rather heavy, addressed to me from my friend JohnMac!! Now, John had told me this was coming, but he neglected to say he sent a treasure chest!!! I opened it to find a great ammo box inside with the words "Official Geocache, Do Not Remove" on the sides....NICE!! Inside the ammo box was another container of smaller size as well as a tube container, a hide-a-key and a nano! Also inside was a bubbler filled with goodies!!! Inside: a Travel Slug, 3 OakCoins pins, 2 Nutcracker coins from HogWild, a Pursuit of Caching coin (also HogWild), a Travel Ingot, a 2-cent copper and a Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers coin!!! WOW!! But, there was also a little something for me as well (this was all for the upcoming Lazy Hayes Days event)...an LA Kings keychain and an LA Kings magnet, gotta love those!!! THANK YOU JohnMac56, John'sLady56 and Tamster56, these wonderful gifts really brought a smile to my face anda chuckle when i saw the LA Kings goodies!! I will put these to good use, our guests will truly enjoy your thoughtfulness!! I'm glad to see everything arrived OK. I was a little worried shipping an ammo can and all, but I guess the USPS doesn't worry too much... I know how hard things have been for you lately and just wanted to show my appreciation for everything you have done for this sport/hobby/addiction of ours. And knowing you are a big hockey fan, I couldn't resist sending you out the Kings items. You see, I believe in Karma, and with all of your selfless acts it is all starting to come back to you. Keep up the good work my friend and all the world can be yours!!! I did forget one thing though... I meant to send you out some 35mm film containers that you mentioned you were looking for to use at the event. Are you still looking for those, or have you found a source for them yet? Johnslady56 has a friend who works at a local film processing store and we can usually pick up 20 or 30 at a time from her. If you still need some and can't find a local source, drop me a line and I'll see what I can dig up. And now to get back on topic... Whats the latest word on the coin??? Any good solid dates yet??? Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted March 24, 2009 Author Posted March 24, 2009 Not a single thing in my mailbox when I came home this afternoon, I was bummed....unti I get to the porch!!! On the steps was a rather nice sized box which was also rather heavy, addressed to me from my friend JohnMac!! Now, John had told me this was coming, but he neglected to say he sent a treasure chest!!! I opened it to find a great ammo box inside with the words "Official Geocache, Do Not Remove" on the sides....NICE!! Inside the ammo box was another container of smaller size as well as a tube container, a hide-a-key and a nano! Also inside was a bubbler filled with goodies!!! Inside: a Travel Slug, 3 OakCoins pins, 2 Nutcracker coins from HogWild, a Pursuit of Caching coin (also HogWild), a Travel Ingot, a 2-cent copper and a Rockin Roddy's Cachestalkers coin!!! WOW!! But, there was also a little something for me as well (this was all for the upcoming Lazy Hayes Days event)...an LA Kings keychain and an LA Kings magnet, gotta love those!!! THANK YOU JohnMac56, John'sLady56 and Tamster56, these wonderful gifts really brought a smile to my face anda chuckle when i saw the LA Kings goodies!! I will put these to good use, our guests will truly enjoy your thoughtfulness!! I'm glad to see everything arrived OK. I was a little worried shipping an ammo can and all, but I guess the USPS doesn't worry too much... I know how hard things have been for you lately and just wanted to show my appreciation for everything you have done for this sport/hobby/addiction of ours. And knowing you are a big hockey fan, I couldn't resist sending you out the Kings items. You see, I believe in Karma, and with all of your selfless acts it is all starting to come back to you. Keep up the good work my friend and all the world can be yours!!! I did forget one thing though... I meant to send you out some 35mm film containers that you mentioned you were looking for to use at the event. Are you still looking for those, or have you found a source for them yet? Johnslady56 has a friend who works at a local film processing store and we can usually pick up 20 or 30 at a time from her. If you still need some and can't find a local source, drop me a line and I'll see what I can dig up. And now to get back on topic... Whats the latest word on the coin??? Any good solid dates yet??? John, my friend, THANK YOU for the kind words! Bike awareness, the Todie's Wild Ride thread and all of you are sometimes my reason to get up in the morning, it has been hard. And now, with my dad slowly becoming sicker and weaker, I find myself deeply depressed and looking toward the forums and my friends...you guys truly don't know what you all mean to me! Keeping busy has helped, it's hard to concentrate at times, but it's better to be trying than to have an idle mind thinking...and thinking. Giving of myself and my coins has truly been a fun way to spread bike awareness as well as keep sane, I appreciate all the help you and so many others have