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*** This Just In***


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Moved this query over from the Cache Critters thread...


Here's what I don't get ... how come posted images don't get

you into trouble with our local Geocaching babes? Could it be

that I'm doing something wrong? ... no way.


I suspect that the reason I don't get into trouble is that I post pictures of anonymous critters instead pictures of our local Geocaching babes. But today, while I was out caching, I saw something that inspired me to try an experiment. I'll post a picture to see if I get into trouble.




P.S. Honk if you know the cross street...

Anonymous critters y' say? How do you suppose

those anonymous critters feel about that?




Honk if you know where this is... :anibad:

Las Vegas? (At least that is where I saw a Harmon Ave last summer.)


Moved this query over from the Cache Critters thread...


Here's what I don't get ... how come posted images don't get

you into trouble with our local Geocaching babes? Could it be

that I'm doing something wrong? ... no way.


I suspect that the reason I don't get into trouble is that I post pictures of anonymous critters instead pictures of our local Geocaching babes. But today, while I was out caching, I saw something that inspired me to try an experiment. I'll post a picture to see if I get into trouble.




P.S. Honk if you know the cross street...

Anonymous critters y' say? How do you suppose

those anonymous critters feel about that?




Honk if you know where this is... :anibad:

Las Vegas? (At least that is where I saw a Harmon Ave last summer.)


Yup, James!! You are correct!! :cool:


Moved this query over from the Cache Critters thread...


Here's what I don't get ... how come posted images don't get

you into trouble with our local Geocaching babes? Could it be

that I'm doing something wrong? ... no way.


I suspect that the reason I don't get into trouble is that I post pictures of anonymous critters instead pictures of our local Geocaching babes. But today, while I was out caching, I saw something that inspired me to try an experiment. I'll post a picture to see if I get into trouble.




P.S. Honk if you know the cross street...

Anonymous critters y' say? How do you suppose

those anonymous critters feel about that?




Honk if you know where this is... :anibad:

Las Vegas? (At least that is where I saw a Harmon Ave last summer.)


Yup, James!! You are correct!! :cool:

Well then, what about this?




Roussillon, Provence France

Posted (edited)


BTW, Harmon, this is a very cool picture!! I didn't mean to pass it by. :grin:

Thank you Nancy,


Depth-mapped 3D meshes offer surprises ... was

experimenting with an encryption technique but

realized that one result looked much like a

mountain range. So what would a Geocacher do

with a mountain range but put some deserving

gal-pal on top of a high peak.


In this case I view it as putting Sue and her

fiendish pocket-knife in a place far-distant

from my poor ol' fangers.


Thanks for your compliment,


SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk or 'onk, whatever they do, if you know where this is.


While you're at it ... say a little remembrance for Donald Featherstone.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)


BTW, Harmon, this is a very cool picture!! I didn't mean to pass it by. :grin:


We sure enjoyed it, but thought others might think we're a bit better at 'rock crawlin' than we've let on!!! lol :laughing:

I'll bet there's lot's of things about you that you don't "let on" about.


That ruby-red Jeep of yours takes you to lots of strange places. In this

case it seems like you've rock-crawled onto a passing meteorite.


Result of that image is that you've gotten me into another fine mess if

you please. This very morning I expect Goldilocks to show up at my

house with her laptop for another Photoshop lesson ... anxious to learn

how your rock-crawling image was produced. Like other gal-pals I know,

not mentioning any names, Goldilocks always picks on me.


So thanks a lot Sue.


Sweet ol' Harmon

Edited by SD Rowdies

Satanic sacrifice perhaps?




Hiking upon my way this day I happened upon a sacrificial scene, at once

shocking to behold. I was reminded of a ceremony to which the usage of

gossips has given the name that expresses, in two syllables, the curse

that was pronounced upon Adam.


Fair warning ... beware of Barber Mountain Road!

Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Oh My Gosh, I can finally HONK!!! Think this is my first time :grin:

Congratulations Sue, to honk is to live.

Didn't get there in your Jeep I'll wager.


Look out below!

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Oh My Gosh, I can finally HONK!!! Think this is my first time :grin:



Late Honk here, but Honkity, Honk, Honk...............it looks bluer from down below for some reason.

Two Honks UP Harmon!



Posted (edited)

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Oh My Gosh, I can finally HONK!!! Think this is my first time :grin:

Late Honk here, but Honkity, Honk, Honk...............it looks bluer from down below for some reason.

Two Honks UP Harmon!


Splashette :anicute:



I'm thinking of repainting that rock as glittering-gold.

