+EraSeek Posted July 16, 2003 Posted July 16, 2003 You might recognize some of this: I have seen a lone woman praying in the wilderness. I have seen Whales harvesting the tides, and fry popping out of the water like kernels of popcorn, seals who were quite curious about me, beavers, otters, and mink. I have seen currents of whirlpools and upwellings, and tides that looked more like rapids and have done battle with them. I have seen snakes, some that frightened me, and some that did not. I have seen hidden waterfalls and stood under the waters of at least one. I have walked trails and climbed mountains, and looked into the gapping mouth of a volcano. I have walked a wonderful pipeline and had a refreshing surprise, found my way through dark tunnels on more than one occasion, crossed prairies where few have been, and found my way through fog thicken forests, canoed, kayaked, biked and swam. I have walked islands and deserts, both covered with flowers. I have met farmers and cowboys, and they have met me. I have seen giants on the hills and been in awe of their whirling swords. I have been wounded on sea-cliffs and loved it, and lost on networks of trails and enjoyed that feeling. I have been puzzled and awed, taken-aback, and lifted up, alone, defeated, and overwhelmed by the crowd. I have met ghosts and angels and aliens, and fallen into other dimensions. I have been overjoyed and dismayed and disappointed. I have been kissed by the rain, embraced by the wind, burned by the sun. I’ve seen things in clouds, and heard voices in the forest. I’ve seen the ancient and the new, the old and the newborn. I have entered caves, come across the ashes of the dead, walked through mauve colored fields with trails lined in green sage. I have rode wild stallions, been caught in a vortex, sent back to the past, and fell in love with a woman from the turn of the last century. Mundane miracles, all. I’ve seen the wondrous works of Providence, and the uncertainty of human things. "See the wonderous works of Providence! The uncertainty of human things!" Geo.Washington Quote
+evergreenhiker! Posted July 17, 2003 Posted July 17, 2003 Yep, I've been there on a lot of those. Chance encounter with a huge blacktail buck with massive, regal velvet antlers. Noticing the vivid blue skies of the high heavens. Enjoying nature's beautiful flower gardens Noticing subspecies of bumblebees with interesting colors The cold, clear and vivid blue waters of mountain lakes. The cleansing feel of skinny-dipping in such a lake to me church is the high mountains and meadows staring up at the stars at night...thinking of ufos and shooting stars and other stuff waking up in the middle of the night with the moon shining down...making the gravel bar appear like lunar landscape...eerie/scary yet beautiful The exhiliration achieved from bagging a summit The heart-pounding experience of getting a bit too close to a bear and you are by yourself a sense of being watched...perhaps by a lion Taking my aides off and just enjoying the silence as I explore wilderness Chance encounters with nice people up high...one was a girl I'd like to have known better at Alpine Lookout above Merrit Lake Sharing special places with friends and enjoying their company I could go on, but I'll close. ok, I admit some of this isn't when I was caching, but it just came out. [This message was edited by evergreenhiker! on July 17, 2003 at 12:41 AM.] Quote
+Sluggo Posted July 17, 2003 Posted July 17, 2003 In a rare moment of seriousness: I have had heat exhaustion. I have removed contraband from a cache knowing that I could loose my security clearance just for handling it, but caring more about geocaching’s reputation than my security clearance. I’ve introduced young people to a healthy, sane and family oriented hobby. I’ve hidden information about a “Government within the Government” near a super-secret laboratory. I’ve stood in wagon ruts that were over 100 years old. I’ve talked to the ghost of an Army Airman who trained in Ephrata in 1943. I’ve seen a 100 year-old house that was trapped in a vortex. I wandered through the desert, looking at sagebrush, crossing the Mullen road and felt Aridextradry. I’ve been on a blue mountain and found where two rivers meet. I went the “right way” but for the “wrong reason” and still felt good about it. I found a geocache (WA), a