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Keving68 Geocoin


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Paid for 1 gold, but the payment request did not have a note option to give my caching name (weird). It will come from an email with "rotthaus" at the beginning.

I had the same problem, so I emailed KevinG68 with my name and geocaching name and explained that there wasn't any note field. He said that he noticed that nobody was including their geocaching names and he was having to go back and match them manually. So, if you want to make sure that he gets your payment matched with your request, you probably should send him an email with your name, email address (if different from the one you're using), and your geocaching name.

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The funny thing is, some people can add their name and some people can't. I have no clue what is going on with it. So far, I think that I have been able to match everyone up. If I can't figure it out, I email them to double check. I am sorry for the problems with PayPal.

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The funny thing is, some people can add their name and some people can't. I have no clue what is going on with it. So far, I think that I have been able to match everyone up. If I can't figure it out, I email them to double check. I am sorry for the problems with PayPal.

No need to apoligize. It wasn't your fault. It's got to be something with PayPal.

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