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Geoquilt II ?

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Hey! I currently have 6 quilts on my work list....I finished one yesterday and 4 have all the blocks sewn (3 are for the Canadian Geoquilt, one is components for the Tolkien theme quilt and one doesn't have a destination yet).....so I was thinking.........Is there any interest in starting another geoquilt. We in the NOrtheast are in prime time caching. I had 7 hits on my caches last weekend and all were new cachers. I think that the Buffalo NY area may see a rise in the number of caches here.......


Anyway.....I started going over some design books....looking at my stash of fabric.......and I came up with a quilt similar in contruction to the Canadain geoquilt (made entirely of half square triangles and in 2 colors. I have chosen a "From sea to shinning sea" theme and so want blue and yellow to be the major colors. Cachers would sign in the sunshine - yellow triangles.


This can work much as the first one did but with some lessons added from my Canadain project.


I would like to enlist a few ...maybe 2 to 6 cachers to help with the distribution, placement location and retrieval portion. Plus if we could get a computer literate person to help with the picture piece of it......pictures of the blocks...idea of how the quilt will look and a map of where blocks are placed (as majbach did for the Canadain site) that would be excellant.....My part will be in providing the fabric, cutting all the triangles...something like 500 in this one.......sewing the blocks, ironing them on paper to be signed and then sending off the packets to the 6 that will be the "senders".


Maybe we could devide the states into regions and do it that way......Also could have a world portion if there is enough response........


So what do you think? The last one was started in the fall.....this in the mid to late spring with a finish date of around August.....my paid work load is less then.....so more time to sew.....at least at night when I'm not caching icon_smile.gif


I'm interested to see what kind of response we get this time.....the first was great as is the one in Canada now.......




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Ok.....so I guess by the rating (at the time I posted this it was a 1) and the response this is a no go........


I realize that I didn't post how this relates to geocaching so I can do this here but will pan the idea of another quilt.


How it relates.....


1. Geocaching is a way to discover new places and at the same time face a challenge. If you are successfull at facing this challenge....you trade from a cache box and record your find in a log book....The quilt squares serve as another way to log your find.


2. Tangible log. Signature blocks can be placed in geocaches around the US and anywhere else that requests them. Theses blocks can then be placed in a cache and the finders sign them. Once completed the quilt itself becomes a tangible log that will be viewed for many years to come....


3. Joint project. The quilts that I am doing now and the one in the past (this was delivered to jeremy in March) represented a joint effort between many cachers. They were placed by geocachers, signed by geocachers, returned and then sewn together by a geocacher. Once completed the group....helped to decide who to give it to.


4. Giving back to a sport. I truely enjoy this sport and also quilting. So this is my way to give back. I have no intention of receiving any monetary reimbursment for these.....and to quite honest the projects themselves have been a source of joy that reimbursment would only tarnish.......I have always given the quilts I make away.........


Anyway.....enjoy your day.....very bleak, cold and rainy here.......so no trails for me today......




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Ignore the ratings, they usually are not an accurate measure of how people feel about something. All one star means is that possibly a single person doesn't like the idea of the quilt.


If you want to do it and can find the people to participate, go ahead! It's certainly not detrimental to the sport.


I would be honored to help. What do I need to do? I live in a cache rich area - San Francisco Bay Area and could leave blocks in several oft-visited caches. eMail me at pamglynn@yahoo.com


Hey! So I didn't realize how many new cachers there are out there.........I should have posted more details......Sorry here are some of the names that the previous and current caching quilts have been posted under.....


The Original geoquilt was started back in October and the thread was called ....Quilting bee/cache..


It's delivery and picture of the finished project with the man himself is posted under the thread....The Geoquilt has been presented to Jeremy...


The current project is in the Canada section under...Canadain Geoquilt.......