geocache near a cow patty, and a geocache near a line shack. I saw fairies in Cameron Woods and found a geocache (IL) 2000 miles from home, but no fairies in Wood’s Woods... I found a HUGE spider inside the Shady Rest. I found a cemetery in a place that I had to bushwhack 0.25 miles to get to and it had fresh flags on every grave. I scared the s**t out of four kids when I went beyond the grave. I sat on a stump and wondered where the dang cache was. I hid and waited 8 feet from the fence as the guards changed shift in the early dawn at a State Prison. I dislocated my shoulder, but persevered and found the cache, then 7 more. I actually picked up doggie doot to look for a clue. I showed my grandson dinosaurs while hunting. I’ve meet people from all walks-of-life that I would have never meet otherwise, because we didn’t have anything in common, just to find out that we had one thing in common. Then we became friends. I described myself as part Santa Clause and part Boo Radley because I liked associating with people through caches (remotely) rather than in person. One year later I was organizing the East Cascades Geocaching Society “gatherings” so I could meet face-to-face with my fellow cachers. I know geocaching has changed me, I hope I have changed geocaching (in some small, positive way). This 'flying saucer' situation is not at all imaginary or seeing too much in some natural phenomena. Something is really flying around. The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious. - Gen. Nathan Twining Chief of Staff, US Air Force, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Quote
+Wienerdog Posted July 18, 2003 Posted July 18, 2003 GLORIUS DAYS I have stood on huge boulders and cliffs everywhere, while wind from the sea whipped through my hair. I have lifted up bark seeing a lone Salamander race, then gently restored his home with grace. I have stood on abandoned railroad tracks, imagining the women and the trunks they packed. I once entered a cove on the Oregon coast, watching seals play as I stood quiet as a ghost. I have stood in a cemetery honoring men of great, looking at stones nearby of children and mate. I have laid in a sea of grass where the wind did not hide, as it swirled above me like the water and tide. I have seen peaceful ponds where the otters play, and mother birds trying to scare me away. I have been kissed on the lips by the salt from the sea, and warmed by the sun that comforted me. I have seen Llamas, Elk, Deer and a baby fawn, that tickled my heart at the break of dawn. I have seen fossil rocks, crevices and caves so old, stood back in awe of the Maker of this mold. I have felt mists, sprinkles, showers and rain, was pelted with water that caused me pain. Eagles, Osprey and Herons I have found, bird of all colors living above the ground. Feet that were blistered, sore and weak, only to be forgotten as I gazed at a mountain peak. Steps uncountable down to the beach, reaching for a prize barely within my reach. Lighthouses twirling and steps climbing so high, prisms of glass that kept ships safe nearby. Fir trees and pines giving scents and sound, only to enter my head with a peace rarely found. Bridges, bunkers and the biggest barn, unigue individuals and their interesting yarn. So many more things, so much to say, recalling all this made a most wondrous day. For starting this thread I thank EraSeek, my mind is now an album of pictures to keep! It is always sunrise somewhere! Quote
+Pepper Posted July 18, 2003 Posted July 18, 2003 Just amazing the thoughts that came pouring back into my head after reading all of these so eloquently stated words. Wow! I guess caching has done a lot of good for we fortunate few that have taken up this awesome hobbie. GEOCACHING! Thanks EraSeek Horizontals where it's at! Quote
