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Rapid Response Questions

The Irish Man

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Posted (edited)

Here are a list of quick questions. Please answer them so that cache hiders have a idea of what you like. ;)


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS?

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


Hope you enjoyed these questions. As more people answer them, others will be able to get a better sence of the overall cachers.


Thanks for taking this "quiz"!

Edited by The Irish Man
Posted (edited)

The Irish Man here. Here are my answers.


Regular, Although I hide allot of micros in the city.









Not FTF'er currently.

Podcast listener.

In state.

Layed Back.



There are my answers ;) . Hope you enjoy.

Edited by The Irish Man







Letterbox or Wherigo? Neither.

Favorite GPS? iFinder Hunt

Social(event) or not? If the social is local, otherwise not.

FTF'er or not? If it happens OK, but I won't go out at midnight with a flashlight.

Podcast listener or not? Not

Out of state or In state? Doesn't matter

laid back



Micro or Regular? Both

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Earth

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Webcam

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox

Favorite GPS? ETrex

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? FTF'er

Podcast listener or not? No

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Both

Urban / Rural? Both


Micro or Regular? Regular.

Traditional or Multi? Traditional.

Mystery or Earth? Traditional.

In a group or alone? Group.

Hiding or Finding? Both.

Virtual or Webcam? Either as long as I don't have to be more than a dot on the photo.

Letterbox or Wherigo? Neither.

Favorite GPS? GPS V.

Social(event) or not? Anti Social. I barely have enough time for friends, let alone strangers.

FTF'er or not? More than my share on accident.

Podcast listener or not? Yup.

Out of state or In state? Yup.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Fun Core.

Urban / Rural? Both


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Earth

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Webcam

Letterbox or Wherigo? Wherigo

Favorite GPS? Garmin 60CSX

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? Sometimes

Podcast listener or not? Nope

Out of state or In state? In state

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Extreme/hardcore

Urban / Rural? Rural (woods)


Micro or Regular? -- Regular

Traditional or Multi? -- Both

Mystery or Earth? -- Earth

In a group or alone? -- With spouse

Hiding or Finding? -- Finding

Virtual or Webcam? -- Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? -- Wherigo

Favorite GPS? -- Garmin Colorado

Social(event) or not? -- Social Event

FTF'er or not? -- Not

Podcast listener or not? -- Podcast

Out of state or In state? -- In State

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? -- Laid Back

Urban / Rural? -- Rural


Micro or Regular? regular

Traditional or Multi? traditional

Mystery or Earth? mystery

In a group or alone? alone

Hiding or Finding? both

Virtual or Webcam? virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? letterbox

Favorite GPS? garmin 60Cx

Social(event) or not? every once in a while

FTF'er or not? not

Podcast listener or not? not (HOH)

Out of state or In state? I'd like to do more out just haven't had the opportunity

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? layed back

Urban / Rural? urban


Micro or Regular? both.

Traditional or Multi? both.

Mystery or Earth? neither.

In a group or alone? alone.

Hiding or Finding? finding.

Virtual or Webcam? virtual.

Letterbox or Wherigo? neither.

Favorite GPS? Garmin.

Social(event) or not? not.

FTF'er or not? not.

Podcast listener or not? not.

Out of state or In state? Out of state

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? hardcore.

Urban / Rural? both.


Not as easy as it sounds. Much of it is dependent on my mood, sometimes the company, and often the weather.


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Earth

In a group or alone? Alone

Hiding or Finding? Yes

Virtual or Webcam? Traditional

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox

Favorite GPS? The one with working batteries in it.

Social(event) or not? I'm not likely to cache at an event, but I enjoy the party.

FTF'er or not? High, My name is GOF1 and I haven't chased an FTF in two weeks.

Podcast listener or not? Is that like a body snatcher thing?

Out of state or In state? Any old place

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Excuse me, I was yawning. What was that you said?

Urban / Rural? Some of my best caching adventures have been lost in the woods

miles from the nearest Timmy's.


