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Please make the Souvenirs page editable per souvenir


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I like getting souvenirs for special events and different countries/states.


With the upcoming "get a souvenir for each day in August you'll find a cache" activity I will be getting souvenirs I don't want. Since I do not think that finding a cache on for instance August 11 and/or August 29 is going to make that day a special day, it's just another (geocaching)day, I do not want souvenirs for each of those days on my profile.


I'm not going to participate in the streak, I have my own geocaching goals. But of course I can understand others are interested in getting as much souvenirs as possible without going to events or other states/countries, for instance to be able to log certain challenge caches that require a certain amount of souvenirs. To them it's not about the souvenir itself but about the number of souvenirs. Which of course I respect, for some it's about the numbers for some it is not.


But for me not to get those specific souvenirs I would have to stop geocaching for a whole month, which would be a pity since it is exactly the time of year here when the weather is suitable to go out and find some interesting longer multicaches.


So please make the "Your Souvenirs" page editable so I can decide per souvenir if I want it to be shown on the page.


Any other solution to make it possible for me to find geocaches in August without getting those souvenirs is of course fine as well.


And yes I know, compared to other suggested features for this site (that I would like to see implemented as well), this seems an unimportant silly one. But maybe it will be easier to find a solution to solve my "issues" with these specific souvenirs before the month of August starts than when it's too late.


I'd also like an option to avoid the souvenirs awarded during August. I will be on vacation and during part of August and I definitely to do not want to refrain from geocaching at all. I would not mind a souvenir awarded for a 31 day streak (I would not go for it anyway), but I do not want to get a souvenir for each day I cache in August 2013.


I'd also like an option to avoid the souvenirs awarded during August. I will be on vacation and during part of August and I definitely to do not want to refrain from geocaching at all. I would not mind a souvenir awarded for a 31 day streak (I would not go for it anyway), but I do not want to get a souvenir for each day I cache in August 2013.


I am also taking a vacation in August and traveling on business before that vacation. That will take me to three U.S. State in which I have not yet found a cache. I would like to get the souvenirs for those three states but have no interest whatsoever in getting a souvenir for each day that I find a cache in August. I'll probably have to just post note logs on any caches I find in August, then change them to found it logs in September.


I endorse this feature request that the chance that it will be implemented is likely very small.


In the past when one has received a souvenir that they felt was incorrectly awarded we could send email to GS and it would be manually removed. Having an option to remove a souvenir from our profile would be nice...but, frankly, I wish GS would have spent time on releasing a few more country based souvenirs (i.e. Italy, Mexico, Belgium...) than up to 31 souvenirs just for going out an finding a cache in August.



Posted (edited)

Talk about asking Groundspeak to waste developer time on a totaly unnecessary feature.


I understand that people don't like the idea of Groundspeak putting things on their profile that they don't want. However this is something that you agreed to when you accepted the TOUs. You gave Groundspeak permission to use the information you posted in your find logs to create derivative works from this information that is shared with other users. This includes adding tabs to your profile and populating these tabs with information from your online logs.


Now they have given you some capablitiy to control the content of some tabs. For example you can select which sections of statistics you want to display. So it is conceivable that they could give you control over which souvenirs are displayed.


However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



That should clarify to everyone that any of the 31 days of August souvenirs that appear on your profile do so as the result of Groundspeak's decision and in no way indicate your approval of Groundspeak's decision.I encourage everyone who does not want to get any of the 31 days of August souvenirs to add the above statement to their profile.

Edited by tozainamboku

Talk about asking Groundspeak to waste developer time on a totaly unnecessary feature.


I understand that people don't like the idea of Groundspeak putting things on their profile that they don't want. However this is something that you agreed to when you accepted the TOUs. You gave Groundspeak permission to use the information you posted in your find logs to create derivative works from this information that is shared with other users. This includes adding tabs to your profile and populating these tabs with information from your online logs.


Now they have given you some capablitiy to control the content of some tabs. For example you can select which sections of statistics you want to display. So it is conceivable that they could give you control over which souvenirs are displayed.


However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



That should clarify to everyone that any of the 31 days of August souvenirs that appear on your profile do so as the result of Groundspeak's decision and in no way indicate your approval of Groundspeak's decision.I encourage everyone who does not want to get any of the 31 days of August souvenirs to add the above statement to their profile.


Maybe if people just logged caches on random days anyway (e.g. finding five caches on August 1 and logging them on August 1 - 5) it would make the souvenirs even more meaningless, and maybe Groundspeak would take the hint and stop implementing them.


If it works the message gets through, if it doesn't you get a load of extra dross shiny souvenirs on your souvenirs page.



However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.




There have been many events, locations, etc that I have seen people beg for them to create a souvenir for and instead we get 31 for days in August 2013 - what is up with that? This makes no sense to me? Why August? What's up with this souvenir inflation? Maybe I'll boycott geocaching.com in August instead to keep my profile clean.


There have been many events, locations, etc that I have seen people beg for them to create a souvenir for and instead we get 31 for days in August 2013 - what is up with that? This makes no sense to me? Why August? What's up with this souvenir inflation? Maybe I'll boycott geocaching.com in August instead to keep my profile clean.


Thinking about doing this too. Though I will take the 17th--for International Geocaching Day--maybe I'll just date any and all August finds on the 17th. Maybe I'll take the 16th too because that's my birthday, or maybe not.

Posted (edited)


However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.

What I find hilarious is that I've always said that souvenirs were hokey and worthless. What seems to be happening is that people who like getting souvenirs are only now discovering this. Of course they will say that up till now they have gotten souvenirs they consider worthy and it's only the idea of getting one for each day they cache one month that is diluting the value of the other souvenirs they have.


