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Arizona Geocachers Geocoins

Jake - Team A.I.

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Posted (edited)

At long last, the Arizona Geocachers Geocoin is now accepting orders. This coin will come in Copper and a Limited Edition Silver. This coin will be trackable and features it's own unique icon.




The front of the coin will feature the Arizona State outline with the Arizona flag integrated inside, in accurate color with a raised star. The Saguaro Cactus and Ponderosa Pine will appear to be rising out of the coin in 3D the color of the coin itself. Petroglyphs and text ringing the outer perimeter of the coin are going to be recessed into the coin surface for contrast.


The back of the coin features a stunning view of the Superstition Mountains along with a Jeep (the Jeep will not be in color, but instead will be the color of the coin in 3D) and the symbolic Saguaro cactus. All three of these aspects will appear to pop from the coin in a 3D effect, with the sky being the natural color of the central Arizona sky (on a good day). The perimeter of this side honors both the cacher and the cache that many of us have come to love. As with the front, the zig zag will be a recessed design.


Arizona has the distinction of being the state where one of the most popular locationless cache of all time, Yellow Jeep Fever, in honor of the now nomadic Team "Wyle E", originated. The early days of caching in Arizona was often met by a familiar yellow Jeep driving away from the cache you rushed out for a FTF on.


A total of 800 Copper and 200 Limited Edition Silver coins are going to be produced. Preordering was made available to Arizona residents, but there are still some Limited Edition coins remaining, and plenty of the Copper Edition available. The cost per coin will be $7.75, for both Copper and Silver. There will be a shipping and handling fee of $2 per order (not coin).




PREORDER starts on Wednesday, April 19, 2006

*Based on Daylight Savings Time (Click to find your time)


Eastern European 7:00 pm*

Central European 6:00 pm*

London European 5:00 pm*

Greenwich Mean 4:00 pm

USA Eastern Time Zone 12:00 pm*

USA Central Time Zone 11:00 am*

USA Mountain Time Zone 10:00 am*

USA Pacific Time Zone 9:00 am*

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster

Nice! I'll be getting one via a group buy. I've been to AZ a few times but it was all B.C. (before caching) so I need to go back and get at least one find so I can mark off AZ on my map. :P


Oh, and as far as this goes:


A total of 800 Copper and 200 Limited Edition Silver coins are going to be produced. ... The cost per coin will be $7.75, for both Copper and Silver. There will be a shipping and handling fee of $2 per order (not coin).


You have my respect, FWIW, for not marking these as it seems to be the norm lately.

(Just don't expect that to get you much! It's value varies depending on who you talk to! :D )


The total edition is 1000 coins. There are 800 Antique Copper regular coins available for sale. There were also 200 Antique Silver LE coins for Arizona residents.


Where/How will the leftover silver editions be sold? Per The Caching Place website (quoted above) they will only be selling the copper editions.


Front looks good, but the back? Come on! The 'legend' of Wyle E? What is so legendary about that! And why isn't the 'yellow jeep' actually yellow!

I dont get it!


Oh goodie. A forum troll has risen from the dark depths, and so soon! For those who have been involved in caching in Arizona since it came into being, Wyle E was legendary in many respects. Starting with the fact that the entire clan was well liked and respected, they had a penchant for early FTFs, and their caches were practical works of art in the puzzle realm. Yellow Jeep Fever (the locationless) was created in honor of this caching team, and so far nobody has argued counter to speculation that it is because of this team and that cache that the YJTBs came into being a few years ago instead of another color like red or black. The 4 Wyle E TBs that one must find in order to log a specific cache also tied into this association.


The Jeep isn't yellow because it isn't going to be yellow on the minted coin. It will be 3-dimensional in the color of the coin itself (silver or copper). See The Rubicon Brothers coin for an example of the engraving capabilities of this company.


-3 points for excessive use of the exclamation point.


The total edition is 1000 coins. There are 800 Antique Copper regular coins available for sale. There were also 200 Antique Silver LE coins for Arizona residents.


Where/How will the leftover silver editions be sold? Per The Caching Place website (quoted above) they will only be selling the copper editions.


That looks to need changing, actually. Initially, coins were available exclusively to AZ cachers in the pre-order stage of this process to guarantee that they had the best shot at acquiring some. Due to the limited run of the LE coins, we weren't sure if there would be any left at this point. Since there are, LE coins will be available, but certainly fewer than 200.


Front looks good, but the back? Come on! The 'legend' of Wyle E? What is so legendary about that! And why isn't the 'yellow jeep' actually yellow!

I dont get it!


Bad sock! Back, back you go! (insert sound of whipping wet noodle here)


OT: Nice coin - what happened to the Jackelope from previous designs?


Front looks good, but the back? Come on! The 'legend' of Wyle E? What is so legendary about that! And why isn't the 'yellow jeep' actually yellow!

I dont get it!


Bad sock! Back, back you go! (insert sound of whipping wet noodle here)


OT: Nice coin - what happened to the Jackelope from previous designs?


A collective opinion amongst several Arizona cachers that it had quickly worn out its welcome and was to be relegated back to 'myth' status.


Ouch. It's a bummer to live on the other side of the world that such a thing would affect you, but I envy where you live. It must be beautiful.


We think its so nice we call it "Gods Own" country. We do have lovely green bush, snow capped mountains, pure water streams and we are the first to see the dawn of everyday. :anicute::yikes:

Posted (edited)

Of course, I have some of that very same scenery near here, although I do have to travel a bit to see some of the better parts. They don't refer to this state at "The Last Best Place" for nothing.

Edited by Brian - Team A.I.

T-minus 2 hours for the west coasters.


You're forgetting about daylight savings time and time zones... the sale is in about 2 hours and 45 minutes from now :anicute:


Arizona doesn't worry about Daylight Saving... we get enough daylight as it is here... why on earth would we want to save any?


T-minus 2 hours for the west coasters.


You're forgetting about daylight savings time and time zones... the sale is in about 2 hours and 45 minutes from now :anicute:


Crap, you're right. I completely forgot about that stuff, despite switching forward an hour just recently.


Thank You for Making this one a reallity :unsure:

I will now have a state Geocoin from every state I have Cached in









New Mexico










Ordered mine tonight, and picked up some more of the Ontario Beavers too! Them beavers are too cute for me to resist :rolleyes:


Can't wait to see these coins in the mail.




Can you post a picture of the copper one since the site only seems to have a pic of the silver one that is sold out? thanks


We don't have a picture of the copper yet. The image you see is the artists rendition of the silver. Once we get actual images of both coins we will post them immediately.





So how ya been? Do any caching lately?


Hey man. Yeah, I've been out quite a bit lately, after coming out of a bit of a caching funk. Things are finally picking up around here, and new caches are popping up all the time these days. We get weather in the 70s, and the next thing you know, it's snowing again. Last week I went out against my better judgment while it was snowing, and the snow was as wet as I've seen it all year. By the time I got to the cache (just off a well established game trail), my jeans were soaked. [:ph34r:] Did I get FTF? Nope. Some other cachers who were planning on hiding a cache in the exact same spot a few days earlier came upon it before it was published and logged their finds while I was finding it myself. Therefore, I'm claiming FTFAOP (First To Find After Official Publishing).p><p>I miss caching down there though, but the weather in Clarks Fork Canyon yesterday reminded me of


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v318/b_casteel/Project%20JEEP/Fun/04-22-06%20Clarks%20Fork%20Canyon/100_0768.jpg' alt='100_0768.jpg'>



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