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Yeah, 5 of them... kept following me to each cache. Santa Claus showed up once too, and the Easter Bunny gave me quite a shock another time.


I keep hoping Elvis will show up, nothing yet.... He geocaches you know.

Yeah, 5 of them... kept following me to each cache. Santa Claus showed up once too, and the Easter Bunny gave me quite a shock another time.
What about the Tooth Fairy?


He's a cacher, too. His only hides are under pillows, though.


I've had a couple creepy experiences (other than seeing that pic <_< ), the worst was after sunset (we'd misjudged how long the multicache would take) walking past a tree that, when the breeze suddenly picked up, made this unearthly sound as it rubbed against another tree. Almost peed my pants. Another time, I was in the woods at dusk and heard owls calling back and forth to each other.


Even if you know what it is, it can be eerie.

Yeah, 5 of them... kept following me to each cache. Santa Claus showed up once too, and the Easter Bunny gave me quite a shock another time.
What about the Tooth Fairy?


He's a cacher, too. His only hides are under pillows, though.


I've had a couple creepy experiences (other than seeing that pic <_< ), the worst was after sunset (we'd misjudged how long the multicache would take) walking past a tree that, when the breeze suddenly picked up, made this unearthly sound as it rubbed against another tree. Almost peed my pants. Another time, I was in the woods at dusk and heard owls calling back and forth to each other.


Even if you know what it is, it can be eerie.



We were hiking to a secluded cemetery for a hunt once and seen a group of Zombies attacking a couple of girls. They were all a bloody mess. Then we happened to see the 2 guys with video cameras filming the whole thing. It turned out to be a group of highschool kids doing a project for their A/V class. Would have liked to have seen their finished video. Needless to say, we left and got the cache later.


I took a picture of a cache location once and when I downloded them you could see orbs. Dose that count? Also my house is haunted.


El Diablo

Yours too? Any idea who it is? I think I know who mine are.


We got some orbs at a couple of places. Not dust, not pollen, not light flares, etc. I'm not sure what to think or orbs, even the "otherwise unexplainable" ones. I'm hoping for a full body apparition in a graveyard one day.


The very first day I went out caching - right after my first cache I looked across the Canal and saw an elderly gent wearing a beige trench coat and a hat that looked exactly like a friend of ours that had passed away a couple of years before


I had just glanced across and then looked back down at my GPSr for a second and then clued in to what I had just seen - Needless to say I immediately looked back across the Canal to see nothing


Now, this little section of the canal (i.e. the path on the West side of the Canal, a little bit south of the Laurier Street Bridge) is sunken in a little bit (such that it is more or less level with the East side, rather than the higher ground on the west side) and there were no stairs until right beside the Laurier Bridge


He was always an adventurous fellow, so I figure that he just found what I was doing fun


The very first day I went out caching - right after my first cache I looked across the Canal and saw an elderly gent wearing a beige trench coat and a hat that looked exactly like a friend of ours that had passed away a couple of years before


I had just glanced across and then looked back down at my GPSr for a second and then clued in to what I had just seen - Needless to say I immediately looked back across the Canal to see nothing


Now, this little section of the canal (i.e. the path on the West side of the Canal, a little bit south of the Laurier Street Bridge) is sunken in a little bit (such that it is more or less level with the East side, rather than the higher ground on the west side) and there were no stairs until right beside the Laurier Bridge


He was always an adventurous fellow, so I figure that he just found what I was doing fun


anyone seen ghost while caching?


Did you see something that you can't explain? Whats the story?


I tend to think, if i see/hear/feel anything wierd, that its just me. (plus I can't hardly see, even with my glasses on.)


The Ghosts live near a cache near here. I used to work Tom Ghost's son , Jerry. Good Christian family. Never bother anyone but always more then happy to help with things such as moving. Perhaps if you ran into some ghosts you can tell me where and I can ask Tom if he's related.


i hear EVPs every once in a while, and just VPs, and shadows, things moving out of the corner of my eye. you guys should watch Ghost Hunters.................


i hear EVPs every once in a while, and just VPs, and shadows, things moving out of the corner of my eye. you guys should watch Ghost Hunters.................


That's one of my favoritist shows on TV. They've caught some amazing stuff. Those guys seem like the geocaching type, they definitely love their gadgets :grin:


I took a picture of a cache location once and when I downloded them you could see orbs. Dose that count? Also my house is haunted.


El Diablo

Yours too? Any idea who it is? I think I know who mine are.


