+Bull Moose Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Don't blame me, I just remarked I might need back-up. If I knew there were so many people into Wisconsin cheese, I'd have had my father-in-law ship me some fresh stuff for the Fling right from the factory. Next time. Quote
Team Misguided Posted April 6, 2006 Posted April 6, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Might have something to do with the cheesy nature of many of the posters!! Myself included! Quote
+Shop99er Posted April 6, 2006 Author Posted April 6, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Might have something to do with the cheesy nature of many of the posters!! Myself included! It wouldn't hurt so much if it weren't so danged true!! So..... we've made a couple of changes on the Spring Fling event page. The time frames for games and announcments have changed a little. We've got a lot going on and the fabulous event crew have it handled. There are lots of kids activities this time and the GPSr game is going to be more challenging than ever. It's looking like we'll have a huge turn out and we're keeping our fingers crossed that everyone can show up. "It's like an elephant on skates. You can't stop it and you can't get out of it's way." Quote
+Shop99er Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Don't blame me, I just remarked I might need back-up. If I knew there were so many people into Wisconsin cheese, I'd have had my father-in-law ship me some fresh stuff for the Fling right from the factory. Next time. You got 2 weeks....... Quote
+Bull Moose Posted April 7, 2006 Posted April 7, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Don't blame me, I just remarked I might need back-up. If I knew there were so many people into Wisconsin cheese, I'd have had my father-in-law ship me some fresh stuff for the Fling right from the factory. Next time. You got 2 weeks....... You know, that's what my wife said. With the semester coming to a close, time just seems compressed to me. I'll give pa-in-law a call tonight and send him on a mission. Quote
+Shop99er Posted April 7, 2006 Author Posted April 7, 2006 How did this turn into a Wisconsin/cheese thread? Don't blame me, I just remarked I might need back-up. If I knew there were so many people into Wisconsin cheese, I'd have had my father-in-law ship me some fresh stuff for the Fling right from the factory. Next time. You got 2 weeks....... You know, that's what my wife said. With the semester coming to a close, time just seems compressed to me. I'll give pa-in-law a call tonight and send him on a mission. Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 (edited) OK Kiddies ! Here is what the Kids Center Is Looking Like: Attached are a few photos of the board that the kids will be looking for when they arrive at the Watermans Club. Obviously a cant miss! It is Bright! This as well as the kids table, is the central nervous system of the kids games. It is, as of right now, going to be located directly behind the table for the kids to sign up at for the GPS Toss, The Scavenger Hunt, as well as a M&M guess. The table located in front of this board is where the kids will want to sign up for any of the games. As mentioned on the Fling Listing, the times for the GPS Toss are as follows: 11:30, 12:30, and 1:30. The 1:30 toss will be on an as needed basis. The Scavenger Hunt will run from the begining of the Fling at 11:00 am until the end. No start times for the Hunt, just walk up to the table whenever the child wants, get issued a card (pictured below) and go find the containers. Turn them in upon completion and recieve a ribbon (also pictured below). Also included is a seperate board that is for the "Toss Top Three". The top three finishers will be listed here once they are recognized at the prize awarding. It will be a place for the top three finishers to show off their name and gloat if they wish The picture on the right shows the three sections of the Kids Center Board. The left being a list that the kids can refer to, to see how they did in comparison to others that participated in the GPS Toss. The right being a running list of who has completed the Scavenger Hunt. The middle section will be where, after the winner is announced, the kids can see how their guess measured up against the other kids in the M&M guess contest. The Scavenger Hunt sheet is pictured below. The sheet has a column on the left of stickers that the kid is to locate, and then place it in the blank column on the right. Once all stickers have been located and placed on the sheet, they will then turn the sheet into the Kids Center table and will be given a " I Did It!" Ribbon to wear, showing they found all 10 containers. The Scavenger Hunt Sheet that the kids will have to complete, as well as The Ribbon: Edited April 8, 2006 by -Hawk- Quote
+W7WT Posted April 8, 2006 Posted April 8, 2006 (edited) Two weeks from today is the big day. The GPS Accuracy Game Team assisted Chuck our surveyor and a surveyor friend Ron in setting GZs at the Waterman Club field. Actually we just said where we wanted them and they are doing all the work. This may be your only chance to get this accurate coordinates in a GPS Accuracy Game. It will be interesting to how see how well the new top consumer level GPSs do. CU in a couple of weeks. Dick, W7WT Edited April 9, 2006 by W7WT Quote
