+leatherman Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 I just saw the Shemwells, out of Boise, on the Today show. Lost in the mountains for five days. They went out snowmobiling and took a wrong turn. As I was listening to this story all I could think is why didn't they have a GPSr? The eTrex and Meridian Yellow are less than $100. You can buy older GPSr in pawnshops for $35. GPSr come in cars and SUVs now. The GPSr should be known by everyone. I'm glad they had some minimal survival gear. But in this day shouldn't that also include a GPSr? Are we a unique breed? Those of us that have had a GPSr for years before Geocaching. Maybe we are just geeks! Do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita! [This message was edited by leatherman on March 11, 2003 at 03:13 PM.]
+IV_Warrior Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 I was thinking the same thing when I saw it. A simple GPSr with a waypoint set at their starting point would have got them out when after they made the "wrong turn" I'm lost. I've gone to find myself. If I should happen to get back before I return, please ask me to wait.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 $8 compass ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+GOT GPS? Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Even a cheap GPS can have a trackback feature. Always different...Hit refresh
Jomarac5 Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 DeerChaser and Poni, Can you please shorten your animated gif image -- it's too wide and it forces the page to expand beyond the settings of some people's monitors -- this causes the page to require horizontal scrolling, which is very annoying when reading a long thread. Thanks.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Sorry it bothers you but I can't. ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+IV_Warrior Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jomarac5:DeerChaser and Poni, Can you please shorten your animated gif image -- it's too wide and it forces the page to expand beyond the settings of some people's monitors -- this causes the page to require horizontal scrolling, which is very annoying when reading a long thread. Thanks. I've been thinking the same thing...shorten or remove.... I'm lost. I've gone to find myself. If I should happen to get back before I return, please ask me to wait.
+IV_Warrior Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:$8 compass Well, the compass along wouldn't do much good, unless you knew where you were, and a bearing to civilization. Now, a map and compass, and the knowledge to use the two together to figure out where you are, and where you want to be, that'd work. I'm lost. I've gone to find myself. If I should happen to get back before I return, please ask me to wait.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Sorry, I'm not removing anything. Can't please all the people all the time. Don't sweat the small stuff. Raise your rez on your monitor, buy a bigger one. GEEZ ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Roadster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Sorry but mine is a 21" with 800X600 and it annoys me to. I wouldn't have said anything, it was your attitude about it. The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
+leatherman Posted March 11, 2003 Author Posted March 11, 2003 My Caching pack is my minimum survival kit. It serves as an every day pack. Perfect size for everything from wallets to cameras whatever. I would definitely have had it with me if I was out there mobiling. Do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita!
+Rich in NEPA Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni: Sorry it bothers you but I can't. Here's a shorter length version: To save it to your hard drive, right-click on the image and click "Save Picture As..." Then upload it to your profile page and insert the link in your signature. Cheers ... ~Rich in NEPA~ === A man with a GPS receiver knows where he is; a man with two GPS receivers is never sure. ===
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Well IM NOT GOING TO ADJUST NOTHING to please you few whinners. You want to go scrolless then change your rez. Do you people complain to each and every web page that doesnt fit your monitor? OMG this is pathetic. LOL funny as h e l l also. ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+The Leprechauns Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Could someone please tell me when it is open season on deer in Florida? And do bucks need to have a certain number of points, or can I bag an immature one? Thanks very much. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.
+Team GPSaxophone Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Roadster:Sorry but mine is a 21" with 800X600 and it annoys me to. What's the point of having a 21" monitor if it's set on 800x600? -------------------------------------------- This signature line intentionally left blank
+IV_Warrior Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 What is pathetic is that everyone has to suffer because of one immature dimwit who has a STUPID animated gif in his sig who claims he "can't change it" then changes it to WON'T when someone shows that it can be changed.... Just because you're paranoid DOESN'T mean they're not ALL out to get you.
+Mopar Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:Well IM NOT GOING TO ADJUST NOTHING to please you few whinners. You want to go scrolless then change your rez. Do you people complain to each and every web page that doesnt fit your monitor? OMG this is pathetic. LOL funny as h e l l also. Hey, only six weeks here and he's already learned how to make friends and play nice! Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.