We got some orbs at a couple of places. Not dust, not pollen, not light flares, etc. I'm not sure what to think or orbs, even the "otherwise unexplainable" ones. I'm hoping for a full body apparition in a graveyard one day.


Mine were quite active...and could move things around. After a fire, the house was gutted to the studs and we found names of people who'd visited the house way back in the early 1900's. Seems my house was a train stop/store with cabin rentals. We also found a bone, some toys and other "interesting" items.


One spirit I saw was definitely a little girl around 8-10. She appeared regularly until the fire, I don't see her much these days. The other spirit is in his late 20's and dressed like a baseball player...hat and shirt. he was the more powerful of the two I think. I still see some things, but I think there was a bit of closure when I removed the bone from the house.


Funny thing...the cops took the bone but later said it was from a turkey leg...I showed the bone to a nurse before handing it over to the police, she assured me it was a human arm bone...a very old human arm bone. :laughing::grin:


i hear EVPs every once in a while, and just VPs, and shadows, things moving out of the corner of my eye. you guys should watch Ghost Hunters.................


That's one of my favoritist shows on TV. They've caught some amazing stuff. Those guys seem like the geocaching type, they definitely love their gadgets :)

favoritist isnt a word. try again RON!

Posted (edited)

i hear EVPs every once in a while, and just VPs, and shadows, things moving out of the corner of my eye. you guys should watch Ghost Hunters.................


That's one of my favoritist shows on TV. They've caught some amazing stuff. Those guys seem like the geocaching type, they definitely love their gadgets :)

favoritist isnt a word. try again RON!

Try the British spelling: "favouritest." :)


I get a lot of orbs. They are quite meaningless in electronic pictures. They can't be "unexplained" because they are common with bright points of light and pixels misinterpreted in the compression algorithms. Since this occurrence is possible for any electronic pix, any manifestation of orbs could possibly be caused thusly. Any other cause cannot be proven unless this possibility is definitively disproved.


Ghost hunters is very interesting but they don't seem to really go deep enough in their investigations (at least in what they actually show in the episodes.) In a lot of occasions they do debunk the observed phenomena, but in many cases I could suggest possible explanations which they don't apparently pursue. In all of their voice clips that i have heard thus far, they have been unconvincing. They seem to indicate the "voices" are so clear to them, but they don't sound clear to me. With broadcast quality equipment to reproduce the sounds as they hear them from their consumer grade recording equipment, there is no reason to think the broadcast audio is of any lesser quality than the original clips. All-in-all it is very subjective and once someone suggests "the voice sounded like (ferinstance) it said "Mary," one will always hear "Mary." It seems odd to me that they would even use $50 memo recorders in the first place. Mine picks up cellphone RF interference... this possibility alone (because of the related potential for picking up analog radio transmissions) casts serious doubt on any data gathered by these machines.


I DO believe that unexplained things happen and I DO allow for the possibility of REAL haunts and apparitions and I would really love to experience some solidly unexplainable ones myself. But so far, out of thousands of accounts I have read about or heard about, none have been truly convincing.


I have heard "footsteps" and "doors opening" while I have been alone at home, but such noises could easily have many natural explanations which are beyond easy research, mainly due to their rarity and unrepeatability.


One is free to believe what one wants. I believe a spirit world exists because the Bible indicates that it does. I also believe true carnal encounters with that spirit world are extremely rare.


An explanation I mostly like for apparitions and such is the existence of parallel "time lines" in alternate planes of existence which occasionally get very close together in space-time that a glimpse is had of activity in the other line. Sounds good, but of course there is nothing like "evidence" to back it up


"A man will hear what he wants to hear and disregard the rest." - Simon and Garfunkel "The Boxer"


(edit to add smiley)

Edited by Confucius' Cat

[...]In all of their voice clips that i have heard thus far, they have been unconvincing. They seem to indicate the "voices" are so clear to them, but they don't sound clear to me. With broadcast quality equipment to reproduce the sounds as they hear them from their consumer grade recording equipment, there is no reason to think the broadcast audio is of any lesser quality than the original clips.

Then perhaps you didn't hear the one from last week?


Be sure to listen to it before your read what the person typed so you can see if you agree!


[...]In all of their voice clips that i have heard thus far, they have been unconvincing. They seem to indicate the "voices" are so clear to them, but they don't sound clear to me. With broadcast quality equipment to reproduce the sounds as they hear them from their consumer grade recording equipment, there is no reason to think the broadcast audio is of any lesser quality than the original clips.

Then perhaps you didn't hear the one from last week?