+W7WT Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 Roy are you going to be at the Spring Fling? It would be an honor to have you. I would finally meet Roy from Illinois. Hope you can make it. Dick, W7WT Well if there are going to be two Illinois transplants there, I better try to get my wife to come along so I'm not the only cheesehead. Roy is from Illinois too? I'm a East Alton/Woodriver transplant myself. If the St. Helens hike doesn't come off I hope to be there. Well I hope you make it. It was nice meeting you at the last Spring Fling. BTW is that Woo Driver, Illinois or Wood River. Illinois. I never knew for sure. CU on the 22nd. Dick, W7WT Quote
+Pasha Posted April 10, 2006 Posted April 10, 2006 In conversation last night with my lovely bride, she shocked me by saying that the Fling sounds like a gas and she'd love to come with me. This is the first time she's ever mentioned caching in the same breath with "fun". I'm not sure what's going on, but am not going to look this gift in the mouth. I guess add two more to the Pasha party, as our youngest will be coming along as well. I'm still sorta woozy from the surprise. Hopefully a malt beverage will help me recover. Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 (edited) Glad to hear that Mrs. Pasha will be there!!! Look forward to meeting her. I am sure after the Fling that she will constantly be having those two words in the same sentence She will have a great time I am sure, and little Pasha will surely have a great time as well. I could use one of those malt beverages that you speak of, right about now and look forward to the night we guys can partake of one Edited April 11, 2006 by -Hawk- Quote
+W7WT Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I just noticed that Tina of the Snow Dogs has indicated she will be back. She is the all time Champion and the only cacher to be closer than one foot from GZ at any of The GPS Accuracy Games. She was 11 and 1/4 inches at last year's Spring Fling. Wonder if any one can beat her record. It could be you. Dick, W7WT Quote
+Ambrosia Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I give up before I even start! I'll just be happy to be there. Quote
+W7WT Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I give up before I even start! I'll just be happy to be there. And we will be happy to see you. Don't tell anyone, but being lucky is the major factor in getting a close distance to GZ. Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 (edited) I give up before I even start! I'll just be happy to be there. And we will be happy to see you. Don't tell anyone, but being lucky is the major factor in getting a close distance to GZ. I wasnt so lucky last year but it was fun! Edited April 12, 2006 by -Hawk- Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I give up before I even start! I'll just be happy to be there. And we will be happy to see you. Don't tell anyone, but being lucky is the major factor in getting a close distance to GZ. Where was Luck at the last contests? It sure wasnt with me! Quote
+Pasha Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 By saying so, I will certainly be jinxed, but it could be me. I got this BT338 today and am sitting here in my basement (where my 60C cannot lock a single satellite) with the little gadget locked onto 9 sats with a ~13ft horizontal EPE. I'm viewing my position on my Treo with Mapopolis and experimenting with navigation via Cachemate and a couple other things. It's almost shocking how well it sees those birds and hangs onto them. Not that it'll help when the time comes. Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 By saying so, I will certainly be jinxed, but it could be me. I got this BT338 today and am sitting here in my basement (where my 60C cannot lock a single satellite) with the little gadget locked onto 9 sats with a ~13ft horizontal EPE. I'm viewing my position on my Treo with Mapopolis and experimenting with navigation via Cachemate and a couple other things. It's almost shocking how well it sees those birds and hangs onto them. Not that it'll help when the time comes. That sounds like a doozy of a gadget! I meant to ask you if you recieved that,while on the phone earlier. Sounds like a good investment. Cant wait (as I am sure you are) to see it in action. I think Dick releases certain sattelite eating ghosts at the accuracy contests , so maybe your new gadget will avert them , and help us all! Quote
+W7WT Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Won't be long before you find out. Chuck has sent the coordinates for all the sites. Looks like they are in degrees, minutes & seconds. Guess I had better convert them. That would be a dirty trick to post them that way. I will convert them with an online converter and not trust my calculations. They go out so far, they must be accurate down to a few mm. Dick, W7WT Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Hey, Dick. Try changing over the format on your GPSr to Degrees, Minutes, Seconds. Then plug in the coordinates that chuck gave you, then return your gpsr back to the original format, and the coordinatees that you put in should change accordingly. Quote
