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Tequila: 81 Proof


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you might have trouble getting an event cache published without 2 weeks notice... pig_smile.gif

I can hope, can't I?


That will give me some time to catch up.. kinda frustrating that everytime I get to a straggler cache my name is already in the log book...

I had a strong suspicion that you'd be visiting that cache soon! :angry:


That is hilarious. Pity you two are currently fighting for second place.


For may and most of June I was saying that I might be able to finish by the end of the summer. Whatever the outcome, I'll be happy to sign that logbook. First, third, or otherwise!


******* First To Find Prize Pack *******


Courtesy of Landsharkz



I am thrilled to announced that Helen from Landsharkz has come forward, as promised, with a great FTF prize pack that includes:


- 2007 Gold Limited Edition British Columbia Geocoin, unactivated. This version of the coin was never available for sale. It is a beautiful coin feature Northwest Native sculpture and a cougar.


- Canadian Geocacher Cap


- Canadian Geocacher Lapel Pin


- Canada Micro Puck geocoin


- Canadian Geocacher lanyard


- Two "Official Canadian Geocache" decals for your next cache


A big THANK YOU to Helen and Landsharkz for their generosity.


I will keep this package and award it to the first confirmed FTF. Given its "Canadian" theme, I am going to limit this prize pack to the first Canadian to find the cache.




Canadians only! - Cancels my flight to come and find the final *sighs*

Posted (edited)

Your profile says you are from Cornwall. There is a Cornwall ONTARIO CANADA. :D


Well yes, but it was our name first... I'm not too far from Truro, and I think you have one of those too.


Oh and I live in Liskeard and I know there's a New Liskeard in Canada somewhere.


Looks a fun cache, maybe I could do a UK version...

Edited by Birdman-of-liskatraz

That it has.


My compliments to psychocyclist and juicepig on a herculean effort.


Over 360 cachers have visited the page and 27 have a watch on it. It was fun to see who kept coming back to check the page again and again. Most visits as of this post: 61


It would appear that a few more cachers are within striking distance of this significant achievement.


I am thrilled to say that this cache fulfilled its intended purpose of igniting a spirited competition and getting cachers out there finding some really complex and fun caches.


Pictures and appropriate recognition to follow.


She haaaas been CO-FTF'd! :D


Congratulations! This is certainly no easy feat. We're about 50 'numbers' from bagging this one... may be several years yet, but we'll keep it on the watch list nevertheless.


Team Kurat

Posted (edited)

Copycat cache in Saskatchewan: GC1EMAC, Nirakmit's Evil Challenge - Mwahaha!


I guess it would be available to those of you who have already completed tequila's challenge!

Edited by hurleyanne

Thought I would post for anybody that cared :-)


# MacVersion = 0.3
# MacDescription = Filter on Diff/Terr combinations and Types you haven't found
# MacAuthor = Lignumaqua
# MacFileName = FizzyChallenge33.gsk
# MacUrl = http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=7289&view=findpost&p=44335
# Use FindStats SQLite table to filter for diff/terr combinations not found
# NOTE: You must run FindStatGen to generate the SQLite table at least once before running this macro
# This version is for FindStatGen V3.3 or later with the SQLite database

# Set up the SQLite table
$result = dbtosqlite("caches","Code,Name,CacheType,Container,Difficulty,Terrain,Bearing,Found,PlacedBy,FoundByMeDate,Distance,PlacedDate,Country,State",$_CurrentDataPath + "\cacheslitetemp.db3")
$result = sqlite("open",$_CurrentDataPath + "\cacheslitetemp.db3")

$out = "Difficulty;Terrain;Code;Name;Found By Me Date;PlacedDate" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

MFILTER Expression=$d_Found

$terrain  = 1
$difficulty = 1

WHILE $difficulty <=5
	WHILE $terrain <=5
		SHOWSTATUS msg="Checking Diff = $difficulty / Terr = $terrain" Width=350
		$_sql = "Select Code, Name, FoundByMeDate, PlacedDate from caches WHERE Difficulty=$difficulty and Terrain=$terrain AND PlacedDate < '2008-04-08' ORDER BY foundbymedate ASC limit 1"
		$result = Sqlite("sql",$_sql)		  
		$out = $out + NumToStr($difficulty) +  ";" + NumToStr($terrain) + ";" + $result + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
		$terrain = $terrain + 0.5
	$difficulty = $difficulty + 0.5
	$terrain  = 1

$html = sqltohtml($out,"Caches","y")
#SET $Data = PutFile("C:\temp\output.txt", $out)

Posted (edited)

Ok, so let the next batch of contestants carry on in this here forum. C'mon fellow newbies, let's see what we can do with this here challenge.