Be sure to listen to it before your read what the person typed so you can see if you agree!

Actually, i DID see that episode and probably have it on DVR so i will review it. I'm sorry, but to me it is not clear at all on the computer clip for the most part. That could be my computer audio system.


I find it odd that:

1. The actors' voice is not studio quality- which could easily be done

2. The "ghost" voices are severely muffled. This seems to always be the case. Perhaps someone needs to give the ghosts speech lessons? If the actors are clearly hearing these voices, they need to invest in better recording equipment.

3. Apparently the voices were only heard on the recording and were not heard live by the actors, which leaves open the possibility of radio transmissions received by the recording equipment (which would probably have had to be intentional in this particular instance).


I did a prank like this once at an audio-visual company for which I used to work. It is very simple to do and the fact that the hotelier was so "open" to the final interpretation of the results "how cool to work in a haunted hotel" suggests that there might be a possibility of a "set-up." I can easily see an economic incentive for the story.


i would like to see them use an RF spectrum analyzer along with their EVP and EMF equipment to determine if there is strong RF activity coincident with their readings on their other instruments.


Skepticism is not a bad trait IMO. I am still open.


Actually, i DID see that episode and probably have it on DVR so i will review it. I'm sorry, but to me it is not clear at all on the computer clip for the most part. That could be my computer audio system.


I've never been impressed by the EVP's. There are several episodes that stick out in my mind. There was one from a week or so ago on an Airforce base (I think). They placed the flashlight on the ground and asked it to turn it on and it turned on. Beyond an obvious farse, that one was fairly interesting. There was also the lighthouse episode where they saw the "ghost" peek over the edge of the stairway from the top. That one sent shivers up my spine. Then there was the episode they did in Colorado at the hotel where the Shining was based on. There was some VERY strange stuff going on there, but they also had guests staying at the hotel, which opens the door for hoaxes.


There is definitely a spirit world. I find evidence of the spirit world an uplifting thing for my faith. A lot of people view it as demonic, but I find it fascinating.

3. Apparently the voices were only heard on the recording and were not heard live by the actors...

Um, correct. That is what makes them an EVP. It's the defintion as it were--a voice that is heard on electronic playback but not heard in person on-site.


The Ghost Hunters show makes me laugh. You don't even have to watch it because if they ever actually find something interesting, it will be a pretty big event covered on the news. Until it's all over the news though, you know they didn't find anything, so don't waste your half-hour watching!


I do believe in ghosts. Like ReadyorNot, it really does a lot to boost my faith. I do also believe in a spiritual world. I DON'T think there are fluffy clouds and minstrels. I do also believe in demons and pray for protection from them.


One of my brothers died tragically 10 years ago. I was 18 at the time. A few months before he died he was talking to another brother. They made a pact that the first one of them that died would give the other one a sign to let them know there was an afterlife. As fate would have it, my brother died shortly after. The family gathered from all around. One cousin was telling us about when they went on a camping trip with my brother at our old family homestead. Apparently, they took a ouija board (STUPID) and tried to contact a spirit. They did get one and when asked who it was, the board spelled "Satan". Just as my cousin said the word "Satan", my deceased brothers aviator watch started going off. This watch hadn't worked in over a year. Later, when my dad inspected it more closely, he found that there was no battery in it... I wouldn't know where to begin to explain that one away. How could it work without a battery? And why at that precise moment would it go off after not working for quite some time?


I also had lights blowing out as I got near them for quite a while. After having 3 bulbs blowing out in one day, it gets to be too much of a coincidence. After a few weeks, I asked my brother to stop blowing out the bulbs and the occurance stopped. Its not just because all the bulbs were eventually replaced. This was happening at work and at school too. Not just our house. It still happens on occasion, but only when I get right up next to the bulb.


One of the other things was the very strong smell of toast. My brother would eat toast a lot. He was the only one in the family that ever used the toaster. It still happens when my other brothers and all our kids are together for a visit.


The Ghost Hunters show makes me laugh. You don't even have to watch it because if they ever actually find something interesting, it will be a pretty big event covered on the news. Until it's all over the news though, you know they didn't find anything, so don't waste your half-hour watching!


That's nieve. There's always one side that is going to come up with a "logical" explanation, even if there isn't one. And the other side is always going to try to create evidence when there really isn't any.. I would like to think I sit in the middle..


And to think that we understand everything about our world and can attribute everything to physical science is just plain silly.


