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Cache Hunting Technique

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Lynn likes to walk in ever decreasing circles until she steps on the ground at 0feet.

Mark walks slowly in a straight line finds something beyond the cache on the bearing and walks towards that searching.

The kids mill around hoping the cache will jump out of the ground shouting "hi i'm here"

I know some people use the tracklog to "draw a circle arround the cache.

Whats your prefered technique when there is no UPOS ?

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I use The Force.




Seriously, it entirely depends upon the cache. Some you can follow the arrow right to, some you have to pass and repass until you get some sort of consensus from your GPS, some jump out of the ground shouting "I'm here", some you have to systematically search every tree (rock, stump, post...) within the target area.

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Utterly Pointlessly Obvious Site?


To find a cache I tend to read the clue :(

Getting to the right place depends on the sort of cover. If it's woodland I might get to a more open space and see what the GPS thinks. Then another spot and compare readings. A bit of triangulation usually gets results.

If it's more open, I use the straight-line approach.



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My GPS is far more accurate at speed. To find particularly elusive caches, I have often been seen running in straight lines past the suspected point looking for the point at which the arrow flips direction. Walking slowly usually causes the arrow to spin around too much.


When the arrow flips I move further to the left/right and run again, maybe from a different angle. Kind of like a rough triangulation technique.


I find it works well! It can be funny though, trying to charge through streams/gorse bushes etc. for your 'flypast'!




Edit: Spelling

Edited by Team 'James W'
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If all else fails, I take Mrs WG along with me.  She can find things in the freezer and the airing cupboard! :(

:( I know what you mean: Happens regularly in our household, too...


"Male" Blorenge: "Where's the chutney*?"

Mrs B: In the fridge.

"Male" Blorenge: "I can't see any....."

Mrs B: Opens fridge, moves Flora tub 3" to the left ..."There!"

"Male" Blorenge: "Aaaaaah....."


*Substitute any "invisible" item, as required for breakfast/lunch/tea...

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I tend to follow the GPSR until it starts going batty then I know that I'm in the right area.

Then have a good look around ( but not too deep ) hoping that it will hit me in the face so to speak, 99% of the time it doesnt so then its off with the jacket and in we go.

It usually ends up with me getting covered in mud,nettle stings and whatever else nature decides to put in my way. Then Bonnie shouts 'here it is' finding it was hidden in a nice clean, unprickly place and she has that look on her face ;)

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