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Magellan Tech Support


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I called tech support to get help with using the "introductory MapSend software". I was on hold for 31 minutes before giving up.

I plugged the 210 into my computer. I loaded the software in my computer but I'm not sure what the next step is; could someone let me know? Does this provide street names?

I admit I'm really bad at tech - grew up on a farm, schools didn't get computers until after I graduated. But Magellan's tech support could answer the phone! A lot more help here from geocachers!



I haven't uploaded any maps into my 210, and someone will certainly correct me if I'm wrong, but you have to buy a map package from Magellan if you want topos or more detailed maps of a given area. The packages seem to be expensive- almost as much as the cheaper models of GPSrs themselves, so I haven't had any interest. The Mapsend software is only an interface. Anybody else want to try and make us smarter?


"introductory MapSend software". I have not heared of that, does it offer all the functions of the Map Send products that magellan sell. What version is it Direct route or Topo 3D.


1st the data cable must run down toward the back of the GPS.

Once you select a map area on your computer screen you save it to your hard drive and name it. Then you use the Magellan conversion software to load the map from your hard drive to the explorist 210.


You gave up too early. the minimum waite time is 45 min. :o


There is little or no follow through when they do say they will act.


I'm thinking my next purchase will not be a Magellan! <_<:o;)


No support, follow through, lip service is great if you have hours to spend on the phone waiting for nothing.


I remember reading that the 210 ships with a DVD that has detail maps, though I couldn't find it on Magellan's 210 product page. So instead of buying the maps in a separate package, the 210 owners would only need to pay Magellan to unlock the maps on the DVD.


Done call. E-mail tech support. That's what I did after giving up on the telephone.


I get quick, helpful service. They stick with it until the problem is solved. I've been impressed.


Here's the address: magellansupport@thalesnavigation.com

Done call. E-mail tech support. That's what I did after giving up on the telephone.


I get quick, helpful service. They stick with it until the problem is solved. I've been impressed.


Here's the address: magellansupport@thalesnavigation.com

glad to hear that worked for someone. they are still reviewing ours 2 months latter.


:) they are not Zzzziiiiippppppyyyy!

I remember reading that the 210 ships with a DVD that has detail maps, though I couldn't find it on Magellan's 210 product page.  So instead of buying the maps in a separate package, the 210 owners would only need to pay Magellan to unlock the maps on the DVD.

That's exactly what I got with my 600 too.




Tech support...what tech support? My frustration with Thales has surpassed any limit I thought possible. HOWEVER, I did talk with them both yesterday morning and this morning...and they answered on the first ring! Scary, isn't it. Now, let me tell you how the conversation went...


Me "I want to check on my GPS, it's RMA #XXXXXXXXXX

Tech "Hold on a minute please...okay I have it, Mr. XXXXXXX?

Me "Yes"

Tech "Well, it shows that our techs are working on it but we've received the unit on the 11th and it takes 10 to 12 days, we still have six day..."

Me "WRONG, you received the unit on the 9th at 6:02 am."

Tech "Well, we don't count is as received until the techs start on it."

Me "WHAT?"

Tech "Yes we still have six days."

Me "No, you don't , let me talk to a supervisor, NOW."

Tech "Yes sir, hold on."


Supervisor "Yes sir, how can I help you?"

Me "You can help me by telling me why the person who originally gave me the RMA number quoted me a 4 or 5 day turnaround and now I'm being quoted a 10 to 12 day turnaround. You can also help me by telling me why you are claiming to have recieved my unit two days after you actually got it!"

Supervisor "You say that the original tech told you 4 or 5 days?"

Me "Yes, and I am NOT happy."

Supervisor "Well Mr. XXXXXX I'm sorry that you aren't happy. I will investigate and call you back."

Me "Fine, call me back after 2:00 pm your time please."

Supervisor "No problem."

I was never called back of course.

This morning's call went like this...

Tech "Good morning, how may I help you?"

