Parsa Posted January 22, 2004 Posted January 22, 2004 March 20 would probably be a bad weekend for me. That's my New Year celebration time, and more than likely I'll be going with my family to events then. Parsa Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 March 20th isn't a good date for me. I'll be in Anza already- but it will be with my off roading club. Dave Quote
+Duncan! Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 OK, I think I went about this the wrong way, live and learn. Obviously, I should have presented more than two dates. I think the Feb. 14th choice is a bit too soon, but if people want it... Here are the choices: Feb 14th Feb 21st Feb 28th Mar 6th Mar 13th Mar 20th Not everyone will agree on a date, there are weddings, birthdays, new years, christenings, you name it. I suggest that you choose the Saturday that is best for you and a second choice. Keep in mind that the event can start Friday (as it did for some last time) and run into Sunday. You can do one day or the whole durn weekend. I'll tally up the votes by Jan 30th. I hope this makes sense, any suggestions, comments, remarks, insults are appreciated. Duscwe! Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 I vote for the weekend of the February 20-22. I know it's early but- I have the entire week off prior to that weekend. So it will e a major geocaching week for me. (It's the week I plan on passing K-Nic- and maybe even Ruscal himself). Dave Quote
+Dan-oh Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 (edited) March 6th or March 13th is my vote. sidenote: Hows about a simple pizza bash in town, maybe in the next month? (in addition to the weekend) More of a "show up if you can" deal. Caching will be great but I also want to meet people and hear stories. The type of stories that sound better after an adult beverage or two. "So after I rappelled down this 100' cliff, the batteries went out in my GPSr. I managed to take 2 burned sticks and some quartz on the ground to fashion a crude battery..." Edited January 23, 2004 by Dan-oh Quote
Parsa Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 "So after I rappelled down this 100' cliff, the bateries went out in my GPSr. I managed to take 2 burned sticks and some quartz on the ground to fashion a crude battery..." And then a reptilian Gorn came up, and I only had an obsidian knife with which to defend myself... Quote
Parsa Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 (It's the week I plan on passing K-Nic- and maybe even Ruscal himself). Dave Ooooooo... Sounds like a challenge to me... Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 (edited) (It's the week I plan on passing K-Nic- and maybe even Ruscal himself). Dave I would probably already be caught up if my GPS hadn't broken down the other day. This is how it happened: I just bought a brand new mountain bike (Kona- full suspension) and decided to find at least half of the Penasquitos Canyon caches. After doing Penguin Canyon and PenCanyon Spur I was on my way to do more. My GPS beeps and tells me that it has lost satellite reception. It was a clear day and I was out in the open. There was absolutely no reason for me to lose reception. I waited for 3 minutes and the GPS just wouldn't hook on to any satellites. After I got back to my car and plugged in my external antenna, still nothing happened. The good thing is I bought it at REI who exchanged it with no questions asked. I have banged it (Garmin 76S Map) on the rocks. I really thought the government had shut down the satellites and the days of geocaching would be abruptly ended. I really thought in no way had I hit it hard enough to damage the unit itself. I don't think this unit is as tough as the Etrex's. Dave Edited January 23, 2004 by dhsundance Quote
+splashman Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 Feb. 21st weekend would be great for us as well as March 6th weekend. As you said Duscwe, you can't please everyone, so just pick a date and we'll all work around it. I don't think Feb. is to soon, just settle on a date and a spot and submit the web page. Details can always be worked out later. Thanks for "volunteerng to do this one" ! Splashette Quote
Parsa Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 The weekend of February 13-15 is best for me as it's the Presidents weekend, and I get a four day weekend. Second choice would be February 21-22. March is hard because I fast that month till the equinox (and New Year) on the 21st. It's hard to geocache in the desert when you can't drink water! I'd be restricted to night hunting. Of course if it's 100 degrees again, that might not be bad. Parsa Quote
+Dan-oh Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 The weekend of February 13-15 is best for me... For those of us that don't have a valentine that caches, the 21-22nd seems like a better choice. Quote
Parsa Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 OK, well I guess if you include the part about holiday weekends being busier, then you can switch my choices around. No problem. Parsa Quote
+devhead Posted January 23, 2004 Posted January 23, 2004 (edited) From California Geocoin Order Time thread I now hope to have the San Diego Distribution Site on Sunday, February 15th from 11 am to 2 pm. I plan to make a little event out of it. I am not exactly sure of the site location, but it will likely be in the general vicinity of Qualcomm Stadium. I would assume most of us ordered Geocoins. So...maybe we have an event for that weekend already? Or you having Bobkat ship them? I'd like to do both events but would hate to rush from one to another with family in tow. I know I originally said that would be a great weekend for me to go to Borrego because I was already planning on being out there to visit with family. But I will be flexible and can choose a different weekend. On a side topic. Any other Rino users buy geocoins and are planning to get them at the distribution event? Edited January 23, 2004 by devhead Quote