Edited by entogeek

Bumping up as there is some activity on the cache listing that should be here.


For any non-Ontario cachers, you are quite welcome to log a find on this cache if you have met the criteria.


Please let me know when you are planning on finding the cache and I will join you if possible.


I have read through about half of the posts in this discussion - interesting. Are there people out there that are still looking for GSAK help in determining how to create the grid that shows all of the 81 combinations and which ones you have found. If so, I can help with that. Actully a pretty easy macro.


By the way, my plan is to get four the remaining eight combinations that I need to fill ou the grid this coming weekend. It will involve a drive of 400 miles through three states. Can't wait.


I will be in Toronto this October and will forward to doing this cache.


On the GSAK forum, there is a macro called FizzyBrowser that produces the grid for all of the different Fizzy challenges around the world including T/81.


It will also scan your "unfound" database to show you which caches can help you finish the grid.


If anyone wants to get together for some caches, let me know. I have topo's and a 4x4 and those mystery caches usually have me stumped... ;) but...I have a love of bushwacking and tackling those hard to get to places. I just might plan on wheeling in for the Lingham Lake/Bushwacker caches either July 25, 26, or the Aug. long weekend.


As I've said on a few occasions, everyone who has got a smiley on this challenge has got over 2000 finds. How about a prize for the one to complete the challenge with the fewest (honest) overall finds. Say... a geocoin ...that would be transferred to anyone who could beat the reining fewest.


What think you all?


As I've said on a few occasions, everyone who has got a smiley on this challenge has got over 2000 finds. How about a prize for the one to complete the challenge with the fewest (honest) overall finds. Say... a geocoin ...that would be transferred to anyone who could beat the reining fewest.


how about just the glory? If you look at all the finders around the world of Fizzy Challenge caches they are (almost) all over the 2000 find mark.


How about this - I will give a geocoin to anyone that can legitimately finish 81 proof with 82 logged finds. ;)


If anyone wants to get together for some caches, let me know. I have topo's and a 4x4 and those mystery caches usually have me stumped... :o but...I have a love of bushwacking and tackling those hard to get to places. I just might plan on wheeling in for the Lingham Lake/Bushwacker caches either July 25, 26, or the Aug. long weekend.


As I've said on a few occasions, everyone who has got a smiley on this challenge has got over 2000 finds. How about a prize for the one to complete the challenge with the fewest (honest) overall finds. Say... a geocoin ...that would be transferred to anyone who could beat the reining fewest.


What think you all?


I'd be up for a 4x4 trip into Bushwhacker cache. I and working on 81 proof with Troye70 and LostnFound. We were looking at going to NY to grab one 5/5 there.


Anybody have a GSAK Macro for 81 Proof?


I'm working towards the completion... long ways to go, but I'm under 200 finds, and over 1/4 the way through. getting the 5/5 next week, and a few other 4+ shortly as well. I will do this under 2000! :(


Congratulations to BuffaloBob65 on completing Tequila:81 Proof.


Thanks for driving up from Kentucky to add this one to your impressive portfolio. Picture posted to the website.


Are we competing or cooperating?


I have notice some have removed or hidden their bookmark as they are progressing. I discussed this with Troye70 as he has removed his bookmark.


I have a to-do bookmark that has some good fits for the matrix. If anyone else has researched some good caches to fit the matrix please pass them along. If you are competing with others then I hope the bookmark list can help you. If you care to pass along good finds let me know. I think the 4.5 and 3.5 terrains are hard since many people don't fine tune the ratings by half points. I need to drive quite far to grab a 5/5 but probably further to get a 4.5.


Anyway let me know if you found some good caches that would work well in the bookmark I'm building.

Posted (edited)

I don't know why anyone would hide their bookmarks. Pointless. This is not a competition. In fact, several of us are working together.


I suggest you review the bookmarks of psycocyclist, Juicepig & geocite. They all did a tremendous job last year & visited some awesome caches.


Enjoy yourself. This challenge was meant to get people visiting older more complex caches. There is no benefit, much less a point, in hiding your benchmark.

Edited by Tequila

I figure after the first 3 finds the competition is against yourself. I agree some activity has been restored to older harder caches. To the benefit of many.


Chuck: All the stars are lining up down here in South Dakota - I have my 81 grid down to just one cache - a D 5 T 4.5 is the only one that I need. Have one spotted in Des Moines, IA and I have to go there on business next month. Will knock that one out.