Since I don't consider a souvenir as having any value to begin with, to me the idea that they can be devalued is ludicrous. I've long ago realize that I have to deal with Groundspeak doing strange and hokey things on their website. I can either let them bother me or have a good laugh, maybe with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in.


What is clear is there is a marketing team at Groundspeak trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go geocaching. Someone in the team came up with the idea for promoting geocaching in the month of August. Since souvenirs have been one mechanism they have used for single day promotions, they probably thought that they could use them for a month long promotion as well. Perhaps they could have given out a single souvenir - either for caching any day in August or for caching everyday in August. It isn't clear if the souvenir system would allow this or if that would have required additional work by the development team. From marketing's perspective however, the idea is to get people to geocache as often as possible in August. They don't want someone who can't cache one particular day early in the month to say "Now I can't get the souvenir so I have no incentive to cache the rest of the month". A souvenir for each day you cache will supposedly give each person an incentive to cache on each day of the month regardless of what days they have already cached or if they know that there will be days during the month when they will be unable to cache.


As to whether or not Groundspeak is "making a better mistake", we'll have to wait and see. If this action turns off enough people from souvenirs that the are no longer useful as a marketing tool, then this is a mistake. However, I tend to think that there are far more people who will go out and try to get as many of these souvies as possible then will be turned away by them. If power trails are any indication, there are plenty more people who find racking up meaningless numbers an incentive.

Edited by tozainamboku


However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.

What I find hilarious is that I've always said that souvenirs were hokey and worthless. What seems to be happening is that people who like getting souvenirs are only now discovering this. Of course they will say that up till now they have gotten souvenirs they consider worthy and it's only the idea of getting one for each day they cache one month that is diluting the value of the other souvenirs they have.


Since I don't consider a souvenir as having any value to begin with, to me the idea that they can be devalued is ludicrous. I've long ago realize that I have to deal with Groundspeak doing strange and hokey things on their website. I can either let them bother me or have a good laugh, maybe with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in.


What is clear is there is a marketing team at Groundspeak trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go geocaching. Someone in the team came up with the idea for promoting geocaching in the month of August. Since souvenirs have been one mechanism they have used for single day promotions, they probably thought that they could use them for a month long promotion as well. Perhaps they could have given out a single souvenir - either for caching any day in August or for caching everyday in August. It isn't clear if the souvenir system would allow this or if that would have required additional work by the development team. From marketing's perspective however, the idea is to get people to geocache as often as possible in August. They don't want someone who can't cache one particular day early in the month to say "Now I can't get the souvenir so I have no incentive to cache the rest of the month". A souvenir for each day you cache will supposedly give each person an incentive to cache on each day of the month regardless of what days they have already cached or if they know that there will be days during the month when they will be unable to cache.


As to whether or not Groundspeak is "making a better mistake", we'll have to wait and see. If this action turns off enough people from souvenirs that the are no longer useful as a marketing tool, then this is a mistake. However, I tend to think that there are far more people who will go out and try to get as many of these souvies as possible then will be turned away by them. If power trails are any indication, there are plenty more people who find racking up meaningless numbers an incentive.


Anything based on dates is silly anyway. If you really want all the souvenirs and miss a date, just find two caches the following day and claim one for the day you missed. It's not as if anyone is going to check and realise that the cache was found on August 15th and later found on August 14th.


I'm tempted to see how many caches I can log without going anywhere near them to see if I can get all 31 souvenirs without leaving my armchair.



However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.

What I find hilarious is that I've always said that souvenirs were hokey and worthless. What seems to be happening is that people who like getting souvenirs are only now discovering this. Of course they will say that up till now they have gotten souvenirs they consider worthy and it's only the idea of getting one for each day they cache one month that is diluting the value of the other souvenirs they have.


Since I don't consider a souvenir as having any value to begin with, to me the idea that they can be devalued is ludicrous. I've long ago realize that I have to deal with Groundspeak doing strange and hokey things on their website. I can either let them bother me or have a good laugh, maybe with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in.


What is clear is there is a marketing team at Groundspeak trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go geocaching. Someone in the team came up with the idea for promoting geocaching in the month of August. Since souvenirs have been one mechanism they have used for single day promotions, they probably thought that they could use them for a month long promotion as well. Perhaps they could have given out a single souvenir - either for caching any day in August or for caching everyday in August. It isn't clear if the souvenir system would allow this or if that would have required additional work by the development team. From marketing's perspective however, the idea is to get people to geocache as often as possible in August. They don't want someone who can't cache one particular day early in the month to say "Now I can't get the souvenir so I have no incentive to cache the rest of the month". A souvenir for each day you cache will supposedly give each person an incentive to cache on each day of the month regardless of what days they have already cached or if they know that there will be days during the month when they will be unable to cache.


As to whether or not Groundspeak is "making a better mistake", we'll have to wait and see. If this action turns off enough people from souvenirs that the are no longer useful as a marketing tool, then this is a mistake. However, I tend to think that there are far more people who will go out and try to get as many of these souvies as possible then will be turned away by them. If power trails are any indication, there are plenty more people who find racking up meaningless numbers an incentive.


Anything based on dates is silly anyway. If you really want all the souvenirs and miss a date, just find two caches the following day and claim one for the day you missed. It's not as if anyone is going to check and realise that the cache was found on August 15th and later found on August 14th.


I'm tempted to see how many caches I can log without going anywhere near them to see if I can get all 31 souvenirs without leaving my armchair.


If these souvenirs are like the other souvenirs all you got to do is log a cache, get the souvenir and then delete your log. Your smilie goes away but the souvenir stays. Is this a better mistake?


irisisleuk, you've got the right tone - let us opt out...

still can't believe that with all the bad press about LPC bomb scares that Groundspeak would use it as part of their marketing on the tips page for getting your streak...



