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Cachemate 3.5

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Doesn't seem like it should take that much effort. How about...


Before trip:

- Create new category for Finnish caches

- Import records for Finnish caches into new category


During trip:

- Move found caches to another category if you want, and leave the rest in the category created for them before the trip


After trip:

- Delete caches that are still in the category you created for them before the trip

- Delete that category


That's not including the steps involved with GSAK, but that's only because I don't know the program well enough (read: at all) to spell those out.

But that would require me to be psychic.


I was hoping to do a lot more caching than I did, and would probably have retained all the caches in the database had that been the case. As it turned out, I got to do almost no caching.


If I had imported into a new category, then decided to keep all the caches, how would I have changed the caches to a new category in one step so that they will be sorted with all the other caches rather than staying in their now redundant category?


I have plenty of other cases where it would be nice to remove groups of caches and I could not possibly have known in advance of importing the caches that I would want them to be deleted later.


First let me say that the program has revolutionised the way I geocache, so thank you very much.


However I ran into the problem that the cache description gets truncated in certain circumstances which can be really annoying. I got caught out twice already with elaborate multies (GCH59Y and GC6AA9) and would be very grateful if this limit could be lifted in the next version.


To describe it a little better: I have selected the cache in gsak (where the description is still complete) and upload it directly to the palm. After the import into cachmate a bit at the end is missing and replaced by "[truncated]". Not very helpful. ;)


Thanks for looking into it


To describe it a little better: I have selected the cache in gsak (where the description is still complete) and upload it directly to the palm. After the import into cachmate a bit at the end is missing and replaced by "[truncated]". Not very helpful.  ;)

The limit was raised from 3k to 8k around a year ago, I think. It isn't used automatically, though... there's an option in the conversion process to enable the long description support. That option exists in GSAK's CacheMate export dialog as well... did you enable it?


If you do have the option enabled, I don't know how much more I can raise the limit. Palm OS fields have to be set to a specific length, and I can't set it too high without pushing the limits on older devices. The runtime memory for Palm OS programs is pretty scarce.


Thanks for the quick reply.


there's an option in the conversion process to enable the long description support. That option exists in GSAK's CacheMate export dialog as well... did you enable it?


I have "Enable long cache descriptions" in GSAK ticked, but where do I enable it in cache mate?


If you do have the option enabled, I don't know how much more I can raise the limit. Palm OS fields have to be set to a specific length, and I can't set it too high without pushing the limits on older devices. The runtime memory for Palm OS programs is pretty scarce.


I don't know anything about Palm OS programming, but doesn't it support dynamic datastructures at all? It seems pointless to reserve the same memory for all lengths of descriptions. *sigh*


Could we perhaps have a warning when truncated entries are imported into the palm database ?



I have "Enable long cache descriptions" in GSAK ticked, but where do I enable it in cache mate?

That's the one I'm talking about.


I don't know anything about Palm OS programming, but doesn't it support dynamic datastructures at all? It seems pointless to reserve the same memory for all lengths of descriptions. *sigh*

For some things, yes, but not for all things. Field length is one of those. There's not really any fixed amount of memory reserved... just an upper limit. I can't change that within the program, either. I wish I could.


Could we perhaps have a warning when truncated entries are imported into the palm database ?

There is a warning, but in CMConvert, where the truncating actually occurs. Apparently GSAK doesn't pass that warning through when it calls CMConvert under the hood.

There is a warning, but in CMConvert, where the truncating actually occurs. Apparently GSAK doesn't pass that warning through when it calls CMConvert under the hood.

I have confirmed that the warning is not given to the user in GSAK. I will post a note on the current GSAK thread for Clyde.

To describe it a little better: I have selected the cache in gsak (where the description is still complete) and upload it directly to the palm. After the import into cachmate a bit at the end is missing and replaced by "[truncated]". Not very helpful.  :bad:

The limit was raised from 3k to 8k around a year ago, I think. It isn't used automatically, though... there's an option in the conversion process to enable the long description support. That option exists in GSAK's CacheMate export dialog as well... did you enable it?


If you do have the option enabled, I don't know how much more I can raise the limit. Palm OS fields have to be set to a specific length, and I can't set it too high without pushing the limits on older devices. The runtime memory for Palm OS programs is pretty scarce.

I have run into this with benchmarks also - was trying to think of a solution too.