+W7WT Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 (edited) Thanks Tim, I will do that to confirm what I got when I used Fuzzy Magic's conversion in the FAQ section. They seem to be correct and also rounded it off for use in our GPSs. I also confirmed the coordinates with JeEeP.com which is easier to use. Edited April 12, 2006 by W7WT Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Well the pressure's on, so I trotted out to REI last night and done bought me one of those fancy new Garmin 60CSx units so's I can enter this contest. I'd been limping along for the past year on a broken Garmin V with no antenna (for use in the car) and a Magellan SporTrak Color (never did figure out how to use it right). That's right, we gots us an REI in Pittsburgh now. Lotsa Starbucks too. To complete the copycat process, they should tear down the baseball stadium and build a scale model of Mt. Rainier out of the rubble. It's not like there's a major league team that needs to use it. Quote
Team Misguided Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 That's right, we gots us an REI in Pittsburgh now. Lotsa Starbucks too. To complete the copycat process, they should tear down the baseball stadium and build a scale model of Mt. Rainier out of the rubble. It's not like there's a major league team that needs to use it. Seattle and Pittsburgh are pretty much the same in that respect!!!!! Quote
+The Leprechauns Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 OK then. PNC Park can stay, along with its minor league team, to keep the parallel to Safeco field and its occupants. And, of course, it's no coincidence that the best two teams in football are from the "parallel cities." We will need to build Mt. Rainier out of the torn-down steel mills and piles of slag. Heck, for that we don't need to stop with a scale model. Returning on topic... I will be flying to Seattle exactly one week from right now! I will be staying downtown. What is the driving time in Saturday traffic from downtown to the Spring Fling, assuming that (1) I don't attend the CITO Event first, and (2) I don't stop to find any caches on the way (yeah right)? Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 The commute from Seattle to Port Orchard, is just shy of 60 miles, and on a Saturday, I would alot about an hour or so. I make the commute quite a bit, and in weekmorning traffic, i can sometimes make it in an hour and 15 minutes up towards an Hour and a half.. Tack onto that time I gave you, another 10 minutes or so, to get off of Highway 16 here in Port Orchard, and through town to the Watermans club. Quote
+TotemLake Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 (edited) Criminal Apr 3 2006, 02:09 PM Post #79 Charter Throbbing Member Posts: 4,301 Joined: 7-August 01 From: Tacoma Washington It looks like I will be unable to attend, and will be unavailable until after 6pm. If there’s any interest in meeting for a beer in Tacoma after the Fling, let me know and I’ll organize an Unofficial Post-Fling Beer Consumption Splinter Group Event (UPFBCSGE). -------------------- Today's Cacher Magazine Go as much with the river as not... Sometimes geocaching is like getting a double nipple titty twister It can hurt like hell and you’re still having a dadgum good time Criminal I might be persuaded to make that event. Edited April 12, 2006 by TotemLake Quote
+Ambrosia Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 The commute from Seattle to Port Orchard, is just shy of 60 miles, and on a Saturday, I would alot about an hour or so. I make the commute quite a bit, and in weekmorning traffic, i can sometimes make it in an hour and 15 minutes up towards an Hour and a half.. Tack onto that time I gave you, another 10 minutes or so, to get off of Highway 16 here in Port Orchard, and through town to the Watermans club. Don't you have to go on the ferry? Quote
+Bull Moose Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 The commute from Seattle to Port Orchard, is just shy of 60 miles, and on a Saturday, I would alot about an hour or so. I make the commute quite a bit, and in weekmorning traffic, i can sometimes make it in an hour and 15 minutes up towards an Hour and a half.. Tack onto that time I gave you, another 10 minutes or so, to get off of Highway 16 here in Port Orchard, and through town to the Watermans club. Don't you have to go on the ferry? Nope, you can get over here via the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. Or you could take the Seattle-Bremerton ferry or the Faunleroy/Southworth Ferry. On a weekday, I'd ferry, but on Saturday, though, the bridge is usually clear enough where we do that. Quote