Please note - Any answer may change anytime I change my socks and or shorts.


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS? Garmin Oregon 200

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


Micro or Regular? polycarboxylate

Traditional or Multi? Octagon

Mystery or Earth? Jyeshta

In a group or alone? Beaucouzé

Hiding or Finding? Warwickshire

Virtual or Webcam? Frying Pan Shoals Light

Letterbox or Wherigo? Ranchor Dasa

Favorite GPS? Heinrich von Ahaus

Social(event) or not? Scotland

FTF'er or not? Aberdeen

Podcast listener or not? Eleutherodactylus modipeplus

Out of state or In state? Mercedes

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Changhua

Urban / Rural? Black-bellied Malkoha


Micro or Regular? Yes

Traditional or Multi? Yes

Mystery or Earth? Yes (odd choices for pairing...)

In a group or alone? Yes

Hiding or Finding? Yes

Virtual or Webcam? Yes

Letterbox or Wherigo? No

Favorite GPS? 60csx

Social(event) or not? Yes

FTF'er or not? Yes

Podcast listener or not? No

Out of state or In state? Yes

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Yes

Urban / Rural? Yes

Posted (edited)

Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Both

Mystery or Earth? Both

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Both

Favorite GPS? Garmin

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? Not

Podcast listener or not? Not

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Laid back

Urban / Rural? Rural

Edited by TrailGators

Micro or Regular? Depends on location

Traditional or Multi? Depends on how much time I have

Mystery or Earth? No preference

In a group or alone? Depends on who is (or isn't) in the group

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? No preference

Letterbox or Wherigo? No preference

Favorite GPS? A working GPS

Social(event) or not? Depends on the event

FTF'er or not? not, I'll find it when I find it

Podcast listener or not? Sometimes

Out of state or In state? I always find caches in the state that I am in. I'm no armchair cacher.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Both

Urban / Rural? Both and neither


Micro or Regular? Yes, please.


I just couldn't deal with the way you had cache types paired, it made no sense to me as they weren't really opposites of each other in any sense. So...


Traditional? Yes, please. Love them

Multi? Only if you tell me up front how many stages there are/total distance

Mystery? Some of them. The ALRs are mostly OK. The puzzles I can solve are few and far between. I mostly ignore the whole category because I am so bad at the solve at home puzzles

Earth? Yes, please. Love them

Virtual? Yes, please. Love them

Webcam? Done a few, rarely find one that is working when I am there

Letterbox? I've done a couple of cool ones, not many around here

Wherigo? Haven't yet had the opportunity


In a group or alone? Yes, please.

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Favorite GPS? Garmin 60CSx

Social(event) or not? Yes, please.

FTF'er or not? Nice if it happens, no big deal

Podcast listener or not? Yes...and I've been heard on one or two also briefly

Out of state or In state? Yes, please--I love to travel.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Laid back

Urban / Rural? Yes, please.


Here are a list of quick questions. Please answer them so that cache hiders have a idea of what you like. :(


Micro or Regular?either

Traditional or Multi? traditional

Mystery or Earth? earth

In a group or alone? alone (pair)

Hiding or Finding? hiding

Virtual or Webcam? ?

Letterbox or Wherigo? neither

Favorite GPS? Magellan

Social(event) or not? event

FTF'er or not? doesn't matter

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? wherever

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? laid back

Urban / Rural? rural


Hope you enjoyed these questions. As more people answer them, others will be able to get a better sence of the overall cachers.


Thanks for taking this "quiz"!


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam? Yawn

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS? 60CSx or PN-40 (equals in my book)

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not? Yawn

Podcast listener or not? Yawn

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Gimme a gator filled swamp over a P&G any day

Urban / Rural?


