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All I Ever Needed To Know...

T-bone's Team

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If you mention that there are many wonderful things about caching, both large and small; some killjoy will tell you how he or she hates micros and lamp posts and how the ammo can is the only way to go.


Hehehe.....I hate micros! But couldn't agree more!




115) That park you have driven by in a hurry at least 20 times has a Tank in it, and when you are the traffic light it is only about 30 yards away. Sorry never seen it before I found the cache on the sign.

116) When you find something in a cache you really want you have forgot or did not bring your SWAG bag.


73. 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 rights make a left.


73a. And two Wrights made an airplane.


117. Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff.

Posted (edited)

108) You will become a very indigenous person after four years of solo-caching. :lol:


109) you will lose count of the snakes you come across (rattlers, etc.). 1 Bear and 1 Cat, lots of coyotes, turkeys, lizards, and bighorn sheep.:D


110) Your bookcase becomes the "old junk I found Mecca." ;)


11) You learn to "borrow" those half used rolls of TP from work, and put them in zip-lock bags to store in you Camelbak bladder cases for later use. :D

Edited by Colorado Cacher
Posted (edited)

All I ever really needed to know I learned from Geocaching.


The following is a list of things I have learned from Geocaching since my commencement 6 months ago. I got this idea from being a short-time Lurker. This is my first forum post beyond asking a technical question and responding to Lurker? I apologize if this has been done before. I would love to read others amusing or lighthearted thoughts.

Happy Hunting!


•I've never had so much fun getting poison ivy, chiggers and ticks!

•The difficulty of the cache is relative to how much whinning occurs in a log.

•There is a lot of unwanted McJunk in the world.

•One person's strenuous adventure may be a walk in the park to another.

•People stare at you funny when you pick up trash.

•Lurk (read only) when there is a heated forum discussion.

•I must have been an archeologist or a pirate in a former life since I have an urge to dig and look for treasure.

•There are few to no dangerous caches outside our American legal system.

•My boys can't figure out where some of their rarely used toys have gone.

•Gecoins & TB's can magically disappear. :laughing:

•Virtual's grow on you.

•If money or gift certificates are involved in FTF my teenagers want to join the hunt.

Posted (edited)

The reintroduction of the topic since 2005 may bring out some new insights. Oh well... I think it is best that I just go back to Lurking.


176. After hiking a half-mile to the cache location, you will be surprised to notice there's a road that ran right up to it that wasn't on your map.


177. When you're, waiting for those "creepy-looking weirdos" to leave the area so you can search for a cache, they're thinking the exact same thing about you!


It's going to be fun when people click the Markwells above only to come to the same thread. :laughing:


Merged the two duplicate topics since the old one was bumped.




247: Always return the pen to the cache container after you sign the log. Preferably before you've made your way back to your car. D'oh!


(I forget to replace the pen about 50% of the time; merrily walking away with it in my hand. I'm such a dolt about this!)

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