Was wondering if there is a reason not to move the 'Reported by' into the 'logs' category (I think was suggested by our fearless leader awhile back)?


This is not really a cachemate 'problem' but if it makes sense we may be able to talk the creator of BMGPX to recode it to move the 'reported by' logs into the 'found logs'.


PS. What is the limit in the found logs? Are we just trading one problem for another?

PS. What is the limit in the found logs? Are we just trading one problem for another?

If I remember right, GPX as delivered by CG, is 5. CacheMate will support up to 10.


I do fine with Benchmarks and Cachemate, but then I have a trim program that removes a bunch of junk that I'd never use.

Posted (edited)
Could we perhaps have a warning when truncated entries are imported into the palm database ?

There is a warning, but in CMConvert, where the truncating actually occurs. Apparently GSAK doesn't pass that warning through when it calls CMConvert under the hood.

GSAK uses the command line version of CmConvert. Is this warning provided in the command line version?


Update: by removing the -q optioin this message does display

Edited by ClydeE
PS.  What is the limit in the found logs?  Are we just trading one problem for another?

Not necessarily, but it depends. The limits on past logs are admittedly more documented in the GPLed versions of CMConvert, but here they are.


- Each individual log is truncated to 3k


- Logs are converted until one of the following limits are met: user-specified maximum log count, number of logs associated with the GPX file record, or 8k of log text for a single record


GSAK uses the command line version of CmConvert. Is this warning provided in the command line version?

As it looks like you've already discovered, yes it is :ph34r:


Can the 'found' box be checked on import?


ie - If I import my found caches, is it possible to get them to import with the 'found' box checked or is this button only for logging finds?


I have imported them into a 'FoundLocal' category, but when doing serches for nearest caches it will let me show unly unfound caches - but those in my FoundLocal category are showing up because they import without the 'found box' checked.

Posted (edited)
Can the 'found' box be checked on import?


ie - If I import my found caches, is it possible to get them to import with the 'found' box checked or is this button only for logging finds?





That was added to the FAQ not long ago... I'm not sure if it was before or after the 3.5.3 release, so it may not be in the included docs.

Switch to the category containing the caches you've found, and select Mark Recs As Found from the Record menu.


Will give it a try. Assume I will want to turn off the automatic changing of categories? Or will it not change them to a new category if I do it this way?

Edited by YeOleImposter
Will give it a try.  Assume I will want to turn off the automatic changing of categories?  Or will it not change them to a new category if I do it this way?

That option doesn't trigger any of the automatic stuff that checking the checkbox manually does. It just sets the flag on all of the matching records and refreshes the list (in case you have the type/status indicators turned on).


If it did trigger all of that stuff, I can only imagine the confusion that would cause... yikes :o


Would it be possible to modify that Magellan plug-in so that one of the options for icon type is "Small City". On my SporTrac Map the "Small City" icon is just like a single pixel dot on screen when I have the map zoomed to the 0.80mi scale or less. It sure helps unclutter the screen when doing urban hunts where the caches are fairly close together (or cemetary multis like GCHGFR). The "Small City"icon is what I used to choose when I uploaded caches from GASK to my GPSr, but since I've bought the PAWGO null modem adapter (about 3 months ago) I do all of my waypoint uploads exclusively from CacheMate.


I did a quick look on the cachemate website and could not see that this can be done, so am asking if it can be done now, or if not, is this a feature that could be added to cachemate:


Can cachemate export 'smartnames' to the GPS instead of the current waypoint name?


I would like to be able to use a program like Logger - so I need the real waypoint name (I think) but when I export the waypoints to my GPS I don't want the GC numbers - since they are meaningless - I rather would like to have a 10 character smartname.


I don't know whether Cachemate itself has the ability to create smartnames, but GSAK certainly will do what you want. It uses Cachemate's cmconvert program under the hood, so the ability may be there already, but given all the other things that GSAK can do for you (including generating smartnames for your waypoints being sent to your GPS, you really ought to try using it and see if you like it.


Posted (edited)
Would it be possible to modify that Magellan plug-in so that one of the options for icon type is "Small City". On my SporTrac Map the "Small City" icon is just like a single pixel dot on screen when I have the map zoomed to the 0.80mi scale or less.

The icon list for that plugin was chosen to get the list of icons that most of the different types of units have. I'll look into adding that one, though.


