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How many apps do you use to prepare for a hunt?

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Im sitting here planning my first outing since becoming a premium member and am a bit baffled.


Ive got my GPX and have used Watcher (0.1.33) to pick-and-choose my targets. I saved the filtered list and went to load it in EasyGPS (v1.2.2) but nothing shows up. Hmmmm, ok, Ill run it through GPSBabel to "dumb it down". That works, but GPSBabel strips the waypoint symbol field so now I have to save it with EasyGPS (to put the symbol field back in) then run it through an app I wrote to change the symbol from "Waypoint" to "Geocache".


There must be a shorter way.....What am I missing?


Originally posted by WindChill:

Im sitting here planning my first outing since becoming a premium member and am a bit baffled.


Ive got my GPX and have used Watcher (0.1.33) to pick-and-choose my targets. I saved the filtered list and went to load it in EasyGPS (v1.2.2) but nothing shows up. Hmmmm, ok, Ill run it through GPSBabel to "dumb it down". That works, but GPSBabel strips the waypoint symbol field so now I have to save it with EasyGPS (to put the symbol field back in) then run it through an app I wrote to change the symbol from "Waypoint" to "Geocache".


There must be a shorter way.....What am I missing?


The help file for Watcher states:

Saving GPX Files

Saving files: Saving of files allows you to make a custom GPX which includes only the caches you want listed. To save all currently listed caches to a new, custom GPX file, either select Save As from the File menu, or click this button on the toolbar. Any filtered caches that do not show on the main Watcher window will not be included in the saved GPX file. Saved files preserve the currently sorted order that the main screen displays which makes for easy custom export to other devices and formats.


Note: currently there is an issue with EasyGPS which makes it incapable of correctly reading the GPX files generated by Watcher. To get around this issue, after saving the file with Watcher, reopen it in Window's WordPad or other suitable text editor, and replace all instances of "/>" with " />". Note the added space.



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand."


[This message was edited by Stunod on April 11, 2003 at 05:59 PM.]


Note: currently there is an issue with EasyGPS which makes it incapable of correctly reading the GPX files generated by Watcher. To get around this issue, after saving the file with Watcher, reopen it in Window's WordPad or other suitable text editor, and replace all instances of "/>" with " />". Note the added space.


That's probably exactly what your running into. I use the same software you're mentioning, but I also run GPX2HTML to generate HTML pages from the .gpx files, then run PLUCKER to load them onto my Palm pilot.


If you've got a palm pilot - it makes things even easier having easy access to all the cache detail pages, hints, etc....


GPX2HTML has a great deal of neat function (including the ability to sort cache lists by distance to any points you choose) and PLUCKER makes getting the info onto a Palm simple.


There is a difference between happiness and wisdom: he that thinks himself the happiest man is really so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool. Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)




Internet Explorer for navigating the geocaching.com website and downloading cache .loc files


EasyGPS for uploading cache waypoints to my GPS


GeoBuddy, for saving cache .loc files as Microsoft S&T CSV files.


Microsoft Streets and Trips for navigating to the cache area with a laptop.


USAPhotoMaps for printing aerial and/or topo's


Originally posted by Stunod:


The help file for Watcher states:


Note: currently there is an issue with EasyGPS which makes it incapable of correctly reading the GPX files generated by Watcher. To get around this issue, after saving the file with Watcher, reopen it in Window's WordPad or other suitable text editor, and replace all instances of "/>" with " />". Note the added space.


Thanks Stunod, that is probably the problem, however the work around is not much better than the problem itself... icon_frown.gif (Hey ClayJar, how about a "Save As Broken EasyGPS" option icon_wink.gif)


HartClimbs, I do use my Palm to carry the descriptions. Ive been using an app I wrote that takes a gpx/loc file and generates a html file with links to each cache page. I point Plucker to this (with a spider depth of 2) and have it grab all of the pages. Given how big and slow MobiPocket is, I think Ill go back to this way.


Guess Ill have to "whip up" another app to do the search-and-replace automatically.


Thanks for the input.



The world is a playground. Go outside and play!



Originally posted by WindChill:

Guess Ill have to "whip up" another app to do the search-and-replace automatically.