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Mystery

In a group or alone? Alone (family of 3)

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Neither

Favorite GPS? Garmin

Social(event) or not? Not yet

FTF'er or not? If we're lucky

Podcast listener or not? Not

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Layed back

Urban / Rural? Rural

Posted (edited)

Micro or Regular? i go to the location and find what ever is there

Traditional or Multi? prefer traditional, not good at puzzles or multis

Mystery or Earth? mystery i guess, havent been near an Earth Cache yet

In a group or alone? usually alone, but prefer group

Hiding or Finding? finding but moving towards hiding

Virtual or Webcam? havent found either but have virtuals on soon-to-find list

Letterbox or Wherigo? is 'no chance to find' either an option?

Favorite GPS? one that works

Social(event) or not? never been to an event

FTF'er or not? if i can, but i dont drop everything and run when notified

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? in state but only because i havent been out of state for a while

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? layed back

Urban / Rural? both

Edited by DiamondDaveG

Micro or Regular? Both

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Earth

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox, Wherigo would be nice, but limited

Favorite GPS? PN 40

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? FTF'er

Podcast listener or not? Never listened

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? both

Urban / Rural? both


Micro or Regular? - Regular

Traditional or Multi? - Traditional & short distance Multi

Mystery or Earth? - both

In a group or alone? - alone

Hiding or Finding? - finding

Virtual or Webcam? - both

Letterbox or Wherigo? - letterbox

Favorite GPS? - any

Social(event) or not? - yes

FTF'er or not? - FTF'er

Podcast listener or not? - not

Out of state or In state? - both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? - terrain 4, difficulty 2.5

Urban / Rural? - rural & remote


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone? 2 or 3 people.

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS? 60CSx

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


While these are preference, some are tipped one way or the other by only a few percentage points while others are by a very wide margin. That is given everything else about a cache is the same. Mix and match attributes of a cache and any one preference could easily go the other way.


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS?

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural? :(


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Both

Mystery or Earth? Mystery

In a group or alone? Either, but prefer alone

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Neither

Letterbox or Wherigo? Either

Favorite GPS? Garmin

Social(event) or not? Yes

FTF'er or not? Nope

Podcast listener or not? No

Out of state or In state? In

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Laid back

Urban / Rural? Both, prefer Rural


Micro or Regular?....Both

Traditional or Multi?...Traditional


Mystery or Earth?....Earth

In a group or alone?Both

Hiding or Finding?....New still learning to find

Virtual or Webcam?...Neither

Letterbox or Wherigo?...Neither

Favorite GPS?...All... but running a Tom Tom Go 910 & Vista HCx

Social(event) or not?....Maybe later

FTF'er or not?...No

Podcast listener or not?...No

Out of state or In state?...In state for now

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?....layed back

Urban / Rural?...both but prefer rural when time/weather permit

Posted (edited)

Here are a list of quick questions. Please answer them so that cache hiders have a idea of what you like. :(


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS?

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


Short Answer, I like them All!


For those where "All" doesn't answer...

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Social(event) or not? Event

Podcast listener or not? Not


Actually if I had seen Neos2's post I could have just said "ditto"! http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...t&p=3757370

Edited by TheAlabamaRambler

Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi? Depends on the day. I love a cleverly done multi.

Mystery or Earth? Of course, that depends on what the mystery is, too.

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding? I like the preparation for a hide.

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo? Only done one Wherigo Cache, maybe the novelty will wear off....

Favorite GPS? Garmin Oregon

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not? ...although if there's a new one that pops up right down the road, stay out of my way!

Podcast listener or not? Granite State Geocachers' Community Podcast

Out of state or In state? I live on the border of NH & Maine, although the bulk of my finds are in NH, so I guess I go with In State.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? My wife says I'm Hardcore. I think Laid Back.

Urban / Rural?

Posted (edited)

Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi? (Either, as long as it's well done)

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS? Garmin 60CSX (but diggin the DeLorme PN 40... hmmmmm)

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?

Edited by Boots...