Me "RMA XXXXXXXXX, where is it and what is going on with it and after we are done talking I want to talk to your supervisor."

Tech "Uh, okay...one second. It looks like the techs are working on your unit. It says here we received it on the 11th. You know that there is a 10 to 12 day turn around."

Me "No, you received it on the 9th at 6:02 am, would you like the tracking number so you can verify that yourself? I was originally told it would be a 4 to 5 day turnaround but that's okay, if we can settle on it being the 9th that you received it, that would make this day 10, is my unit ready to be shipped back then?"

Tech "Uh, no, we're really busy right now you know."

Me "Well, that doesn't speak very highly of you now does it?"

Tech "Well you know we DO have 25 product lines."

Me "Are you telling me that all 25 of the products that you make are screwed up?"

Tech "Uh, someone told you 4 or 5 day turnaround? It's really always been 10 to 12 days."

Me "Like I said, that makes this day 10, got my GPS ready go yet?"

Tech "I will see what I can do to expedite your GPS and I will also talk to the tech that initiated your RMA."

Me "Okay, I'll call you again tomorrow to see if you shipped it yet."

Hang up...


I figure if they can mess with me, I can have a little fun back...



I remember reading that the 210 ships with a DVD that has detail maps, though I couldn't find it on Magellan's 210 product page. So instead of buying the maps in a separate package, the 210 owners would only need to pay Magellan to unlock the maps on the DVD.

No thats the XL


just out of curiosity, is the hold music still Enya? I was on hold with them a while back for over an hour. Was doing some work and had them on speaker-phone. After a while I though I was going to go insane with each cylye of Orinoco Flow (?). Anyway, ended up hanging up on them.... Tried again following day and same Enya soundtrack.....

Posted (edited)
just out of curiosity, is the hold music still Enya?  I was on hold with them a while back for over an hour.  Was doing some work and had them on speaker-phone.  After a while I though I was going to go insane with each cylye of Orinoco Flow (?).  Anyway, ended up hanging up on them.... Tried again following day and same Enya soundtrack.....

I do not know that much about music so I could not guess as to who it was, but it was something I would ever listen to. :)


BTW I an still waiting for a response to an e-mail I sent, not the one I sent today but the one I sent two weeks ago.

Edited by JohnnyVegas

I got through to tech support at Garmin today, it still took about 30 minutes at 6AM

So they are not a much better than Magellan


BTW the music, I guess it could be Enya, that is a Russian sounding name and it sound like Russian peasent music. I guess they use Enya to keep people calm after be on hold so long.


Still no e-mail though.


As to the comment that Johnny Vegas made about Garmin, and I don't know the details of your call, Have you tried contacting them through the website? I have and they responded in what I considered a timely fashion and with the info I needed to fix the problem. All that and I didn't need to sit on the phone listening to russian peasant music.


I sent an email to Magellan (Thales) when I went to download the upgrades. I saw the upgrade for the 600 had 500 in the name and wondered if ti was really the same thing. Two weeks later (and well after I downloaded, installed and used the upgrade) I got an email back stating, yes it is the same firmware, thank you for asking.


Now, for the OP's question, I got a MapSend Lite that came with the unit. Just enough neat idea that you go and buy the real thing.


Yes i know - BUT

what is the correct adress if i want to send them a mail for e.g. putting the active log on the micro-SD-Card for the next firmware-release.


What ist the correct email-adress for such improvement suggestions?

I sent an email to Magellan (Thales) when I went to download the upgrades. I saw the upgrade for the 600 had 500 in the name and wondered if ti was really the same thing. Two weeks later (and well after I downloaded, installed and used the upgrade) I got an email back stating, yes it is the same firmware, thank you for asking.

That's too funny. I did the same thing and I think it took as long. :lol:



You might find this Explorist review something helpful to get some context. Also see the FAQs in my sig line.

Thank you for the links in your sig line. I'm getting ready to buy & reading as much as I can on different models. J

Yes i know - BUT

what is the correct adress if i want to send them a mail for e.g. putting the active log on the micro-SD-Card for the next firmware-release.


