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Just looking for sisters and brothers in the GLBT community! It would be great to get a group together for caches!


We're near Cincinnati, where are you from?





Posted (edited)



Just looking for sisters and brothers in the GLBT community! It would be great to get a group together for caches!


We're near Cincinnati, where are you from?





Come on over the OKIC (Oh.Ky.In Cachers) forums and register. We are a Cincinnati-based Geocaching group ... We have get-togethers all the time!

Edited by BVCY Swim



G = Gay

L = Lesbian

B = Bi-Sexual

T = Transexual


And no, I'm not being mean or playing around, this is what it REALLY means.


I can confirm that as well.


At first I thought it meant Great Lakes Bike Tour, but that didn't make any sense. :wacko:


Then I kinda figured what was meant. :wacko:


I have a question- why gay & lesbian? Isn't that a tad redundant? Or is it to make it clear that it's OK for women to join too? Which brings me to the trans part, doesn't that imply that it's OK for women, er men er...there isn't a 3rd that I don't know about is there? One last thing, to be all inclusive, shouldn't there be an H (hetero) in there somewhere? I ask this as the first openly heterocacher. ;)


I mean no offence by the above. In all honesty those thoughts did cross my mind and I was wondering about them. Good luck with your search at any rate. Glad to see this thread hasn't gone wrong like that other one did. :wacko:

Posted (edited)

Could the OP have meant?:


G = Geocaching

LB = Letterbox

T = Terracaching


Maybe not, but so what?


Hopefully the OP can answer this question?

Edited by BVCY Swim

Could the OP have meant?:


G = Geocaching

LB = Letterbox

T = Terracaching


Maybe not, but so what?


Hopefully the OP can answer this question?


To BVCY: No, OP couldn't have meant Geocaching Letterbox Terracaching - because one it just doesn't make sense - And 2 - GLBT (or sometimes LGBT or GLBTQ) are commonly used within the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transsexual, queer) community as well as with politicians and media for the same meaning. And frankly, I think it's incredibly rude and offensive to invite someone to your group and then turn tail (no pun intended) as soon as you hear they are gay.


To Corp: I'm not offended by you at all, you seem to be genuine in your question and that's great. Refreshing actually. Nothing wrong with that at all. The reason why it is gay AND lesbian, is because they simply aren't the same thing. Gay, in this sense, is referring to a gay man only. If they said only "gay" then the lesbians would think it was a gay men only group. Which is common. Likewise, if they only said "lesbian" and nothing else, the gay men would think it was a ladies only group. Which is also common. By saying all of them in GLBT (because writing it all out is just too long), we are saying that all people in the gay community are welcome, regardless of the exact nature of their orientation. Why is hetero not included? Because effectively all of the other groups (like BVCY's for instance) are already hetero and we would not feel comfortable in those groups were people are obviously homophobic. If we happen to find a hetero group that is friendly to us, then it would be great. But it's a pain to find one and it's like coming out all over again, and there just is no point to it when we can try to find a gay group where we know without hesitation or struggle that we can be comfortable and open about who we are. In fact, if it wasn't for homophobia like mister BVCY over there, there would be no need for all of this at all. Also, I've never met a gay group of any kind that did not welcome heterosexual people, if those people were comfortable with themselves and the group. In fact, there are a LOT of straight women that join these groups because they are friends with gay men. They even have their own niche in the gay community as the "fag hag" or "fruit fly" - reference - Grace Adler on Will and Grace :laughing:. The more the merrier. I hope that helps answer your question. :laughing:


PS - on top of owning a travel agency, I run an organization that studies international gay history and culture. Just in case anyone is interested.


SO!! With all of that said!. Any LGBT's in Los Angeles area that want to start a group??? I'm still pretty new to this but I love it :D. Great exercise, interesting places to see, and a new group of friends with a common interest would make it that much better.


Hope to hear from you - Dale



To Corp: I'm not offended by you at all, you seem to be genuine in your question and that's great. Refreshing actually. Nothing wrong with that at all. The reason why it is gay AND lesbian, is because they simply aren't the same thing. Gay, in this sense, is referring to a gay man only. If they said only "gay" then the lesbians would think it was a gay men only group. Which is common. Likewise, if they only said "lesbian" and nothing else, the gay men would think it was a ladies only group. Which is also common. By saying all of them in GLBT (because writing it all out is just too long), we are saying that all people in the gay community are welcome, regardless of the exact nature of their orientation. Why is hetero not included? Because effectively all of the other groups (like BVCY's for instance) are already hetero and we would not feel comfortable in those groups were people are obviously homophobic. If we happen to find a hetero group that is friendly to us, then it would be great. But it's a pain to find one and it's like coming out all over again, and there just is no point to it when we can try to find a gay group where we know without hesitation or struggle that we can be comfortable and open about who we are. In fact, if it wasn't for homophobia like mister BVCY over there, there would be no need for all of this at all. Also, I've never met a gay group of any kind that did not welcome heterosexual people, if those people were comfortable with themselves and the group. In fact, there are a LOT of straight women that join these groups because they are friends with gay men. They even have their own niche in the gay community as the "fag hag" or "fruit fly" - reference - Grace Adler on Will and Grace :lol:. The more the merrier. I hope that helps answer your question. :D


PS - on top of owning a travel agency, I run an organization that studies international gay history and culture. Just in case anyone is interested.