The Ghost Hunters show makes me laugh. You don't even have to watch it because if they ever actually find something interesting, it will be a pretty big event covered on the news. Until it's all over the news though, you know they didn't find anything, so don't waste your half-hour watching!


That's nieve. There's always one side that is going to come up with a "logical" explanation, even if there isn't one. And the other side is always going to try to create evidence when there really isn't any.. I would like to think I sit in the middle..


And to think that we understand everything about our world and can attribute everything to physical science is just plain silly.


I agree 100%. :)

Posted (edited)

No! Ghost for me!


But those Grouse can stop my heart for a couple seconds when they take off. What a surprizing racket! They get me everytime, I jump out of my skin, You'd think I would learn. Snakes don't scare near as much!

I think they do it on purpose - thats why they let ya get so close before they take off in a furry. They got to be LOL.

Edited by GPS-Hermit

There is no such thing as ghosts. Even on Scooby Doo, they were all fake. It made for some groovy mysteries though.


Tell that to Tod's ex...she actually had her house blessed to "clean the evil spirits" from their home after something started messing around. She claims the spirit(s) came from my house (she's a bit strange, but Tod will tell a very similar tale...) I could also tell you about the time one knocked a door over almost, hitting Tod...we tried to re-enact the incident repeatedly without coming close. Something definitely pushed the door at him (it wasn't mounted and was leaning against the wall), but there wasn't anything there....or was there?


I'll tell you about the time I was sitting in the living room getting ready to watch a movie. A friend rented the upstairs and I thought had just returned home, so I waited to start the movie...and waited. After a few minutes of waiting (the person I saw enter went straight into the bathroom right across from the entry door), I called out and got no response. I waited a minute or two longer and finally got up...no one was in the bathroom, or any other part of the home! I knew I saw a short person with long hair enter the room even though I only caught a glance...but no one!


That was the little girl. Her and the older guy used to play upstairs a lot. You could hear them running from one side of the room to the other, but no one was up there! They've not been around much since I removed the bone from the wall. I've seen something, but I don't think the girl is here any more!


Oh, but no...never a ghost or spirit at a cache! Not yet at least!


Actually, i DID see that episode and probably have it on DVR so i will review it. I'm sorry, but to me it is not clear at all on the computer clip for the most part. That could be my computer audio system.


I've never been impressed by the EVP's. There are several episodes that stick out in my mind. There was one from a week or so ago on an Airforce base (I think). They placed the flashlight on the ground and asked it to turn it on and it turned on. Beyond an obvious farse, that one was fairly interesting. There was also the lighthouse episode where they saw the "ghost" peek over the edge of the stairway from the top. That one sent shivers up my spine. Then there was the episode they did in Colorado at the hotel where the Shining was based on. There was some VERY strange stuff going on there, but they also had guests staying at the hotel, which opens the door for hoaxes.


There is definitely a spirit world. I find evidence of the spirit world an uplifting thing for my faith. A lot of people view it as demonic, but I find it fascinating.

Those episodes were impressive to me also. the lightouse was one of the few where they actually debunked a manifestation... the "bucket noise" that turned out to be a loose window.


I am sure there COULD be "rational" explanations for all of the above but they were not readily apparent.


3. Apparently the voices were only heard on the recording and were not heard live by the actors...

Um, correct. That is what makes them an EVP. It's the defintion as it were--a voice that is heard on electronic playback but not heard in person on-site.

In which case, faking it would take a bit more effort but a person familiar with RF could make it happen. I don't know which is more or less likely, someone on the hotel staff with a radio transmitter that heshe has previously tested with that particular model recorder that TAPS uses or a ghost that just happens to be able to make digital electrical pulses that compile nicely into muffled but possibly intelligent audio.


Making a radio transmitter that would be CLEARLY heard on a digital recorder by audio rectification would be quite a feat, but getting muffled and distorted audio would be quite easy. I see the muffled, distorted audio as somewhat strong evidence of audio rectification in the analogue portion of the recorder by an amplitude modulated RF source- intentional or not- in the case of the above audio clip, provided the voice is actually saying what it seems to be saying, it would seem to be intentional... by ghost or hoaxer has not been determined.


I would contend that if a ghost can manipulate digital memory (or analogue electronics) to the extent that discernible audio can be heard, they should be able to do so CLEARLY. To me, the distortion and low amplitude mitigates against an intentional attempt at communication by a spirit.


If the "EVP" was not an "EVP" by definition but audible even to the live witnesses, it would be much more feasible for a ghost to accomplish since sound merely requires the movement of air. many things in nature are capable of making sounds similar to a human voice. For example, a guitar in the hands of Peter Frampton.