Micro or Regular? yes depending on where I am searching

Traditional or Multi? usually traditionals before multis although Wednesday I did a fun 5 stage multi that took me 18+ miles so I found a bunch of trads along the way too

Mystery or Earth? not a big fan of either

In a group or alone? both-as long as I am out caching it is fun

Hiding or Finding? mostly finding

Virtual or Webcam? love a good virt, did a webcam to get the icon once

Letterbox or Wherigo? undecided, but I'm not about to spend the $$ for a Wherigo usable device

Favorite GPS? still using a 5 year old garmin 60c

Social(event) or not? oh yes-went to one at midnight this morning

FTF'er or not? couldn't care about them at all

Podcast listener or not? nope

Out of state or In state? caches are everywhere I go-ain't that great!

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? I guess with >6,000 finds I'm pretty hardcore?

Urban / Rural? caches are everywhere I go-ain't that great!


Hope you enjoyed these questions. As more people answer them, others who represent the very small percentage of total cachers who visit the forums will be able to get a better sense of the forum participants preferences. there-fixed it for ya :(


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Well, with the current meaning of mystery, that's a toughie, but I'll go Mystery.

In a group or alone? Usually Group, but planning for a solo roadtrip is fun too.

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Definitely letterbox. Wherigo doesn't even exist, as far as I'm concerned. <_<

Favorite GPS? Garmin GPS60 series

Social(event) or not? Social, I guess.

FTF'er or not? Maybe a little in 2004 or 2005, now I think the whole concept is ridiculous.

Podcast listener or not? Listener

Out of state or In state? I'd say out of State, as I like researching and planning as mentioned before.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Hardcore, baby.

Urban / Rural? As rural as rural can be.


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Both

Mystery or Earth? Mystery

In a group or alone? Group by preference, alone by practice (until our Avatar gets bigger)

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Neither

Favorite GPS? GPSMap 76 CSx

Social(event) or not? Yes

FTF'er or not? Not Really

Podcast listener or not? No

Out of state or In state? In-State

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Layed back

Urban / Rural? Rural

Posted (edited)

Micro or Regular? Yes.

Traditional or Multi? Yes.

Mystery or Earth? Yes.

In a group or alone? Yes

Hiding or Finding? Yes

Virtual or Webcam? Yes (as long as the webcam is one that doesn't require a partner awaitng my call. Those irritate me.)

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox as I don't have the requisite equipment for Wherigo

Favorite GPS? Anything by Garmin. Currently, Venture Cx.

Social(event) or not? Not so much.

FTF'er or not? Whatever.

Podcast listener or not? Nope.

Out of state or In state? Yes.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Sometimes one, sometimes t'other.

Urban / Rural? Yes.

Edited by sbell111

Micro or Regular? regular

Traditional or Multi? either

Mystery or Earth? either

In a group or alone? alone

Hiding or Finding? hiding

Virtual or Webcam? virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? letterbox

Favorite GPS? Garmin 60CSx

Social(event) or not? not

FTF'er or not? not

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? in state? not sure what that means.

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? layed back

Urban / Rural? rural


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? both

Mystery or Earth? mystery

In a group or alone? prefer small group - usually alone

Hiding or Finding? finding

Virtual or Webcam? virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? haven't done either yet

Favorite GPS? Garmin Vista HCX

Social(event) or not? not yet

FTF'er or not? not

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? mostly in

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? layed back

Urban / Rural? rural


Micro or Regular?: Regular

Traditional or Multi? Either

Mystery or Earth? Mystery

In a group or alone? In a Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Either

Favorite GPS? No particular favorite

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? No

Podcast listener or not? Once in awhile

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Layed Back

Urban / Rural? Rural


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS? Vista HCx

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


Here are a list of quick questions. Please answer them so that cache hiders have a idea of what you like. :)


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Neither

In a group or alone? Alone or with wife

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Neither

Letterbox or Wherigo? neither

Favorite GPS? none

Social(event) or not? yes

FTF'er or not? not a priority

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? where ever I am

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Mellow, but Wife would say Hardcore

Urban / Rural? Suburban/Rural


Hope you enjoyed these questions. As more people answer them, others will be able to get a better sence of the overall cachers.


Thanks for taking this "quiz"!