Question for you: I have a D 4.5 T 4.5 that has a placed date of 04.09.2008 one day beyond your published date of 04.08.2008. Any fudging for a guy that is travilling from South Dakota to get your cache?


I be there Oct. 27th to the 31st. Look forward to meeting up with you and going to get your cache.



dbrockhouse from South Dakota


Just want to say that I was all about the numbers, but with this 81proof its put me into a new challenge and has gotten a few of us cachers out trying different D/T's and were having alot of fun with it. Last night I ended up at a close friends house warming party, and seriously half of us were geo-cachers and most all on our way to 81 proof....party definatly could have been an event, it was the highlight of the chat/night with stories of all of us doing what we have to do to get to 81.


Sadly, the friends hosting their house warming are not geo-cachers......so in a sense we cached (crashed) theird party....tee hee.


Thanks so much for this adventure, I'm having so much with it....Don't know when I'm going to finish, do have a goal in mind, but afraid when I do finish 81proof........THEN WHAT!!!!


Just want to say that I was all about the numbers, but with this 81proof its put me into a new challenge and has gotten a few of us cachers out trying different D/T's and were having alot of fun with it. Last night I ended up at a close friends house warming party, and seriously half of us were geo-cachers and most all on our way to 81 proof....party definatly could have been an event, it was the highlight of the chat/night with stories of all of us doing what we have to do to get to 81.


Sadly, the friends hosting their house warming are not geo-cachers......so in a sense we cached (crashed) theird party....tee hee.


Thanks so much for this adventure, I'm having so much with it....Don't know when I'm going to finish, do have a goal in mind, but afraid when I do finish 81proof........THEN WHAT!!!!


That is easy:


Tequila: 81 Proof - Make Mine A Double!!!!!!




Just want to say that I was all about the numbers, but with this 81proof its put me into a new challenge and has gotten a few of us cachers out trying different D/T's and were having alot of fun with it. Last night I ended up at a close friends house warming party, and seriously half of us were geo-cachers and most all on our way to 81 proof....party definatly could have been an event, it was the highlight of the chat/night with stories of all of us doing what we have to do to get to 81.


Sadly, the friends hosting their house warming are not geo-cachers......so in a sense we cached (crashed) theird party....tee hee.


Thanks so much for this adventure, I'm having so much with it....Don't know when I'm going to finish, do have a goal in mind, but afraid when I do finish 81proof........THEN WHAT!!!!


That is easy:


Tequila: 81 Proof - Make Mine A Double!!!!!!



I shouldn't have asked....now i'm afraid...lol




Here is the link to the Fizzy Browser:



I'm not sure whether it was the Ottawa board or someone's profile who triggered my interest in this challenge. Thanks for the link to the macro however, isn't it based on the caches you already have in GSAK?

I asked JuicePig if there was a way of setting a query on the GC.Com site & he mentioned building a PQ but not mailing it off to your account. Is there another method of locating the caches your missing to complete the matrix?


Here is the link to the Fizzy Browser:



I'm not sure whether it was the Ottawa board or someone's profile who triggered my interest in this challenge. Thanks for the link to the macro however, isn't it based on the caches you already have in GSAK?

I asked JuicePig if there was a way of setting a query on the GC.Com site & he mentioned building a PQ but not mailing it off to your account. Is there another method of locating the caches your missing to complete the matrix?


I suspect JP was talking about a bookmark list but will defer to him, when he returns from the UK.


As far as I know the only "easy" way to know your status is to run the My Finds PQ, download it into GSAK and run the macro. If you maintain a GSAK database of unfound caches, the macro will give you the grid showing which ones you have found and links to caches that will help you complete the missing squares.


Here is the link to the Fizzy Browser:



I'm not sure whether it was the Ottawa board or someone's profile who triggered my interest in this challenge. Thanks for the link to the macro however, isn't it based on the caches you already have in GSAK?

I asked JuicePig if there was a way of setting a query on the GC.Com site & he mentioned building a PQ but not mailing it off to your account. Is there another method of locating the caches your missing to complete the matrix?


I suspect JP was talking about a bookmark list but will defer to him, when he returns from the UK.


As far as I know the only "easy" way to know your status is to run the My Finds PQ, download it into GSAK and run the macro. If you maintain a GSAK database of unfound caches, the macro will give you the grid showing which ones you have found and links to caches that will help you complete the missing squares.

Making PQ's and not activating them is good to find caches that you need to see where they are.


