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Everything posted by MulderX

  1. Thought I would post for anybody that cared :-) # MacVersion = 0.3 # MacDescription = Filter on Diff/Terr combinations and Types you haven't found # MacAuthor = Lignumaqua # MacFileName = FizzyChallenge33.gsk # MacUrl = http://gsak.net/board/index.php?showtopic=7289&view=findpost&p=44335 # Use FindStats SQLite table to filter for diff/terr combinations not found # # NOTE: You must run FindStatGen to generate the SQLite table at least once before running this macro # This version is for FindStatGen V3.3 or later with the SQLite database # Set up the SQLite table $result = dbtosqlite("caches","Code,Name,CacheType,Container,Difficulty,Terrain,Bearing,Found,PlacedBy,FoundByMeDate,Distance,PlacedDate,Country,State",$_CurrentDataPath + "\cacheslitetemp.db3") $result = sqlite("open",$_CurrentDataPath + "\cacheslitetemp.db3") $out = "Difficulty;Terrain;Code;Name;Found By Me Date;PlacedDate" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) MFILTER Expression=$d_Found $terrain = 1 $difficulty = 1 WHILE $difficulty <=5 WHILE $terrain <=5 SHOWSTATUS msg="Checking Diff = $difficulty / Terr = $terrain" Width=350 $_sql = "Select Code, Name, FoundByMeDate, PlacedDate from caches WHERE Difficulty=$difficulty and Terrain=$terrain AND PlacedDate < '2008-04-08' ORDER BY foundbymedate ASC limit 1" $result = Sqlite("sql",$_sql) $out = $out + NumToStr($difficulty) + ";" + NumToStr($terrain) + ";" + $result + Chr(13) + Chr(10) $terrain = $terrain + 0.5 ENDWHILE $difficulty = $difficulty + 0.5 $terrain = 1 ENDWHILE $html = sqltohtml($out,"Caches","y") #SET $Data = PutFile("C:\temp\output.txt", $out)
  2. I thought this was a little funny so I though that I would post it. http://www.thestar.com/article/240986
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