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'Locationless' Caches (for ALL to enjoy!)

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Due to technical problems with the conversion to the new forums, I'm starting over on the thread that was originally listed here (and somehow got duplicated here), with various errors in both places. Rather than continuing two duplicate chains of replies, let's regroup and make a fresh start here. icon_smile.gif


Here is the original motivation behind this forum, and following are the links that have been shared to date:


Originally posted by Don&Betty (on the 'Center of the state' thread of the General forum):

We really need a separately indexed geocache category in which locationless geocache ideas can be presented in the form of a locationless geocache site log that anybody in the world might like to tackle. They might be listed as 1-5 difficulty and 0 terrain. This would be an avenue for interesting geography related site-location puzzles to be presented to everybody at large and not just to the people who happen to live near the site to be located.


Hometown (Where Yall From) by Buck8Point


A Cache of Palindromes by EraSeek


>>FLITS<< aka Speed Trapped by broek


Where's In A Name? by Crusso


Geographic Center - Bull's Eye by OK Doke


Population Center - Bull's Eye by OK Doke


911 Cache by Ladybuggers


Historical Covered Bridges by DLiming & Crew


A Pair of Quintuplets by Web-ling


Prime Choices by LindaLu


NGS Benchmark Recovery Cache by Dutchboy


Radio K.A.O.S. by Team Chaos


Don't Know Much About History by rdwatson78


The (Not-So) Famous Cities of the World by SherwoodForest




Other caches that either aren't exactly 'Locationless', or only apply to a specific region:


'Mobile' virtual caches (whose cooridinates change as users find existing and select new ones):


The Photographer's Cache X by Markwell


(Note: Links to nine other caches running in parallel to this one can be found on its cache page.)


- For those in Wisconsin:


Wisconsin's Rustic Roads by Ken & Robin


Ice Age Trail Hike Log by Kelly and Jason


- And Virginia:


Project Virginia by exConn


[This message was edited by Zuckerruebensirup on March 17, 2002 at 01:59 PM.]


[This post originally listed caches that weren't really eligible for inclusion in the list. I'd delete it, but then the reply below it wouldn't make sense. icon_smile.gif ]


[This message was edited by parkrrrr on March 08, 2002 at 01:00 PM.]


Originally posted by parkrrrr:

Some of these aren't really what you're looking for. Most of the wrong ones are at 0/0, but that's because nobody ever actually read the descriptions on most of them.


Thanks, parkrrr! I've removed those you've mentioned from the list. (And you're right, I didn't take the time to read the descriptions.) I appreciate you checking them out. Also, I checked the correct link to the Scott Creek Multiple cache (from my original thread), and found it to similar to those you've mentioned above, so I removed it as well.


Thanks again,


- Zuck


Originally posted by parkrrrr:

This post originally listed caches that weren't really eligible for inclusion in the list. I'd delete it, but then the reply below it wouldn't make sense.


I could delete the reply, too. (But then maybe it's more fun to keep people guessing.)


Originally posted by GLNash (on EVERYBODY can find this one):




Our meeting with the Forest service agents is over. There are notes of our meeting there. Rather than archive the cache and loose the info. I changed the cache. If ANYONE arranges or attends a meeting with the "authorities" near you,to discuss Geocaching, post the meeting notes and log a find.


Originally posted by rdw:

Locationless Caches Under Attack

Anybody who has a locationless cache or has logged one should probably see this thread.


I think it's fair for people to discuss whether they think these are valid or not. I believe there are valid points for both sides of the argument. I thought the opening entry was interesting, though:


Originally posted by ClayJar:

Okay, I did some searching and didn't come up with any good threads about "locationless caches". They've been commented on here and there, but no directed discussion specifically about the concept seems apparent.


I wonder whether he never noticed THIS thread, or if he just felt we hadn't adequately discussed the concept. icon_confused.gif I have noticed, though, that topics posted in the General forum seem to get a lot more hits than ones in the other headings.


