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4 Caches In One Day.

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Wow, after telling my wife about how much fun my son and I (and Shubbed) had on our first hunt earlier in the week, she decided we should do several (if possible) this afternoon. So, after our Boy Scout Boot Camp was over, we headed out to the woods and found 4 caches. The last one we found just before dark and walked out of the woods about an hour afterwards. She was tired and sore but loved the experience. Next time we're planning on taking two GPS's with us to share the fun even more. We'll update the cache logs tomorrow, she's already sleeping...






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The JJ&C Railroad

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Congratulations! Glad to hear she liked it. We took a full day this weekend and did all of the caches in Menomonie Wisconsin..... 8 total. It was a great day!! It was so good to get out of the house on such a beautiful day. icon_cool.gif


Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.

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Congratulations on getting 4 finds. I find that 4 or 5 finds a day is pretty fun. We once went out with big plans to do a lot more. I had printed out the cache page of 35 caches. At 17 we found ourselves worn out and not having fun anymore, so we went to Taco Bell. These days we've learned to pace ourselves. Those other caches can be saved for another day. In fact quiet often we will just go out after one. I enjoy caches with a good hike, so some days 1 find is plenty.


Have fun


I hear voices.....and they don't like you!

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I agree with LB & MM. Sometimes, I'll have a ton of fun caching for days at a time, hitting tons of caches. Other times, I'll find four or five and it becomes work, the fun just won't be there. As soon as the fun stops, its time to go do something else. Currently, I'm doing some renovations on the house as well as starting restoration on 2 cars. This keeps me busy when the caching bug's not biting.

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I didn't want to leave the impression that we do 8 all the time. This was an exception. It's a 1 hour drive to Menomonie, so we wanted to get them all in one shot. We did get lucky in that none of them were more than 1/2 mile from the parking lot. That definitely makes a difference. I think our total hike for the the day was 4 miles.


There have been other times we've gone out with a list of 5 to do and only complete 2-3.


I love it when my muscles are sore the next day. That means I had a great work out AND had a great time. Any other exercise would fall under the Un-fun category. icon_biggrin.gif


Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.

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Colorado would be really nice. Forget what the weather people are saying. Pack your gear anyway. The weather may change for the better or it may still offer a few hunts at the very least.


We did 4 hunts tonight after work but they were just benchmarks that were really close. Three of them don't exist any longer but it was fun looking for them!






Come visit us on the web!!

The JJ&C Railroad

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They had 10 inches Monday night and are expecting 2+ feet.


The trip probably just got cancelled (this was a ski/snowboard trip - I would have thought we wanted snow) by my wife and sister.


The good news is, we'll go elsewhere in Missouri where the caches are not covered by snow.



...If life was fair, a banana split would cure cancer.

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We don't get out as much as I would like and have a very low rate of cache finds, which used to be frustrating. But I've been watching the more active cachers and noticed that when you find 8 or 10 at a time, you soon clear out all of the nearby caches and have to resort to longer drives to remote caches. They must spend most of their caching time on the road. So take your time and enjoy the local caches (unless you enjoy driving a lot), it’s not a race.

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