+Duncan! Posted January 24, 2004 Posted January 24, 2004 I've been thinking, kinda along the lines of the Pizza event, of having an event at Mount Etna Park. I'm thinking late morning on a Sat., people could bring their gadgets that they use for geocaching and share ideas and/or tips with beginning geocachers. I mention Mt. Etna Park because it offers free wireless internet, people could bring their laptops and PDA's, we could get online right at the park, is that too geeky or what? I can bring my CA topo program and cable and show the newbies how to download/upload waypoints, stuff like that. A cache or two could be hidden nearby, or people could find a caching buddy and go off caching. I know I made a lot of mistakes in my early caching days and it would have been beneifical to have these tips. Maybe the top twenty could show up to share their experiences, storys, etc... Anyway, just an idea... So, as far as the Spring desert event, the weekend of Feb. 21st looks good, thats my vote. Duscwe! Quote
+RocketMan Posted January 24, 2004 Posted January 24, 2004 So, as far as the Spring desert event, the weekend of Feb. 21st looks good, thats my vote. Feb 21st is ok with me. RM Quote
+devhead Posted January 24, 2004 Posted January 24, 2004 Duscwe noted: I've been thinking, kinda along the lines of the Pizza event, of having an event at Mount Etna Park. I like this one, its close to my house. I didn't know there was wireless service there. I can help set up a cache there. The only drawback I see is that little league is in full swing (sorry for the pun). There are times when parking is tough and space is fully utilized. As for the pizza, Mountain Mike's isn't too far from there so after working up an appetite we could chow down. Which late moring Saturday? Tomorrow (1/24/04)? Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 24, 2004 Posted January 24, 2004 Test Post - I had to make some changes to my account. Sorry Dave Quote
+Night Hunter Posted January 25, 2004 Author Posted January 25, 2004 If I had to choose a date, it would be March 13 weekend. But I will be able to work around most any other date. Problem with a pizza party: did you see how many people showed up at the last picnic and bash better find a BIG pizza place Quote
+Bob&TheGang Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 I would assume most of us ordered Geocoins. So...maybe we have an event for that weekend already? Or you having Bobkat ship them? I'd like to do both events but would hate to rush from one to another with family in tow. On a side topic. Any other Rino users buy geocoins and are planning to get them at the distribution event? I would not mind combining my Geocoin Distribution event with something Duscwe is thinking for Mount Etna Park. That park is in the area I was planning to do the distribution site anyway. I also can be totally flexible with the date of the distribution site. Only 7 people are doing the San Diego Distribution site. When I though up the San Diego Distribution Site, I had hope to make it a big event. However, my Dad has gotten sick and its taking up a lot of my time. He is doing better, but will need a lot of TLC for awhile. So I would like to join up with whatever Duscwe is planning. F.Y.I.: I did order about 60 extra Geocoins. I will make then available to local San Diego Geocachers first. As for the Geocaching weekend, most weekends are fine, but I think its best to stay away from Valentine's Day weekend. Also, March might be a little warmer. Quote
+splashman Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 Just a note: The Tierra Del Sol Jeep Club is holding its annual Jeep Safari on the weekend of March 6 in the Truckhaven/Calcite Mines area of the desert. I understand that this run draws alot of jeeps, so that weekend might be a little crowded down there. The runs go all over. Splashette Quote
+FATTBOY Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 HI LONGTIME NO SEE... As of now feb 21 is ok with me and Rotton Rod. Sounds like fun more campfire stores. See yall soon. FATTBOY Quote
+The4DeeZ Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 We vote for Feb 21, March 13, or March 20th. Also, we would definately like to go to the Mount Etna Park event. Thanks for planning all this stuff Duscwe! Quote
+RocketMan Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 FYI - It looks like the SDRP folks have struck again. Shortly after I changed my Coolswag @ View Junction cache from a Multi to a Traditional, it disappeared. Has anyone ever tried to reason with these folks? RM Quote
+Bob&TheGang Posted January 25, 2004 Posted January 25, 2004 A little off topic here, but does anyone know a Geocacher named Livinrgttoo? This person has had my Travel Bug Quoddy since 9/11/03. They have ignored my repeated emails about moving my TB on. This person also has some dubious stats. They have just 12 finds and 22 caches hidden. Of those 22, nine of them are disabled. This person has not logged onto since Nov. 14, 2003. I am just wondering if anyone knows this person personally and could pass on a message for me: "MOVE MY TB QUODDY ON!!!!!!!" Quote
