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Cachemate 3.5

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I guess I'm just slow, but I don't understand the need to delete caches from CMConvert. So you get a few extra caches in Cachemate - is it that big a deal? It's not going to take up that much RAM, or have any other effect.

maybe for caches you can never do or never intend to do.


i don't know, i was just suggesting a 'solution' to the question.


memory constraints?!? yeah right

What I do with caches I never want to do is use GSAK to remove them. Is there no Mac program that will allow doing this?

not that i know of :anibad: i have a custom app that automates what i want done with PQs and hands me the results.


no third party stuff as far as i know


i AM working on mine to make it portable to other users so more can enjoy using it. slow work though with all the other stuff i must do through out the day.

Well, get a *real* computer and you won't have to work so hard on this stuff. :laughing::lol:

i will assume you made that statment in some form of jest since obviously somebody had to wark 'hard' to make gsak and all the other apps. not really hard, jus time is a precious thing. :lol:

i will assume you made that statment in some form of jest since obviously somebody had to wark 'hard' to make gsak and all the other apps.  not really hard, jus time is a precious thing.  :lol:

That's how a lot of very cool apps start, though... I remember a year and a half ago, I couldn't find a decent geocaching database w/ a hint decoder for Palm OS, and look where we are now :laughing:


Ralann, how many smilies do I have to put in there? Of course it was in jest - I have no quarrel with what OS anyone uses, that's crazy. I guess if I can't get a joke across, I'd better quit trying.

Ralann, how many smilies do I have to put in there? Of course it was in jest - I have no quarrel with what OS anyone uses, that's crazy. I guess if I can't get a joke across, I'd better quit trying.

:blink::D:D:)B) text is such a subjective thing, i didn't think you were the type from your past posts to be a meanie. you got it across. don't quit trying, some of us are sorta dense at times.


I remember a year and a half ago, I couldn't find a decent geocaching database w/ a hint decoder for Palm OS, and look where we are now 


WOW, that is a success story. i appreciate this app a TON. It was cool as a GC tool, it became cooler when you added nav support, I began to use it for benchmark hunting and that was cool. NOW it is my primary GC tool it is the only app i generally load any GC#'s into and just use you nav plugin to get me there. I use this app also for OTHER gps based uses, i have a database of caves that i created in a gpx file that cachemate displays for me, i can make notes about stuff as i explore and have it with the other relivant info. I use it for my favorite camping spots, biking trails and any other stuff that i want MORE info with than a waypoint name, for those uses i have another app. THis is the greatest.

Posted (edited)

The "last call" for features going into 4.0 has hereby ended. I've got all of the requested changes into CacheMate and CMConvert that I planned to do, including the enhanced bookmark list and the "exclude" filter for the command-line build of CMConvert that were requested over the weekend.


The other part of what this post is all about is to announce the availability of a beta version of 4.0 for any registered user that wants to try it out. The type-specific symbol exporting and averaging don't work yet, but that's because the grunt work is all being done in the plugins, which are next on my list to work on. Everything else is fully functional, though. If you want to get your hands on this build, send an email to support (at) smittyware.com with either your order number or Hotsync name and registration code, and I'll reply with a file containing CacheMate 4.0 and an updated Readme.html file.


I guess that makes this an official code freeze on version 4.0. If any bugs come up from trying out the beta, then those will be fixed. Anything new will be saved for the next release, whenever that is :rolleyes:


As for the CMConvert update, I'll post again to this thread when I upload that tonight.

Edited by Maeglin

this new update makes me want to go find a cache now.


i know i just got it like 10 minutes ago BUT i think i have pushed ever button twice at least.


GPS averaging... this will be great, i can't wait to try this on my next hunt.


Multiple DB's WOW, YOU JUST MADE MY DAY... 1 DB for caching... 1 DB for BM hunting... 1DB for caving... this will speed things up darmaticly. i have already sorted out all my stuff.


overview... that is cool, i may actually use that view quite a bit.


scroll bars, NICE


i havent figured out batch moving records yet.


this seems GREAT so far. ill give you an update after i play with this more


I know it is too late for a feature request but maybe for down the road an option to select which record view we see first by default.

I know it is too late for a feature request but maybe for down the road an option to select which record view we see first by default.

Already there, but the choice is kinda limited. There's a checkbox in the View Options dialog to make Overview the default view instead of Info.

cmconvert, got it, were the only changes there for the exclude filter?!?