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? Earth

In a group or alone? Alone

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Virtual

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox

Favorite GPS? Garmin HCX

Social(event) or not? Not

FTF'er or not? don't care

Podcast listener or not? not

Out of state or In state? In state

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Laid back

Urban / Rural? Rural


Micro or Regular? Both

Traditional or Multi? It depends on the multi

Mystery or Earth? Both

In a group or alone? Group

Hiding or Finding? Finding

Virtual or Webcam? Both

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox

Favorite GPS? Garmin 60CSx

Social(event) or not? Social

FTF'er or not? Sometimes

Podcast listener or not? Not

Out of state or In state? Both

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? Both

Urban / Rural? Both


Micro or Regular? = Either

Traditional or Multi? = Traditional

Mystery or Earth? = Earth

In a group or alone? = Either

Hiding or Finding? = Finding

Virtual or Webcam? = Neither

Letterbox or Wherigo? = Neither

Favorite GPS? = The one in hand

Social(event) or not? = Either

FTF'er or not? = Not

Podcast listener or not? = Not

Out of state or In state? = Where ever I am

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? = Laid back

Urban / Rural? = Either


Here are a list of quick questions. Please answer them so that cache hiders have a idea of what you like. :)


Micro or Regular?

Traditional or Multi?

Mystery or Earth?

In a group or alone?

Hiding or Finding?

Virtual or Webcam?

Letterbox or Wherigo?

Favorite GPS?

Social(event) or not?

FTF'er or not?

Podcast listener or not?

Out of state or In state?

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back?

Urban / Rural?


Hope you enjoyed these questions. As more people answer them, others will be able to get a better sence of the overall cachers.


Thanks for taking this "quiz"!


This sounds like it would make a great poll, please try and make into one. I would like to see the answers posted as a graph to get a better idea of the results... good question! :)


Had to do a little soul-searching, but that's good: the unexamined Life is not worth living :)


Definitely Regular; micros are for stages of a multi, or really unusual placements where a larger cache just won't fit. Most micros are number-fodder, nothing more.


Traditional, but a good multi can be a lot of fun, if don't well.


We have some really good Earthcaches around here, but a nicely-done puzzle/mystery cache is a delight.


I usually cache alone, or with Sharon, the other half of the team, but there are a few people we enjoy caching with.


Finding, but I really enjoy hiding caches. What I *really* enjoy is looking for good places for caches; I don't really enjoy writing them up, though :wub:


Virtual. Never done a Webcam cache: too much hassle.


Letterbox. Never done a Wherigo, but wouldn't mind trying one. But we also letterbox, often combining the two games.


I still like our old Magellan 315, which was consistently accurate *to the maps* and has a better antenna, but far too many people use Garmins, so we use a 60cs.


We can take events, or leave them. We don't go out of our way for them, but attend 2-3 local ones a year


I will go after FTFs within about 10 miles, if I see them pop up, but we don't get e-mails for each new cache.


What's a Podcast? Heh; seriously, I listen to music, not talk. Sharon loves the things, though, but not on geocaching; she listens to ones on knitting.


California is big, and we live on the Central Coast; nuff said. We have a few finds in Oregon, and a few in Europe, but those were one-shot trips.


I really enjoy caching, but we are not the sort to go after 80-100 in a day. A nice 6-mile hike with two or three caches is a good day for us. Call us extremely laid back, sort of ;)


Rural is the only way to go unless we are desperate, gas prices are too high and/or the weather sucks. I'll go after urbans on errand runs, but Sharon won't go after them at all.


Micro or Regular? Regular

Traditional or Multi? Traditional

Mystery or Earth? earth

In a group or alone? Two people

Hiding or Finding? Both

Virtual or Webcam? Neither

Letterbox or Wherigo? Letterbox

Favorite GPS? Car garmin

Social(event) or not? Some

FTF'er or not? Not bothering

Podcast listener or not? Not

Out of state or In state? in

"Extreme/Hardcore" or Layed back? middle

Urban / Rural? either

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