SO!! With all of that said!. Any LGBT's in Los Angeles area that want to start a group??? I'm still pretty new to this but I love it :D. Great exercise, interesting places to see, and a new group of friends with a common interest would make it that much better.


Hope to hear from you - Dale


I'm going to anticipate Corp's next question, and ask why the "Q" is added to the acronym, as in GLBTQ? What does "Q" cover that the other initials don't?


I'm going to anticipate Corp's next question, and ask why the "Q" is added to the acronym, as in GLBTQ? What does "Q" cover that the other initials don't?

Already answered, in the post by Sheldon Travel. (As if you couldn't figure it out on your own!) :D


:anicute: hi im from parma i would love to get to know somebody else GLBT to cach with or even to talk about caching with im new to this and have found 10 2 of wich are trackable but i have no idea what to do with them..lol i feel a bit stupid..let me know ..JR



Just looking for sisters and brothers in the GLBT community! It would be great to get a group together for caches!


We're near Cincinnati, where are you from?






Hey! They let me in the club.


Generally speaking the geek/married/non-dating factors preclude a lot of the romantic involvements regardless of which side of the plate you're swinging from.


Just a thought.


I've got no problem caching with a lesbian ... but I'd never let my sister marry one.


No, wait ... that came out wrong ...


The Constitution states we have the right to free association, which I fully support at ALL levels. But could you imagine the uproar if a call was put out for heterosexual geocachers to gather?? It would be like calling February White History Month. A clear cut example of reverse discrimination, or hypocrisy, or something.


If so, then I'm outta here real fast!!!!!! :ph34r:




But you invited them to join OKIC!


Haha. The OP is still invited to join the OKIC, even if they are part of the Geocaching, Letterbo... err, GLBT community. I think BVCY's "i'm outta here" comment was to say that he himself is not GLBT.


Hi there! I'm from Pennsylvania.




I am from St. Louis, MO and my profile proudly states my gayness.


St. louis geocachers are open minded for the most part thank goodness.




The Constitution states we have the right to free association, which I fully support at ALL levels. But could you imagine the uproar if a call was put out for heterosexual geocachers to gather?? It would be like calling February White History Month. A clear cut example of reverse discrimination, or hypocrisy, or something.


I think that the OP's intent is more about connecting two aspects of him/herself. It is not reverse discrimination unless the request was that hetero folks need not apply.


just my $0.02




The Constitution states we have the right to free association, which I fully support at ALL levels. But could you imagine the uproar if a call was put out for heterosexual geocachers to gather?? It would be like calling February White History Month. A clear cut example of reverse discrimination, or hypocrisy, or something.


Why would you need a hetero geocacher organization when 90%+ of geocachers are straight anyway?

Same goes for White History Month. Mostly everything in the textbooks is already white history, if you want to put it that way. I could go into greater detail, but I won't.


Hope that helps answer your question.

Posted (edited)

Nah, February's already spoken for. As a Bi-sexual, married, Pagan, geocaching, knitting, hobby photographer, thrill-seeking, closet race-car driver wannabe, half-breed mother of two boys, I'd like to propose that all like minded persons (whether they were born girls or not) claim the third thursday of April as thier own. ;) I'm looking for a geocaching partner, too, but I'm only part lesbian and I don't live in Alabama. Personally I'd setle for anyone who's not hateful, nor a letch and is just as excited about Geocaching as me. Or more. I'd take that. St. Louis Metro East! (waves to Stephen across the river)

Edited by Butterfly Fox

Hi, I'm Steph in Lafayette, IN. I'm 27. I'm new to geocaching and don't know what took me so long. I would love to meet people around my age (or young at heart) to go hunting with in the area or just to talk to here in the eworld though I am not much for messengers or online chatting.


I'm also a Purdue undergraduate student in Psychology and active in the local BDSM community. I'm pansexual/bisexual.

Posted (edited)

My name is Erika and I'm about 95% lesbian. haha. I'm usually just into chicks but there's like ONE exception. Anyways, I guess I border on bi. I live in Hesperia, California. It's like...halfway between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. :/ Looking forward to making new friends :rolleyes:!!

Edited by hyysterika

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