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Route 66 premium membership contest.


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Posted (edited)

Bummer we missed one another.


Team STNY was about 1.25 days ahead of you.


Spent Monday night at the Monte Carlo right next door to you. Cached the Virtuals and one traditional until just after mid night. Did a Wherigo before getting the car spiffed up and checking into the airport for our respective flights to Chicago, Illinois and N.W. Calif.

Edited by humboldt flier

a few ?

how many km in total on the 506 find route ?

how much gasoline in total ?

how many minutes in total on the route ?

why not start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 ?


good job by the way, I must say I did expect you to get alot more.

Posted (edited)

Bummer we missed one another.


Team STNY was about 1.25 days ahead of you.


Spent Monday night at the Monte Carlo right next door to you. Cached the Virtuals and one traditional until just after mid night. Did a Wherigo before getting the car spiffed up and checking into the airport for our respective flights to Chicago, Illinois and N.W. Calif.


It would have been nice to meet up but by the time we got to Vegas we were tired and the kids were grumpy and I had to take them out shopping and make it up them. Thanks for the emails though.


a few ?

how many km in total on the 506 find route ?

how much gasoline in total ?

how many minutes in total on the route ?

why not start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 ?


good job by the way, I must say I did expect you to get alot more.


I drove just over 5,500 km in 6 days.

Gas cost about $400.

I figure total caching time (not including breaks) was 12 hours.

I did a trial run of 100 caches the night before with my son and it took 1 1/2 hours, we started at 6am and quit at 2:00 pm. We could have easily done them in one day but the kids got hot, bored and grumpy.



Mastifflover's premium membership has been paid for and extended congrats, sorry BAMBOOZLE, so close.

Edited by Roman!
Posted (edited)

Bummer we missed one another.


Team STNY was about 1.25 days ahead of you.


Spent Monday night at the Monte Carlo right next door to you. Cached the Virtuals and one traditional until just after mid night. Did a Wherigo before getting the car spiffed up and checking into the airport for our respective flights to Chicago, Illinois and N.W. Calif.


It would have been nice to meet up but by the time we got to Vegas we were tired and the kids were grumpy and I had to take them out shopping and make it up them. Thanks for the emails though.


a few ?

how many km in total on the 506 find route ?

how much gasoline in total ?

how many minutes in total on the route ?

why not start at 00:00 and end at 23:59 ?


good job by the way, I must say I did expect you to get alot more.


I drove just over 5,500 km in 6 days.

Gas cost about $400.

I figure total caching time (not including breaks) was 12 hours.

I did a trial run of 100 caches the night before with my son and it took 1 1/2 hours, we started at 6am and quit at 2:00 pm. We could have easily done them in one day but the kids got hot, bored and grumpy.



Mastifflover's premium membership has been paid for and extended congrats, sorry BAMBOOZLE, so close.


Congratulations on your challenge however I have a couple of queries:


Isn't saying 'we could have done more but the kids got hot, bored and grumpy' a bit like saying 'I could have run a hundred miles more but my legs got tired' I would think that heat, exhaustion and mental fatigue are just the sort of challenges that have to be overcome to gain a numbers achievement. However you do have my understanding and sympathies where kids are concerned.


I'm also interested in your views regarding enjoyment? Did you find yourselves saying 'why are we doing this?' Did you get a buzz out of the challenge? Would you do it again?


By the way, I'm not a critic of power trails and would like to give it a go one day. I'm just interested in your honest views in the forums.

Edited by Legochugglers

Congrats on your accomplishment. It sounds like you had a good and what will likely be a memorable day of geocaching with your family and you really can ask for anything better.


Thanks for starting this thread (even though I didn't win). It added a fun diversion to an aspect of the game that many might find tedious but gave some insight into the PT experience without all the drama.


I can not speak for Roman:


The tediousness will nearly drive one around the bend.


The ability to develop a trail plan (each trail has it's own quirks and logistical problems) and bend to the task of completing the plan provides significant insights into self and team members and the dynamics of particular teams.


I have talked folks down off the ledge when they wanted to quit and I have walked along with folks who kind of sort of wanted to quit but needed someone just as crazy to "be there".


Numerous times I have vowed to never set foot on another power trail


I will NEVER do another ... riiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhtttttttttttttttt.

Posted (edited)


Congratulations on your challenge however I have a couple of queries:


Thank you.



Isn't saying 'we could have done more but the kids got hot, bored and grumpy' a bit like saying 'I could have run a hundred miles more but my legs got tired' I would think that heat, exhaustion and mental fatigue are just the sort of challenges that have to be overcome to gain a numbers achievement. However you do have my understanding and sympathies where kids are concerned.


Could be but not this time, I was still up for more and in fact once we hit the hotel in Needles I went out caching, i've done 12-14 hour days, i do have the stamina.



I'm also interested in your views regarding enjoyment? Did you find yourselves saying 'why are we doing this?' Did you get a buzz out of the challenge? Would you do it again?



Yes, yes and yes, there were a few times I found myself asking why am I doing this but they quickly passed, It was a "buzz", there were so many cool things I enjoyed including after hours of not seeing a single car blindly crossing Route 66 and coming inches from being hit by a car. I also had a great email exchange with humboldt flier, wish we could have met up but he always seemed to be 12-24 hours ahead of me. Yes, I would do it again but not with both kids, next time either with friends or one kid that brings a friend, I will do E.T. highway.



By the way, I'm not a critic of power trails and would like to give it a go one day. I'm just interested in your honest views in the forums.


My advice is pick some people you really get along with and give it a go, I won't guarantee you'll like it but at least you'll know, beats not trying and always wondering. Route 66 with 800 caches is a great place to try, can be done in 1 long day or 2 easy days (I recommend this) and is not too short as to not have the powertrail experience.



Congrats on your accomplishment. It sounds like you had a good and what will likely be a memorable day of geocaching with your family and you really can ask for anything better.


Thanks for starting this thread (even though I didn't win). It added a fun diversion to an aspect of the game that many might find tedious but gave some insight into the PT experience without all the drama.


Thanks for your comments, and I am glad I could give you, and others some insight.

Edited by Roman!
Posted (edited)

Let me add this too, you'd think finding 800+ 35 mm film canisters would be boring, in fact we brought 50 or so clear and grey canisters with us and replaced 10 or so broken ones but we were the boring ones.


Did you know they come in mustard and burgundy and a few other unique colours? I also discovered a new color of play dough, at least based on the container. I think I discovered a good couple of dozen new forms of medication I never knew existed and hope I never have to take. We also found a container that was a bit** to open and we dreaded finding it but we did a good 50 times. Of the 800+ caches I'd say at least 150 were surprise containers and we had fun wondering what the next one would be.

Edited by Roman!

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