given here!! And, it's my own little way of keeping Tod alive in my heart, and now in all of yours! Rusty (presonalgeocoins) is on vacation this week, he said they could be in when he returns next week!! With any luck at all, we'll be seeing these very soon!! I am really really stoked about this! ALSO...the personal coin we are working on with Mike Atwell are nearing finish, samples are coming my way as I type!! These will also spread bike awareness as well as be our personal coin (and honor Tod too...a lot of stuff all in one coin lol)!! Ummmm.....I hate to admit this, but I have yet to get busy on those darned film canisters (I know, I'm really slacking here and it's not good)! With Wal-Mart and Meijer's so close, I should have no problem though, so no worries about these!! But I appreciate the offer you and a few others have made! And you know I LOVE hockey, was happy to get to watch last night and another game is on tonight! Gotta love that! I have already added the magnet to my refrig door where my Red Wings magnets are also on display...it looks a little out of place, but I LIKE IT!! OK, back to the topic....when they come in, I am going to set aside the full sets I will be selling, I will also get the investor's coins readied and shipped (we have something like 300 bubblers waiting patiently to be filled lol). I will put one of the complete sets up for auction HERE, so anyone interested in these should get prepared to bid and bid generously! ALL PROCEEDS will go to my bike awareness projects, the billboard will take top priority (but I would like to get a real honest to goodness website up and running too). I want to get that up so it's there throughout the summer! That will also give reason for some good press, since I will be inviting my news friend to cover the unveiling of the billboard! Oh, I have shot off an email to Bell (helmet manufacturers), I hope to get with them to discuss some discounts for children's bike helmets!!! Quote
+sweetlife Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Hello Roddy, We are sadden to read that you dad isnt doing so good again. We will always keep him in our thoughts and prayers. Hope all is been well for you too Rod. It is been awhile since we have had a chance to chit chat. Seems like forever since we have seen you. Can't wait for summer, hope to see you around before you know it. Take Care our Friend. Hope to be able to help out some shape or form for your Bike awareness besides just eleasing coin to help spread awareness. We cannot wait to be able to get a couple Tod Coins as we sure miss him a great deal as well. If he knew what you been all doing and with everyone elses help he would be shocked, but so amazed by the help of his friends. This guy was sure truley blessed with so many friends that he didnt know that even existed. Hang in there Rod and say Hi to KabooM for us too! Barry and Val Quote
+NeoCult Posted March 24, 2009 Posted March 24, 2009 Mark me down for a set also if its ok? be glad to buy them and help out Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 2, 2009 Author Posted April 2, 2009 *Roddy waiting by the mailbox....checks his watch and taps his toes* Patience isn't my strong suit, but I hear word I won't need to be patient much longer....I will start selling these as soon as they come in, well, as soon as I figure out how to offer them!! Soon, very soon!!!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 2, 2009 Author Posted April 2, 2009 I just heard we were given a unique prefix for these coins, "TD".....gotta love that!!!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 4, 2009 Author Posted April 4, 2009 THANKS for the change FSM!! Coins might come in the door tomorrow, that would be sweet! I will then put all the details up and we'll get these selling! REMEMBER, all proceeds will go straight into various bike awareness projects, one of which is renting a billboard near Tod's accident scene. I am also working on a website, anyone who's set one up knows, that's a slow process (especially for me, I'm already slow) Anyways, Here's hoping I get a knock on the door tomorrow around 11am EST!! Quote
+GATOULIS Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 And when you have them in your hands, post some photos here too! Quote
+Chi-Town Cacher Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 Hi Roddy! I hope you've got a lot of coins coming in because I think you're going to be surprised at the how fast they sell. I'm looking forward to getting 2 myself. One to release into the wild to further your education effort and one to place on my keychain. The one on my key chain will serve as a reminder to me everytime I get behind the steering wheel of a car to be very vigilant of bikers around me and to give them extra space. You're doing a good thing here and I'm looking forward to being able to participate in it!!!! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 4, 2009 Author Posted April 4, 2009 Coins are now in hand and will go on sale in about 2 hours, I am checking them over and adding up the totals. I also am still getting the pictures taken, so bear with me! I asked the mods to change the title, I will edit this post as soon as I am ready to sell!! Quote