And to think that we understand everything about our world and can attribute everything to physical science is just plain silly.

You got that right!


I love how science changes over the years. The Earth is flat and man can never fly.


(I wonder how long it will be before this thread gets shut down or moved to off topic. Anybody got a pool going?)


We're really into the whole ghost thing and I never go anywhere without my camera. Our fav place to look for ghosts is,of course,old cemeteries. We went to hunt the cache in a Big Rock cemetery here in Illinois and I was snapping pics as I was walking the stone road,just aiming here and there and snapping away at anything and everything.No flash.I'm checking out my pics when we got home and there's one photo I took that captured a really bright almost neon streak of orange/yellow light right in front of a particular headstone.Cool thing is, because I was moving the trees and headstones have a bit of a blur to them but the streak of light doesn't. There's no logical explanation for it because there's nothing there that would have caused it, just a really old cement headstone.It was getting dark as you'll notice in my photo and then there's this light.If you zoom on it even gets cooler.Spirit light ? I don't know but anything else MAKES ZERO SENSE @


Check it out at this cache: "W. BR Cemetery" in Illinois. Be sure to put a space after the period after the "W" or it won't come up.


Not only that happened at West Big Rock Cemetery ! We're lookin' for the cache and I'm under this HUMONGOUS pine tree looking all up in the branches because this particular cache hider has a love for REALLY STRANGE containers so you never know what his micros are hidden in. So I'm lookin' up and I spot this PURE WHITE bird sitting there on the lowest branch about an arm's length away. I'm lookin' at it and lookin' at it and it's still like a statue so I'm thinkin' it's fake and it's another one of Abell's weird containers right ? So I go to reach for it cuz it was that close and THE THING FLIES AWAY !! Mind you,this is Illinois !! We don't have white birds here !! and this thing sat there not 5' from me while I stared at it all that time. There was no way in hell I thought that thing was real !! It doesn't fit and it doesn't make any sense ! I almost died when it flew out of the tree ! I think that bird was something other than just a bird.Maybe a spirit bird ? Who knows. You had to be there to witness the whole oddity of a PURE WHITE bird sitting in an Evergreen tree,in Illinois,in the winter,right before dark !!


wow, i started a debate without realizing it.


On these forums, everyone would argue about the color of an orange :ph34r:

It's reddish-yellow.


No... More yellowish-brown

How could you even say that when everyone knows that brown is not one the primary colors. Therefore your point is flawed. If brown were to be put into the color guidelines as one of the primary colors you might have a point, but even then it would not be what the majority of real orange eaters think. And besides the last thing we need is more changes to the color guidelines.

Oranges are and always will be reddish-yellow with a touch of green.





(What do you know. ;) We will argue about the color of an orange.)


Has anyone looked at my photo of the "Spirit Light" at W. BR Cemetery in Illinois ? I think it's awesom !!


I mean AWESOME !!


C'mon look at it ! It's a bright coil of light zipping past an old cement headstone. There's ZERO explanation for it !!


Go Look. Be sure to put the space after the W.


Maybe somone could clue me in on leaving a link here ?? Do you just type in the address in your reply box ?

Also why isn't my Avatar showing ?





Has anyone looked at my photo of the "Spirit Light" at W. BR Cemetery in Illinois ? I think it's awesom !!


I mean AWESOME !!


C'mon look at it ! It's a bright coil of light zipping past an old cement headstone. There's ZERO explanation for it !!


Go Look. Be sure to put the space after the W.


Maybe somone could clue me in on leaving a link here ?? Do you just type in the address in your reply box ?

Also why isn't my Avatar showing ?




Is it a digital photo or film?

If film, it looks like a scratch on the negative.

The online pic is not good enough for close analysis.

What is the original size?

Do you have shutter speed information? (it is obviously very slow judging from the blur)

What kind of camera was it taken with?


Leaving a link? Not sure exactly what you mean, but assuming you mean put a link in a post, there is an icon just above the text box that looks like a little globe with a paperclip under it. You click that, type in (or better yet, paste) the URL information click OK and in the next box type what you want the link caption to say. Then click OK.


If you roll over the icons it tells you what they do.


If you just added an avatar, you must enter the forums by using the link on the left of the "my account" page... this will update your info on the forums.


I blew up the "ghost light" as much as I could and still see any detail.


It is very interesting. It seems to have some text associated with it too.


My guess would be a double exposure or memory error. Not sure how either could happen.



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