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What Was In Your Mailbox Today!


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Posted (edited)

Been a busy week for the postman and I have been slacking on the picture taking.




A big thank you to 57Chevy for the goodies included in the coinmail pouch and to JohmMac56 for "my heart's desire coin". And of course to Peter and Beverly for the hot buns!!

Edited by Droo

2 trades, 2 purchases!





Hey where'd you get the potato head on a fist coin? LOL


I prefer to think of it as the Groucho Marx version of the binary coin!




Hey where'd you get the potato head on a fist coin? LOL


I prefer to think of it as the Groucho Marx version of the binary coin!



As yes. Groucho in the Thinking Man position with chin on fist.


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!

Congrats on the sticky coins LOL


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!

Congrats on the sticky coins LOL

Coins are like food...If you wan't someone to give them to you...Just Lick Them


:) Nice! :)

hey gatoulis, congrats to you and to all of Greece for receiving an invitation to the world cup in your mailbox today! :)


:laughing: Hello my friend and thank you! Actually the whole Greece took this invitation! What a game!!! :)

My tiny country will go to the mundial for the second time in her history!!! :(

Things in greece and celebrations were like when we had the miracle.... when we won the European cup in our second time we participated in the Euro!! ;)


I hope French will forgive me but I was so sad about Ireland!!! Nobody saw the hand of Henry before the goal that sent France in the mundial??? :D Ireland was muggled!!! ...and played so nice!!!! ;)


Here's my most recent deliveries:









WOW!!!! Beautiful coins!!!! The Alaska is Silver??? Real silver???? WOW!!!! It is like a bullion coin!!!!!!


I love the cst coin and the crab one! WOW! the last one, the crab is so lovely!!!! :laughing:

Posted (edited)


This one: is it really gold colored or is it just the lighting? If it's gold, how can I get one, please? :laughing:

(Need a gold one to go with my gold Little Rhodie Quahog...)



Edited by Crowesfeat30

I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!

Congrats on the sticky coins LOL

Coins are like food...If you wan't someone to give them to you...Just Lick Them

I have some really good comments in mind for this but I think right now I better keep them to myself :):laughing:


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!

Congrats on the sticky coins LOL

Coins are like food...If you wan't someone to give them to you...Just Lick Them

I guess begging is out then. :laughing:



This one: is it really gold colored or is it just the lighting? If it's gold, how can I get one, please? :laughing:

(Need a gold one to go with my gold Little Rhodie Quahog...)



I think the white balance is off a bit that's making the antique silver look gold.



This one: is it really gold colored or is it just the lighting? If it's gold, how can I get one, please? :laughing:

(Need a gold one to go with my gold Little Rhodie Quahog...)



I think the white balance is off a bit that's making the antique silver look gold.


Yes, I had some yellowish lights on above to the right side that made the color off a little bit... It's just Little Rhody, not a special edition!!

Posted (edited)

I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!


Speaking of cooties, this arrived today!




and also this...thank you sinterklaus




and these!




Edited by drneal

:D Nice! :)

hey gatoulis, congrats to you and to all of Greece for receiving an invitation to the world cup in your mailbox today! :)

:laughing: Hello my friend and thank you! Actually the whole Greece took this invitation! What a game!!! :D

My tiny country will go to the mundial for the second time in her history!!! :D

Things in greece and celebrations were like when we had the miracle.... when we won the European cup in our second time we participated in the Euro!! :D


I hope French will forgive me but I was so sad about Ireland!!! Nobody saw the hand of Henry before the goal that sent France in the mundial??? :) Ireland was muggled!!! ...and played so nice!!!! :)

now that all the participating teams have been announced, this might be the perfect time to have a World Cup Soccer Geocoin made! (hint, hint) :) although, i would wait a few days to see if the protest by Ireland is addressed. they may replay that game due to the penalty that was not called. c'mon gatoulis, start designing this geocoin! :D


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!


Speaking of cooties, this arrived today!




and also this...thank you sinterklaus




and these!






The pathtag is very pretty!!!! I love it!!! :) Congratulations my friend! That means you were a good man this year! :)


The cooties.... strange design... I like it!! :laughing: It is like a tick or a vermin..... :)


is it a glow one? The color is strange... like it is a glow color...



This one: is it really gold colored or is it just the lighting? If it's gold, how can I get one, please? :laughing:

(Need a gold one to go with my gold Little Rhodie Quahog...)



I think the white balance is off a bit that's making the antique silver look gold.


Yes, I had some yellowish lights on above to the right side that made the color off a little bit... It's just Little Rhody, not a special edition!!