What ist the correct email-adress for such improvement suggestions?

I would try tech support, it is not a question re. sales of profucts. They will get our email to the reight person


I had excellent response and problem resolution by leaving a support request thru the website. I sent it late Fri afternoon and heard back EARLY tuesday AM after the MLK holiday and was happy and surprised.


On the other hand, I left messages on their support voicemail system over two weeks ago and have NEVER heard back.


I did hold one time for about 1.5 hours and actually got to talk to someone. That was surprising too as it was picked up several minutes after their posted closing time. I was told that time, about two weeks ago that the phone response time was also in the 10-12 day range.


I returned my eXplorist 600 and all its software to Magellan for a full refund and bought a bluetooth GPSr for my Treo. When the rep at Magellan asked me why I wanted a refund I told her it was because they were incapable of manufacturing a properly functioning unit and that it would be easier to buy a new GPSr than to continue trying to deal with Thales tech support-- she had no argument against that and immediately agreed to the refund. Looks like even Magellan knows they suck :( .


I'm much happier with my new setup-- far more stable, far more capabilities and it cost me half as much as the e600 +software :P .

I returned my eXplorist 600 and all its software to Magellan for a full refund and bought a bluetooth GPSr for my Treo. When the rep at Magellan asked me why I wanted a refund I told her it was because they were incapable of manufacturing a properly functioning unit and that it would be easier to buy a new GPSr than to continue trying to deal with Thales tech support-- she had no argument against that and immediately agreed to the refund. Looks like even Magellan knows they suck :lol: .


I'm much happier with my new setup-- far more stable, far more capabilities and it cost me half as much as the e600 +software ;) .

Now this is comming form someone that claimed in another thread that he could not find any caches in downtown San Francisco with an explorist 600. You even stated that there are plenty of caches in Downtown San Francisco, this is a bold faced lie. You also claimed you went back to San Francisco and found several caches in downtown San Francisco with your treo. The only problem with your story is that there are no caches in downtown San Francoisco. I a sure you recall that I looked up your San Francisco finds. One was on the edge if China town,this is not down town San Francosco. Four were in Golden gate park, there is not a building over two or three stories high within miles of Golden gate park, your other find was in Japan town, again, nowere hear downtown San Francisco. I am sure you recall as I stated in the other thread I work in San Francisco for many years, I have two caches hidden on the water front in San Francisco. I lived 10 mile from San Francisco for 54 years. Like I said before, ir you were haveing trouble with your magellan explorist 600 it was becasuse you did not know how to use it.


The downtown area of San Francisco is very small just a few blocks.

Now this is comming form someone that claimed in another thread that he could not find any caches in downtown San Francisco with an explorist 600. You even stated that there are plenty of caches in Downtown San Francisco, this is a bold faced lie. You also claimed you went back to San Francisco and found several caches in downtown San Francisco with your treo. The only problem with your story is that there are no caches in downtown San Francoisco. I a sure you recall that I looked up your San Francisco finds. One was on the edge if China town,this is not down town San Francosco. Four were in Golden gate park, there is not a building over two or three stories high within miles of Golden gate park, your other find was in Japan town, again, nowere hear downtown San Francisco. I am sure you recall as I stated in the other thread I work in San Francisco for many years, I have two caches hidden on the water front in San Francisco. I lived 10 mile from San Francisco for 54 years. Like I said before, ir you were haveing trouble with your magellan explorist 600 it was becasuse you did not know how to use it.


The downtown area of San Francisco is very small just a few blocks.

Are you still crying about my San Francisco post <_< ?


