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The Geocaching Youth!

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Oss is a Japanese word written with two different characters. The first character means "to push;" the second means "to suffer." Combined, these two characters symbolize the importance of "pushing" and persevering while "suffering" through whatever difficulties life presents. The goal is to maintain high spirits, facing all obstacles with a positive attitude. A deeper meaning of oss relates to "keeping the faith," no matter what you encounter or strive to do. Finally, on the simplest level, oss signifies a feeling of deep respect.

rchicken.gifDa Rubber Chickenrchicken.gif

I know we've taken our time in posting a quote on the forum, but Da Rubber Chicken was using our Pc and now his parents have taken him home. Think he's worn the key board out. ;)

So congrats on your 50th Skinny Rubber Chicken Boy!!!! If you show the dedication, that you have put into the sport and your karate. Follow the meaning of Oss and you will do just fine in life.


Oss !

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I have to say I really liked his original avatar.... I'm not sure about his yellow throttled bird on the left :lol: .... Unfortunately, chickens are having a rough time at the moment. ( ;) sad, but necessary, we're told)

I enjoyed RC's contributions... nearly as much as I enjoyed his link to Goldie Looking Chain vids :blink::lol::blink: Mrs B

Edited by The Blorenges
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welcome DRC. I have to come clean and admit to being a teacher (with distinctly dodgy spelling at times) and over-reliant on the spell checker in Word.


Most students I teach are also heavily reliant on the spell check and auto correct and are exposed when using on-line forms that don't have these facilities.


If you add the Google toolbar to your browser is has a spell checker built in. It's not automatic like Word, you have to remember to click on it before you send your post but it really helps.

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I guess that all this is getting a little critical of our younger cacherhood. The English language is not fixed in stone and in years to come phrases like R U cumin cachin or I C U l8er will be correct in the way they are written as will typing things in CAPS ALL THE TIME or increasing the size of your font just as long as Da Rubber Chicken dose not TyPe In AlTeRnAte LeTtErS He'S Ok WiTh Me

Edited by Moote
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Yo Da Rubber Chiken


My name is Daniel and I'am 10 years old but i am 11 years old tomorrow I've been cachcing since January this year with the old duffers lol ;):blink: How old are you and what is your real name :blink:


We've found 300 hundred caches and by the way our team name is Us4andJess


you see you are not the only youngen on got to go now bye



Edited by Us 4 and Jess
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I can assure you I'm not levelling any criticism at DRC, or any other person brave enough to go public on these forums (fora?). However, there is a great difference between perfectly acceptable use of slang, jargon, street language, text shorthand etc, which I am quite happy with on the forum and clear misspellings.


I am as happy with l8tr as with DNF or FTF.


My suggestion of using a spell checker was not aimed at any previous poster, but as a support for anyone else that felt intimidated by the lack of support they may have become used to when using a word processor and suddenly find that it is available when using an on-line form.


In fact, it's not the spell checker I really miss, but the autocorrect. I have got into some really bad habits at the keyboard, knowing that I can use any random order of hte het eth and it will sort it out.


I'll do anything to encourage and support people to feel comfortable in these fora. That works both ways, increasing the tolerance of the people reading, and pointing out that there are tools available to make life easier for the writer.


I've not put this post through a 'de-mangler' so all misspellings and typos are my own wrok.

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Hi Daniel im 15yrs old and my real name is Jason but you can call me (Jay) Cheers SenseiTSKC for atempting to be me you fooled me..............Not!! :blink: Where abouts are you from Daniel looking forward to more replies as for my first cache im just typing it up now and It will be up soon I wonder who will be FTF? Cheers JGG for the post made about me that has also touched me like SenseiTSKC ;) I have said it once and i will say it again you old folks ent that bad!! Looking forward to more post's. From Your Latex Friend!!

rchicken.gifDa Rubber Chickenrchicken.gif

Edited by Da Rubber Chicken
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Welcome to this crazzy world Mr Chicken.


Our son jambaramba is a cacher and is currently on 60 logged caches. He's done a lot more than that but is a bit lazy on the logging side of things, but hey there's just so much to do and writing logs is boring B) , well for a 13 year old it probably is. I don't think he comes on the forums but I will point him this way.

I believe he may be in touch with other young cacher's via MSN take a look at this thread

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Im not quite as young as DRC but I am only 19 and a student. Which, unfortunately, means im unable to cache much during term time due to a lack of time and transport. I also know "I am The Walrus" is also a student, so there are a few of us out there. Does anyone else know of any student cachers???

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Cool What GPSr are you getting would like to be FTF on your cache but i think you live a fair bit away from me when ever your down bucks give me a ring and i will show you round the great caches in Bucks!! Just give me a BuzZzZz On 07849****** From your Latex Friend

Da One............. Da Only.................And rather Gorgeous ...............Da Rubber Chicken :)


edited by Lactodorum to remove personal phone number

Edited by Lactodorum
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Hi "Latex Bird", you'll see I just edited your latest post, I hope you don't mind. I thought it was a potential "bad idea" to broadcast your personal phone number for anybody on the internet to see. It might be better to use the "Personal Message" feature of the forum or regular Geocaching.com e-mail to contact people direct.


Keep the posts coming though :unsure:



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