However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.

What I find hilarious is that I've always said that souvenirs were hokey and worthless. What seems to be happening is that people who like getting souvenirs are only now discovering this. Of course they will say that up till now they have gotten souvenirs they consider worthy and it's only the idea of getting one for each day they cache one month that is diluting the value of the other souvenirs they have.


Since I don't consider a souvenir as having any value to begin with, to me the idea that they can be devalued is ludicrous....



Sorry, the "I told you so" card doesn't play here. The value of specific souvenirs is subjective. The value that you attribute to souvenirs, before or after the 31 days of August", doesn't change the value that any other geocacher associates with souvenirs. You (or anyone else) could be indifferent to souvenirs or hate them with a passion but that doesn't make them any more or less worthless to me, or to anyone else. What might determine the worth of souvenirs for any specific geocacher is how they play the game. Someone has over 99% of all their finds in one region which has a souvenir probably is not going at attribute the same value to region based souvenirs than someone that has finds in a couple dozen different regions that have (or could have) different souvenirs. Similarly, geocachers that enjoy challenges and specifically challenges based upon maintaining a streak might appreciated these new souvenirs more than someone that has no interest in maintaining a streak by find a cache every day.


Furthermore, the addition of some new souvenirs of some type, no matter how absurd they are, doesn't change the value of other souvenirs (at least, not for me). Using my coin collecting analogy, if I had a 1932 Washington quarter, minted in San Francisco it would be worth at least $100. No matter how many quarters minted in the last 5 years I throw into a collection, the 1932-S quarter is still going to be worth at least $100 and all the others worth about a quarter each.



What is clear is there is a marketing team at Groundspeak trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go geocaching.



Well, for me (and I know I'm not the only one) it's happening the opposite effect. The various marketing schemes to bring in more geocachers is changed the game to something I'm finding much less enjoyable, and as a result, I'm spending far less time going out geocaching.


As to whether or not Groundspeak is "making a better mistake", we'll have to wait and see. If this action turns off enough people from souvenirs that the are no longer useful as a marketing tool, then this is a mistake. However, I tend to think that there are far more people who will go out and try to get as many of these souvies as possible then will be turned away by them. If power trails are any indication, there are plenty more people who find racking up meaningless numbers an incentive.


My cable tv company also spends a lot of energy attracting new customers through various incentives, yet they have *never* provided any sort reward for the fact that I've been a paying customer for almost 20 years. Meanwhile, the level of service has gone down and my overall satisfaction with the services that I am paying for each month has degraded, but like a premium membership with Groundspeak, I can either suck-it-up and keep paying, or I can chose to find some other form of entertainment.




What is clear is there is a marketing team at Groundspeak trying to come up with ways to encourage people to go geocaching.

If that's what they were trying with this, they clearly have no idea what they're doing. Did they not realize that people will limit the number of finds each day so they have caches left for other days?


On the front page, there's a counter that states how many logs have been submitted in the last 30 days. I'm going to record that number at the end of July and the end of August to see what the difference is. I'm betting there'll be a sizable difference.


I have to agree with Toz here.


Souvenirs are silly.


They do absolutely nothing to enhance my Geocaching experience other than possibly make me eligible for a Challenge cache.


If the whole program were scrapped tomorrow and all my souvenirs were deleted/removed, it would take weeks/months for me to notice. Probably I wouldn't notice until a thread about the subject popped up in here.


But now some cachers want to complain about the 'hows and what fors' of souvenir deployment?


Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


I love the souvenirs, but only if they comply with my highly specific standards.


Get a grip on reality, people.


What is needed it the ability to edit (delete) unwanted souvenirs. Like deleting a log. Press here to delete this log. Press here to delete the unwanted/inappropriate veneer. Somehow I got the Washington veneer on a moving cache, and a Hessen veneer on an "Oopsie.

I can delete incorrect logs. I should be able to delete incorrect or unwanted veneers!

BTW, is there any truth to rumor of 'daily August Veneers'??? I've only seen a rumor from someone who saw it on a local forum.



However, there is little need for this as geocachers can simply add the following statement to their profile page

I, ________________, hereby reject, forfeit, and abandon any claim for souvenirs that Groundspeak, Inc. may award my geocaching account for finding a geocache on the dates August 1, 2013 through August 31, 2013 inclusive.


The decision to cache on any particular date is mine alone and is not influenced by anything that Groundspeak, Inc. may wish to add to my geocaching profile.


Any online Found logs posted by me for the above dates are made solely to record the caches I found on those dates and without regard to any action taken by Groundspeak, Inc. to award souvenirs.



Signed and dated



It's pretty clear that GS doesn't listen to most of the suggestion made by their users posted here, in the Feature Suggestions and Discussion forum. While putting that on a profile page might make one feel better it's going to have even be even less influential than this forum section.


Just like the outrage over the new European payment structure, there isn't a darn thing we can say or do that amounts to anything more than a minor blip on Groundspeak's RADAR. What does the comments of 50 or so forum members mean when you compare it the 5 million members that simply don't care, or worse, are thrilled at the idea of polluting their souvenir tab with souvenirs that really represent nothing, not even a phony made up Geocaching holiday.


Just look at the way the people drool over every silly thing that gets posted on the official blog. Most people today have short attention spans and will jump at every flashy gimmick that you throw at them. A single souvenir for completing the 31 day streak would have had meaning. It could have been the start of a system to reward Geocaching related accomplishments, but the, "more, more, more" attitude of our times seems to have won out.


I have to agree with Toz here.


Souvenirs are silly.

I hate to be blunt, but why are you and Toz even part of this discussion? It's clear that many people do enjoy souvenirs, and there are changes some of us would like made to that system. This discussion is about one of those changes, not whether souvenirs should even exist or not.