Can cachemate export 'smartnames' to the GPS instead of the current waypoint name?

There's no code anywhere in CacheMate for generating "smart names" for waypoints. That is a function of GSAK, though, as Jon stated.

Edited by Maeglin
Would it be possible to modify that Magellan plug-in so that one of the options for icon type is "Small City". On my SporTrac Map the "Small City" icon is just like a single pixel dot on screen when I have the map zoomed to the 0.80mi scale or less.

The icon list for that plugin was chosen to get the list of icons that most of the different types of units have. I'll look into adding that one, though.


I don't know whether Cachemate itself has the ability to create smartnames, but GSAK certainly will do what you want. It uses Cachemate's cmconvert program under the hood, so the ability may be there already, but given all the other things that GSAK can do for you (including generating smartnames for your waypoints being sent to your GPS, you really ought to try using it and see if you like it.


I have been using the smart names from GSAK - but that means I cannot then use Logger to automate logging of caches - I have given up using a program like Logger because I do not want to give up smart names in the GPS.


Was just hoping there was a way to do both.


Sorry, I missed the Logger requirement. We do our logging manually from notes we take in Cachemate during the search.


I accidentally turned on smart naming for Cachemate and doubled most of the caches since I had previously used the waypoint name as the Cachemate name. If I could start over, I would use smart naming for Cachemate as well as for the GPS since I could then correlate the waypoint name with the Cachemate name and have both "readable". As it is, I sometimes wind up looking at the coordinates to see which cache in the GPS corresponds to which cache in Cachemate.


I usually delete a category before I reimport it from GSAK - just in case the smart name is different or I mess up. I use Cachemate in the field - I don't try to use it to keep track of everything. When I need to update cachemate it is just easier to delete the category and reimport, so no duplicates.


;) feature request...


1 ) could we get the container size listed on the first page(info) not description.


OR even better :huh:


2 ) how about a nearest search option to allow searching by container size for when i am out caching and am ready to kill somebody if i find ONE MORE film canister hidden under a pamp post.


yes i know i can filter in cmconvert by size but how about when out in the feild and suddenly you want to not look for micros because they are getting old.


3 ) sorta like #2 but by cache type instead. maybe both even?!? :P


4 ) a checkbox to search for only caches with bugs also.


it almost seems like everybody has what they want in this app, very few posts latly for more stuff. i hope this one could be possible.


i know you can't fit it all on the page so maybe there could be a search options prefrences page that you could customize that would allow more search options. maybe a checkbox on the main cearch page that says 'use custom prefrences' to use these options if you want them. unchek it i you suddenly don't need them.


I'm not sure about the moving the container size or adding a search parameter for it, mainly because I don't want to break the way the database is currently structured. Because of where it is in the database, embedded in the description text, it has the potential to make things very slow in the nearest cache search when you're using a memory card, mainly because of the speed differences in accessing the different types of memory. The same goes for travel bugs, since they are also embedded in the description text, which also explains why the travel bug indicator doesn't work with memory card support.


On the other hand, if I can squeeze it into the popup, a filter by cache type might be possible. It has its own field in the database, and it's also copied into the main database when using a memory card, so you don't get the performance hit.


As far as quick visibility of that stuff when looking at a record, one thing I am thinking over is a full screen color text display for cache records. You'd have to switch away from it for decoding hints and things like that, but otherwise it could be like a text-only spinner/plucker view. That is, if it doesn't bloat the app too much :D

On the other hand, if I can squeeze it into the popup, a filter by cache type might be possible. It has its own field in the database, and it's also copied into the main database when using a memory card, so you don't get the performance hit.

that sounds great to me.


would there be a way to do this....


i have a pq file for not found

i have a pq file for found

i have a pq file for caches with bugs


they all load into their own catagories so i can search by that.


now depending on the order they load one or more of them will be missing data. is there a way to all ow duplicate data in different catagories?

now depending on the order they load one or more of them will be missing data. is there a way to all ow duplicate data in different catagories?

Nope. Palm OS categories are being used, so there's currently only one category per record. There may be a way to get around that, considering the records are merged by waypoint ID, but it's something I'll have to think through.


I seem to remember that in like 1.8 it created duplicate records of you didn't have it merge or something like that.


what about an "alias" record in the second/third/etc catagories that the record shows up in that will refrence to the original. mabe when importing if it sees that a record exists it just at that time slips the "alias" into the mix in the current import.

