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EasyGPS waypoints


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Just downloaded some geocaches to EasyGPS, will they upload to my etrex Legend ok and be stored in the waypoints? Will i have to change anything on the unit to navigate to them accurately.


You shouldn't have any trouble uploading them to your Legend; I've done it pretty easily with my eMap. Although I don't know the Legend protocols I imagine to navigate to one of them all you will then need to do is pick one and do a GoTo command.


I know nothing about the legend but you should be able to turn on your gps and hit the upload button on the easygps software and that should do it as long as you have the software set for your gps. The way points will show up on the screen like any that you put in manually. Keep in mind the size of the upload because that unit should only hold 500 waypoints. I'm not sure what happens when you have more in easygps than the gpsr can hold, haven't tried it. Try it, you can't hurt anything.



So far so good, somewhat new owner of a second/new Garmin GPS V 20 plus finds so far with little to no problem. We'll see what happens when there are leaves on the trees again.


I have a legend and all you have to do is download to easy GPS and click on GPS and then download to gps. Thats all. To go get one jest click options (on the map page, the top left button) and pan map. Put that pan pointer on whatever cache you want, click it and click goto. Hope this helps.


Waterboss icon_cool.gif


We have both the Legend and basic Etrex units and use EasyGPS with both. With the Legend, you and can edit the waypoint name- call them something other than GCXXXX, and you can change the waypoint to the Geocache symbol (treasure chest).


good luck


Downloading is a snap with the legend. EasyGPS has a facility for detecting a good connection to your unit.


You must setup or verify that your eTrex to refer to WGS 84 Map Datum. To do this from the main menu of the Legend: Setup> Units> Map Datum> WGS 84.


I manage my waypoints in EasyGPS into two categories files. Found Caches and Not Found Caches. You can either control the icon there in EasyGPS or on your eTrex.


I first began by changing the waypoint names to descriptions thinking it would be easier. I now just going off the GXXXX numbers. I have recommended to Garmin to allow for a Waypoint description field in addition to the waypoint name, so that it could autoatically populated when downloading from EasyGPS.




I have a Legend and I really like the ease of downloading the waypoints with EasyGPS.


One great feature of the Legend is that is you've downloaded the waypoints within a reasonable distance, you can 'Find the Nearest' one to your current location.


The hardest thing to find is something that's not there!


Originally posted by umc:

I'm not sure what happens when you have more in easygps than the gpsr can hold, haven't tried it.


The software will just happily keep sending waypoints to the GPSr, and the Legend will just happily stop accepting new ones, so you'll only the the first 500-however many were already stored.


One nice trick that I "discovered" is that you can keep multiple files handy. I have a file containing a set of points I call "Keeper Waypoints". These are the locations of caches I have hidden (plus the coordinates for multis that wouldn't show up in a GPX query), plus other points I want to save like my home, etc. By keeping this in a separate file, I can then do the "Clear all waypoints" on the Legend and have as much space as I need to upload the weekly GPX file and not have to worry about losing my other points. If I ever want to do some cache maintenance, I can clear out the unit and re-upload my keeper list.


- - - - -

Wisconsin Geocaching Association


Can I throw another ??? in here on EasyGPS. What is the middle and third section of the form for and how do you access it?? How do you keep track of your finds, or do you?? TIA....09

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