I find recreational fishing to be silly, but you won't catch me posting in fishing forums saying so. I accept that there are lots of people who enjoy fishing, so I let them go about their business.



I hate to be blunt, but why are you and Toz even part of this discussion?



Because it's a geocaching related topic, and we are geocachers.


Neither do I post a comment in an ATV forum about tire selection.


Your post is asinine. Much below your usual standard.

Posted (edited)

I hate to be blunt, but why are you and Toz even part of this discussion?

Because it's a geocaching related topic, and we are geocachers.

To be more specific, it's about a geocaching-related side-game that you've chosen not to participate in. It just seems odd to me to jump into a discussion of a subject in which one has no stake or interest.


I suggest we end this off-topic tangent and get back to the topic of managing souvenirs. If we want to discuss whether souvenirs should exist, we should take that to another discussion and leave the OP's discussion alone.


Late edit to clarify: I think my previous post may have come off even more blunt than I thought. You and Toz have your opinions about souvenirs, and I have mine, and that's all fine. I just don't think this was the best place to voice that opinion.


Not that anything will come of this suggestion, anyway. Posting it here pretty much guarantees it won't happen and we'll get something completely different that nobody asked for or wanted.

Edited by The A-Team

I understand that people don't like the idea of Groundspeak putting things on their profile that they don't want. However this is something that you agreed to when you accepted the TOUs. You gave Groundspeak permission to use the information you posted in your find logs to create derivative works from this information that is shared with other users. This includes adding tabs to your profile and populating these tabs with information from your online logs.


Now they have given you some capablitiy to control the content of some tabs. For example you can select which sections of statistics you want to display. So it is conceivable that they could give you control over which souvenirs are displayed.



I understand that Groundspeak can force souvenirs on people, but that is a different issue from whether they should. In most cases, a souvenir is something that a person wants, which is different than Grounspeak telling us what we want.


So even if I agreed that Groundspeak can use information and create derivative works, I also hoped that Groundspeak would exercise some discretion. Making the souvenirs page editable (or giving the option to opt out altogether, as we can with statistics) would be a step in the right direction.


My cable tv company also spends a lot of energy attracting new customers through various incentives, yet they have *never* provided any sort reward for the fact that I've been a paying customer for almost 20 years. Meanwhile, the level of service has gone down and my overall satisfaction with the services that I am paying for each month has degraded, but like a premium membership with Groundspeak, I can either suck-it-up and keep paying, or I can chose to find some other form of entertainment.

I bet if you told your cable company you were switching to satellite or to your telephone company to provide TV service, they would make you some kind of offer like they make for new customers. Unfortunately, Groundspeak has a virtual monopoly so they don't worry too much about losing customers.


It is true that a certain number of geocachers decide this isn't as much fun as when they started and stop geocaching (or cut back enough that the premium membership is worth it). And as I said this may be an example of a "better mistake". But my feeling is that net they gain by doing this.


On the front page, there's a counter that states how many logs have been submitted in the last 30 days. I'm going to record that number at the end of July and the end of August to see what the difference is. I'm betting there'll be a sizable difference.

Higher or lower?


I have to agree with Toz here.


Souvenirs are silly.

I hate to be blunt, but why are you and Toz even part of this discussion? It's clear that many people do enjoy souvenirs, and there are changes some of us would like made to that system. This discussion is about one of those changes, not whether souvenirs should even exist or not.

Souvenirs are worth it to some people and not to others. There's a big outcry here by people who say that the existing location based souvenirs are things they enjoy collecting and by some who say the existing "special day" souvenirs encourage them to attend events or otherwise go caching. They are now saying that a souvenir for each day in August doesn't meet their criteria for a souvenir. However, it already seems clear from looking at the Geocaching Blog that there are many people who are looking forward to getting as many of these souvenirs as they can.


As with all discussions in the Feature Discussion and Suggestions forum, people are free to offer workarounds or to comment that Groundspeak should not have developers spend time on something of such limited benefit. Sure, I've called souvenirs hokey from day one, and have said that they don't have any influence my caching activities. But they're there and get put on my profile just like everyone else who has cached in that state or country or who found a cache on that "special" day. It's because I've had to accept souvenirs that I don't like, that I believe people who dislike these particular souvenirs can accept them. I doubt anyone will stop geocaching because some of the souvenirs on their profile are ones they consider worthy while others are not. While it may give a sour taste to see the 31 days of August souvenirs mixed in with the others, I bet you all can ignore in your own minds what you want to ignore; and if you must, you can add a disclaimer to your profile to let the rest of the world know.


The option to delete (or hide) souvenirs we don't want could be nice. Another idea would be to be able to group them. You could have your state souvenirs in one group, special days/events in another, and the 31 days of August in a group of their own. I would use that option if it was available.


I have to agree with Toz here.


Souvenirs are silly.

I hate to be blunt, but why are you and Toz even part of this discussion? It's clear that many people do enjoy souvenirs, and there are changes some of us would like made to that system. This discussion is about one of those changes, not whether souvenirs should even exist or not.


I find recreational fishing to be silly, but you won't catch me posting in fishing forums saying so. I accept that there are lots of people who enjoy fishing, so I let them go about their business.


Your analogy doesn't really work. I don't see the point in fishing, so I stay away from fishing blogs. I do enjoy an occasional spot of geocaching (much less so than before due to losing interest in soggy film pots) and therefore do have some skin in the game, so to speak.


Saying souvenirs are silly is more akin to saying that fishing with a net is silly on a fishing forum, rather than saying that fishing is silly on a fishing forum.


I have to agree with Toz here.


Souvenirs are silly.


They do absolutely nothing to enhance my Geocaching experience other than possibly make me eligible for a Challenge cache.