+die_anita Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 Coins are now in hand and will go on sale in about 2 hours, I am checking them over and adding up the totals. I also am still getting the pictures taken, so bear with me! I asked the mods to change the title, I will edit this post as soon as I am ready to sell!! I'd love to have some of them but now it's after midnight and after the CoinMania event I am just too tired to stay up for another two hours. I hope tomorrow morning there are some left I can order. Could you please provide the link where we can order? Thanks! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 5, 2009 Author Posted April 5, 2009 OK, here they are! As promised, we have 2 RE versions, one yellow/gold, the other yellow/silver, we also have for sale an LE glitter green/gold. Coins are 1.75"x1.75" and 3mm thick. All are trackable with cutom icon (not sure exactly what just yet) and prefix "TD". 100% of what's made from the sale of these coins will go to various bike awareness and safety projects I have planned and am planning, please watch the Todie's Wild Ride for update on projects and future plans! First and foremost is a billboard near Tod's accident scene to remind driviers to watch for us, another is a bicycle helmet handout for the youngsters...helmets are important!! Here's the Todie's Wild Ride Tribute coins, keep in mind that pictures truly do not do these justice: Silver/yellow RE $9 Gold/yellow RE $9 Gold/glitter green LE $10 You can buy a limited amount of 3 coin sets for $25, I think there's 22 left...get those while you can and save $3 (maybe a chance to set one free spreading bike awareness???) Shipping will depend on what it costs. I wish I could say actual cost, but that wouldn't be practical for a speedy and less hassling shipping experience...I hope for less than $3 w/confirmation, but it'll be a quick learning experience, please know I will not gouge. To order, please email me you caching name, real name shipping address and order amount to todieswildride@comcast.net, please DO NOT email my profile address as I get a LOT of emails there and might miss it! Quote
+jasondulac Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Coins turned out great good job will try to gather up some money Quote
+Chi-Town Cacher Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 (edited) Thanks for your work on biker awareness. It's something most of us need a reminder about. I'm sure Tod would be very proud of your educational efforts. You're a good man! Edited April 5, 2009 by Michigan Cacheman Quote
+kini_ont Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Love the tributre coin RR, looking forward to seeing this in caches all around the world. All must remember safety when you drive, bike, auto or truck. Quote
+WRITE SHOP ROBERT Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Sent in my order!! I hope I did it right?? Quote
+die_anita Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Just sent through my email and I hope that it came in time to get my order Thanks for this coin Rod! Quote
+Rockin Roddy Posted April 5, 2009 Author Posted April 5, 2009 THANKS for the kind words, my friends!! I will get all the orders set and ready to ship, will send out paypals and all orders will ship as soon as paid for! I hear next week is calling for accumulations of snow, a bummer for the course, but it means I will be able to get these out and in your hands faster!!! I will post a total of sets left in a bit!! Quote
+Sivota Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 OK, here they are! As promised, we have 2 RE versions, one yellow/gold, the other yellow/silver, we also have for sale an LE glitter green/gold. Coins are 1.75"x1.75" and 3mm thick. All are trackable with cutom icon (not sure exactly what just yet) and prefix "TD". 100% of what's made from the sale of these coins will go to various bike awareness and safety projects I have planned and am planning, please watch the Todie's Wild Ride for update on projects and future plans! First and foremost is a billboard near Tod's accident scene to remind driviers to watch for us, another is a bicycle helmet handout for the youngsters...helmets are important!! Here's the Todie's Wild Ride Tribute coins, keep in mind that pictures truly do not do these justice: Silver/yellow RE $9 Gold/yellow RE $9 Gold/glitter green LE $10 You can buy a limited amount of 3 coin sets for $25, I think there's 22 left...get those while you can and save $3 (maybe a chance to set one free spreading bike awareness???) Shipping will depend on what it costs. I wish I could say actual cost, but that wouldn't be practical for a speedy and less hassling shipping experience...I hope for less than $3 w/confirmation, but it'll be a quick learning experience, please know I will not gouge. To order, please email me you caching name, real name shipping address and order amount to todieswildride@comcast.net, please DO NOT email my profile address as I get a LOT of emails there and might miss it! Wow,......Gorgeous!!! Quote
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