+carleenp Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Well, I thought it was quite nice of Rich to provide a shorter animation. I didn't feel anyone was whining, but instead were making a reasonable request. Your response seems a little overboard to me. I suppose if you want to keep the long animation just to annoy people that is your business, but it seems pretty silly. Why purposely annoy people when someone has provided you with the easy fix?
+parkrrrr Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Simple fix for Windows users: On Win98: Go to your windows directory. On WinNT or WinXP: Go to WINDOWSsystem32driversetc (or winnt...) If there's a file there called "hosts" edit it, otherwise create one. Add the following line: www.whitetails.com That will cause your computer to "forget" how to find the www.whitetails.com website, so the line of hoofprints will bother you no more. Some of us might find this line useful too: www.flint.umich.edu
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 There you go, an answer to all your problems without bothering anyone else. See how easy that was? ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Team GPSaxophone Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:Simple fix for Windows users: But I am a hunter, how can I get rid of the hoofprints without closing access to whitetails.com? -------------------------------------------- This signature line intentionally left blank
+leatherman Posted March 11, 2003 Author Posted March 11, 2003 www.geocaching.com no more avitars. Do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita!
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Ok now Im going to be shot? Do I take this as a threat on my life? I'm a immature dimwit. Well if any of you want to know where I live, please feel free to email me and I will be happy to give you my address so you can visit or hunt me down. As far as my gif, it is there because I like it. Want me to make it longer? Seeing my gif is making you suffer? STAY OUT, doh. You can attack me all you like. The worse you get, the more fun I have. I think you have bigger things to worry about in the near future rather than dwelling on a animated gif file. I dont go out looking to F with people but ill be damnned if your going to F with me....PEACE ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Oh My! ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Roadster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote: What's the point of having a 21" monitor if it's set on 800x600? Well 87% of websites are made for 800X600 res. including this one. DO I need to explain more? The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
+Roadster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Oh come on everybody lets change all of our resolutions or windows settings instead of one person changing his gif just to be thoughtful
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Ask nicely ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Roadster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 LOL! The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
+yumitori Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:Ask nicely They did - quote:DeerChaser and Poni, Can you please shorten your animated gif image -- it's too wide and it forces the page to expand beyond the settings of some people's monitors -- this causes the page to require horizontal scrolling, which is very annoying when reading a long thread. Thanks. It didn't help.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 again ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+ClayJar Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 DeerChaser & Poni, As a GPX application developer, I almost never have any IE window maximized, since I have many windows open at a time on my 1600x1200 screen. It would help me if you would use a graphic that is not as wide. Would it be possible for you to change it, if not for anyone else's convenience, then for mine? Thank you. ClayJar Watcher Developer Official Weekly Chat Moderator [Watcher Downloads] - [Official Geocaching Chat]
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 still wuv me? ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Im haunted, I deleted the hoofs. now what? ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 test ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Mopar Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 quote:Originally posted by DeerChaser & Poni:Im haunted, I deleted the hoofs. now what? ____________________________________________________________ http://www.whitetails.com/00hoofline.gif Rino 110 MeriGreen 128 Log totally out of the forums, close your browser, and then log back in again. Tae-Kwon-Leap is not a path to a door, but a road leading forever towards the horizon.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 ok guys my sig box is empty. This is what I meant by I cant. ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+Roadster Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 This thread sure did go way off topic, my apologies to leatherman. The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
+DeerChaser & Company Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 .. ____________________________________________________________ Rino 110 MeriGreen 128
+ScottJ Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Which is more disruptive ... the hoofs, or the page after page of complaints about the hoofs?! Obligatory on-topic comment: The Shemwells are idiots. Anyone who can't find his way out of the woods has no business going into them. Sure, GPS receivers are cheap. Maps and compasses are even cheaper, and someone who doesn't know how to use those should also stick to campgrounds. Technology is no substitute for experience. -- Scott Johnson (ScottJ)
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