I also have a Tolkien theme quilt going with a mini signature quilt going to all cachers who finish all 4 caches in the theme (The Fellowship of the Ring cache...is in Erie PA and out THE HOBBIT - BAG END CACHE is here in Akron NY (the other 2 will be in PA when those movies are released)....I teamed up with the gamehedge rangers to did that one...For cachers in the NW parts of PA and Western NY...and those cachers who have extra frequent flyer miles......


So the geoquilt 2......


The first one I bought all the mailers...sent out all the packets and sewed everything......


That took a lot of time and was the only project I had going.....so this time I would like one cacher from each region (those listed in the threads below) to send and retrieve...by that I mean


1. I would send them a group of blocks....around 50.


2. They would find cachers in their area who want to be involved in the project and mail them 5 to 10 blocks (this would depend on the number of people who request the blocks).


3. These senders would be responsible for providing...A mailer to send out the blocks (the post office preferres the padded kind which are cheapest at Walmart around .50 each. So you would need to buy around 5 mailers.


4. These blocks then would be placed in caches to be signed (a good description of this is on the Canadian Geocache thread). The person who sends out the packets would be the one responsible for making sure they are turned in...by the dealine....which will be established should we get enough of a response......


5. Once the blocks are signed they would be returned to the person who sent them.


6. All blocks would be sent back to me by a dealine...lets say the end of August.....


7. One of my thoughts is to put the names of the cachers who volunteer to send out and collect the blocks....in a hat .... the person from this group whose name is drawn would then receive the quilt.......


Anyway......that's what I'm thinking about.......


Does this anwer most of the questions?


I just a new quilt book today...on a quilter who gives all her quilts away........




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)




Of course it's a great idea and I'd be thrilled to help again... just hitting my busy period this month so I'm slow in responding. I actually have another project I'd like to talk to you about one of these days too but don't have the time right now to go into it.


Ok...so I have 6 volunteers.....I will send each of them 50 blocks and give them a region to get signatures from....If that sounds ok.....


I need 1 more volunteer......I'm planning on making it a bit bigger.


Again volunteers would be responsible for getting the 50 blocks sent out and signed....


How they choose to do that is up to them...cache event, post it on the region that you are given, place in caches that you have that are spread out..(you wouldn't want the same name 2 times)


Then sent back to me......


I would also like 1 volunteer for posting pictures and possibly making up a map like majbach did on the Canadian Geoquilt site....


The quilt would then be given to one of these volunteer cachers.....sound ok?




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


I'd love to help. I'm relatively new and not exactly sure of all the details - but love caching and think its a great idea. If you need a New England cacher to help out count me in.


Hey! So last night i made up a mini Canadian geoquilt, pieced all the blocks or a Tolkien signature quilt and have the blocks for an alternative Canadian quilt..........


So tonight I plan on cutting out a few (couple hundred) blocks for this quilt. In the next few days I will e-mail each person who signed up to help distribute.....post a picture of the individual blocks...and arragne a few on my design wall so you can see how it will look..then post that.


Man! Just found several caches close to home...so now on my lunch break I too can geocache!!!


Way better than walking around the block at night!!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hey! So I cut over 500 triangles. Pieced and sewed enough of them to give you an idea of how the center of this quilt will look....


I must say that i like abstract art and this one really appeals to me.....The design is from an Australian quilt book that i have. You pick two colors and anything goes.....The cachers would be instructed to sign in the yellow sections........


If this is too "crazy" as fearless rated it (I love that guy but he is ever so conservative) I can use softer yellows and bolder blues......and recut and sew everything.....I would give this one out to someone else.


I am attempting to set up a web page so that I can post my own pictures but for now I have to rely on the generosity of other cachers to do this for me.


My sister will give it a try.......Should be pictures belwo here soon icon_rolleyes.gif


I'll be posting more details of this project soon....




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hey. So after much consideration I have decided to do the mailing myself for this quilt. I had thought of getting a group of cachers together, sending them 50 blocks and assigning them a region to seek cachers for placements.....This is working really well in Canada...but I miss all the excellent e-mails and now I'm "bee-beep" fast (road runner cable modem).


