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Mack's Nav-5

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Job hunt in the morning, cache hunt in the afternoon. The early bird catches the worm.


What do I know? I self inflicted myself with time off this summer, but being an independent contractor I can do that, and still have a job. I have plenty of job! It's money I'm running out of. icon_wink.gif


Good luck to you in all of your hunts.



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Sorry if I didn't sound sympathetic enough in my previous post. I do see how it would be 'uncomfortable' for a first-timer.


Being laid off frequently is just the nature of my work - archaeology. Work tends to be seasonal, but you never know what season - you could be off all Winter one year, and summer the next.


There are ~tons~ of jobs out there, even in the particular ~seriously~ economic depressed rural area where I live. Between arch jobs, I've done moving, electric construction, home construction, security guard, coal miner, and many other things. I even get phone calls for small jobs when I don't need one - the last was highway construction.


I was seriously irritated by the government employees who got laid off last year during the shutdown. I never heard such a bunch of crybabies - Welcome to the real world folks! In the end their whining paid off - they actually got back pay for staying home two days!


I recommend contacting temp services. You won't make a fortune, but you'll be able to keep off the 'dole' and get some good experience in different fields you would normally never have contact with.


One hint, unless you live alone, don't start drinking early in the mornings for something to do! Geocaching is much healthier...



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Originally posted by Brian - Team A.I.:

I'm definitely sorry to hear about the job situation. I'd be curious how many of us have lost their jobs since say....2001.

Actually, I started my job in 2001. We've been plenty nervous about layoffs ever since. Fortunately, the electronics industry appears to be recovering. Our factory is making more products now than we were last year at this time.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Indeed, welcome to the club. Seven months and counting here. Actually it's been quite nice since the weather has been great, there is still income, and the wifes business allows travel in the back country (no wise comments - she's a landscape artist and we gather pictures while hiking which is all business related..). I should have more finds but I overdo the job search. IT Management for 30+ years. I'll use the link you listed Criminal. Thanks.



I once was lost, but now am found;

Was blind, but now I see.

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Originally posted by Criminal:

Originally posted by Mack's Nav-5:

Looks like we (Mack's NAV-5) will be out of commission for a bit! I lost my job and will be serching (desperately) for a new one! Anyone needing a management professional (operations/retail) please let me know! Thanks!








I've never seen a job board with Artillery Tester as a valid job function/title. Neat! I'll do that.



I once was lost, but now am found;

Was blind, but now I see.

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Lost my job back in June 2001. After a year of unemployment, I decided to go back to school, got completely out of Project Management (it just doesn't work in a technical world), took a intern job as Network Administrator, and have never looked back. I am now employeed full time with the same company and have never been happier. I don't make the money I used to, but falling off the corporate ladder and taking a step back every once in awhile is okay. It might propel you two steps forward!


Good luck in your search, take your time, and do what makes you happy.


- GoatSniFFer


"Don't you hate it when the toliet paper rips?"


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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones, I haven't been laid off yet, but family and friends have been. The best response that I heard from one was "my job is now to find a new job". He spent all his time focused on getting a new job that could support himself and his family. He found one in under 3 months, but the stress it put on him was increditable. Good news he now has a job he likes more then his last one and is doing well. I'm not sure what my reaction would be but I think I'd skip alot of the stress and do alot of caching. Guess thats why he earns the big bucks and I squeak by.

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Just wanted to make sure everyone knows of this. If you got laid off because your job went overseas, you can get the federal Gov to pay for retraining. In my class last week we had 3 people taking advantage of this. Some had a total of 14 Microsoft class's paid for by the Gov and at about $2000.00 a pop a pretty good deal. Just thought I'd let you know since before last week I didn't know anything about this.

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Yep. was laid off 2 months. Not nearly long enuff. Only got in my Basic Vehicle Rescue class b-4 they called me back. Was scheduled for 1st responder, then EMT classes. Had to give those up. Besides, the cache population was exploding, and I had to go back to work ?!?!


To add insult to injury, they "promoted" me. Assistant foreman. No more benefits, just A LOT

of extra responsibility. You know, " be happy YOU have a job. " If I was single and not a daddy, I'd tell em where to stick their "promotion".


Two roads diverged in the woods and I,

I took the one less traveled,

and that is how I found the cache.

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Another jobless one here - also Project Management. Seven months and counting - and not at all ashamed to say that I've been enjoying the heck out of it. Through many years of experience I've discovered that it takes whatever you make to get by, so we're getting by OK. Sent out approximately 1,700+ resumes/letters of inquiry to date. I'm still confident that something will come along before much longer - but that will severely curtail my caching - Yuck!



Radical Geezer

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Unlike Bobthearch, I was laid of after 23 years with the same company. I got a consulting gig right away, but that only lasted 4 months, so I've been out of work sinch March. Got my last unemployment check this week, so things will get tight. Fortunately, my wife makes a very good salary, so we won't be eating Cheerios for dinner any time soon. But my fear is that we won't be able to afford to do much skiing this winter. Putting things in perspective, they aren't bad. Other people worry about how their gonna pay thier mortgages and feed their kids and I'm worried about the number of ski days I'll get in. Still, I'd rather be working and contributing to the family.


Things seem to be picking up. I'm starting to get phone calls from recruiters who've seen my resume online. I heard nothing for 5 months and now the phone is ringing. It's just that the jobs they are offering are too far away (I'm talking Houston, DC, Cincinatti, Cleveland and even Trenton...a 2.5 hour commute each way). Maybe soon, one will pop up close to home (crossing fingers).


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm

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