I'll need some help hauling the paint and brushes up the

steep trail ... and applying the paint as well. Cleanup

too, of course.


Can I put you down for the work party?



Sweet ol' Harmon

Edited by SD Rowdies
to honk is to live.

In other words...


"I honk, therefore I am."


(To paraphrase a gentleman who consistently put Descartes before d'horse.)



I was counting on you to supply just that quote,

rather like setting bait to be sure.


"Descartes before d'horse," ... mmh, mmh, mmh.



Posted (edited)

This just in ...


3D Study in Sand


From photo of sandy roadbed near

start of Iron Mountain Challenge


Note to Self: Maybe I should mention that it's been Photoshopped a tad.

Note: Look carefully for faces ... how many do you see.

Note: Some call it art.

Note: Some day my prints will come.

Edited by SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Maybe I should mention that it's been Photoshopped a tad.

Note: Look carefully for faces ... how many do you see.

Note: Some call it art.

Note: Some day my prints will come.


Neat artwork, did you want to count unique faces or include repetitions of faces as well? I see one that repeats, and a couple of really mean looking ones that don't... so far. Gave up for now after a quick look since I ran out of fingers!


Doug 7rxc

Posted (edited)


Note to Self: Maybe I should mention that it's been Photoshopped a tad.

Note: Look carefully for faces ... how many do you see.

Note: Some call it art.

Note: Some day my prints will come.


Neat artwork, did you want to count unique faces or include repetitions of faces as well? I see one that repeats, and a couple of really mean looking ones that don't... so far. Gave up for now after a quick look since I ran out of fingers!


Doug 7rxc

Wow! a response from the Canadian Provinces, thanks pal.

Nowadays I can count the number of Forum-thread responses

per month on one handful of fingers.


The repetitions occur because the righ-half and left-half

of the image is a mere book-fold and thus identical in

content. I especially enjoy the large females faces and

the large catfish faces of the background image. Also the

large fanged-dawg that appears on the sphere.


The wild part is along the centerline where all sorts of

imagined faces can be seen. The book-folded background

image alone has a wonderous number of interwoven faces,

many of them obscured by the cyclinder and sphere of



As a boy my dear old dad always bawled me out for not

holding my head up in military fashion as I walked along,

but now I find joy in looking down at what's under-foot

along mountain trails. ... also keeps me from aggravating

snakes and improves my find-count for heart-shaped stones

brought home for my sweet bride's garden collection.



SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies


Note to Self: Maybe I should mention that it's been Photoshopped a tad.

Note: Look carefully for faces ... how many do you see.

Note: Some call it art.

Note: Some day my prints will come.


Neat artwork, did you want to count unique faces or include repetitions of faces as well? I see one that repeats, and a couple of really mean looking ones that don't... so far. Gave up for now after a quick look since I ran out of fingers!


Doug 7rxc

Wow! a response from the Canadian Provinces, thanks pal.

Nowadays I can count the number of Forum-thread responses

per month on one handful of fingers.... I especially enjoy the large females faces and

the large catfish faces of the background image. Also the

large fanged-dawg that appears on the sphere. Harmon

SD Rowdies


Spoiler Alert!!!! First you get us looking for faces in the sand, and in the next post the sand has been photoshopped to include one of the local geobabe's face. Make sure you don't say anything too "dirty" or gritty and get yourself in trouble yet again. It's always somethin when Harmons postin.

Posted (edited)


Note to Self: Maybe I should mention that it's been Photoshopped a tad.

Note: Look carefully for faces ... how many do you see.

Note: Some call it art.

Note: Some day my prints will come.


Neat artwork, did you want to count unique faces or include repetitions of faces as well? I see one that repeats, and a couple of really mean looking ones that don't... so far. Gave up for now after a quick look since I ran out of fingers!


Doug 7rxc

Wow! a response from the Canadian Provinces, thanks pal.

Nowadays I can count the number of Forum-thread responses

per month on one handful of fingers.... I especially enjoy

the large females faces and the large catfish faces of the

background image. Also the large fanged-dawg that appears

on the sphere.



SD Rowdies


Spoiler Alert!!!! First you get us looking for faces in the sand, and in the next post the sand has been photoshopped to include one of the local geobabe's face. Make sure you don't say anything too "dirty" or gritty and get yourself in trouble yet again. It's always somethin when Harmons postin.