If you do whip one up - feel free to pass it along! I just open up the .gpx files with Wordpad and do a quick replace all. Doesn't take too much time, but it'd be great to have something to automate the process (how lazy can I be, eh?).


Glad things are working for you....


There is a difference between happiness and wisdom: he that thinks himself the happiest man is really so; but he that thinks himself the wisest is generally the greatest fool. Sir Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)


Originally posted by WindChill:

(Hey ClayJar, how about a "Save As Broken EasyGPS" option icon_wink.gif)


I can't speak for ClayJar, but GPSBabel implemented this very "Broken EasyGPS" option by default on Dec 11 of last year. So it should "fix" loc files as they go through. So as silly as this sounds, set the input and output file formats to be the same to let it apply this fix to the output.


And as for the post that started this thread, GPSBabel attempts to preserve the waypoint icons in all file formats but it's hard to fake suprise when they fall on the floor.


Send the details of the formats you're using (input and output) and potentially sample data if it's something beyond a stock geocaching.com output to the help request address listed on the GPSBabel page to get help.


  • IE to read my mail and download the .gpx files.

  • Watcher to merge .gpx files and then filter them down to a manageable list (i.e. smaller than 500).

  • GPX Spinner to morph the waypoints into something more interesting, and to change the icons.

  • EasyGPS to download the spun .gpx file to my GPSr.

  • MapSend to print maps with waypoints on them.

  • gpx2html to generate html files. I use this because I like my html files to have the original waypoint as the filename and GPX Spinner uses the ID rather than the waypoint or I'd use that since I'm already spinning them.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"


This is what I do.


1) Use Easygps to load waypoints into my GPS.

2) Copy the GPX file I'm emailed to my PDA for use with GPXview


I'm ready to cache.


If it's a remote cache I'll


3) Use National Geographic Topo to plan a route.


If it's a town wiht lots of cache's I'll

4) Use GPXview to save a Streets and Trips pushpin file on my PDA


Eventually I'll rewrite my batch file to have GPSbable make my Topo file automaticly.



Wherever you go there you are.


I havent had much of a chance to play with MS Streets and Trips yet. So I dont know what you are referring to as hyperlinks.


I am actually having alot of trouble with it. Im having trouble converting loc files to csv files.


Im actually not very happy with the GPS options and features of MS S&T at all !!!


I might have to give up on it, and get the new Garmin Mapsorce Metroguide to do the autorouting with, Im sure it will have bettter GPS features.


Originally posted by jtice:

I havent had much of a chance to play with MS Streets and Trips yet. So I dont know what you are referring to as hyperlinks.

S&T will allow you to control-click on a pushpin and go to a web address associated with that pin (a hyperlink, just like you're used to in your browser.


But it was a bit of a trick question becuase the process you're describing loses the information needed to preserve the links so I'm pretty sure this won't work with the process you're recommending.


Originally posted by WindChill:

There must be a shorter way.....What am I missing?

It appears to me that what you're missing is the fact that you don't need EasyGPS to send the waypoints to your GPS receiver. Just use GPSBabel; it knows how to talk directly to both Garmins and Magellans.




I sit in front of the puter and manually plug in the coordinates to my MeriGreen based on caches I'm interested in while looking at the listings here.

No spinners no nothin. Seeing as how on my schedule I might be lucky to find 5 caches a week, I don't need a lot of helpers to get me where I'm going icon_smile.gif

If I can start caching more then I'll look into these great tools you guys use and develop, but for now I can live with semi-low-tech. icon_wink.gif


Team Kender - Willow and Dan exploring the Bay Area backroads!


I use IE to browse this site.


Expert GPS to:

-Organize my waypoints/caches.

-Upload to GPSr

-Draw in routes/tracks.

-Add road intersection waypoints to maps.

-View/print aerials and topographics.


"Welcome to reality!......visit again soon."


I get my gpx files weekly.

I use CacheMaps to get the overview, maps, details and send the waypoints to my GPS.


CacheMaps uses GPSBabel and MapTool on the background.

CacheMaps links to other installed programs from which I use Watcher and OziExplorer most of the time.


-- there is no spoon --

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