+warspyder Posted January 26, 2004 Posted January 26, 2004 If you go back and see little colored balls laying around, then that's what it was. Parsa I'm just curious about those paintballl guns. Are those little balls that get left behind biodegradable? If not- it's a fairly bad form of litter- and they should be fined. Dave Paintballs contain no paint at all. Paintballs are edible but taste really bad. They are made from gelitan shells and filled with frutose fill. Quote
+pqcachers Posted January 26, 2004 Posted January 26, 2004 If you go back and see little colored balls laying around, then that's what it was. Parsa Went back to the area taking along pqhubby. Parsa, you were right! Sure enough there were little splatters of paint everywhere. Still didn't place a cache there, though, as there was another group of guys with guns...LOL! We figured it's just not safe plus too crowded to be discreet. Mystery solved! Quote
+RocketMan Posted January 26, 2004 Posted January 26, 2004 Update on my Lure Me In @ Lake Wohlford Cache: You can forget trying to dive for it. The lake has receded slightly and I confirmed today that the original cache is gone. I went ahead and placed a new cache box stocked with lures close by the original. Hopefully it is above the waterline this time. Now go out there and get it. RM Quote
+Dan-oh Posted January 26, 2004 Posted January 26, 2004 Since we're on the paint ball topic, I ran into a paintballer practicing at the Ysabel Creek kiosk in the SDRP Sunday. A guy and his son were shooting at a sign and cactus on the trail from the parking area. After realizing it was just paintball and BB guns, I asked him to find a better place to shoot. He just didn't get it. Kinda amazing what people think is appropriate, legal or otherwise. Yeah, it IS illegal to shoot or hunt within the SDRP. Quote
+padregirl Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 I have noticed that a lot of people have been coming to San Diego to do “caching marathons”…I thought it would be fun to do one ourselves….SO…. ON SATURDAY FEBURARY 7, 2004 I am heading to Palm Springs to do a one day cache marathon….and I want anyone who wants to, to come along. There are a lot of caches there and I personally haven’t done any of them….If you want to come email me and I will give you more details….(should I make this an event cache?) …there is no pressure…and I know it is short notice….but it will be FUN!!!! -padregirl [] Quote
+Duncan! Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 I have noticed that a lot of people have been coming to San Diego to do “caching marathons”…I thought it would be fun to do one ourselves….SO….ON SATURDAY FEBURARY 7, 2004 I am heading to Palm Springs to do a one day cache marathon….and I want anyone who wants to, to come along. There are a lot of caches there and I personally haven’t done any of them….If you want to come email me and I will give you more details….(should I make this an event cache?) …there is no pressure…and I know it is short notice….but it will be FUN!!!! -padregirl [] I think its a great idea, I won't be able to make it, but I still think its a great idea! Make it an event cache, get credit for it, boost those numbers! Have a staging area and make that area the coords for the event cache. Wish I could make it. BTW- Feb. 21st is looking likely for the desert event... Duscwe! Quote
Parsa Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 padregirl, What did you have in mind? Are we all going to descend on caches together, or will we go in groups? How is it going to be an event? Maybe you can make the event a breakfast at some local mom and pop place with good pancakes or something. You could email the locals for advice. They may even want to go to their caches to stand around and laugh at us, or take pity if we're stumped. Parsa Quote
+padregirl Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 I was thinking we could meet up in the morning @ the Starbucks downtown Palm Springs and to see who’s there; Plus, I just happen to know there is a cache directly across the street; people could also get a caffeine fix for a long day of caching…then we could decide if we want to split up in smaller groups (if there are a lot of us) or all go as one…it will really depend on who shows up. We could all meet up for dinner and share stories about our day. It might be a good idea not to count it as an event…..but I will definitely look into hooking up with some local cachers. I am planning on trying for about 15+ caches for the day (there are a lot of 1/1’s). There are about 20 or so easy ones (2.5 or less D/T) with in 10 miles of downtown Palm Springs. I am planning this a little on the easy side because I don’t know the skill level of the people coming. padregirl Quote
+Duncan! Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 I think its a great idea, I won't be able to make it, but I still think its a great idea! Ok, scratch the above sentence, I"M GOING!!! Its gonna cost me a fortune for the babysitter and the day spa that I'm sending the wife too, but it will be worth it! Padgirl, do you want me to scout out a breakfast place at or near Palm Springs? Or, I could e-mail the PS geocachers and ask them to hang out at their caches so they can laugh at us! I've had an eye on these caches near the Thousand Palm oases: GCF426 GC93D to name a couple. Let's go! Duscwe! Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Good Idea Padre Girl There is a group caching tool at Keen People, a great web site for geocachers. Dave Quote