Well drat, bummer & darn! I really would like a gold horseshoe crab... :)



Posted (edited)

:D Nice! :D

hey gatoulis, congrats to you and to all of Greece for receiving an invitation to the world cup in your mailbox today! :)

:laughing: Hello my friend and thank you! Actually the whole Greece took this invitation! What a game!!! :D

My tiny country will go to the mundial for the second time in her history!!! :D

Things in greece and celebrations were like when we had the miracle.... when we won the European cup in our second time we participated in the Euro!! :D


I hope French will forgive me but I was so sad about Ireland!!! Nobody saw the hand of Henry before the goal that sent France in the mundial??? :) Ireland was muggled!!! ...and played so nice!!!! :)

now that all the participating teams have been announced, this might be the perfect time to have a World Cup Soccer Geocoin made! (hint, hint) :) although, i would wait a few days to see if the protest by Ireland is addressed. they may replay that game due to the penalty that was not called. c'mon gatoulis, start designing this geocoin! :D


whoopeee! :D I think the only way Canada will get in is to host it :) lol

Edited by gardengorilla

I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!


Speaking of cooties, this arrived today!




and also this...thank you sinterklaus




and these!






The pathtag is very pretty!!!! I love it!!! :) Congratulations my friend! That means you were a good man this year! :)


The cooties.... strange design... I like it!! :laughing: It is like a tick or a vermin..... :)


is it a glow one? The color is strange... like it is a glow color...


ran into the bathroom to look...not a glow coin...must have come from a girl, cause all us guys know only girls have cooties!




here comes the hate mail!


I received two coins today. Write Shop Robert won these at GCF and I was very envious and drolling over them. Today they arrived as a gift. Thanks so much.


San Diego 2005

Message in a Bottle - Cachunuts

Well, they were no use to me...covered in drool and cooties such as they bacame!! Haha...I'm glad you were surprised!!


Speaking of cooties, this arrived today!




and also this...thank you sinterklaus




and these!






The pathtag is very pretty!!!! I love it!!! :) Congratulations my friend! That means you were a good man this year! :)


The cooties.... strange design... I like it!! :) It is like a tick or a vermin..... :)


is it a glow one? The color is strange... like it is a glow color...


ran into the bathroom to look...not a glow coin...must have come from a girl, cause all us guys know only girls have cooties!




Ok... now I feel stupid.... I am a guy, well I like girls a lot, but... what is Cooties??? I can not find it in the dictionary!!! :laughing:

here comes the hate mail!


Ok, I feel a little stupid now....Only girls have cooties???? Well... I am a guy and I like women a lot!!! But.... what are the cooties?? Hmm... Am I allowed to ask or the answer is not family friendly??? :)



Ok, I feel a little stupid now....Only girls have cooties???? Well... I am a guy and I like women a lot!!! But.... what are the cooties?? Hmm... Am I allowed to ask or the answer is not family friendly??? :laughing:

Nobody really knows what they are...but Girls have them, and Boys don't want to catch them...Until they grow up, then they want them for sure.


[this year! :)


The cooties.... strange design... I like it!! :) It is like a tick or a vermin..... :)


is it a glow one? The color is strange... like it is a glow color...


ran into the bathroom to look...not a glow coin...must have come from a girl, cause all us guys know only girls have cooties!




Ok... now I feel stupid.... I am a guy, well I like girls a lot, but... what is Cooties??? I can not find it in the dictionary!!! :laughing:

here comes the hate mail!


actually it's slang for head lice, but it's something little boys tell boys that girls have, or little girls tell little girls boys have...help me out parental units!


Received in the mail today: Some beautiful Write Shop Robert personals. I can't decide which I like better, the red or the blue. They are both are sleek and expensive looking. I also received some personals from NoSnow and Shadow's Friend. Thank you! I am still smiling!


Happy trading everyone!


Received in the mail today: Some beautiful Write Shop Robert personals. I can't decide which I like better, the red or the blue. They are both are sleek and expensive looking. I also received some personals from NoSnow and Shadow's Friend. Thank you! I am still smiling!


Happy trading everyone!

I definitely like the red best.



Received in the mail today: Some beautiful Write Shop Robert personals. I can't decide which I like better, the red or the blue. They are both are sleek and expensive looking. I also received some personals from NoSnow and Shadow's Friend. Thank you! I am still smiling!


Happy trading everyone!

I definitely like the red best.


Wow, thank's for the great picture...May I copy it and post it in a few places down the line?

Posted (edited)

Received in the mail today: Some beautiful Write Shop Robert personals. I can't decide which I like better, the red or the blue. They are both are sleek and expensive looking. I also received some personals from NoSnow and Shadow's Friend. Thank you! I am still smiling!


Happy trading everyone!

I definitely like the red best.


Wow, thank's for the great picture...May I copy it and post it in a few places down the line?

Of course...... and thank you for the compliment! :signalviolin:

Edited by Droo

Yesterday and today:



Another great picture...I know these are hard to shoot. I'd like to save this one too, for possible future posting?


Sure, glad to be of any help... :signalviolin: I appreciate the trade!


today we where spoiled we got the CARD MISSION FROM BRUCE and TAMMY with 3 WONDERFULL COINZZZZZ.....................



and a coin from ISLANDER 1988 of the cointest ..........



so for you tree a big BIG .................

THANK YOU :P;):laughing::anicute:

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