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Sorry wrong button pushed


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(as I write this) 33 people have looked at this thread when it's fairly obvious from the title that there would be no content.


I find it even more fasinating that I'm so bored I managed to reply to it! icon_razz.gif



Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together.


I thought that maybe someone pushed the secret self-destruct button and had a picture...




row, row, row your boat


[This message was edited by Tubby Rower on March 21, 2003 at 08:27 AM.]


I was going to look at this but then I changed my mind.


X is for X, and X marks the spot, On the rug in the parlor, The sand in the lot, Where once you were standing, And now you are not.


I got a fax that had an email address that when I emailed it I got an autoresponder stating a website that only had a phone number. When I called it I was instructed, by an automated system to go to this post immediately and not ask any questions, or else.


So here I am.


Place 'em if you got 'em.


Originally posted by Gloom:

(as I write this) 33 people have looked at this thread when it's fairly obvious from the title that there would be no content.


I find it even more fasinating that I'm so bored I managed to reply to it! icon_razz.gif

I truely expected it to be a story about pushing the wrong button. icon_smile.gif Ah well. Usually people put something it "Ignore this" or "Accidental post - Ignore".


As I was walkin' up the stair

I saw a man who wasn't there

He wasn't there again today

Oh how I wish he'd go away


If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid looking in a mirror, because I bet that will really throw you into a panic.


Wow,I've heard about this kinda thing!

It's like the picture on a Land of Lakes butter box.You know, the one with the girl holding a butter box,and on that box there's a picture of her holing a butter box,and on that box there's a picture of....... Well you Know.

dadgum, now I have a headache!


Maine MountainMan


If I could only go back in time, I wouldn't read this thread. I did read it though and its now the future, so If I didn't post this, you would never have known I was here. UNLESS you went back in time and saw me do this.


Alumni of Cache U !


Peter:Brian look there is a message in my Alpha-bets it says OOOOOOO!

Brian:Peter those are Cheerios!


"Be Good and you will be lonesome,be lonesome and you will be free,live a lie and you'll live to regret it,thats what livin' is to me"

Jimmy Buffett


Originally posted by Tubby Rower:

if HTML is on

<img src="location of picture on web somewhere">


if UBBCode is on

[#IMG]location of picture on web somewhere[#/IMG]

but take out the #...they were put there to get around the ubbcode



row, row, row your boat

Or you could write...
...without the asterisks. icon_biggrin.gif


I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. - Noel Coward (...particularly off of a short pier - The Annoyed Man's corollary)


I looked, I read, I chuckled and made a strange bird-like noise that came from my throat.

At first I didn't know the sound came from me..

I looked around, no cats near. I tried to duplicate the strange throaty sound to no avail.


Posted anyway.


Prophetically Challenged


Dang it! I couldn't help myself!


Does this count as a DNF? Is it kinda like finding a cache that has been archived?


"I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous!"


This is to let everyone know, I didn't look at this post when I became a Geocacher,I'm not looking today, someone else is posting this drivel, and I have no plans to look in the future.

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