Here is the link to the Fizzy Browser:



I'm not sure whether it was the Ottawa board or someone's profile who triggered my interest in this challenge. Thanks for the link to the macro however, isn't it based on the caches you already have in GSAK?

I asked JuicePig if there was a way of setting a query on the GC.Com site & he mentioned building a PQ but not mailing it off to your account. Is there another method of locating the caches your missing to complete the matrix?


I suspect JP was talking about a bookmark list but will defer to him, when he returns from the UK.


As far as I know the only "easy" way to know your status is to run the My Finds PQ, download it into GSAK and run the macro. If you maintain a GSAK database of unfound caches, the macro will give you the grid showing which ones you have found and links to caches that will help you complete the missing squares.

Making PQ's and not activating them is good to find caches that you need to see where they are.

I've got the matrix & fizzy macro loaded so I know what I'm missing. Trying to find caches that mean the remaining criteria using GC.COM is my current problem.

I'll play with the PQ's & see if I get lucky.

Posted (edited)

Here is the link to the Fizzy Browser:



I'm not sure whether it was the Ottawa board or someone's profile who triggered my interest in this challenge. Thanks for the link to the macro however, isn't it based on the caches you already have in GSAK?

I asked JuicePig if there was a way of setting a query on the GC.Com site & he mentioned building a PQ but not mailing it off to your account. Is there another method of locating the caches your missing to complete the matrix?


I suspect JP was talking about a bookmark list but will defer to him, when he returns from the UK.


As far as I know the only "easy" way to know your status is to run the My Finds PQ, download it into GSAK and run the macro. If you maintain a GSAK database of unfound caches, the macro will give you the grid showing which ones you have found and links to caches that will help you complete the missing squares.

Making PQ's and not activating them is good to find caches that you need to see where they are.

I've got the matrix & fizzy macro loaded so I know what I'm missing. Trying to find caches that mean the remaining criteria using GC.COM is my current problem.

I'll play with the PQ's & see if I get lucky.


You can make a PQ for each D/T combo that you are missing and that qualifies for the date requirement. However, if you are missing 20+ combos that is a lot of PQ's to make. The limit of distance from your centre will restrict the search area? Unless you make one for Ontario and another for the nearby U.S states. What I have done is make PQ's for local city hubs I may travel to such as Buffalo, Detroit, Ottawa etc. So Far GSAK is the best way to find some nearby caches that fit.


If you look at Hull and Montreal you will find many high number caches that will fit the matrix.


I think it would be nice if GC.com would beef up the Advanced search screen. If they could make a search feature by terrain combo and date placed that would help find some that fit.

Edited by gg7

You can also post the combo's you are looking for here. I am sure most other cachers would be happy to reply with caches that meet that criteria.

GG7: I thought the caches had to be Ontario based?

Tequila: thanks for the suggestion. I'm currently missing Difficult 4.5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2.5 thru to 5 &

Difficulty 5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2, 3.5 to 4.5

I'm currently talking very nicely to anyone with a canoe :D


You can also post the combo's you are looking for here. I am sure most other cachers would be happy to reply with caches that meet that criteria.

GG7: I thought the caches had to be Ontario based?

Tequila: thanks for the suggestion. I'm currently missing Difficult 4.5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2.5 thru to 5 &

Difficulty 5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2, 3.5 to 4.5

I'm currently talking very nicely to anyone with a canoe :D


Cache do not need to be in Ontario. The only limitation is they must be placed before T81 was placed. Wth the recent archiving of Languages it is getting more and more difficult to complete without long distance travelling.


You can also post the combo's you are looking for here. I am sure most other cachers would be happy to reply with caches that meet that criteria.

GG7: I thought the caches had to be Ontario based?

Tequila: thanks for the suggestion. I'm currently missing Difficult 4.5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2.5 thru to 5 &

Difficulty 5 with Terrain ratings of 1, 2, 3.5 to 4.5

I'm currently talking very nicely to anyone with a canoe :D


Cache do not need to be in Ontario. The only limitation is they must be placed before T81 was placed. Wth the recent archiving of Languages it is getting more and more difficult to complete without long distance travelling.


Can you explain the phrase "archiving of Languages"? Not sure what that refers to.


Ottawa has quiet a few unique combos. Check out looking glass and Oink.


These can be seen on my Proof to do bookmark list.




Some real nice ones in Quebec and Hull. I would have liked to grab the oldest one in Quebec while there this summer. I came within 500 m before turning back.


There was a cache north of Sudbury called "Languages". It had a unique D/T combo. It was recently archived. So now you must look further away to complete that D/T.

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