Parsa Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 (edited) Funny you should mention that Duscwe!. dhsundance and I just went to the Thousand Palms area after a trip to Joshua Tree. I only had coordinates for some of the caches, no cache pages. We ended up finding a multiple, a traditional (Punkies), and a virtual without sheets. It sure upped the difficulty ratings! We said we would come back to get the others farther north since it was such a cool looking area. I'd like to hike the trail from Washingtonia filifera up to the other caches sometime. Parsa Edited January 28, 2004 by Parsa Quote
+Duncan! Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Funny you should mention that Duscwe!. dhsundance and I just went to the Thousand Palms area after a trip to Joshua Tree. I only had coordinates for some of the caches, no cache pages. We ended up finding a multiple, a traditional (Punkies), and a virtual without sheets. It sure upped the difficulty ratings! We said we would come back to get the others farther north since it was such a cool looking area. I'd like to hike the trail from Washingtonia filifera up to the other caches sometime. Parsa Parsa, When I went to look at those Thousand Palms caches I noticed you guys were there recently, you guys had a busy day! Did you happen to notice the Anza Borrego Tour Coin in the cache called The Box? I was hoping to get it back to the desert sometime soon. Duscwe! Quote
Parsa Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Errrrrr...unnnnnn...hmmmmm... Starbucks? I have to say I'm not a big fan, but I'll meet people there if I have to. Maybe I'm too old, but I don't like spending the price of breakfast on a single cup of joe. Besides, those people seriously need to learn how to brew a strong but smooth coffee; theirs always tastes like battery acid. I think the stuff Cafe Moto distributes in San Diego is far superior: Anyway, I'm not trying to be a piss-ant (to use a term from the Waltons), so I'll just go with the flow. Parsa Quote
+Team Nohoch Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Palm Springs Marathon! My wife and I live in Palm Springs. If anyone needs any local info or scouting of the area for meeting place or whatever, let us know what we can do. I hope this turns into an event cache. We hope to see our geo Jeep/Adventure Rally/Geo buddies JB & LF, Splashman/Splashette, Team Reid, FATTBOY and Rowdy Rob (well, maybe not FATTBOY We will place some additional urban caches for this event by next weekend. looking forward to meeting youse guys in person... Daryl & Jamey Quote
+devhead Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Duscwe wrote: Did you happen to notice the Anza Borrego Tour Coin in the cache called The Box? I was hoping to get it back to the desert sometime soon I am going to DanaPoint this weekend and The Box is on my list. If the coin is still there I'll bring it back. Feb 21 for the Borego event works for me as does anytime at Mt. Aetna park. Quote
Parsa Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 devhead, Remember, don't be shy in Dana Point! Extroverts get the goods. Parsa Quote
Parsa Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 (edited) If anyone is planning an event cache, you'll need to get it listed well ahead of time, or they may not approve it. Parsa Edited January 28, 2004 by Parsa Quote
+Team Nohoch Posted January 28, 2004 Posted January 28, 2004 Parsa and Padregirl, emails sent...our vote for a Palm Springs EVENT CACHE! Quote
+FATTBOY Posted January 29, 2004 Posted January 29, 2004 Daryl you old DOG!!! Jamey slap him for me!!---Ok Thanks Jamey. I was reading the logs and said Team Nohoch I need to let them know. then there you where. Your just to fast for me DOG. I will try to make it but rod is raceing. so I will let Jully bully and splash know and see what we can do. Good job padregril.. THANKS FATTBOY Quote
+Night Hunter Posted January 29, 2004 Author Posted January 29, 2004 I would love to do the Palm Springs Marathon. Great Idea Padregirl. However, we have a new baby girl due on the 4th, so it will really depend on what SHE decides to do. I will prolly have to miss this one though. Quote
+"Flintstones" Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 (edited) Hi guys!! The Palm Springs cache-a-thon sounds great to us. Count us in. Splashman and I were talking about doing this very think but never followed through with it. Thanks Padregirl for following through for us. Just let us know what wer're doing and we'll be there. JB & LF Edited January 30, 2004 by JB & LF Quote
+Team Nohoch Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 JB & LF. it will be great to see you guys again. There is also the Tour de Palm Springs Charity Bike Race happening that weekend... Padregirl, are you making this an event cache? Have you decided where to meet yet? You have our number if we can be of any assistance. Thanks! D&J Quote
+dhsundance Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 The So Cal Geocachers have set up an event cache to Las Vegas for March 12. Here's the link Will I be the only San Diego Geocacher? Grab your GPS and your Paycheck Life Savings, or Trust Fund and let's go. Dave Quote
Clyde_Crashcup Posted January 30, 2004 Posted January 30, 2004 More than a dozen people are scrambling their brains with my cache, but not everyone has seen it. I think some of you old timers may want to take a look at it. I Invent the Geocache Clyde Crashcup Quote
+"Flintstones" Posted January 31, 2004 Posted January 31, 2004 (edited) Hi Duscwe I don't know if it will make any differerence but Leap Frog and I like the March 20th date for the campout. Our Feb is very full already. Are you talking about camping out by the Calcite Mine area along S22? If so I have coordinates for the camping area that looks out at the Salton Sea. Let us know. Edited January 31, 2004 by JB & LF Quote
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