Anyway, here's another cache I saw mentioned in that thread:


Yellow Jeep Fever by Team CBX2


We also just placed a 'locationless' cache. Ok, it has a locataion as well. 100,000 Mile Rest Stop has a cache you can find near where our car hit 100,000 miles, and I'd like to see others log it when their car reaches 100,000 miles as well. For those that already have over 100,000 miles, any 25,000 mark after that will work as well (I'm thinking they'll have some good stories.)


Buxley's site has a nice list here. He's divided them into 2 groups: GPS Hunt Caches, which require the use of coordinates to find the cache, and Scavenger Hunt Caches, where the cacher finds something, and reports the coords. I kinda like the names for the two types of caches.




Originally posted by Zuckerruebensirup:

Web-ling, that's the same link as the one I just forwarded above.


Originally posted by (Confuzn aka John & Saxy aka Antoinette):

Which is the same thing posted above on March 26, 2002 08:52 PM by us on this same thread!


LOL! I guess it's true what they say about the third time being a charm. icon_biggrin.gif


Oh, by the way...here's a link everyone might want to check out: http://www.brillig.com/geocaching/special.shtml icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by (Confuzn aka John & Saxy aka Antoinette):

Which is the same thing posted above on March 26, 2002 08:52 PM by us on this same thread! icon_wink.gif




FGA - Florida Geocaching Assoc.


My head's been a bit foggy, as I'm on 3 prescriptions for a sinus infection, bronchitis, and poison ivy. Hopefully, nobody else will miss this link. Now, where'd I put my antihistamines?




I don't have an excuse for my oversight...except that I'll be turning 35 next week. They say that when old age starts kicking in, the second thing to go is your memory.


The first thing to go is...umm, I knew it just a second ago...I'm sure it'll come back to me any minute now. icon_wink.gif


I happen to like "Locationless and Virtual" cache's, especially the Historic or Vista ones. I also love the fact that we are now able to search these items.


My problem is that someone on the Geo-staff is letting some of the lamest virtuals allowed to be posted (ie: Yellow Jeep Fever!)


I think if there is going to be a separate area for Locationless and Virtuals, then there should be folks who have, and deal with these types of caches, run the area, and approve the submissions.


IMHO, this will free up Jeremy, and allow those of us that like these type's of cache's, to evolve this aspect of cacheing!


Mike (The DirtMan) Pellerin

aka Badger



Jason Dobson

aka "Jay" "J"



Originally posted by Showcase_Boyz:


My problem is that someone on the Geo-staff is letting some of the lamest virtuals allowed to be posted (ie: Yellow Jeep Fever!)


Yeah, I've been disappointed by some of the unchallenging and commonplace listings have been approved. Find an airport? Find an American flag? Find a zoo? I've seem some pretty cool watertowers, so if they had left off the "Plain Jane" and limited it to "Picturesque", that one might have interested me. (But I suppose that would then open it up to who's to decide what qualifies or not.)


But I'd like to see all more of the Locationless caches get put to a poll here before they get approved. If the listings get flooded with items like the above, I think it could turn into a real turn off.


On a positive note, though, I do like that they gave them their own link. Then the people who like them can find them easier...and the people who don't, won't have to be bothered with them. icon_smile.gif



"I may be slow, but at least I'm sweet!" 196939_800.jpg


I've got two locationless caches. One "The Cannabals Among Us" I'm dissapointed in. For some reson I can't desribe it well enough to get more than one valid hit in about 3.


The other "Fill In The Blanks" I did just for kicks. There are too many cool areas that are not getting caches. Weather loccationless or traditional, either way a quest gets me out of the house and I see new things.


Rengade Knight-


I think you've described your cache very well. It just happens to be a hard cache to find and, the fact is, there are peopel who would like to 'bend the rules' to log a cache.


Unfortunately, as cache owners, we have to play cop and decline inappropriate logs.

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