I seem to remember that in like 1.8 it created duplicate records of you didn't have it merge or something like that.

Right... that was before things were changed because enough people started equating "import" with "update". The memory card support works that way full-time, mainly because it's kind of hairy trying to do it the other way.


what about an "alias" record in the second/third/etc catagories that the record shows up in that will refrence to the original.  mabe when importing if it sees that a record exists it just at that time slips the "alias" into the mix in the current import.

Ewww... I generally hate kludges, and that sounds like it would need a big one to work properly.


Ok, here is the question...


if i have a gpx benchmark file with ALL benchmarks for my area in it




a gpx file with all my found benchmarks in it


CAN cmconvert


exclude from the pdb file any records that are duplicates, like automaticly excluding my finds that are listed in a seperate file so it compairs the two files against each other and only lists records that are in the original gpx file.


can that be done? or something like it? i got extremely confused reading the man file.

CAN cmconvert


exclude from the pdb file any records that are duplicates, like automaticly excluding my finds that are listed in a seperate file so it compairs the two files against each other and only lists records that are in the original gpx file.


can that be done? or something like it? i got extremely confused reading the man file.

CMConvert can't, but it looks like gpsbabel can do that. It has a "duplicate" filter that can either collapse records with matching waypoint names into one record, or get rid of all of them when it finds dupes. I thought it had that functionality before, and just looked at the documentation to confirm it.


Thanks for all your help here. it is truly appreciated.


one more questin then i think il be quite for a while...


cmconvert again...


i cant seem to be able to make it work right, BUT is there a way to a convert say for example all caches whose containers are NOT Micro?


i have basicly tried including all the other sizes but don't seem to have the right format maybe, i saw i think that you could get caches by multiple cache hiders, so i gave this a try and failed.

cmconvert again...


i cant seem to be able to make it work right, BUT is there a way to a convert say for example all caches whose containers are NOT Micro?

Unfortunately not. It's not that it's not possible to write the code to do it... it's the problem of choosing a logical character to reverse the filter, that wasn't already used for a special purpose by the command shell.


i have basicly tried including all the other sizes but don't seem to have the right format maybe, i saw i think that you could get caches by multiple cache hiders, so i gave this a try and failed.

You can, with a comma-separated list of words or sub-words. It's case-insensitive and you don't need the entire name for it to match up :blink:

Posted (edited)

Ralann, have you looked at GSAK? It can do most of what you have asked about, I think, and then do the conversion to Cachemate with one click.

Edited by NightPilot

Well, I guess you're stuck. There is, unfortunately, a huge amount of very useful software that only works in Windows. If you insist on using something else, you may be forced to do some of your own programming. :blink:


While I'm still hashing out things for the next CacheMate release (might be a major one, depending on what I can successfully get into it), I've uploaded updates to about half of the available plugins:


CacheNav 1.02

- Delorme TripMate support

- EPE/HEPE calculation when it's not available from the GPSr (not perfect, but not far off)

- The "No Fix" status now reads "No GPS" if no data received from GPSr


NMEA Query 1.02

- Delorme TripMate support


Garmin GPS Query/Upload 1.23

- Added the new D110 waypoint format (looks like it may be what the 60C and CS units use)


Magellan GPS Upload 1.12

- Added "small city" to icon selection (Meridian/Sportrak only)


I'm still very much in the process of getting the next release of CacheMate (most likely 4.0) completed, but just wanted to show the latest addition to it:




The display is formatted on the fly from the cache record text, and is kept in sync with the editable fields. Tapping on the hints or past logs takes you to their respective views, for decrypting hints as necessary. I'm borrowing the display code from another program of mine, so it pretty quickly had support for hi-res screens, virtual Graffiti areas, and native support for FontHack-compatible fonts. It doesn't bloat the app too much, either :huh:


About the only down side is that, on older hardware, the formatting can take some time. Because of that, there's a "please wait" box after it draws the first screenful, and there's an option to include the past logs in the display (off by default).