If the whole program were scrapped tomorrow and all my souvenirs were deleted/removed, it would take weeks/months for me to notice. Probably I wouldn't notice until a thread about the subject popped up in here.


But now some cachers want to complain about the 'hows and what fors' of souvenir deployment?



Actually, I personally have never cared about souvenirs and also regard them as quite an absurd idea. This does not keep me from having a preference for not getting added a souvenir for each day I'm going to cache in August. Moreover, on a much more serious side I feel that encouraging as many logs as possible and

regardless of the situation is a very bad thing for geocaching in the long run. I have explained that point in a posting in the starting thread where someone asked about the new souvenirs after a Spanish posting was brought up. Along these lines I also do not agree with Toz at all regarding the marketing effect. I think that actions like this one will finally also harm Groundspeak and their business.





What a waste of 31 souvenirs!


Just think, we could have had 31 new countries issued with souvenirs instead. Especially since the UK consisting of 4 countries has only one souvenir, yet Germany has several.

Posted (edited)

What a waste of 31 souvenirs!


Just think, we could have had 31 new countries issued with souvenirs instead. Especially since the UK consisting of 4 countries has only one souvenir, yet Germany has several.


I'm not going to get into the Scotland, Ireland, Wales, UK debate but I agree about having more country based souvenirs. There is also a thread that I started called "Continue releasing country based souvenirs" that has near unanimous support. That is something GS users have asked for...instead we get a souvenir just for finding a cache (or to be more accurate, logging a find or attended log) in August.


My office at work is mostly a bit of a mess but on the walls I've got my 10 years and 15 years of employment recognition framed certificates. I've also got a collection of conference badges hanging in one spot and a few group pictures from meetings I've had in Africa and Asia and a few certificates of appreciation for various things I've done. I put things things on my wall as "souvenirs" of things that I've accomplished. I feel the same way about the 31 days of August souvenirs was I would if my boss pinned a "Congratulations for coming into work on August NN" certificate on the walls in my office for every day I worked in August.

Edited by NYPaddleCacher

The option to delete (or hide) souvenirs we don't want could be nice. Another idea would be to be able to group them. You could have your state souvenirs in one group, special days/events in another, and the 31 days of August in a group of their own. I would use that option if it was available.


Awesome idea, that would appease alot of users issues with these new souvineers. I for one and I am sure many geocachers are like this, really monitor their profile pages and stats/badges/souvineers, etc.. and of those users, they likely don't want to have a ton of simple, daily souvineers clutter up their 'location' or other relevant souvineers they collected. Grouping them into categories would be a thumbs up in my opinion.


Speaking of souvenirs...Can anyone confirm that hiding a cache will earn the 31 Days of Geocaching souvenirs during August?


I haven't read anything that states that. From the newsletter:

Find a geocache, log a “Found it” (or an “Attended” for an Event Cache) and earn a unique calendar-style Geocaching souvenir for each day in August.

There have never been any souvenirs awarded for hiding caches in the past, and I haven't seen anything indicating that's changing.


Speaking of souvenirs...Can anyone confirm that hiding a cache will earn the 31 Days of Geocaching souvenirs during August?


I haven't read anything that states that. From the newsletter:

Find a geocache, log a “Found it” (or an “Attended” for an Event Cache) and earn a unique calendar-style Geocaching souvenir for each day in August.

There have never been any souvenirs awarded for hiding caches in the past, and I haven't seen anything indicating that's changing.

Actually, I'm fairly sure that I have received two souvenirs for hides, the CITO Day and 12-12-12 ones.


Speaking of souvenirs...Can anyone confirm that hiding a cache will earn the 31 Days of Geocaching souvenirs during August?


I haven't read anything that states that. From the newsletter:

Find a geocache, log a “Found it” (or an “Attended” for an Event Cache) and earn a unique calendar-style Geocaching souvenir for each day in August.

There have never been any souvenirs awarded for hiding caches in the past, and I haven't seen anything indicating that's changing.

Actually, I'm fairly sure that I have received two souvenirs for hides, the CITO Day and 12-12-12 ones.

You submitted an "Attended" log on your "CITO in the South II" event, and you logged the Traditional cache GC42PEN on 12-12-12. These logs are the reasons why you received the respective souvenirs, not because you hosted or placed any caches or events on those dates. In fact, your profile doesn't list any owned caches or events placed or held on 12-12-12.


You submitted an "Attended" log on your "CITO in the South II" event, and you logged the Traditional cache GC42PEN on 12-12-12. These logs are the reasons why you received the respective souvenirs, not because you hosted or placed any caches or events on those dates. In fact, your profile doesn't list any owned caches or events placed or held on 12-12-12.


I know why this was posted, but this kind of information is why I would like souvenirs to be optional or editable. Is it anyone's business but my own that I cached on 12-12-12. visited any particular country or state, or found certain caches?


If the oft-quoted mantra, "play the game as you want" has any meaning, then souvenirs would be a good place to start. The souvenirs at my office or home are things that I choose to have.. In this game, some people might want to collect countries. Some people might want to participate in caching streaks. Some people might like to look at souvenirs in private, but not show them to others. Some people might not want anything. Providing options would be a simple thing to accommodate.


I do not understand Groundspeak's interest in forcing souvenirs upon their users, other than that it is their way of doing business.


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.




As far as I recall (and my memory may certainly be incomplete or faulty) NOBODY actually asked for the souvenirs...they were 'a gift' from Groundspeak.


And now Groundspeak's concept of how they should be implemented and distributed has touched a nerve.


Too bad.


I will be caching every day in August to prolong my current streak to 500 days to qualify for a local challenge.

Having the extra 31 souvenirs might help me qualify for another challenge someday.