So please send me your snail mail (address) and also the number of blocks that you would like to place. I will keep a running count and keep sending them out until all 324 are out there....


To date I have heard from, Team Geodat, Mtn-man, Tteepee, clatmandu, glynn fam, BrownMule & Jackrabbit, Argyle and Texas-Jacksons. I will privately e-mail these people so they can get their blocks now.....


Blocks will arrive in the mail in padded envelopes similar to the last one I did. This time I will ask that you place a fabric/permanent marker with the blocks (I paid for most of them last time and having you do it keeps my cost down). You can get these at a fabric or art shop for around $2..fine to medium point...black only I think but this quilt has a lot of colors....so I'm flexible to other colors.


Anybody out there able to make a map up like the one on the Canadian geoquilt? This way we could post where the caches are and how many blocks are in each......Texas-Jacksons can you do this?


Last time I mailed 10-11 blocks to each...this time the limit will be 15-20 and less if you think that will work better......


I will also post on the regions for any interest..




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Debb?....... Do you ever sleep? LOL






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."




Fearless' snoring makes me creative....

Esp at 3am...when the rest of the house is quiet..


Besides I have all this extra time since I enlisted 2 great cachers to get the Canadian quilt organized.....


I put borders on the two quilts that are posted there....Not bragging or anything....but man they look great! One has a "leaf" border and reminds me of how knowledgable 300mag is about plants and the other .... has a "bit o the sparkel" which reminds me of your smile (which by the way is better with age...I did a major punk rock period myself except I had spikey hair).




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Originally posted by DxChallenged:

Besides I have all this extra time since I enlisted 2 great cachers to get the Canadian quilt organized.....


I put borders on the two quilts that are posted there....Not bragging or anything....but man they look great! One has a "leaf" border and reminds me of how knowledgable 300mag is about plants and the other .... has a "bit o the sparkel" which reminds me of your smile




Awwww chucks.......Now yer gonna make me blush...lol


Would love to see pics of the borders...If you'd like I'll post them to the Canadian forums.


Say hi to the clan for me:) Cheers, cliffy icon_smile.gif






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Hey! So 200 blocks are all done; sewn pressed, ironed onto paper so they can be signed, the seam allowances are marked and then I bundled them in packets of 10.


I mailed out 70 blocks today to 4 people.......I need to get more addresses to send squares to...


So far blocks are on their way to Sudbury MA, Pontiac Michigan, Georgia and Louisiana.


I heard from people in California but don't have their address.....


I will send up to 20 blocks per packet unless you are having a cache event and need more....The total number of signed blocks that I need is 342....so 272 to go....


Did I mention that for each set of 10 that you send back...I will put your mailing address in a hat...draw one when the quilt is completed and give the quilt to that person.....How's that for an incentive.....


The quilt will be a lasting way to record the adventures of many different cachers.......




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


hey! I thought about the project last night....sat down and typed up infomation on word..then pasted it in 3-4 regions.....Nice response.........


So 210 blocks have now been sent out.......40 more I have people who have e-mailed me and I am now waiting on addresses.....so 90 more to go and all the blocks will be out there......


Things are starting to pick up ...... this quilt is going to be great!!


Blocks now in or on their way to
















"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Wow!! The response to this project has been excellent of late!!


Right now I have 300 blocks on their way to caches...3 cachers have responded but I am waiting on addresses....so


No more volunteers are needed....I am already 26 blocks over what I need...Whoops icon_smile.gif


Blocks are on their way to:


Sudbury, MA

Pontiac, MI

Powder Srings, GA

?, Louisiana

Rochester, NY

Tonowanda, NY

Redwood, CA

Burkburrnett, TX

Redding, CA

Butte Falls, OR

Auburn, WA

Hopkinton, MA

Bethlehem, PA

Ommaha, NE

Toccoa, GA

Sacramento, CA

Reading, PA

Nashville, TN

Lodi, CA

Austin, TX

San Antonio, TX

College Station, TX

Malden, MA

Dayton, NV

Cornelius, NC

Los Angeles, CA

Buffalo, NY

La Grange, IN

Houston, TX

Boscawen, NH


I was contacted by a geocacher to set up a map on this site to list all the sites where the caches are placed (like MajBach did with the Canadian Geoquilt on that forum/region)...so once the blocks are placed in caches please respond to this post (under the general section) so that we can update and post them .........