You know what, Johnny? You seem very knowledgeable and you obviously have decades of experience in GPSr using (even though they've only been available to commercial users for about 10 years), but you do have one problem. You call anybody's experience that is different than yours a lie, and that's a very poor quality to have. I didn't LIE about downtown caches... I just don't live in S.F., so I'm not as familiar with what parts are "downtown" and which ones aren't-- that still doesn't change the experience I had with my e600. The fact is that Magellan would not acknowledge issues like freezing and insanely long lock times (even though they were in the process of making a firmware updates to fix these exact issues) and their tech support guys made it seem like it might somehow be my fault (just like you...!). So, I called them on it-- I got a refund, got a new setup and it works MUCH better. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but it was MY experience.


If you would like people like me to respond to your posts, try to lay off the "liar" calling and the tasteless arrogance. I know you've been around here for a while, but it doesn't give you the right to be mean to those who haven't.


Sheesh. :P


ok all...I know I'm a little late for this chat but I think I know why Thales has such poor responce time....Thales is owned by a French company and the French don't like to work more than 35 hours a week...maybe it's catching on here...I hope this is not the case since I own 1 Magellan and 1 Garmin...I'm keeping my fingers crossed

You know what, Johnny? You seem very knowledgeable and you obviously have decades of experience in GPSr using (even though they've only been available to commercial users for about 10 years),

Well I was selling a cunsummer grade Magellan GPS in 1990, before the first Gulf war, you know the one the was started in 1991.


I didn't LIE about downtown caches... I just don't live in S.F., so I'm not as familiar with what parts are "downtown"

Well whe you are in a large park were there are no large bulidings within 4 or 5 miles you are not in the downtown area.

Now this is


You know what, Johnny? You seem very knowledgeable and you obviously have decades of experience in GPSr using (even though they've only been available to commercial users for about 10 years),

I think your slightly wrong on your dates, as I had a GPSR on my boat in 1980, replacing a loran c unit

I returned my eXplorist 600 and all its software to Magellan for a full refund and bought a bluetooth GPSr for my Treo. When the rep at Magellan asked me why I wanted a refund I told her it was because they were incapable of manufacturing a properly functioning unit and that it would be easier to buy a new GPSr than to continue trying to deal with Thales tech support-- she had no argument against that and immediately agreed to the refund. Looks like even Magellan knows they suck ;) .


I'm much happier with my new setup-- far more stable, far more capabilities and it cost me half as much as the e600 +software :D .

I've had a 600 since they were first released, and have been rediculously happy with it. I know a lot of people who are happy with theirs. I've been out caching with a lot of people that had a wide variety of GPSrs and I've never seen any consistently out perform my 600 under any conditions (dense tree cover, high buildings, narrow canyons).


It's too bad you had a bad experience, but it sounds like they were glad to refund your money since you were not satisfied with the product (even though it sounds like you were unnecessarily rude to them).


I think the treo+bluetooth GPS is a killer set up. I'm sure you're going to have fun with that.



I've had a 600 since they were first released, and have been rediculously happy with it.  I know a lot of people who are happy with theirs. 

I can see that-- there were many things I loved about my e600 and if it had worked the way it should have I would have never wanted anything else. I just couldn't deal with the freezing issues, the joystick issues and the lock time issues that I (not everyone) experienced with 3 different units. I really made sure not to be rude to the rep at Thales and she was very nice (which I posted in a previous thread that I can't search for right now) and understood that after going through 3 units I was beginning to become skeptical and didn't want to try for a 4th. I was very happy with the service from Thales refunds and exchanges-- it was the tech support dept. that was the nightmare, which is why I posted my experience to this thread.


I think the treo+bluetooth GPS is a killer set up. I'm sure you're going to have fun with that.

I really love it. It's working out just great.


I think your slightly wrong on your dates, as I had a GPSR on my boat in 1980, replacing a loran c unit

I wasn't trying to be sarcastic. I really do appreciate JohhnyVegas' knowledge and experience in the GPSr world, which has been decades worth (even though most of us didn't start using handheld GPSrs until much later) I was trying to acknowledge the respect that Johhny V deserves that while noting that I'd rather not be called a liar for sharing my experience on a message board. I don't come on these boards to spread lies about Magellan or any other company and I don't claim to be a GPSr expert by any means-- I just try to tell it how I see it. ;)

Posted (edited)

I think your slightly wrong on your dates, as I had a GPSR on my boat in 1980, replacing a loran c unit

Sure you did, as if the system was even ready for military use in 1980.