I will be thankful if they do, but otherwise...whatevah!


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.



Okay, okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. Can we get back to the original topic? In case anyone has forgotten, it was a request for the ability to manage souvenirs on our own and choose which ones will be displayed without having to go through contact@geocaching.com.


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.



Okay, okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. Can we get back to the original topic? In case anyone has forgotten, it was a request for the ability to manage souvenirs on our own and choose which ones will be displayed without having to go through contact@geocaching.com.


Thank you!


I understand it's hard not to discuss the use of souvenirs in general and the August ones in particular. But I proposed the request for the ability to manage souvenirs to make sure everyone will be happy without having to stop geocaching or stop looking at their souvenirs page.


I just hope everyone agrees this is the best solution to accommodate both those who do like (certain) souvenirs and those who don't. And if you agree, please just post a reply that you support this request.


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.



Okay, okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. Can we get back to the original topic? In case anyone has forgotten, it was a request for the ability to manage souvenirs on our own and choose which ones will be displayed without having to go through contact@geocaching.com.


Thank you!


I understand it's hard not to discuss the use of souvenirs in general and the August ones in particular. But I proposed the request for the ability to manage souvenirs to make sure everyone will be happy without having to stop geocaching or stop looking at their souvenirs page.


I just hope everyone agrees this is the best solution to accommodate both those who do like (certain) souvenirs and those who don't. And if you agree, please just post a reply that you support this request.


I wouldn't favour a complex front end because I think Groundspeak has bigger fish to fry (quite a lot of them in fact).


I'd have thought it would be easy enough for each souvenir to have a "delete this souvenir" option if you got one you really didn't want. Then if you didn't want the August souvenirs, or were embarrassed to admit you'd been caching in a particular area or whatever else you could just get rid of the unwanted ones.


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.



Okay, okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. Can we get back to the original topic? In case anyone has forgotten, it was a request for the ability to manage souvenirs on our own and choose which ones will be displayed without having to go through contact@geocaching.com.


Thank you!


I understand it's hard not to discuss the use of souvenirs in general and the August ones in particular. But I proposed the request for the ability to manage souvenirs to make sure everyone will be happy without having to stop geocaching or stop looking at their souvenirs page.


I just hope everyone agrees this is the best solution to accommodate both those who do like (certain) souvenirs and those who don't. And if you agree, please just post a reply that you support this request.

Sorry. Depending on how one views the importance of souvenirs, the feature that is proposed here either makes a lot of sense or it is a silly waste of Groundspeak reasources.


Frankly, I asked a long to time ago to be able to hide my sovenirs tab altogether, and later for the ability to not see a particular souvenir. I believe I got it much worse that you are getting when people told me I was being silly and that I didn't have to pay attention to my souvenirs. I was told that I could ignore those sovenirs I didn't want. It was just a picture on a tab buried in my profile. Having Groundspeak spend time giving people control of individual souvenirs would only interfere with them doing "more important" things - including adding new souvenirs.


What I heard was mostly from the people who liked getting souvenirs. Well, the tables are turned now. The people who liked getting a sovvenirs now see a particular set of souvenirs they don't want, and they want to be able to control which souvenirs they get. The people asking for change now may not be the same as those that pooh-poohed my requests in the past, but I tend to put them in the same group. And frankly, I'm enjoying this reversal of fortunes.


If you want to protest these souvenirs, don't go caching in August.



Okay, okay, you've made your position abundantly clear. Can we get back to the original topic? In case anyone has forgotten, it was a request for the ability to manage souvenirs on our own and choose which ones will be displayed without having to go through contact@geocaching.com.


Thank you!


I understand it's hard not to discuss the use of souvenirs in general and the August ones in particular. But I proposed the request for the ability to manage souvenirs to make sure everyone will be happy without having to stop geocaching or stop looking at their souvenirs page.


I just hope everyone agrees this is the best solution to accommodate both those who do like (certain) souvenirs and those who don't. And if you agree, please just post a reply that you support this request.

Sorry. Depending on how one views the importance of souvenirs, the feature that is proposed here either makes a lot of sense or it is a silly waste of Groundspeak reasources.


Frankly, I asked a long to time ago to be able to hide my sovenirs tab altogether, and later for the ability to not see a particular souvenir. I believe I got it much worse that you are getting when people told me I was being silly and that I didn't have to pay attention to my souvenirs. I was told that I could ignore those sovenirs I didn't want. It was just a picture on a tab buried in my profile. Having Groundspeak spend time giving people control of individual souvenirs would only interfere with them doing "more important" things - including adding new souvenirs.


What I heard was mostly from the people who liked getting souvenirs. Well, the tables are turned now. The people who liked getting a sovvenirs now see a particular set of souvenirs they don't want, and they want to be able to control which souvenirs they get. The people asking for change now may not be the same as those that pooh-poohed my requests in the past, but I tend to put them in the same group. And frankly, I'm enjoying this reversal of fortunes.


This thread isn't about the importance of souvenirs in general and whether or not people like them or don't. It's about providing a mechanism which allows the "owners" of the profiles where souvenirs are displayed to decide for themselves which ones are important (to the owner of the profile....and no one else) and which ones are not.


As I see it, there are three types of geocachers with respect to souvenirs.


The first are geocacher that like souvenirs, any and all souvenirs that Groundspeak will give them. This feature suggestion has no impact on those people.


Secondly there is a group that doesn't like the souvenirs or are completely indifferent to them. This feature does not apply to that group either, though having an option to completely hide the souvenir tab entirely would probably be

supported by this group.


