+Team JASS Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 The team went out for 4 caches yesterday*, and we didn't find any! It hurt to log our first 4 DNF's! And all on the same day! We are going to go after the same four next week. It's the principle of the thing! * Couldn't log them until today because Internet connection was down. Thanks Comcast! Quote
+AJ of Dunbar Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 ya i have had a day like that. i tried 3 caches, all i nthe same city, i couldnt find any of them! well one wa a multi, but i couldnt find the last part. I went back to each one 3 times before i just gave up and had some other cachers nearly tell me where they were. good hiding spots. i hope i never have a bad luck sting like that again. aj Quote
+Harrald Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 A day like that? Try a week or more like that. Your cache sense will return. Just consider yourself in a "slump" Quote
+BlackBuck Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 I stood in a creek for a hour with my daughter and my dog trying to find part two to a three part multi with no luck we were at ground zero with the clue but no luck .it happens. Quote
+Seamus Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 (edited) We all have days like that from time to time - someone hears you're planning on going out cache hunting, then they get there right before you do and move them. Seriously, bad days happen. We've had caches that took us several tries to find - nothing for it but to log a DNF and try again later. Edited July 11, 2004 by Seamus Quote
+Enspyer Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 We've had two of those days in a row. It might not be bad for some people but we planned to do quite a few caches each day (and try to break our personal record of 3 finds a day- yes we're a bit slow). Any, we got only one find yesterday and one find today. We logged 3 DNF's and left one note about not finding parking (for two caches at the same place.) We're in a slump! Quote
+Renegade Knight Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 Whenever you feel like you couldn't find the broad side of a barn if you were duct taped too it face first just bring a newbiew along on a cache hunt. You will realize that you do have instincts and can find a cache. It's just that cachers all know this and allow for it when hey hide now. Quote
+AJ of Dunbar Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 that reminds me, my very first cache hunt when i brought my friend, I made the mistake of printing of the cache papers (i dont do that any more) 2 weeks ebfore i went. We started hiking those serious long and steep hike, got there looked for and hour to find nothing. he seemed sorta bored at this. so i said well its gone. so we did another, found it no problems. he really enjoyed it. got home, checked the net to see the cache was archieved 2 days before we looked! DOH! aj Quote
+Team JASS Posted July 12, 2004 Author Posted July 12, 2004 Just checked the cache pages of my 4 DNF's and it turns out that one of the caches went missing. Feel bad for the owner, but at least we really only missed 3 (and one of them had the wrong coordinates on the cache page - I needed the logs to find the correct coords)... So really, it was only 2 DNF's Yes, I know, I'm being pathetic! Quote
+lostinjersey Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 Just checked the cache pages of my 4 DNF's and it turns out that one of the caches went missing. Feel bad for the owner, but at least we really only missed 3 (and one of them had the wrong coordinates on the cache page - I needed the logs to find the correct coords)... So really, it was only 2 DNF's Yes, I know, I'm being pathetic! I admit getting miffed if I'm less then 50%. I always keep cache printouts in my car of potentital caches to search for if i'm "in the area". last weekend I was 3 for 6 so I headed for acache that was not exactly on the way home, but was not on my original to do list. found it. 4 for 7. yeah me. it happens, dont get into a tizzy about it Quote
+JMBella Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 I stood in a creek for a hour with my daughter and my dog trying to find part two to a three part multi with no luck we were at ground zero with the clue but no luck .it happens. Uhhh, sorry 'bout that. That would be my fault. Quote
+JMBella Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 Actually, I've had plenty of days like that. No big deal. Did you enjoy the hike, the view, the hunt? It's all good. One day that sticks in my mind was a couple of months ago. I got done with work around 2:00 and it was starting to get darker later so I thought I would take full advantage. I printed out a cluster of about 10 caches in NJ (I live on Long Island and at the time there weren't many caches left). I figured if I grabbed 8 out of the 10 it would be worth the trip. Well, between the traffic and a couple of DNFs, guess how many I ended up with. Two. 200 miles, 4 hours of traveling, 2 caches. That was one of those days. Quote
+avroair Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 Umm... no. Your definition of a short hunt can last for 3 hours! I had to go back to this cache 4 times: Son of New York Sometimes you get find them, sometimes you don't. I also managed to lock myself out of my car looking for a cache... If we found them ALL the time the logs would be boring!!! Quote
+Team JASS Posted July 16, 2004 Author Posted July 16, 2004 We are going to get the same four again tomorrow (heck, if we wind up with DNF's we'll just go back again). For me, it's really not that bad to "miss" some caches - I enjoy being out with the team and playing around in the local parks!!! But the two members of my team that I usually chache with, well, they are definitely there for the prize at the end of the hunt(6 1/2 and 4)! I'll let ya' know how we make out! Have some great hunts this weekend! Quote
mortonfox Posted July 16, 2004 Posted July 16, 2004 A few things: 1. Have a mix of caches of different difficulties by different hiders on your list. 2. Don't spend too much time at any cache that you seem to have trouble finding. 3. Don't revisit caches that you have DNFed on until you have more information. That should ensure that your DNFs don't take over the day. And oh, if you DNF on a cache, consider bringing along more people to help the next time. I lost count of the number of times Pa or Ma Floopy spotted a cache right away that I had trouble seeing previously. Quote
+Planet Posted July 17, 2004 Posted July 17, 2004 Try climbing a whole MOUNTAIN on Easter weekend with ice still up top just so you can bring a Travel Bug to a high point, because that's its goal, and not finding it, only to have the ranger tell you it's still under ice and the cache owner brings someone up 9 days later for a find. Quote
+Team JASS Posted July 18, 2004 Author Posted July 18, 2004 Well, we went back and found all four yesterday! Life is good! Wish the weather would clear up so we could get out today... Quote
Batonka Posted July 18, 2004 Posted July 18, 2004 I had almost the opposite happen to me. I did four caches in one day and I managed to find all four of them but I almost passed out from heat exhaustion because I didn't bring enough water. Personally, I'd rather have 4 DNFs than almost pass out Quote
+DustyJacket Posted July 18, 2004 Posted July 18, 2004 Oh yeah. Last year I decided to cache all day and hit a city or two north of me. The first 4 or so were all the same cacher who hides micros very well. All DNFs. I think I did two more after that just to make sure I could find any, then quit at 1pm. I was depressed for a good week or two. I got better. Quote
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