Edited by Dr_Dajom
Posted (edited)

From GPS world

The first sattelite was launched in 1978,

The first hand held GPS was put on the market in 1989 by Magellan.

1986-1989, hiatus following the Challenger space shuttle disaster

1989, revived launch program and changes in the design of the satellite constellation.


I did not see anything about what was happening from 1978-1986, but my guess is that in 8 years there could have may enough sattellites up to have a working system. At least for the Military, I know the system was up for the first gulf war in 1991.


The link is to an article in GPS world.


GPS world


Magellan-First Hand Held GPS 1989


Garmin-June 1991, Portable/panel mount GPS that interfaces with autopilot GPS 100 AVD


Lowrance-In July, 1991, the Company introduced GPS products which incorporated Rockwell GPS technology.

Edited by JohnnyVegas
...The first sattelite was launched in 1978,

... first hand held GPS was put on the market in 1989 by Magellan.

... I did not see anything about what was happening from 1978-1986, but my guess is that in 8 years there could have may enough satellites up to have a working system...

Note 1: A viable GPS system did exist at least as early as 1983, but not for civilian use. After the Soviets shot down an off-course Korean arliner in 1983, the Reagan administration announced that GPS would be made available for civilian users worldwide.


Note 2: Before Magellan brought out "handheld" units, there were bigger boxes, panel mounted units on airplanes, boats, etc... but I'm not sure when the first commercial ones became available.

Posted (edited)

The unit I had in the boat was about 2 1/2 times the size of the units you can install in cars.

I may have been off by a couple of years, but it was in the early 80s. And if I remember right I sold the boat in 84

Edited by vagabond
Posted (edited)
The unit I had in the boat was about 2 1/2 times the size of the units you can install in cars.

I may have been off by a couple of years, but it was in the early 80s. And if I remember right I sold the boat in 84

From www.trimble.com:



Introduces world's first commercial GPS time and frequency receiver

Introduces first commercial GPS positioning product


And from www.thalesnavigation.com:


Technology Firsts


First European GPS receiver (1985)

First U.S. commercial handheld GPS receiver for positioning and navigation (1989)

First European integrated differential GPS receiver (1989)

First commercial 3DF-ADU, Attitude Determination Unit (1990)

First GPS-based vehicle navigation system in the U.S. (1995)

First commercial GPS+GLONASS receiver (1996)

First consumer GPS product priced under $100 (1997)

First professional Long-Range Kinematic (LRKTM) GPS receiver (1997)

First high-volume, high-precision GPS OEM board-level product priced under $100 (1997)

First GPS+GLONASS RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) system (1997)

First handheld satellite communications device (1998)

First GPS handheld offering industry standard Secure Digital Memory Card (SDMC) capability (2000)


So there you have it....=)

Edited by Dr_Dajom

Just thought I'd add my experience with Thales tech support.


I contacted them though the website about Topo 3d USA software that I purchased that did not work.

I heard back from them after a 3 day weekend and they said they would gladly replace the software for me but wanted proof of purchase.

I provided this via fax.

Half an hour later I recieved another email saying it was approved for replacement and it would be sent out the next day.

I replied and thanked them.

Another half an hour later I recieve another email stating that it seems that their entire stock of topo 3d cd's was bad, and she asked me if i could use a dvd version.

I replied and said yes. A few minutes later she replied and said that it would be shipped the next day, and provided me with the unlock code for the topo 3d portion.

Hours later I recievced another email stating it had been shipped and gave me the tracking number which showed it in route. It arrived a few days later.


I was very impressed with their tech support and would recommend going the email route for any issues you have.


