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National Geocaching Society

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There are many national orginisations such as the NRA, NSS, etc who's members make up the rank and file of all of us geocachers. It's the open nature of geocaching and the wide appeal that ull ultimatly give a lot of power to the group or groups that represent Geocaching.


In Idaho it's a loose association. Nearby we have MOOG, Utah has it's own. Over time there will be a push towards national recognition and a national geocaching association. This will give the same kind of power to geocachers that the other national groups have. Perhaps more so (Look at the numbers in AARP and their clout).


Is this trend good, bad or other?


I for one think it would be good.

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I think the activity itself can be used for good and be used for bad.


I agree with Renegade Knight that a self-regulating body (like a national or inernational society) will be a positive trend.


It will do more good than harm, as it represents an activity that also does more good than harm at all levels (environmental, personal, family, work, scouts, attitude...)


Also, because, such an association would be (hopefully) based off the sound and inherently positive fundamentals outlined at geocaching.com, that have been established in the field.


______________________________________________ Kanto



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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

There are many national orginisations such as the NRA, NSS, etc who's members make up the rank and file of all of us geocachers.

The NRA is there for rifle owners

The NSS is there for grottos

Geocaching.com is there for geocachers.


Both the NRA and NSS have regional leaders/governments. Geocachers have state organizations (in some states, as they won't recognize the New Mexico group, but that's a different discussion...)


Why do we need an acronym when Geocaching is one word? We could be the GPSr's or the NGA (National Geocaching Association) if it really makes you happy.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Because of the tangled web of land management authorities and the vagaries of federal,state and local regulations, I don't see how it can work.


We're best off letting local organizations, who are familiar with local rules, handle their areas. The admins on this website are quite familiar with the rules in their area of responsibility.


As far as a national geocaching organization, there simply aren't enough of us to weild any sort of power. The NRA has millions of members and millions of dollars at their disposal. As popular as geocaching has become, our numbers still are in the thousands. Any national organization would be impotent.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry

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Well, then, what to do? Do we come up with a fancy name, like the W.W.G.A. (WorldWide Geocaching Association) and elect members to the board, based on a vote? And what do these members do? Push for a change in the policy of organizations such as the NPS to allow Geocaching to grow?


Might sound crazy, but once upon a time a few old geezers got together and the AARP was formed...now look at 'em.

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Originally posted by Cholo:

Isn't that what we have here? frog.gif


This is a website. One of several that promote geocaching. True, it's the largest and by far the best. However this is only a website. Right now there are only scattered voices in local areas. A success here, a failure there. These are not from geocaching.com it's from the work of groups and individuals working to promote this hobby.


Hell, it would give Jeremy something resembling a career path. Or when he gets sick of this website or turns old and grey and too feeble to spank the keyboard to keep this place running it would allow for retirement.

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What about intelligent life on other planets in other galaxies that may be parallel geocaching... the truth is out there....






Hey! We are geocaching on other worlds. On Trafalmadore we call it Trafalmocaching (but we still use geocaching.com to register our caches and finds).


You know Jeff I've traveled all around the universe and I still haven't found a better place to live than B'ham.


This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. - Gen. Nathan Twining Chief of Staff, US Air Force, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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Originally posted by Zaphod Beeblebrox:

Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Well, then, what to do? Do we come up with a fancy name, like the W.W.G.A. (WorldWide Geocaching Association) ...


Make it W.W.G.C. for "WorldWide Geocaching Club," and annoy those pesky environmentalists by telling them it means "Why Would God Care" (in 10,000 years?)


You may be onto something there! Great idea!

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Great idea. Fortunately, we've already got it! True, Geocaching.com is "just a website", but it's also the medium by which our Geocaching community functions (were GC.com to dissappear, we'd all gravitate to another and the community would be unaffected.)


When we get big enough to have enough members unify behind a cause, we'll elect a board, charge for memberships and accomplish the goal. Hmm... May I suggest purchasing Antartica or the Moom and regulate them to allow Geocaching only? Who wants to sponsor the poll? I nominate whomever you are for Chairman...


I nominate "Renegage Knight" as Director of the Forward Thinking Committee (Future Direction Committee? Projected Growth Committee? Heck, your first job is to appropriately name it!)





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Sluggo signed:

This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena.


I just finished reading Arthur C. Clarke's The Final Odyssey : 3001, and in it he explains that UFOs were finally proven to be a type of atmospheric phenomenon...and I forgot what he called it...but it was something like "quick-lighting"...and I am sure if you look up in Google "Arthur Clarke 3001 UFOs Lightning" you may get a more accurate and complete story than what I provided here.



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Thought I would weigh in with my opinion, as asinine as some will believe it to be. A geocaching organization would be the death of the game.


I have observed enough human nature to have determined a few facts. One is that organizations always attract the sheep. They are the ones who feel there are never enough rules, that any risk is far too much risk, and prefer to “dumb-down” everything to salvage the egos and psyches of the dullards.


Many have brought forth very convincing arguments against ammo cans, hides in “ecosystems”, and the like. I say that with respect, their reasoning, while askew at the foundation, is believable and thoughtful. People have chimed in with their support only to change their mind later when someone introduces simple logic into the debate.


An organization would allow for voting, which would bring about no small quantity of endless and pointless deliberations on every aspect of geocaching. People like me, who tire easily of these repeated arguments, will likely give up. The sheep will have their way. Goodbye night caching, opaque containers, hiding in parks, etc. I would not support a national or higher organization. I do believe in the local ones simply because they have no real authority. Geocaching ain’t broke, so why fix it? (The web-site is another story)


Jeremy has his agenda, which I believe to be the preservation of the game. He has to do this through a careful balance of protecting the history and intent of the game while keeping his hindquarters out of court. By no means easy or fun, and I have no envy for him whatsoever in that regard. He throws his opinion in where he thinks necessary, and avoids the meaningless arguments. Yes, sometimes he drops the hammer on a thread too early, sometimes too late. So be it, the game is healthy. Sometimes the point with the most impact is the point not spoken.


Organizations, by their very nature, have a tendency to stifle creativity. They seek to even the playing field by reducing any challenge or risk involved to the capabilities of the lowest and slowest member of the group. It becomes all about fairness and equal opportunity. While those are admirable goals for most aspects of society, they are irrational when applied to games and sport. (Imagine wheelchair bound baseball players demanding entry in the starting lineup of a MLB team.)


Creating a national organization opens up another and potentially game-ending possibility, a greater accountability. Many of us “old heads” have seen this in the past couple years. If, God forbid, someone were to die as a result of geocaching, a national organization would provide the “deep pocket” that would bring about lawsuits. A person innocently walking through the wood and slipping on your clear plastic organization approved cache container with the bright orange (and slippery) warning sticker will not sue you, Jeremy, or the website. There’s simply no money in it for them. A national (or higher) organization provides a collective series of pockets that are easy pickings. This is probably the greatest anxiety of the folks up in Seattle right now. Going national will only make the legal considerations worse.


Be careful of what you wish for.


Just my opinion.



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Simple Deduction,I as well as everyone likes recognition,A Place,but when it comes to the National Org. level or the like to many rules as previously stated. I would like to keep it here for the fun of the Game and not for recognition.I have done things in my community through Geocaching that has brought more recognition than expected,I really have my hands full with it all.FUN, FAMILY ORIENTED, OUTDOOR SPORT. F.F.O.O.S


WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS*GEOTRYAGAIN **1803-2003 "LOUSIANA PURCHASE" "LEWIS AND CLARK EXPADITION" http://www.lapurchase.org http://arkansasstateparks.com/lapurchase/ http://www.msnusers.com/MissouriTrails

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