I'm still very much in the process of getting the next release of CacheMate (most likely 4.0) completed, but just wanted to show the latest addition to it:




The display is formatted on the fly from the cache record text, and is kept in sync with the editable fields. Tapping on the hints or past logs takes you to their respective views, for decrypting hints as necessary. I'm borrowing the display code from another program of mine, so it pretty quickly had support for hi-res screens, virtual Graffiti areas, and native support for FontHack-compatible fonts. It doesn't bloat the app too much, either :huh:


About the only down side is that, on older hardware, the formatting can take some time. Because of that, there's a "please wait" box after it draws the first screenful, and there's an option to include the past logs in the display (off by default).

So does tapping the O at the top give everything on one page (Info, Description, Hints, etc.)? If so, I love it and I can't wait. I also assume that you can tap the other letters to jump to the respective items. Again, this is a nice improvement.



Posted (edited)
So does tapping the O at the top give everything on one page (Info, Description, Hints, etc.)?  If so, I love it and I can't wait.  I also assume that you can tap the other letters to jump to the respective items.  Again, this is a nice improvement.

Thanks :huh:


The pushbutton view selection has been in there for some time, not sure when it was released, but it's another option that isn't on by default.

Edited by Maeglin
The pushbutton view selection has been in there for some time, not sure when it was released, but it's another option that isn't on by default.

OIC, I never noticed that option before. Cool, all the buttons are there but the O.



Rocket Man

I'm still very much in the process of getting the next release of CacheMate (most likely 4.0) completed, but just wanted to show the latest addition to it:


WOW, first GPSBabel is out with USB support for the 60cs, then I beta tested it with GSAK last night and now a cachemate update. Life is good again, can't wait for the new release. Thanks for the good work.


Since the plan is to release a 4.0 version next, I'm asking if anyone has anything they want added to the main app (as opposed to the plugins, which can be updated later independently). Here's what's currently going into 4.0 (what's bold is what's done)...


- Scroll bars instead of scroll buttons (finally got that to work)

- Support for record/cache type aware plugins

- Scrollable text display w/ hi-res and custom font support

- Multiple item databases

- Ability to move records in any list view to another category

- Switch to control averaging in GPS query plugins


Two things were recently dropped from the list... left/right button support for record view navigation (total lack of standards in implementing that, when there's already a solid alternative) and the search filter for type (not quite enough room in the filters popup for all that's needed for that).


Planned changes to bundled plugins, preferrably before 4.0 release:

- Expand UTM plugin to handle different coord reformatting (HDMS, HD, DD)

- Type-specific symbols in iQue plugin (the rest will be updated later)

- Averaging support in NMEA and iQue plugins


A new CMConvert will include preliminary support for GPX 1.1 (nothing Groundspeak specific in that support yet, mainly because they haven't published how/when they're doing support for it yet).

Since the plan is to release a 4.0 version next, I'm asking if anyone has anything they want added to the main app

Here's a couple:


- Include a filter to just show caches with travel bugs in them. Right now I include them in their own category and then just view caches in that category.


- For Bookmarked caches list the GCXXXX waypoint ID in addition to the title.


Also, if you want some beta testers I'd be happy to help test it. I use CM every weekend.


Quick suggestion for CM convert - add the ability to delete a waypoint from the list.





- Include a filter to just show caches with travel bugs in them. Right now I include them in their own category and then just view caches in that category.

My reply to that is here, earlier in this thread. Look at the last sentence in the first paragraph.


- For Bookmarked caches list the GCXXXX waypoint ID in addition to the title.

That's doable... since the bookmark list is pulling from the same source as the main list (the main database), I can probably reuse the drawing code from the latter.


Quick suggestion for CM convert - add the ability to delete a waypoint from the list.

What's in the list is what's in the GPX file(s) you loaded... it's not a waypoint database. If you want to deselect a selected waypoint, to keep it from being put in the converted file, hold down Control and click it.

Quick suggestion for CM convert - add the ability to delete a waypoint from the list.

What's in the list is what's in the GPX file(s) you loaded... it's not a waypoint database. If you want to deselect a selected waypoint, to keep it from being put in the converted file, hold down Control and click it.

how about for the CLI users a command like --del-GCXXXX;GCYYYY;GCZZZZ to keep specific caches out if we want?!?


that way it could also be added to the GUI apps as a text box or something.


not really an issue for me, but it could be usefull, i know i'd add a few caches to that list in my automation script.


I guess I'm just slow, but I don't understand the need to delete caches from CMConvert. So you get a few extra caches in Cachemate - is it that big a deal? It's not going to take up that much RAM, or have any other effect.

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