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Converting Deg. Min. Sec. to WSG84?


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How can i convert Latitude and Longitude in Degrees, Minuites and Seconds, to WSG84, to be used on Geocaching.com?


I tried putting the following coordinates for mig cache, but it tells med that im far from Norway, and in the middle of the sea, near Greenland icon_frown.gif


So my question is:


How do I convert the following coordinates to those i need on geocache.com?


Latitude: 77° 41 Min.30 Sec.

Longitude: 14° 48 Min. 00 Sec.

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Originally posted by Yehaah:

So my question is:


How do I convert the following coordinates to those i need on geocache.com?


Latitude: 77° 41 Min.30 Sec.

Longitude: 14° 48 Min. 00 Sec.

Divide the seconds by 60 and add the decimal number you get to the minutes.


77° 41.500'

14° 48.000'


WSG84 is a datum, and I don't know what that means exactly, but it is different than the coordinates, so there is no conversion per se. You may need to convert from a different datum if your given coords are not already in WSG84, but "convert deg/min/sec to WSG84" is like "convert 5 to metric". icon_wink.gif



"Winter's just the curtain. Spring will take the bow"

-- Richard Shindell, Spring

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Originally posted by Yehaah:

How do I convert the following coordinates to those i need on geocache.com?


Latitude: 77° 41 Min.30 Sec.

Longitude: 14° 48 Min. 00 Sec.


1) Where -- roughly -- is the cache? I ask because your coordinates suggest it is far north and far east, at least with respect to the US. Could your coordinates be wrong?


2) More generally, coordinates give the locations of specific points -- and datums are reference frameworks. What I think you want to do is change the _format_ of your coordinates to match the geocaching.com standard. You can do it -- as suggested -- by hand. You can also set both the coordinate format and the datum under the options or preferences part of the menu on your GPS.


Hope this helps.

Good hunting.

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Originally posted by Yehaah:

How can i convert Latitude and Longitude in Degrees, Minuites and Seconds, to WSG84, to be used on Geocaching.com?





http://mentorsoftwareinc.com/freebie/FREE1198.HTM for a slick little converter utility.


BTW, I didn't go to the coordinates you gave so I don't know if they are correct or not. All I am offering is the converter utility.





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Hey, Yehaah, is this cache located off the southwest coast of Svalbard? I used the coordinates Dinoprophet gave, converted to decimal;

77° 41' 500" (WGS 84) to 77.69166 latitude and

14° 48' 000" (WGS-84) to 48.8 longitude on Mapquest and came up with a map of a long island that looks like an axle. Isn't that what aksel means in English? I know the other word means island or eye. So I think all you need to do is change the .300 to .500 on your latitude. Longitude is ok as it is except it's E not W (changes at Greenwich, England).



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Yes I mean the Dream of returning cache.


I hope one day to be able to return, and turn it into a real cache.


Unfortunately arctic expeditions arn't cheep icon_wink.gif


Centrex Trekker:

Dit norske er bedre end mit (jeg er fra Danmark), men det er fuldt forståeligt.


Flot for en amerikaner!


Ja Norge ER smukkere end Danmark (Dog ikke fra Tromsø og nord (til Nordkapp)


Cachen er på Svalbard, som er norsk, og er det smukkeste sted jeg nogensinde har været!

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Let me go back to my native language so the uttlanders will understand. You were writing in Danish, right? To me, it closer to Norweigan than Swedish. My mother's side of the family is from Småland.

Thanks for your compliment. Your English is quite good.

I've only been as far north as Trondheim (or is it Trondhjem?). I have been to Denmark 3 times. You guys make much better beer than the Norweigans (Tuborg and Carlsberg).



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Yes, I'm writing in danish!


I'm a second generation imigrant (from England), so I got english in from day one icon_redface.gif)


I'm not sure how they spell Trondheim (think that's the english way).


300km north of Tromsø, and the rest of the way to Nordkapp is a stone dessert, without vegitation. Very dull after a few hours driving.


It doesn't have the arctic feeling that you get on Svalbard.


Yup we make the best beer, but I'm a computer nerd, so I wouldn't mind swapping Tuborg and Carlsberg, with Coca-cola and Pepsi icon_wink.gif



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Hey all.

Sorry for reviving an old thread like this, but I was searching for a solution to my problem...


That freeware application someone posted worked miracles, it let me convert from deg/min/sec to decmial degrees no-problem.



How does it do it? Anyone know the formula to do this by-hand? I'm writing myself several scripts for organizing my geocaches, and everything works except for the co-ordinates icon_wink.gif


Which, incidentally, turned out to be pretty annoying today, as I went Geocaching, using my wrong results (didn't convert properly), several kilometres away from the actual Cache location. (As many as 30, actually - about 12-15 miles).


Any help at all on converting dec/min/sec to decimal degrees 'by hand' would be helpful.



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WGS84 has nothing to do with the format that your coordinates are in. If your GPSr gave them to you, or you got them from this, or any other modern website, they are already in the WGS84 datum. To use a metaphore like Fuzzy once used, your question is like asking 'How do I convert red into a square'

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Originally posted by Sildantar:

Any help at all on converting dec/min/sec to decimal degrees 'by hand' would be helpful.


60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in a degree. So just like a clock. how many seconds is 0.5 minutes? 30 seconds.


So Seconds / 60 = minutes and minutes * 60 = seconds. So usualy 1.500 minutes is xlated into 1 minute 30 seconds, etc.


Same for minutes to degrees.



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