+CachinCin Posted July 18, 2003 Posted July 18, 2003 I've seen so many beautiful and peaceful spots while I've geocached. You've all covered these (and more). Let me turn this in a different direction. What I've Seen Geocaching: Pepper (supergenius), sliding down a slick slope on hands and knees, then turning around to show a slick of mud down her pants and covering her arms. 1st Annual Washington Picnic Memory Cache Donna (weinerdog), deciding whether or not to climb over that fence to look for a cache in someone's back yard. She is almost unstoppable! What was that one called anyway? (I logged a DNF) Lucy (LucyandRickie), waving a peanut butter sandwich over her head, demonstrating that certain food items have strange satellite powers. My husband (blankjeff), so twisted up in a gnarly old tree that he couldn't actually get out for quite some time....and just....couldn't....quite....reach....that darn cache. Sandpit Aurie (my dog), sitting at the side of a lake and just watching and listening. Cache of Joy A group of very determined cachers, getting soaked in the rain, putting their fingers into eve ry nook and cranny of a bus stop, and still not finding that darned Ufo Koska micro. Die Kunst Der Fuge Strangers heading down the trail (hey, wait, is that a GPS in their hands???) who ended up not being strangers at all. New cachers (DodoBird) finding their first ever cache, and it was one of my hides! Aurie's Walk My brother searching for a cache while we were visiting a Puget Sound beach. It was the first time he'd ever seen an ocean shore. A Day at the Beach A homeless man, pretending not to be watching me, who probably plundered an urban cache not long after I left. I'm sad to report that he wouldn't have gotten much (just a couple of stickers and a logbook). Beacon Hill Cache (Boston) Muggles guarding benches, standing on bridges, watching from windows....and keeping me from finding and signing another log! Cin Quote
enfanta Posted July 22, 2003 Posted July 22, 2003 I climbed a mountain. And another. And another, and yet one more. I saw mist rising from a fern covered glade while the creek burbled and ran on beside me. I attacked trees in frustration and exhaustion and danced with glee at the cache site. Lost, I sat in the dark without a way point to the car. I met people who are wonderful and awful and wicked keen and duller than rocks and I thank all of them for the adventures they have provided. I saw countless waterfalls. I raced on my bike through the night to seek something small and easily missed. I swam and dove in the cooling waters after a long hike and a curious find. I went on snowshoes to see the ice-covered trees. I proudly carry the title of Wicked and Evil Cache Hider. And this is just the beginning... Ode to a Pigeon: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You Lookin' at Me? YOU LOOKIN' AT ME?! (b. katt, 7/14/03) Quote
+The Tungsten Jihad! Posted July 22, 2003 Posted July 22, 2003 I have seen Strippaz and been in awe of their whirling pasties. I have seen Klingons sing Sinatra. I have seen the Geo Gourde! I have seen the horror on the faces of Reed graduates as they gaze upon a drunk shirtless logger doing one arm pushups. I have seen yurts with disco balls. I have seen the rare Flying Squirrel of Champoeg. I have seen that chicks from the methadone clinic can be hot. I have seen a downtown ''watering hole'' in a major motion picture. Rainbows are pretty. I don't know why I shoot at them. Quote
+Sparky642 & MiraRen Posted July 22, 2003 Posted July 22, 2003 WOW!! Criminal...that's got to be one of the most beautiful pics I have ever seen. Where is that at? ~M **If you.re not standing on the edge, you.re taking up too much room.** Quote
+Criminal Posted July 22, 2003 Posted July 22, 2003 It was one of the caches in the Banner Forest near Port Orchard. Right place – right time sort of thing. I was looking for the cache as the sun was setting, looked up and was stunned by the beauty of it. I had my camera and shot a few pics, some with me in them. That pic doesn’t do it justice. I hade one with me on my website but had to pull it because I only get 5 Megs of space. I was sure wishing I had a better digital camera than I have. My son and I were recently shooting a few pics near my home for an article that will appear in the McChord AFB newspaper soon, a small squirrel that was reddish colored was watching me from just a few feet away. I just turned and, yikes, there he was. That’s one of the great things about geocaching, you never know what you might get the opportunity to see. http://fp1.centurytel.net/Criminal_Page/ Quote
+EraSeek Posted July 22, 2003 Author Posted July 22, 2003 Looks like I'm going to have to ad ''seen quicksand close-up'' Yeah, really. Stepped in some while planting my latest cache (not up yet) The World at Low Tide. Very gravelly sand. Supersaturated. Went right down to my knee. I was holding onto my canoe and just pulled myself back out. Nice pic Criminal! "See the wonderous works of Providence! The uncertainty of human things!" Geo.Washington Quote