+Allanon Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 The commute from Seattle to Port Orchard, is just shy of 60 miles, and on a Saturday, I would alot about an hour or so. I make the commute quite a bit, and in weekmorning traffic, i can sometimes make it in an hour and 15 minutes up towards an Hour and a half.. Tack onto that time I gave you, another 10 minutes or so, to get off of Highway 16 here in Port Orchard, and through town to the Watermans club. Don't you have to go on the ferry? No, you can drive around through Tacoma. But since Lep is from out of town, I'd definitely suggest the ferry trip. Having said that, the time is roughly the same. The ferry takes almost an hour as well, but you aren't driving! Once you get to the other side, it's a short 15-20 minute drive to the Event place. Quote
+Ambrosia Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I shall have to ruminate on this and confer with the other voices in my head..... Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 I mentioned the driving option, with the anticipation that caching along the way to the Fling would probably happen. But you are correct, being out of town, the ferry would be something great for them. There is even Bull Mooses Ferry Cache II-Bremerton-Seattle (GCVD0) that they could do on the way back to Seattle. Quote
+Kealia Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 No, you can drive around through Tacoma. But since Lep is from out of town, I'd definitely suggest the ferry trip. Having said that, the time is roughly the same. The ferry takes almost an hour as well, but you aren't driving! Once you get to the other side, it's a short 15-20 minute drive to the Event place. Is that suggestion because of the experince of the ferry ride or because the drive is that difficult? I was planning to just use MapSend Direct Route to get me there. Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 On a Saturday, the drive wouldnt be bad at all,pending any roadwork. When my family comes from out of state to vist, they enjoy the experience of the ferry ride, especially if it is nice wether. You get a good shot at both the Cascade (to the East) and the Olympic (to the west) mountain ranges. IMHO Quote
+Allanon Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 No, you can drive around through Tacoma. But since Lep is from out of town, I'd definitely suggest the ferry trip. Having said that, the time is roughly the same. The ferry takes almost an hour as well, but you aren't driving! Once you get to the other side, it's a short 15-20 minute drive to the Event place. Is that suggestion because of the experince of the ferry ride or because the drive is that difficult? I was planning to just use MapSend Direct Route to get me there. The experience! And as Hawk said, the views on a nice day are fantastic. He only mentions the ranges, but there is also the view of Rainier to the south and if it's a very clear day, Baker to the north may be visible. The drive around is not hard at all (although the road south between Southcenter and Tacoma will jar your fillings lose (at least it feels like that in my Explorer)... It just depends on what you want to do and see. Quote
+Criminal Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 The drive around is not hard at all (although the road south between Southcenter and Tacoma will jar your fillings lose (at least it feels like that in my Explorer)... A set of Trailmaster SSV shocks will improve the ride...a lot. Quote
+Criminal Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Criminal Apr 3 2006, 02:09 PM Post #79 It looks like I will be unable to attend, and will be unavailable until after 6pm. If there’s any interest in meeting for a beer in Tacoma after the Fling, let me know and I’ll organize an Unofficial Post-Fling Beer Consumption Splinter Group Event (UPFBCSGE). -------------------- Today's Cacher Magazine Go as much with the river as not... Sometimes geocaching is like getting a double nipple titty twister It can hurt like hell and you’re still having a dadgum good time Criminal I might be persuaded to make that event. You were automatically obligated… Quote
+Kealia Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Ok, I did the Vashon ferry when I was out last (thanks for the ride and tour gang) - so maybe Hula Bum and I will look into the ferry ride. Criminal - beer = good. I could be persuaded to join y'all in a cold beer-type beverage Quote
+Wander Lost Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Criminal - beer = good. I could be persuaded to join y'all in a cold beer-type beverage But that reads: Criminal - (minus) beer =(equals) good. In my experience Criminal +(PLUS) beer = Better Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Criminal - beer = good. I could be persuaded to join y'all in a cold beer-type beverage But that reads: Criminal - (minus) beer =(equals) good. In my experience Criminal +(PLUS) beer = Better May I add, with no disrespect to Criminal, Most anything+beer=Better, that is all dependant on the beer though! Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 (edited) Here is an Aerial Layout of the Fling Site (Watermans Club), general layout of contest sites as well as the two parking options. I hope this satisfies anyones curiosity Thanks Pasha for the assistance with the photo. Edited April 13, 2006 by -Hawk- Quote