Blending a Geocaching gal-pal into that image is a

great idea; but seriously, that woman's face is a

naturally occuring aspect of patterns within the

sand-flow. Too bad it wasn't the face of Mother

Mary, just think what a boost to Iron Mountain

hiking that might be at this time of year. Hmm,

perhaps it is Mother Mary.


Can the end be at hand? Is the face in the sand.


Fabulous ferrous-oxide tints along those trails,

both in the soil, in the boulders, and in the stones.

Duh, ... IRON Mountain.


Me in trouble? Gracious no, my gal-pals know very

well that I admire them ever-so dearly. Uhm ....


Just for fun, here's the original shot.




Sweet ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies

This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Oh My Gosh, I can finally HONK!!! Think this is my first time :grin:

Late Honk here, but Honkity, Honk, Honk...............it looks bluer from down below for some reason.

Two Honks UP Harmon!


Splashette :anicute:



I'm thinking of repainting that rock as glittering-gold.

I'll need some help hauling the paint and brushes up the

steep trail ... and applying the paint as well. Cleanup

too, of course.


Can I put you down for the work party?



Sweet ol' Harmon



Sure! Isn't that the way we always hke? I'll be looking for my steel framed backpack to make sure I can lug all that stuff up there.




This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.


Oh My Gosh, I can finally HONK!!! Think this is my first time :grin:

Late Honk here, but Honkity, Honk, Honk...............it looks bluer from down below for some reason.

Two Honks UP Harmon!


Splashette :anicute:



I'm thinking of repainting that rock as glittering-gold.

I'll need some help hauling the paint and brushes up the

steep trail ... and applying the paint as well. Cleanup

too, of course.


Can I put you down for the work party?



Sweet ol' Harmon

Sure! Isn't that the way we always hike?

I'll be looking for my steel framed backpack

to make sure I can lug all that stuff up there.





You are such a sweety ... always thinking of

others. Forgot to mention that I'll be busy

that day so don't wait on me, you go for it



Sweet ol' Harmon

Me in trouble? Gracious no, my gal-pals know very

well that I admire them ever-so dearly. Uhm ....

I'm surprised there's no comments with regard to DTSMMBLB...

Just what I needed ... the push that plunges me into

trouble with Jodi once again. Thanks a lot buddy.

As a boy my dear old dad always bawled me out for not

holding my head up in military fashion as I walked along,

but now I find joy in looking down at what's under-foot

along mountain trails. ... also keeps me from aggravating

snakes and improves my find-count for heart-shaped stones

brought home for my sweet bride's garden collection.

Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on

a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.

-- Winnie the Pooh

As a boy my dear old dad always bawled me out for not

holding my head up in military fashion as I walked along,

but now I find joy in looking down at what's under-foot

along mountain trails. ... also keeps me from aggravating

snakes and improves my find-count for heart-shaped stones

brought home for my sweet bride's garden collection.

Always watch where you are going. Otherwise, you may step on

a piece of the Forest that was left out by mistake.

-- Winnie the Pooh

Wish I'd said that.

Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Harmon's birthplace?

Close indeed but no pump and no 'lectricity as you

can see in my mom's painting of said birthplace.

The big depression ... 1934.




Still, this must be why I took that honk-photo.

Thanks for reminding me James ... I'm soon to

become seventy-seven. (Leave presents on porch

under decorative Christmas tree.)


Note to Self: Medium wireless Intuos4 Graphic Tablet would be nice.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)
This just in ...




Honk if you know where this is.

Harmon's birthplace?

I wish I would have said that :anicute:

Aw go ahead and say it Jodi ... while James

has me down you might as well stomp on me.




That's o.k. Jodi, don't worry about my feelings.


Poor ol' Harmon

SD Rowdies

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

This just in ...




You should see her shoes!


Honk if you know where this is.


:blink: I don't know...but that log sure has seen better days!


Hi Harmon! How are you?



Life is good ... and you two?


Knowing BlondHiLites as we do she probably

placed a new logbook into SCCC #1; surely

she did.


Are you following through on your computer

maintenance as recommended?



Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

Yoda ... runnin' wild!

Tank you YODA likes it also.

Wow! ... caught you online it seems.


Was experimenting with a new technique for making photo

frames from textured-surface photos. Had that shot of

the grungy-metal texture and then searched for a fitting

photo to place within the frame. Rooted around in the

photo gallery of your Geocaching profile page and found

a Yoda shot that compliments the frame colors.


I guess that means that I associate you and Yoda with the

word "grungy." Hmm, how do y' feel about that ol' pal?


Note to Self: That would make a terrific Yrium-card layout.

Edited by SD Rowdies

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