+CachinCin Posted July 22, 2003 Posted July 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by EraSeek:Looks like I'm going to have to ad ''seen quicksand close-up'' Yeah, really. Stepped in some while planting my latest cache (not up yet) The World at Low Tide. Very gravelly sand. Supersaturated. Went right down to my knee. I was holding onto my canoe and just pulled myself back out. Nice pic Criminal! http://img.Groundspeak.com/user/4497_300.jpg _"See the wonderous works of Providence! The uncertainty of human things!" Geo.Washington_ Wow! That must have been scary. Of course, even quicksand can't deter me from an EraSeek cache. I'm off with the Peanut Butter Brigade tomorrow to do Return to Jetty Island. Cin Quote
+EraSeek Posted July 22, 2003 Author Posted July 22, 2003 quote:Originally posted by CachinCin: Wow! That must have been scary. Of course, even quicksand can't deter me from an EraSeek cache. I'm off with the Peanut Butter Brigade tomorrow to do Return to Jetty Island. Cin No, more interesting than anything else. True quicksand is not as bad as the movies make it out to be, it won't swallow you, but you can get stuck in it. This stuff was not just muck. You could tell it was different. "See the wonderous works of Providence! The uncertainty of human things!" Geo.Washington Quote
+Wienerdog Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 quote:Originally posted by EraSeek:Looks like I'm going to have to ad ''seen quicksand close-up'' Yeah, really. Stepped in some while planting my latest cache (not up yet) The World at Low Tide. Very gravelly sand. Supersaturated. Went right down to my knee. I was holding onto my canoe and just pulled myself back out. So EraSeek.....this 'Quicksand" is near your new cache? Does that mean I will have to add an addendum to my poem? As I neared a cache with my page in hand, I suddenly found myself up to the neck in sand. Being swallowed by gulps in this part of the land, EraSeek where are you? Please give me a hand! Donna Quote
+EraSeek Posted July 24, 2003 Author Posted July 24, 2003 Hey! That's really cute! You gotta go out about another half mile from the cache to find the quicksand. (I think ) "See the wonderous works of Providence! The uncertainty of human things!" Geo.Washington Quote
+CachinCin Posted July 24, 2003 Posted July 24, 2003 Ah, but it's one of those durn caches that requires some sort of watercraft, isn't it? Just call me, Canoe-less Cin Quote
+Wienerdog Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 What I am SEEING geocaching! Maybe I am SEEING Geo-hallucinations! Has anyone SEEN Criminals picture. I have never SEEN Criminal before. I am now SEEING Jeremy. Kind of. I SEE Jeremy's eyebrow is broken! I SEE the Geo-Sign. I don't know what I SEE. Scarey! I SEE I better go to bed now. I can SEE I am not SEEING clearly. I can SEE my little mascot sleeping quietly in the upper corner. I SEE that's where I need to be! EDIT EDIT EDIT! CRIMINAL! YOU CHANGED YOUR AVATAR THIS MORNING! Now people are going to think I REALLY am crazy! [This message was edited by Wienerdog on July 25, 2003 at 10:35 AM.] Quote
+evergreenhiker! Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Wienerdog: quote:Originally posted by EraSeek:Looks like I'm going to have to ad ''seen quicksand close-up'' Yeah, really. Stepped in some while planting my latest cache (not up yet) The World at Low Tide. Very gravelly sand. Supersaturated. Went right down to my knee. I was holding onto my canoe and just pulled myself back out. So EraSeek.....this 'Quicksand" is near your new cache? Does that mean I will have to add an addendum to my poem? As I neared a cache with my page in hand, I suddenly found myself up to the neck in sand. Being swallowed by gulps in this part of the land, EraSeek where are you? Please give me a hand! Donna Like that one! Quote