The only really obvious thing, yeah. The rest of the changes were some improvements in GPX parsing/converting and starters on GPX 1.1 support, but those don't do anything (yet) for files from GC.com. The 1.1 support will be complete when GC.com decides to start using it and publishes how they're going to do that :rolleyes:


Ok, it is all your fault :rolleyes: I got absolutly NOTHING done this afternoon :rolleyes: All I did was play with CM 4.0.0b :unsure:


I think it all works well, I tried to do everything multiple times and in different ways, it all worked. The databases all worked independant of each other :rolleyes::unsure::D I moved files around repeatedly and they always showed up where they were supposed to :unsure: I am pleased with this update :laughing:


Good Job

Posted (edited)

Has anyone tried using the GPS query plugins with Palm OS versions earlier than 3.5?


I tried one of those last night when I was adding averaging to it on emulated versions of 3.0, 3.1 and 3.3, and ran into what seemed like a crash-worthy problem with those... one that I ran into testing with OS 6, but the workaround that worked there didn't work in this case. I reduced it back to the original GUI to make sure, as I added a verification dialog along with the averaging, and the problem still existed.


I added a trap in CacheMate last night to block that operation from being performed on OS versions older than 3.5, but I'm wondering now if anyone is successfully using those with older OS versions... if so, I'll take that back out, as in that case the problem may be limited to the emulator.

Edited by Maeglin

4.0 Beta works great on my Palm M515. I really like the new features, particularly the Overview button, the ability to move groups of records and the multiple database capability.


It would be nice if it were easier to get the records into a particular database. It seems that the way it works now is that you have to switch to the desired database and then exit Cachemate before opening Cachemate back up to import new records into the desired database. It would be nice if a choice of database was given when importing new records. It would also be nice if there was a way to move records from one database to another (I don't see a way to do that now).


Thanks for all the hard work to improve the program,

Rocket Man

palm m515 running os4.1 and the magellian gps companion

everything still seems great to me still.  no problems yet, i bet this is about ready for primetime.

The current plan is to have the official release either this weekend or early next week. I should have all of the plugin updates done by then... I've got averaging working in 2 of 3 query plugins so far, and I'm halfway into the type-specific symbol system in one of them, which should be easy to copy where I need it.


Another thing that YeOleImposter (for one) is going to be happy about is the fact that the Garmin plugin icon selection has a little more than tripled over the last version :laughing:


It would be nice if it were easier to get the records into a particular database.  It seems that the way it works now is that you have to switch to the desired database and then exit Cachemate before opening Cachemate back up to import new records into the desired database.  It would be nice if a choice of database was given when importing new records.  It would also be nice if there was a way to move records from one database to another (I don't see a way to do that now).

Unless I can come up with a brilliant idea in the next few days, in time for the planned 4.0 release, I'll probably hold that thought until 4.1. Selection of database on import should be doable, but moving them between databases will be a little more complex. The way that the database code is currently laid out, they are truly separate entities and the code is designed to work with only one at a time.


ok i have an idea...


this is a memory card idea relating te databases.


files can be stored in the following directories...







now what if we could have a seperate folder with the same name as the db for each db. this would be usefull if you have a number of import files in a couple of db's and have to rescan the memory card... like the following... substitute your filepath accordingly to whatever folder you use as default...








you get the point. this would have to be an option to do, not manditory. if it were manditory you would not be able to load info to multiple db's without duplicating the record.


also you could have global folders that would load to all db's







basicly the same as they are now.


so, what do you think?!? this is just an app friendlyness idea, not really a nessicary thing but it would be nice i think.

Posted (edited)

*tightens up and clenches chest*


Just kidding :laughing:


What I was personally thinking of doing, whether it's in 4.0 or 4.1 I don't know yet, was to provide drop lists for databases and categories when the import selection dialog comes up. The database selection would default to the current one, and selecting a database would reset the category selection, since one database isn't guaranteed to contain the same categories as another.


Since you have to go through the selection dialog anyway, what do you think? It would certainly cover all the bases, including those that aren't using memory cards.


Actually, since I already have the idea, I may go ahead and do at least that much for 4.0. It may or may not push the release timing back a bit, depending on how much time I have this weekend.

Edited by Maeglin
What I was personally thinking of doing, whether it's in 4.0 or 4.1 I don't know yet, was to provide drop lists for databases and categories when the import selection dialog comes up. The database selection would default to the current one, and selecting a database would reset the category selection, since one database isn't guaranteed to contain the same categories as another.


Since you have to go through the selection dialog anyway, what do you think?

Sounds great to me. RM

Posted (edited)
here i an idea... how about when projecting a wapoint have an option for mag or true north


hehe, this hung me on a cache, didn't think about it projecting based on true north

That would require it knowing the declination for any given point on the globe, though, and it doesn't :lol:


I just looked, and there is a free app where you can look that up and do the correction yourself with the calculator. Either that, or you can fire up CacheNav and read the number given there, when it's received from the satellites.

Edited by Maeglin
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