This is gonna be great!!! icon_biggrin.gif




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


[This message was edited by DxChallenged on June 06, 2002 at 04:11 PM.]


[This message was edited by DxChallenged on June 13, 2002 at 07:26 PM.]


[This message was edited by DxChallenged on June 24, 2002 at 05:09 AM.]


[This message was edited by DxChallenged on June 28, 2002 at 09:21 AM.]




The quilt squares are placed in THE OTHER SISTER GC6001. You may even find it this weekend.


Geonavigating since 1991


Firedog, I should be getting the squares any day now. Some will go in caches and some will come to the next club meeting. I would like to get everyone who's at the next club meeting to sign one or two, so we can be on the quilt as a club.




He who angers you, controls you.


Hey! So I have mailed out just about all the squares now.......actually I think that I will have to sew a few more......It's tough for me to say no...and I only have 3 kids!!!


Anyway I sent out 3 more packets and e-mailed 2 people who had inquired about it a long time ago and I lost the e-mail address.......


right now life is very busy....We had a bid accepted on a terrific house that backs up to this great park in town.....Many trails and a mini waterfall to lboot!! So we are in the process of selling our house in 30 days....mega cleaning tying up loose ends here......But still time for sewing...........


Anyone out there able to create a map from the caches associated with this project?


Just would be neat to look at........


Most all of you should have received your squares so e-mail me if you didn't....I'll be making a few more bundles.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


No more volunteers are needed....I am already 26 blocks over what I need...Whoops


Just kidding, unless you want to of course. icon_wink.gif I just saw this thread on the regional listing and e-mailed you but I now see that you have enough volunteers. I'll keep an eye out for your next project. Be sure to post a picture of the finished quilt and the winner!


GeoMedic - team leader of GeoStars


Hey......So I have 3 more packets that I will be sending out this week. It's tough for me to say no....and I only have 3 kids icon_wink.gif


I think that if I get enough "extra" squares back I will make up 2 quilts and then 2 cachers can get a quilt...........remember that I would like to pick a name from all the cachers that placed the squares and had them signed, and GIVE the quilt to that person.......with just over 20 cachers participating now the odd are pretty good!!


Happy trails!!


"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Geoquilt II "Cache 'n Dash" (GC6665) cache (created specifically for quilt square signing) has just been approved. It is located near Redding in northern California. Please come and sign a square if you are traveling through or live in the area; lets all help DxChallenged with her great geoquilt project!




Hey! Wow!! I am hearing from so many great cachers lately! This geoquilt is going to be excellent!


I have sent out a few more packets of squares......I think that that should be it......and I will update the list of places where squares are sent.


Currently there are 29 geocachers who have blocks "out there".


I have been trying to finish up the quilts that i have going so that when these blcks come in I can piece them right away!


We are right in the middle of selling our house.....so after a week of getting it ready....I can now do some more caching........


thanks again to everyone who is participating in this project!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


I received my blocks yesterday and will endeavor to place them this weekend. Once done, I'll post the info.


Would anyone have pics of a properly signed block that can be placed in the cache? Visual aids are always helpful!!






Lazy boy and mitey Mike.......I think that your squares will be the first to be returned!


Team Dralasites...Cache events are great things! We went to our first last month. Now there is another planned in August and in October......Cachers really are a great group of people!!


Miss Jen...Great visual aide...And you are right Neuman visual aides help keep everyone on the same page. If the people sign outside the lines their writting gets lost in the seams.......


