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Music is a great trade !


Though food (would be nice, I think people bring their own trail mix)is not encouraged at all in a cache. (You'll find the relevant text in the second last paragraph of the section titled:

"Step 2 - Preparing your cache".


Anything relatively compact and useful is always good...perhaps there ought to be, or already is a list somewhere of all the things that have been packed in caches?


In the end, there may be only your imagination. icon_smile.gif


______________________________________________ Kanto

NOTE: Important Travel Bug updates in my profile!


[This message was edited by Kanto on July 19, 2003 at 11:52 PM.]

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As a grown up who likes to garden, I love to find gardening type things. There is a really nice geocacher, I think named Cindercloubug. She makes and leaves decorated terra cotta mini pots. I try and go to caches after her so I can trade for those!


So when I hide things, I like to leave seeds. I also think it is nice to put some OFF, some moist towels and/or some napkins. This is helpful to the cacher.


My kids and me...love to find the geocache key chains with compass or thermometer. I try and put an equal amount of grown up treasure and kid treasure. Sealed up McJunk is better than used. Sonic has the most useful toys. A film canister with a quarter.


It is not the stuff, but the accomplishment of the find.

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yeah, no food.


just know that no matter what you put in it will be imporant to maintain the cache so that when it dwindles to junk you can know that and replenish it with those nice items again. It happens too many times that people put out a cache and forget about it and all that ends up in it is garbage that nobody wants. Now of course its not about the loot but the hunt and such but when a cache isn't maintained properly its just bad all the way around.


I like outdoor equipment myself, anything to do with biking, camping, climbing atv-ing, ect, ect. I wouldn't worry about the kids too much because again someone will take the 10 dollar first finders prize and leave a toy car in exchange so the toys will come on their own.


I didn't check your profile to see how many finds you have but make sure to do enough caches to see what you like and what you don't in a cache.




Caching without a clue....

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ok, so you hid three caches already, you know whats what there.


Maybe a theme cache such as sig cards or something. We have one of those around here and its pretty dern cool.




Caching without a clue....

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No food will work. It's a bad idea. Animals have very keen noses and the cache will draw their attention. There are a lot of great items you cann place in a cache, without resorting to food.

Here is a partial list of stuff I've placed in caches (most are under $3 and quite a few are under a buck):


US flags

flag pins

modeling clay


Energizer squeeze lights


bags of toy soldiers

pocket knives (um I mean tools)

water colors

mini screwdriver sets

allen wrench sets

gel pens

boxes of crayons or colored chalk

emergency rain ponchos

packs of AA batteries

collectable coins (buffalo nickels, indian head pennies, SBA or Sacagawea dollars)

Music CD's

Blank RW CD's

Cassettes (blank and recorded)


clip on safety strobes

bungee cords

LED key lights

"euro" stickers & other decals

mini sewing kits

maps (hiking & road)


small packs of Wet Ones or Baby Wipes

Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars

key rings

bags of balloons

velcro fasteners

interesting buttons

foreign money

rolls of film

cigarette lighters (I don't care what they say)

movies on VHS & DVD

office supplies (packs of paper clips, thumb tacks, Post-Its, etc...)

Mylar emergency blankets

decks of cards

packs of Armor-All & Rain-X wipes

survival whistles

Geocaching.com hats, pins, patches and compasses

Wheresgeorge bills and stamps.


"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll sit in a boat and drink beer all day" - Dave Barry

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if your into computers and have digital pics of local places or even a vacation it would be cool to put them on a cdr and place it in a cache. I'm thinking of doing that with the 1000 pics I took from my Disney cruise back in May. I'm not talking personal pics, just pics with the landscapes and places of interest. Just an idea.

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I like things that are small, durable, interesting, unique, and inexpensive. To me, uniqueness (like a specific pin/button/unusual collectible etc.) is more important than usefulness. If I want something useful, I can always go to Walmart and use cash to trade even.


I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me.


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I'm into photography as well, I want to include some good shots I have, but what can I do from stopping the average joe from duplucating them and using them for there website or something. Not that i'm a jerk, but I worked hard to get some of those shots.


I could put them in pdf format and then lock it? any other ideas


Check out my Website



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I live in Maine, where the UNofficial state bird is the mosquito. I have found insect repellent to be a popular trade item! I've been known to leave a bottle of locally made, all-natural (no chemicals!) repellent in "deep woods" caches. Also, my dad owns a hardware store, and there are LOTS of goodies there -- compass key rings, mini tools, small flashlights, etc. I try to put in items that I would like to find. And, being a coin freak, I usually throw a few French coins I've collected this year into caches I visit. I hope others find them interesting!


~ Kelli

of Teamo Supremo

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