+W7WT Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 (edited) Thanks to Hawk and Pasha for putting this on here. It is so good that a lot of people are going to be carrying around a copy of this instead of their GPS when they do the GPS Accuracy Game. Edited April 13, 2006 by W7WT Quote
Team Misguided Posted April 13, 2006 Posted April 13, 2006 Thanks to Hawk and Pasha for putting this on here. It is so good that a lot of people are going to be carrying around a copy of this instead of their GPS when they do the GPS Accuracy Game. With our luck we'll do better leaving the GPS at home!!! Quote
+Belleterre Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Here is an Aerial Layout of the Fling Site (Watermans Club), general layout of contest sites as well as the two parking options. I hope this satisfies anyones curiosity Thanks Pasha for the assistance with the photo. Nice pic Hawk. So - are the squares accurately placed? It's very tempting to place my flag based on the pic instead of my GPS. After all - if the Bat and I could get FTF on Projection by using Spoiler picture #2 and skipping WP#1 & 2 - I should be able to find GZ with a pic - right? Maybe we need to start a new category. Quote
+W7WT Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Here is an Aerial Layout of the Fling Site (Watermans Club), general layout of contest sites as well as the two parking options. I hope this satisfies anyones curiosity Thanks Pasha for the assistance with the photo. Nice pic Hawk. So - are the squares accurately placed? It's very tempting to place my flag based on the pic instead of my GPS. After all - if the Bat and I could get FTF on Projection by using Spoiler picture #2 and skipping WP#1 & 2 - I should be able to find GZ with a pic - right? Maybe we need to start a new category. Of course the squares are accurately placed. They are not at ground zero but you can see it from there. Quote
+Shop99er Posted April 14, 2006 Author Posted April 14, 2006 Also note the driveway just to the right of the parking area at the Waterman. That leads to the church parking lot and we DO have permission from the pastor to use their lot for overflow parking. Quote
+The Jester Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 I guess I'll have to use my GPSr, as the picture doesn't show up here. Quote
+W7WT Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 I guess I'll have to use my GPSr, as the picture doesn't show up here. Try Right Click on the red X and then click on show picture Quote
+-Hawk- Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Here is an Aerial Layout of the Fling Site (Watermans Club), general layout of contest sites as well as the two parking options. I hope this satisfies anyones curiosity Thanks Pasha for the assistance with the photo. Nice pic Hawk. So - are the squares accurately placed? It's very tempting to place my flag based on the pic instead of my GPS. After all - if the Bat and I could get FTF on Projection by using Spoiler picture #2 and skipping WP#1 & 2 - I should be able to find GZ with a pic - right? Maybe we need to start a new category. Thanks Belleterre! The little squares are as said, a general layout.The whole point of posting this photo was to give everyone a birds eye view of the Fling location and where the accuracy contests will be held, as well as where to park. I suggest you use the photo to find ground zero as a beta test for the rest of us Quote
+W7WT Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 Just to bring everyone up to date on how the elevation part of the game will work. To participate in the elevation estimation you must sign up for the Expert Site. You will be issued a small card with the same number as your flag. Take this with you. The standard platform will not be near the Expert Site but will be to the east of the gate and about ten feet away from the fence. You may have your elevation reading on your GPS recorded either before or after you plant your flag at the Expert Site. Give your numbered card to the crew member at the elevation site and place your GPS either vertical or Horizontal on the top of the standard platform. We will only record what your GPS says the elevation is in feet, or feet plus tenths of a foot, NOT what you think it is. You can only use a GPS. We will not record altimeters etc. If your GPS gives elevation in other than feet, you must be prepared to convert it to feet. We will not have time to convert for you. Chuck is the only crew member that knows what the actual elevation is and will give that to me along with the winner after we close down. The winner will be announced at the end of the awards program. You must be present to receive the $30 award or it will go to the runner up. If your GPS has a barometer, be sure you know how to calibrate it before you arrive. We will not help you. Quote
+Ambrosia Posted April 14, 2006 Posted April 14, 2006 I shall just enjoy watching everyone scurrying around like little ants whilst I laugh. Best I can do to contribute! Quote
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