I sent my Meridian Gold in for repairs (the backlight had stopped working), which they received the morning of 01/16. There is supposed to be a 10-12 day turn-around. I called today (15 business days later).


First, they had my account under a different RMA number than what they emailed me.


Second, they have no status update on my unit. They don't know if repairs have even begun on my unit. They told me to call back next Tuesday: they've increased their repair turn-around to a MINIMUM of 15 business days due to a huge repair backlog. I asked if they would email out a notice (e.g., a tracking number) when the unit was repaired and he said the only way to find this out was to keep calling back. :o

Posted (edited)



I had a similar experience recently. Magellan received my Explorist 500 for repair on Dec 28. The email I got from them before that date was that the turn around time with the holidays would be about 10 days. Somewhere around January 15, when I'd seen nor heard nothing, I sent an email and got a response back that was empathetic, but not helpful. I was promised an update soon. Two days later I heard nothing, so I sent an email requesting that Magellan refund my money rather than repair and return my unit.


Less than one hour after I sent that request, I got an email stating that my GPS had shipped that morning. When I got the GPS, they had sent me a brand new unit, in the box. I got back to them that since they had gone beyond what was necessary by sending me a new unit, I would retract my refund request and keep the unit.


Overall, I wasn't happy that they took so long, but they sent me a new GPS... so how can I complain?




[edit] I should add that Magellan has a history of returning your GPS along with some free accessories. You might come out of the deal with a couple new cables and a car mount.

Edited by Jamie Z
Magellan has a history of returning your GPS along with some free accessories. You might come out of the deal with a couple new cables and a car mount.

I'd take an Explorist XL :wacko:


Sigh ... I've already got all the cables and mounts. But I guess I could drop it off in a cache as swag.

Um, Jamie, could you please refresh my memory as to what your 500's problem was?

No major problems... the click stick had been a little finicky since the day I got it. "Up" had always been a hard one.


Then, probably because of the sticky click stick, the rubber on the click stick came off, so I just had a plastic stick. (One could even argue that this is my fault... although I didn't abuse the GPS)


And when I was on the Danube, I noticed a handful of times I got moisture inside the screen, so my unit was clearly no longer waterproof. I guessed this may be related to the rubber coming off the click stick.


When I sent in the GPS, I was a little concerned that they would tell me it wasn't covered under warranty... and I could almost see their point. Instead, after a long wait, they sent me a new GPS.




Things are still going badly at Magellan.


I called today at 13:59 EST and was on hold until 15:09 -- OVER AN HOUR on hold listening to Enya. :laughing:


My GPS, which I shipped on 01/12 is still in the black void. :) They can't tell me the status, except he guessed that it went to the tech's on 02/04. So it's been nearly a MONTH! They've had it for 20 business days. I asked if there was a different number for checking on RMA statuses so I didn't have to compete with tech-support questions. No, just the one number, and he apologized for the average one-hour delays. He said he'd talk to his manager and get it expedited. Would he send me an email when he finds out something? No, sorry. The only communication I'll get is from UPS when it ships back. So the only way to get status information is to call back about 02/17! :laughing:


I called tech support to get help with using the "introductory MapSend software". I was on hold for 31 minutes before giving up.

I plugged the 210 into my computer. I loaded the software in my computer but I'm not sure what the next step is; could someone let me know? Does this provide street names?

I admit I'm really bad at tech - grew up on a farm, schools didn't get computers until after I graduated. But Magellan's tech support could answer the phone! A lot more help here from geocachers!



I ended up selling my Magellan because the customer service was so bad infact it is probably among the worst of any company i ever dealt with.


I went with a Lowrance who had much better service although they tend not to be too technically minded when it comes to dealing with problems.


Garmin is my latest unit and I had to call them on the first day of my new unit I had a 30 minute wait but when I got throught the staff were very knowledgable and helpful. I woud never go back to a Magellan. They even had a design fault in their Meridian's where many would have a loose battery door causing water to get into a waterproof unit. Thousands had this problem and Magellan wouldnt do a thing about it.

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