I sent the last packet out yesterday to NH......now there are 30 geocachers involved in this project........Kool!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


The Nashville area cache is now out. We had a rash of missing caches so I waited till that all died down. You can check out the cache hereBNA Goequilt II Cache Stash.

As I do in all my caches, I create custom cache cards for cache finders to take. I will be including one for ya'll when I send the squares back.




He who angers you, controls you.


If you need more people or start a Geoquilt III, let me know. I want to help. I wish that I knew how to make a quilt so that I can help do that too. My mother quilts.....maybe you can make instructions to would be Geoquilt makers and we can make a bunch of them and have an online or traveling Geoquilt show someday.


Are there any locations in the Los Angeles area that I can go to to sign a square or has this area already been done and accounted for?


Squares were placed in the Olmstead #1 - The Park cache in Buffalo, NY.


At the time of this posting 3 of the 10 squares had already been signed. Better hurry to get the last 7!


- Dekaner of Team KKF2A


Hi! Well it has been way busy here. So much so that my geocaching is way down and we are only 6 away from the 100 mark!


DaOptimist...geoquilt 3, many geoquilts....Well I haven't given geoquilt 3 a thought yet. I'm trying to get my Canadian project gathered (300 mag is comming down to my fair neck of the woods in 1 1/2 weeks to do just that) and geoquilt 2 is moving along nicely....I received my first block back from Texas on the 5th of July.


Funny you should mention many geoquilts...I am working with a geocaching in Erie PA on a joiint theme cache. There will 4 caches in the series. Each one is related to a Tolkien book. We have the Hobbit portion and he has each of the 3 books in the Lord of The Rings Series. I made 4 blocks. One block is placed in each cache for cachers who find them to sign (right now only the Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring are out and the rest will follow as the movies are released). So the theme part is that both Tolkien and a quilt are represented....the cool part for adventursome geocachers is that the first 20 that complete all four caches will receive their own signature quilt. Hopefully there will be many geoquilts out there!!


I'm thrilled to have some of my blocks in Buffalo NY and also to have them placed by the geocacher who is starting up a NY state geocaching club!


Still have not sold our house but right now it looks like we have 3-4 very interested parties...we have another 1 1/2 to go before our contingency is up....I'm being positive and whenever I feel stressed about the whole thing (did I mention that the home we are trying to purchase is way the best around icon_biggrin.gif ? ) I just sew more. I will have finished 3 quilts this week!!


Thanks to everyone in this project....hmmmmmm #3 what twist could that take? I just recevied the latest version of Electric Quilt...quilt designing software.....man could we make a great quilt!!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hi! I thought that I would post a quilt project update.


So far I have 30 geocachers participating in this project.


To date I have received 6 signed squares back...all from Texas!


I have pieced another set of plain blocks and in the next few days I will put them on the design wall and send off a picture so you can more closely see how the finished quilt will look.


My home situation has changed somewhat. We continue to sell our house but our contingent time expiered on our new home we then put in a noncontingent offer that was accepted.........so within the next few months I will be paying 2 morgages. The great news is that I have all I need to geocache and quilt so these won't be affected by my new budget.


****Time dealine let's target August 27th (my wedding anniversary) for having blocks returned to me********


I also have a Canadian quilt project going...I have a feeling that both projects will be completed around the same time......We are to move into the new house around the end of October...


Thanks again for participating in this project.......


Does anyone have ideas for who to give the quilt to? My idea was to place the names of all the cachers who had blocks sent to them and returned back to me... in a hat. Then draw one name and that cacher would receive the quilt.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Just to let you know, we have about half of our squares signed. We would have had them all signed a month ago, but I forgot to take them to an event cache we attended. We have another one coming up in two weeks so I'll get the rest signed there.


smile02.gif If ignorance is bliss, why aren't there more happy people??


Made it to the cache, remembered the squares, forgot to get them signed! icon_frown.gif I put them in a cache I have placed nearby and have about half signed. I'm hoping they're all signed by mid-August when I plan on collecting them up and mailing them back.


GeoMedic - team leader of GeoStars

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