+Criminal Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Wienerdog:What I am SEEING geocaching! Maybe I am SEEING Geo-hallucinations! Has anyone SEEN Criminals picture. I have never SEEN Criminal before. I am now SEEING Jeremy. Kind of. I SEE Jeremy's eyebrow is broken! I SEE the Geo-Sign. I don't know what I SEE. Scarey! I SEE I better go to bed now. I can SEE I am not SEEING clearly. I can SEE my little mascot sleeping quietly in the upper corner. I SEE that's where I need to be! EDIT EDIT EDIT! CRIMINAL! YOU CHANGED YOUR AVATAR THIS MORNING! Now people are going to think I REALLY am crazy! [This message was edited by Wienerdog on July 25, 2003 at 10:35 AM.] In the word of the great Nelson Muntz, "Ha Ha!" http://fp1.centurytel.net/Criminal_Page/ Quote
+Wienerdog Posted July 25, 2003 Posted July 25, 2003 Criminal....you silly guy! You changed it back! Now I suppose if I go look at it tomorrow morning we will see you lost amongst the trees again! I like this one! Quote
+Miss Goody Two Shoes Posted July 30, 2003 Posted July 30, 2003 What I have seen caching. I have seen a lot of EVIL caches, a lot of EVIL hiders...Doc. Koska, ImSoEvil, Fen Dwella, Miss Eve L. Plott and then people that sneak in the back door and place a evil cache like Boom! Like that sweet Wienerdog chick above me. I've seen those logs! And the Forums! Some nasty business I've seen there. I'ts time for all ye GOOD cachers to come on out and be seen. Let them see us melt witches with kind words. Make evil creatures in the Sammamish River quiver in contrition as we stroke their nasty egos. Be happy, be glad and spread happiness in the geo-world! Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world! ~Marilyn Monroe [This message was edited by Miss Goody Two Shoes on July 30, 2003 at 12:46 AM.] Quote
+cooperdog Posted August 2, 2003 Posted August 2, 2003 I've seen birds of prey silent on the wind circling above while I circle below I've seen beautiful streams set in urban settings only miles from home and to me unknown I've been watched by an owl as I've signed on a log, I've seen wonderous waterfalls that have left me agog. I've met wonderful people with a passion for life, I've even gone caching with my beautiful wife. I've found trails way up high and caches hanging from trees, I've even found caches attached to bouys. I've solved many puzzles some easy some tough. I've used complex math where I've yelled that's ENOUGH. I've met many spiders and bugs of all sort all due to a silly game that some call a sport. thanks Eraseek for this wonderful thread and taking me out to some caches that you've hid. Quote
+Miss Goody Two Shoes Posted August 5, 2003 Posted August 5, 2003 I have seen EVIL caches like Dr. Nellie Bad's, Nellie does Green Lake, sprinkled with HAPPY DUST. I saw Geo-cachers suddenly dancing with glee. I saw them frolicking around happily while finding each waypoint with speed. Smiling and smiling all around the lake. This definitley made this cache a piece of cake! MGTS Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she'll conquer the world! ~Marilyn Monroe Quote
+Ajetpilot Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 I saw this guy on August 5, 2003 while I was caching near Neah Bay and Cape Flattery in the NW corner of the continental U.S. "Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings..." Quote
+Criminal Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 Awesome! I've seen them fly over my house here in Gig Harbor, was never able to get such a good picture. http://fp1.centurytel.net/Criminal_Page/ Quote
+CachinCin Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 Beautiful photo! You not only have a good camera; you've got a great eye for the shot. Cin Quote
jesseh Posted August 8, 2003 Posted August 8, 2003 I've seen the absolute and inocent joy on my children's face upon finding a hidden treasure. Quote
+Criminal Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 (edited) Shot this one on the way to work a couple weeks ago: Shadow of Rainer Edited December 17, 2003 by Criminal Quote
+-=(GEO)=- Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 Wow! That's an amazing picture! Great shot. Quote
+Wander Lost Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 That's an amazing pic Criminal. Can you enter the Rayovac contest more than once?? Quote
+Criminal Posted December 17, 2003 Posted December 17, 2003 That's an amazing pic Criminal. Can you enter the Rayovac contest more than once?? I hope so, it's entered. Quote
+Ajetpilot Posted December 20, 2003 Posted December 20, 2003 That is an incredible picture, Chris. Nicely done! Quote
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