The third group of people are those that generally like souvenirs but are capable of making a distinction between those they would like to see on their profile page and those they deem worthless. That's the group of people for which this feature suggestion benefits. If GS were to consider this suggestion the simplest implementation would be to provide a button next to each souvenir thumbnail that appears o.n ones profile page that allows the user to delete that souvenir. Click on the button and *poof*, it's gone. For non-regional souvenirs there is typically a fixed time frame when a specific souvenir is awarded. If, for example, I deleted the 10/10/10 souvenir there would be no chance that it would be re-awarded. For regional souvenirs that are awarded whenever a a found it/attended log is posted I suppose that someone might delete a specific souvenir only to have it re-awarded the next time they posted a found it log for a cache in that region. However, I suspect that very few would want to see regional souvenirs on their profile but specifically remove a souvenir for a region in which they found a cache. In fact, some have reported that they have a souvenir in their profile for a traveling cache or some other glitch that caused it to be awarded. In that case, the user could delete that regional based souvenir but it would show up in the future when they made a legitimate find.





Posted (edited)

If GS were to consider this suggestion the simplest implementation would be to provide a button next to each souvenir thumbnail that appears o.n ones profile page that allows the user to delete that souvenir. Click on the button and *poof*, it's gone. For non-regional souvenirs there is typically a fixed time frame when a specific souvenir is awarded. If, for example, I deleted the 10/10/10 souvenir there would be no chance that it would be re-awarded. For regional souvenirs that are awarded whenever a a found it/attended log is posted I suppose that someone might delete a specific souvenir only to have it re-awarded the next time they posted a found it log for a cache in that region. However, I suspect that very few would want to see regional souvenirs on their profile but specifically remove a souvenir for a region in which they found a cache. In fact, some have reported that they have a souvenir in their profile for a traveling cache or some other glitch that caused it to be awarded. In that case, the user could delete that regional based souvenir but it would show up in the future when they made a legitimate find.

I don't quite follow. It seems if the simplest solution is to have a button next to each souvenir that you click and *poof* it's gone, then all that is need to do is hide the souvenirs when you click that button. In otherwords, you have still been awarded that souvenir, it's just hidden from view. Then if you cache in that region again, you're not awarded another souvenir and the one you already have simply remains hidden.


Of course if you hid the regional souvenir because you got it for a moving cache, then you actually find a cache in that region and now want a souvenir, you'd need a way to unhide the souvenir (ask Groundspeak to unhide it?). And of course someone it going to decide that they don't want the August 19 souvenir and three years from now change their mind and want to unhide it. Or when they clicked August 19 they made a mistake and *poof* deleted the souvenir for finding a cache in Elbonia.


Simple solutions are never as simple as they seem.


A different approach would be to have people accept souvenirs when they are first awarded - like accepting friend requests. When you go to your souvenir page, you'd get a message saying "You have 31 unaccepted souvenirs. Click here to accept them". You could then accept or reject each souvenir as you see fit. You can bet 99% of the people will never even look at the page, almost all souvenirs will sit in this limbo state forever. Another .9% will accept every souvenir (and complain in the forum that they have to do this - so perhaps for them there is the option to automatically accept all souvenirs). The 0.1% of people who are capabable of making a distinction <_< between those sovenirs they would like to see on their profile page and those they deem worthless, can have fun accepting/rejecting them. At least Groundspeak could collect some statistics that show if souvenirs are effective.


I think a better idea, for those who use a browser that supports it, is to get someone to develop a GreaseMonkey script to hide the souvies you don't like. Leave Groundspeak to develop "better mistakes".

Edited by tozainamboku

No, I'm not done yet.


Some people don't like powertrails, how do they avoid them?

Some people don't like parking-lot lampskirt micros, how do they avoid them?


The August souvenirs are like a powertrail of lampskirt micro souvenirs.


I don't care for the Favorite Points system, but every time I log a cache I am forced to see a stupid frog telling me I just earned a favorite point, or that I need to find X number more caches to earn a favorite point.


There are plenty of other facets about the website that I think are stupid, silly or useless, but I have learned to make myself ZEN OUT and accept what I cannot change...well, mostly anyway.


Personally, I am looking forward to 'earning' another 31 souvenirs, but I don't expect them to add to or detract from my quality of life or my enjoyment of Geocaching.


Personally, I am looking forward to 'earning' another 31 souvenirs, but I don't expect them to add to or detract from my quality of life or my enjoyment of Geocaching.

Maybe it's just that you're not capable of making a distinction? :unsure:




There are plenty of other facets about the website that I think are stupid, silly or useless, but I have learned to make myself ZEN OUT and accept what I cannot change...well, mostly anyway.




And I will accept what I cannot change as well, but this part of the forum "Feature Discussion and Suggestions" gives me a chance to try to change something by asking the souvenirs page to be editable.

I could also just have stayed at the "Topics" part of the forum and discuss endlessly how we all have a different opinion on souvenirs, but I just wanted to try to make a small change that would not harm anyone but improves a side aspect of geocaching (at least for me).


And yes I know it seems like it doesn't matter whatever we propose in this part of the forum, but I want to been able to say that I've at least tried to get my request heard before having to make decisions like not going out caching in August. I can be ZEN with every outcome, since there are always different options to choose from. But to be able to choose between options I like to create a situation with more attractive options.


Other feature requests are important as well, this one is just for some more and for others less important, no need to say which one should be handled first since we are not the ones who are able to decide. But because August is only 2,5 weeks away, I proposed it now, since this might influence something in how these specific souvenirs are going to be rewarded.


I sincerely hope Groundspeak will give a response before August 1, whether this request will be implemented or not, so I can make a better decision on what (not) to do.




There are plenty of other facets about the website that I think are stupid, silly or useless, but I have learned to make myself ZEN OUT and accept what I cannot change...well, mostly anyway.




And I will accept what I cannot change as well, but this part of the forum "Feature Discussion and Suggestions" gives me a chance to try to change something by asking the souvenirs page to be editable.

I could also just have stayed at the "Topics" part of the forum and discuss endlessly how we all have a different opinion on souvenirs, but I just wanted to try to make a small change that would not harm anyone but improves a side aspect of geocaching (at least for me).


And yes I know it seems like it doesn't matter whatever we propose in this part of the forum, but I want to been able to say that I've at least tried to get my request heard before having to make decisions like not going out caching in August. I can be ZEN with every outcome, since there are always different options to choose from. But to be able to choose between options I like to create a situation with more attractive options.


Other feature requests are important as well, this one is just for some more and for others less important, no need to say which one should be handled first since we are not the ones who are able to decide. But because August is only 2,5 weeks away, I proposed it now, since this might influence something in how these specific souvenirs are going to be rewarded.


I sincerely hope Groundspeak will give a response before August 1, whether this request will be implemented or not, so I can make a better decision on what (not) to do.


If you really don't want the souvenirs go caching as normal and just log them in September, with September dates. I don't suppose anyone really cares what date you actually found the cache.




There are plenty of other facets about the website that I think are stupid, silly or useless, but I have learned to make myself ZEN OUT and accept what I cannot change...well, mostly anyway.




And I will accept what I cannot change as well, but this part of the forum "Feature Discussion and Suggestions" gives me a chance to try to change something by asking the souvenirs page to be editable.

I could also just have stayed at the "Topics" part of the forum and discuss endlessly how we all have a different opinion on souvenirs, but I just wanted to try to make a small change that would not harm anyone but improves a side aspect of geocaching (at least for me).


And yes I know it seems like it doesn't matter whatever we propose in this part of the forum, but I want to been able to say that I've at least tried to get my request heard before having to make decisions like not going out caching in August. I can be ZEN with every outcome, since there are always different options to choose from. But to be able to choose between options I like to create a situation with more attractive options.


Other feature requests are important as well, this one is just for some more and for others less important, no need to say which one should be handled first since we are not the ones who are able to decide. But because August is only 2,5 weeks away, I proposed it now, since this might influence something in how these specific souvenirs are going to be rewarded.


I sincerely hope Groundspeak will give a response before August 1, whether this request will be implemented or not, so I can make a better decision on what (not) to do.


If you really don't want the souvenirs go caching as normal and just log them in September, with September dates. I don't suppose anyone really cares what date you actually found the cache.


I care. I like to keep the record of my caching activities as accurate as possible. Besides, I need to find caches on two specific dates in August as part of a challenge cache. I would never consider boycotting geocaching, or posting my finds with erroneous dates when it is so much simpler to just boycott the Souvenir tab.




There are plenty of other facets about the website that I think are stupid, silly or useless, but I have learned to make myself ZEN OUT and accept what I cannot change...well, mostly anyway.




And I will accept what I cannot change as well, but this part of the forum "Feature Discussion and Suggestions" gives me a chance to try to change something by asking the souvenirs page to be editable.

I could also just have stayed at the "Topics" part of the forum and discuss endlessly how we all have a different opinion on souvenirs, but I just wanted to try to make a small change that would not harm anyone but improves a side aspect of geocaching (at least for me).


And yes I know it seems like it doesn't matter whatever we propose in this part of the forum, but I want to been able to say that I've at least tried to get my request heard before having to make decisions like not going out caching in August. I can be ZEN with every outcome, since there are always different options to choose from. But to be able to choose between options I like to create a situation with more attractive options.


Other feature requests are important as well, this one is just for some more and for others less important, no need to say which one should be handled first since we are not the ones who are able to decide. But because August is only 2,5 weeks away, I proposed it now, since this might influence something in how these specific souvenirs are going to be rewarded.


I sincerely hope Groundspeak will give a response before August 1, whether this request will be implemented or not, so I can make a better decision on what (not) to do.


If you really don't want the souvenirs go caching as normal and just log them in September, with September dates. I don't suppose anyone really cares what date you actually found the cache.


I care. I like to keep the record of my caching activities as accurate as possible. Besides, I need to find caches on two specific dates in August as part of a challenge cache. I would never consider boycotting geocaching, or posting my finds with erroneous dates when it is so much simpler to just boycott the Souvenir tab.


So cache as normal. I used to think souvenirs were a bit of fun, now I think they're a waste of space, but wouldn't specifically not cache in order to avoid being awarded one.


Personally, I am looking forward to 'earning' another 31 souvenirs, but I don't expect them to add to or detract from my quality of life or my enjoyment of Geocaching.

Maybe it's just that you're not capable of making a distinction? :unsure:


I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean, but it certainly sounds vaguely insulting.


Exactly the type of post that turns a lively discussion into a virtual fistfight and gets the thread closed.




Personally, I am looking forward to 'earning' another 31 souvenirs, but I don't expect them to add to or detract from my quality of life or my enjoyment of Geocaching.

Maybe it's just that you're not capable of making a distinction? :unsure:


I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean, but it certainly sounds vaguely insulting.


Exactly the type of post that turns a lively discussion into a virtual fistfight and gets the thread closed.




I'd say it's about as insulting as implying that some geocachers that only want to be able the play the game their own way are "bratty".




I guess this forum wasn't the best place to suggest a new feature to Groundspeak.


To me this thread has become totally uninteresting to read/follow now, I had hoped for something different.

But I do understand now why the people working at Groundspeak don't bother to read it anymore.


For what it's worth I found a film pot in a tree today and earned a souvenir for it. Awesome stuff.


Sadly finding a film pot in a tree is probably good practise for the 31 days of geocaching they're talking about in August. To make it better practise I should have looked for a wet film pot but them's the breaks I guess.

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